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WSJ-Trump and Adult Film Star
Contributors to this thread:
Bownarrow 19-Jan-18
Bownarrow 19-Jan-18
kentuckbowhnter 19-Jan-18
South Farm 19-Jan-18
Treeline 19-Jan-18
bad karma 19-Jan-18
Atheist 19-Jan-18
Grey Ghost 19-Jan-18
Treeline 19-Jan-18
bad karma 19-Jan-18
Grey Ghost 19-Jan-18
bad karma 19-Jan-18
Glunt@work 19-Jan-18
Grey Ghost 19-Jan-18
Squash 19-Jan-18
Brotsky 19-Jan-18
Treeline 19-Jan-18
MT in MO 19-Jan-18
kentuckbowhnter 19-Jan-18
Grey Ghost 19-Jan-18
BIG BEAR 19-Jan-18
Woods Walker 19-Jan-18
bad karma 19-Jan-18
Michael 19-Jan-18
BIG BEAR 19-Jan-18
TSI 19-Jan-18
Sage Buffalo 19-Jan-18
Woods Walker 19-Jan-18
slade 19-Jan-18
Michael 19-Jan-18
Sixby 19-Jan-18
bad karma 20-Jan-18
Stalker 20-Jan-18
Amoebus 20-Jan-18
Woods Walker 20-Jan-18
bad karma 20-Jan-18
Woods Walker 20-Jan-18
Amoebus 20-Jan-18
Iktomi 20-Jan-18
bad karma 20-Jan-18
Beendare 20-Jan-18
Annony Mouse 20-Jan-18
ben h 20-Jan-18
Sixby 21-Jan-18
Tonybear61 21-Jan-18
WV Mountaineer 21-Jan-18
Grey Ghost 22-Jan-18
tonyo6302 22-Jan-18
Woods Walker 22-Jan-18
gflight 22-Jan-18
BowSniper 22-Jan-18
TD 22-Jan-18
Seapig@work 26-Jan-18
bigeasygator 26-Jan-18
70lbdraw 26-Jan-18
Shuteye 26-Jan-18
Woods Walker 26-Jan-18
tonyo6302 31-Jan-18
Woods Walker 31-Jan-18
bigeasygator 31-Jan-18
Bowfreak 31-Jan-18
orionsbrother 31-Jan-18
Ryan from Boone 31-Jan-18
Bentstick81 31-Jan-18
Hunting5555 02-Feb-18
South Farm 02-Feb-18
bigeasygator 14-Feb-18
sleepyhunter 14-Feb-18
From: Bownarrow
Have you guys seen this? I like his tax policy but as a Conservative, he's tough to give support to…(#thenewbillclinton) https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-lawyer-used-private-company-pseudonyms-to-pay-porn-star-stormy-daniels-1516315731

From: Bownarrow

Bownarrow's Link
Here's the Wall Street Journal link for those interested.

what is wrong with paying someone to keep your sex life private.

From: South Farm
She was paid to keep quiet (allegedly) and she didn't...so who's the victim here? How come nobody's ranting about her lack of integrity?

From: Treeline
Sounds like it was consensual between two adults.

Obviously our President is a man with a strong sex drive and an eye for beautiful women...

Unfortunately, she (probably for another big payout from the other side of the aisle) decided to say something about it now when she should have had enough fortitude to keep her mouth shut about having a little spin with a married man.

The Dems are really diggin' deep to get any dirt.

From: bad karma
I'm not seeing why I should care if he banged a porn star, if he did, a few years ago. That's his problem.

From: Atheist
Ha! There is literally nothing this president can do that will dissuade you. He is simply not a good man. And I say the same thing about Bill Clinton who cheated on his wife. I doubt you felt the same way about Bill Clinton’s extramarital affair’s.

From: Grey Ghost
Apparently adultery is only a sin for the left around here...assuming the story is true.


From: Treeline
Actually, I don't blame 'Ol Slick Willie one bit based on his options... Although he should have just fessed up about his little escapades... And maybe been a little bit more discreet. GAWD that man has some poor taste in women! His picks for "a little strange stuff" were definitely below the midpoint! And it wasn't even last call at the local waterin' hole!

From: bad karma
No, GG, it was, if true, at least seven years ago. It is not an impeachable offense, nor does it have anything to do with the present, or his behavior in office. So, I'm not inclined to waste time on things that don't matter except to disingenuous hand wringers, and false-identity morons, but I repeat myself.

From: Grey Ghost
If true, I couldn't care less when it happened, or if it's an impeachable offense. I simply don't respect any man who cheats on his wife, period.


From: bad karma
You don't have to respect him, nor like him. The question for me is, knowing this, what does it mean? If it is true, it means he's a jerk. Fine, so what? He's not inviting me over to the White House for a beer any time soon, nor am I inviting him to my hunting camps.

