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Weaponized: Kamala Harris
Contributors to this thread:
Iktomi 09-Jul-18
HDE 09-Jul-18
JL 09-Jul-18
Tiger eye 09-Jul-18
Thumper 10-Jul-18
Bowbender 10-Jul-18
HDE 10-Jul-18
Iktomi 10-Jul-18
From: Iktomi
Old story. Kamala Toe is a senator from the (formerly) Great State of Kalifornia. She is as corrupt as they come, and she has aspirations of being President, so they say. Interestingly, she rode into politics on Willie Brown's willy.

From: HDE
Sure hope she had a warrant...

From: JL
"" I don't think we have much to worry about in regard to Harris resigning her AG position...seeing that she's been a US Senator since 2017. ""

True....but if/when she tries to run for the Prez, this will see sunlight again.

Strong, powerful women have always struck fear in weak men. Its no wonder she's constantly attacked. Smart, articulate and passionate about serving her constituents.

From: Tiger eye
You talking about Sarah Palin, Sarah Sanders, Anne Coulter, judge pirrro, Laura ingraham, Dana perrino, Marsha Blackburn, ivanka and Melania Trump or one of the many other conservative women or don't they count?

From: Thumper
What I can't understand is why those that suppport abortion haven't self aborted ????.

From: Bowbender
"Strong, powerful women have always struck fear in weak men."

Then you must sh!t your pants every time you meet one. I worked for a strong type A personality woman. Best boss I ever had. She was smart, articulate and served her team very well. As she put it, she worked for us. Miss working for her.

From: HDE
^^^ well said. Even the best man bosses can be complete dumbasses at times...

Women that are level headed aren't.

From: Iktomi
Paul, Ms. Toe boinked her way into politics. Her,"benefactor" was former SF Mayor and Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. He greased her skids in more ways than one ;-)

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