Sitka Gear
Something To Consider
Contributors to this thread:
DL 30-Jun-18
Annony Mouse 30-Jun-18
Owl 30-Jun-18
Woods Walker 01-Jul-18
Woods Walker 01-Jul-18
Salagi 01-Jul-18
spike78 01-Jul-18
buckhammer 01-Jul-18
JL 01-Jul-18
spike78 01-Jul-18
bigeasygator 01-Jul-18
sundowner 01-Jul-18
Woods Walker 01-Jul-18
bigeasygator 01-Jul-18
sundowner 01-Jul-18
bigeasygator 01-Jul-18
itshot 01-Jul-18
bigeasygator 01-Jul-18
bigeasygator 02-Jul-18
JL 02-Jul-18
sleepyhunter 02-Jul-18
BIG BEAR 02-Jul-18
Grey Ghost 02-Jul-18
lawdy 02-Jul-18
sleepyhunter 02-Jul-18
BIG BEAR 02-Jul-18
bigeasygator 02-Jul-18
bigeasygator 02-Jul-18
sleepyhunter 02-Jul-18
BIG BEAR 02-Jul-18
bigeasygator 02-Jul-18
Owl 02-Jul-18
sleepyhunter 02-Jul-18
BIG BEAR 02-Jul-18
Thumper 02-Jul-18
From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
I don’t like their coffee to start with.

From: Annony Mouse
Over priced... Over hyped... And too much freakin' PC...

Micky D's coffee for a buck...better coffee, much better price...and no political commitment.

From: Owl
I'll die not knowing how that Starbucks septic water sells. I guess if you warm it up and pour half a cup of sugar in it, people will come running.

From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's embedded Photo
He Ordered It "Michelle" Style.....Black, Bitter, and Expensive....And Someone Else Get's To Pay For It!
Woods Walker's embedded Photo
He Ordered It "Michelle" Style.....Black, Bitter, and Expensive....And Someone Else Get's To Pay For It!

From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's embedded Photo
Woods Walker's embedded Photo

From: Salagi
I bought coffee from Starbucks last February for the first time in probably 10 years. I went there because it was about 50 feet from the building I wasn't supposed to leave. ;) I wanted coffee really bad. Gave them an obscene amount for a cup of the plainest coffee they had. I got a dirty look from the clerk and a sorry cup of coffee.

From: spike78
I don’t like their regular hot coffee. The ice coffee isn’t bad and I only get it when nothing else is around.

From: buckhammer
Never been in one and never will. The coffee pot on the counter makes a fine cup of coffee. It always amazes me the people that buy crap like that whether it is coffee from starbucks, fast food or shop at the most expensive grocery chain and then they wonder why their broke all of the time and can never get ahead.

From: JL
I've never bought any coffee from them....but I don't drink coffee either. I'd put them in the same boat as Face Book and Twitter.....just trouble a brewing.

From: spike78
I don’t like their regular hot coffee. The ice coffee isn’t bad and I only get it when nothing else is around.

From: bigeasygator
Lol...DL, you find that first picture on Or maybe on

Like we get it, you guys hate Muslims and apparently Starbucks. But you should at least hate them for things that are real and not made up.

From: sundowner
Ok B.E.G.....I hate 'em for things that are real. Like beheadings, burning alive, and bullets to the back of the heads of innocent people. Oh yeah.....I forgot gang-rape of young innocent girls. None of that is made up. All well documented.

Are those things real enough for you? No.....I guess not.

From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's embedded Photo
Woods Walker's embedded Photo

From: bigeasygator
Sundowner, I’m not arguing that terrorists don’t exist and do terrible things. I’m addressing the falsehoods contained in the original post.

1) Muslims use toilet paper 2) Starbucks never said they were hiring 10,000 Muslims 3) the story that the original post was based on is nearly two and a half years old.

But, as to no surprise, some folks will take whatever opportunity they can to share their ignorance with likeminded folks.

From: sundowner
If one believes Bible prophecy, some day they will be killed by the hundreds of thousands. It says the blood will flow as deep as a horse's bridle. The battle between God and evil. God wins.

You may not believe it, but that's what it says......

From: bigeasygator
I agree with you, JTV. To hell with radical islamists. Who has said anything different? The OP did not start this thread saying anything about radical islamists.