From: Glunt@work
Anyone paying attention the last 30 years won't be surprised if things come out showing Trump to be the kind of guy you wouldn't let your daughter date.

Our choice was a very flawed person with terrible plans regarding policy and America or a very flawed person with some decent policy positions.

Electing a good person of high character wasnt an option during the General election.

From: Grey Ghost
"You don't have to respect him, nor like him."

I don't think you're in a position to tell me who I have to respect or like, Kevin.

I prefer to respect the POTUS. There's been several I have, and a few I haven't.


From: Squash
Jesh, big news, politicians and businessmen banging prostitutes.

From: Brotsky
If the stock market keeps this pace up we'll all be banging porn stars! MAGA!

From: Treeline

From: MT in MO
Glunt@work for the truth...

Brotsky for the punch line...8^)

I'd hit it!!!!!

From: Grey Ghost
Brotsky should speak for himself. I wouldn't "bang a porn star" with his dick. MAGA!!!!


An old billionaire has a trophy wife.... I'd be shocked if she doesn't have a stable full of young studs and she's perfectly OK with him doing his thing.... Wow that's a huge story....

From: Woods Walker
If it comes down to a politician ****ing a porn star or ****ing us, I'd rather them do the porn star. We were bent over for EIGHT YEARS!!! That's enough!

From: bad karma
Well, GG, telling you that you don't have to do something is not telling you that you do have to do something. You're going full Emily Lou Litella here.

From: Michael
I will gladly sign up to be in the trophy wife’s stable.

I'm pretty sure no one on the Bowsite is in her league....

From: TSI
And the Democrats have a convicted felon who committed espionage got a pardon from Obama now running for Congress!!!How could any Party allow a felon get clearence to more confidential documents is telling.

From: Sage Buffalo
The hypocrisy in here is absolutely ASTOUNDING.

Trump has cheated on his wife(s) as many times as Tiger Woods. He's had more corrupt biz deals than Madoff. He's lied more than humanly possible. The list is long.

It's OK if you voted for him because there wasn't a better choice but the man is as dirty as it gets.

From: Woods Walker
The bottom line here is that even if all this crap is true, I STILL would vote for him over Hillary without a second thought.

Neil Gorsuch

Neil Gorsuch

Neil Gorsuch..........just keep repeating that if any doubt starts to cloud your mind.

From: slade

You would be wrong. Obunghole was being banged by his boy toy and confident...

From: Michael
I am not tired of winning yet:)

From: Sixby
Lets see..... We voted for Donald Trump because we believed he was a saint?? Not. We knew he was not treasonous. We knew he loved this country. We hoped he could turn it around after 30 years of the One World Order. We believed God could help him. We knew he was not a murderer and we knew that he was and is not in the tank and on the take and that he was in a postion to be un- buyable by the swamp. Thank you God for Donald Trump and Mike Pense.

God bless, Steve

From: bad karma
No hypocrisy. Trump is who he is, and anyone that did not know that prior to the election is fooling himself. I didn't vote for him, and don't want to have a beer with him. But he's done some good things, and some stupid things, and most of the stupid things involve his complete lack of a firewall before he speaks. I didn't get upset over things Obama did years before he ran for office, or Clinton. I didn't like a lot of stuff they did while in office, including damn near everything for Obama. That being said, I expected Trump to be a bit of a circus act, given his personality, and he is. He's still better than the evil, corrupt witch who ran on the Democrat ticket. I knew we had two very flawed candidates, but the one we have in office now is not flawed because he's an evil socialist, he's flawed because he's an obnoxious New Yorker.

From: Stalker
Geez some of you guys make it sound like he sodomized a young innocent intern in the oval office! After watching her enjoy a fine cigar first of course!

From: Amoebus
Woods - you need to thank Mitch each time you mention Gorsuch. Without one, you wouldn't have the other.

From: Woods Walker
He does deserve credit for doing his job on that one...for once. No question about that. But the fact remains that if Trump were not POTUS, then Gorsuch would not be there.

From: bad karma
And the US Embassy would not be moving to Jerusalem. And the military would not be run by Gen. Mattis.

From: Woods Walker
And the vast majority of American workers would NOT be netting more $$ in the paychecks.

From: Amoebus
WW - "He does deserve credit for doing his job on that one...for once."

That I disagree with and believe it set a really bad precedent. If the democs take the house and senate in 2018, we may go 2 years without nominees getting hearings. May have been a short term victory that will be felt for years/decades.

From: Iktomi
I don't like scumbags, regardless if there is a D or an R behind their name.

