Sitka Gear
Christopher Wrey to testify today l
Contributors to this thread:
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
Michael 07-Dec-17
Rocky 07-Dec-17
Woods Walker 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
slade 07-Dec-17
slade 07-Dec-17
Shuteye 07-Dec-17
slade 07-Dec-17
Woods Walker 08-Dec-17
From: Shuteye
This should be good and will be on C-Span 3 live. I think is will be at 10:AM. The Republicans will ask some tough questions about the FBI. It is reported he will even be questioned about how the FBI helped cover up the Benghazi investigation because it was close to the presidential election. Why were Hillary's assistants not put under oath when they clearly lied yet General Flynn gets a conviction for far less.

From: Shuteye

Shuteye's Link

From: Shuteye
it has started and there are going to be fireworks. Hope I'm not the only one watchinng.

From: Shuteye
Jim Jordan is my new hero. He put Wrey through the wringer and was the best questioner of all. Wrey now owes the committee the data about who presented the information for the fisa court pertaining to the fake dossier. He says that fake dossier that was paid for by the democrats and they hired a Russian to dig up dirt on Trump. Looks like the FBI had a hand in it and they dressed up the dossier before presenting it to the fisa court. Doesn't look good that the FBI was helping a political opponent in a major election. The FBI is supposed to be non partisan.

From: Shuteye
Trey Gowdy did very well today also.

From: Shuteye

Shuteye's Link
Check out the video.

From: Michael
That’s great this is all coming out. However what is going to be done about it. We need a boy scout as an AG!

From: Rocky
Jim Jordon was so hot he had to take his jacket off. He didn't ask the director what happened with the FISA warrant he told him that he believed Strzok was involved and signed off on it. He was ready to deep fry good and he did and he wants answers and the paper work as hard copy. This government of ours is rotten to the core.

The Rock

The Rock

From: Woods Walker
Yes it is Rock.

From: Shuteye
Devin Nunes is now back in charge of the Russian investigation. He stepped out after the democrats said he leaked classified information on TV. The ethics committee has found him not guilty so look out, he is a good guy.

From: slade

From: slade

From: Shuteye
Newt says this stinks to the high heaven. Corruption from top to bottom and he has never seen anything like this in his life time. The liberals did everything possible to keep Trump from winning and the Deep State is doing everything they can possibly do to get Trump out of office. The media is deeply involved in trying to destroy Trump.

If they manage to get Trump out of office I can guarantee you that will be the next revolution. Trump voters put him in office to stop this kind of crap.

From: slade
Judge Who Presided Over Michael Flynn’s Case and Resigned Today — IS OBAMA APPOINTEE WHO ALSO SITS ON FISA COURT!

Every single judge on the FISA Court as of today was appointed during Obama’s Presidency!

From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's embedded Photo
Woods Walker's embedded Photo

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