From: itshot

itshot's Link
"The OP did not start this thread saying anything about radical islamists."

why would he? that's like hate speeaksh n stuff like

come on lizzy, be color strong? n stuff? likez?

From: bigeasygator
Might want to lay off the sauce, itshit.

Regardless, thanks for backing me up and showing how the OP was wrong. About as many Christian refugees enter this country as Muslim refugees.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo

bigeasygator's Link
Show me any quote or any material that says Starbucks committed to hiring “10,000 Muslims.”

The statement was that they wanted to hire 10,000 refugees. Less than half the refugees coming into this country are Muslim. Christians and Buddhists and non-affiliated types flee war, violence, persecution and discrimination too.

So for the third time, Starbucks never said they would hire 10,000 Muslims. I know...”Starbucks commits to hiring 10,000 displaced refugees, half of which are likely to be Christian” doesn’t make nearly as good a meme as “Starbucks is hiring 10,000 Muslims.” They also committed to hiring 10,000 veterans.

Figured it’s worthwhile for someone to at least share the facts on here. Y’all can carry on with the (old) fake news now.

From: JL
Well.....the FBI announced they broke up a terrorist attack that was to happen in Cleveland on the 4th. They will be providing details later today. Be curious who the perp(s) is and where he/she/they came from.

From: sleepyhunter
Starbucks new slogan:

"Would you like some cyanide or arsenic with your coffee? No charge for American Infidel citizen.

Too bad they couldn’t break up the shooting that happened in Maryland...... what was the religion of that terrorist ?

From: Grey Ghost
I love their vanilla latte on occasion, and their cinnamon coffee cake ain't too shabby either.

BEG, facts don't matter here, if they go against the narrative. You should know that by now.


From: lawdy
My brother, a Horticultural specialist served on an anti-terrorism panel concerning food coming into the country. At a meeting in DC they told them about a cell they broke up that was close to taking out 7 elementary schools, all at the same time, on the same day. We will see another deadly attack. It is inevitable as we watch our borders dissolve. God help the gays when Sharia law hits. I have taught Muslims and their views on gays are very firm, kill them.

From: sleepyhunter
""I love their vanilla latte on occasion, and their cinnamon coffee cake ain't too shabby either. ""

Do they sprinkle the cake with Anthrax or Ricin? Asking for a friend.

^^^. Did you REALLY vote for Obama ???? (TWICE)

From: bigeasygator
"BEG, facts don't matter here, if they go against the narrative. You should know that by now."

Of course I know that, Matt. Won't stop me from posting them though :-)

From: bigeasygator
Remind me again, JTV, what a deranged American that wanted to commit violence has to do with Starbucks pledging to hire 10,000 refugees or the false claim that Muslims don't use toilet paper?

From: sleepyhunter
""^^^. Did you REALLY vote for Obama ???? (TWICE)""


Yes I did, and changed my mind about Obama/Democrats during his 2nd term. It's ok to change your mind/opinion in this country. Do you really support Muslims coming into our country? Even as a Democrat I didn't want them here.

That’s because you’re a bigot... you don’t dislike radical Islamic terrorists....... you dislike all Muslims.......

As long as someone comes to the USA LEGALLY..... I don’t care what race or religion they are....

I fully agree that it’s OK to change your mind..... I just can’t believe you voted for Obama twice before you changed your mind about him !!!!! (Isn’t he Muslim??)

From: bigeasygator
There’s that JTV wit again!

He is American. His name is Demetrius Pitts. My guess is he’s probably never set foot in a mosque or a Muslim country.

From: Owl
Islam is fine as long as it is an ineffective (uber small) political minority. Unfortunately, it has proven itself incompatible with western culture when it becomes locally, regionally or nationally viable. That is not bigoted to say and, in fact, it is rather cruelly selfish to pretend that dynamic is not reality.

From: sleepyhunter

""That’s because you’re a bigot... you don’t dislike radical Islamic terrorists....... you dislike all Muslims....... As long as someone comes to the USA LEGALLY..... I don’t care what race or religion they are.... ""

LOL. So emotional, nice tantrum BB.

Nut job homegrown US Citizen who expressed a desire to join Al Qaeda on line..... didn’t want to carry out an attack himself but volunteered to scope out the area....... mental. Trump hater.

From: Thumper
Their restrooms are cleaner than most, never bought anything from them, just use their restrooms.

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