From: bad karma
The other part is the contribution the Democrats have made to the dysfunction. They're on a planned path to resist Trump to the death, and so, everything he does is the end of the world. The press conference about Trump's health should be an embarrassment to them, but they are without shame.

From: Beendare
Oh cmon, move on.........who hasn't banged a porn star?


From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link
Somehow, this thread is just asking for this to be brought up...

From: ben h
A friend of mine sent this to me; too funny not to share.

From: Sixby
Blasphemous and not funny at all. Do that to a Muslim and see what happens to you. Do that to me and if you ask Jesus he will forgive you and so will I. Very sick.

From: Tonybear61
Electing a good person of high character wasnt an option during the General election. That is America,s problem. When will the voters have a better choice??

Ben H I don't care for the Christ reference above either, but heck King David wasn't a great guy when it came to affairs, still listed as one of the great leaders of all time. Doesn't mean men need to embrace that behavior, at all.

So, who here KNOWS he did this?

From: Grey Ghost
"So, who here KNOWS he did this?"

The fact that most people assume it's true says enough for me.


From: tonyo6302
Bill Clinton dodged the draft, and went to Russia to protest the USA.

. . .

. . .

. . . . and the liberals are concerned about what Trump did . . . . .

From: Woods Walker
If he did indeed screw this woman at least there was a screwing and someone profited from it. That's better than a politician screwing us by taking our money AND freedom........and we don't even get kissed.......

From: gflight
"Bill Clinton dodged the draft, and went to Russia to protest the USA."

Didn't realize they were so much alike....

Draft dodging adulterous pos's who were in bed with Russia

From: BowSniper
If the porn star says that she didn't sleep with trump (and would have put it in her own book if she did)... then who supposedly has better information than the actual whore herself?

With Bill Clinton, you at least had the various women admitting hey slept with him, and DNA evidence on a dress. There is no such evidence for this Trump story.

From: TD
All started from a supposed payment from Trump's lawyer to the Talent..... how they got that info is anybodies guess, I'd imagine it wasn't from the lawyer. Do they have evidence or once more "this is what I heard....." The Talent denies anything went on.

Even if true..... maybe it was a diversified investment...... kind of breaking into the movie business as a producer...... =D

From: Seapig@work

Seapig@work's embedded Photo
Seapig@work's embedded Photo
Just checking to see how this story has wrapped up.

Are the #neverTrumpers happy? Or was this just another lie based nothingburger?

From: bigeasygator
No, it’s still out there. But seeing how this administration has mastered the art of creating new distractions it’s been shoved to the back burner.

From: 70lbdraw
"But seeing how this administration has mastered the art of creating new distractions it’s been shoved to the back burner."

Yeah...a corrupt FBI and democratic party has a bit more of an impact on America's concerns than who's banging who!

From: Shuteye
Seapig, it is another nothingburger. Trump is doing very well and the liberals had better get in a huge supply of puppies and play dough.

From: Woods Walker
.....and TIde pods!!!

From: tonyo6302

tonyo6302's Link
Stormy says "Nope, never happened."

.. ..

.. ..


From: Woods Walker
So Bownarrow........why haven't you posted a retraction of this fake story? Or does truth only work one way for you also like it does the other Democrats?

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
She hasn’t come out and denied much of anything. Hear it from her mouth, not a letter written by her lawyer.

From: Bowfreak
Not at all sursrising it was fake news.

Watch the video clip. Kimmel points out that the signature looks different than other examples of her signature and she plays games, not saying anything, not denying anything.

Stormy Daniels stated she does NOT know where the letter came from that was released yesterday and that she wouldn’t say that she signed and whose signature didn’t match her actual signature so I think that clears things up. Clearly someone forged the document and her signature. Like Marla Maples, she signed an NDA, ironclad, no doubt, and she doesn't want to be sued. The greater question? What kind of creep makes his 2nd wife sign an NDA? A porn star that you banged? sure. You're ex wife and mother of your child?

From: Bentstick81
atheist,(ryan from boone). You are a liar and a Fraud.

From: Hunting5555
Honestly, I didn't vote for Trump because he is a saint. I voted for him because he can be an a..hole and get things done!!!!

So if he did bang a porn star. I could care less. As has been mentioned, its not like the position of President hasn't been occupied by other horn dogs.....

From: South Farm
Democrats are just pissed because Trump gets porn stars while they settle for page boys..

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
"All started from a supposed payment from Trump's lawyer to the Talent..... how they got that info is anybodies guess, I'd imagine it wasn't from the lawyer"

FoxNews: Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, says he paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 out of own pocket

I guess technically Trump didn't make the payment. Cohen's reason for making the payment? "Just because something isn't true doesn't mean that it can't cause you harm or damage. I will always protect Mr. Trump."

From: sleepyhunter
Not an issue.

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