Sitka Gear
White House ready for next Justice
Contributors to this thread:
Coyote 65 11-Jan-19
TD 11-Jan-19
Woods Walker 11-Jan-19
HDE 11-Jan-19
Woods Walker 11-Jan-19
Michael 11-Jan-19
Franzen 11-Jan-19
Bowfreak 11-Jan-19
Woods Walker 11-Jan-19
slade 11-Jan-19
Woods Walker 11-Jan-19
TD 11-Jan-19
Salagi 11-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 11-Jan-19
Paul 11-Jan-19
TD 11-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 11-Jan-19
TD 11-Jan-19
BowSniper 11-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 11-Jan-19
gflight 11-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 12-Jan-19
From: Coyote 65

Coyote 65's Link
Just in case.


From: TD
I'm thinkin' it may be time to require drug testing for Justices..... that and a mirror to breath on.....

From: Woods Walker
Chuck and Nancy already have a taxidermist on call.

From: HDE
White House is ready - HA! I'm ready...

From: Woods Walker
Should this come to pass on Trump's watch, it'll make the Kavanaugh hearings look like a game of kindergarten patty-cake.

From: Michael
Amy Coney Barrett

From: Franzen
You guys going to see the movie? ;^)

From: Bowfreak
They will kick and scream to no avail. With 53 senators, Trump could lose 3 RINOs and still confirm. If he gets this chance, Trump's legacy will be his SCOTUS nominees.

From: Woods Walker
Don't get your hopes up. An unconfirmed source reports that the Democrats have an audio animatronics engineer as well as a taxidermist lined up for the inevitable, so Buzzi's not going anywhere.

From: slade
Someone from the administration needs to confirm she is still alive. I wouldn't put it past the dem's to play "Weekend with RGB" for the next two years.

From: Woods Walker
Well.....taxidermy is NOT an overnight deal. The hide has to be tanned first, not to mention getting the form built.

From: TD
Freeze dried and nobody would notice.....

From: Salagi
In the Harry Potter books, one of the professors was a ghost. He had taught there for a long time, sat down in his chair one night and died. The next morning, his ghost came out of his body and he continued to teach. That's how it will be with RGB. ;)

From: NvaGvUp
Upon scrutiny and review, this is a totally bogus and factually unsupportable claim.

From: Paul
Yup weekend at Ruth's

From: TD
Kyle, the statement in the OP is very factual. I'd bet most anything they have a candidate and a plan ready to plug in within minutes of either her resignation or demise. If you recall Trump actually had a list of nominees while running.....very smart move too, it really took alot of wind out of the Never-Trump sails.....

It will happen, the hands on her clock are spinning pretty fast. Not a matter of if, but when....

If you're referring to the issues of taxidermy or animatronics then yeah..... that's just funny stuff, a joke. I'd include "A Weekend at Bernie's" reference, but not sure you've seen the movie so it wouldn't make sense.....

From: NvaGvUp

Based on many interviews with WH personnel and the organizations which were allegedly contacted by Politico, NONE of them says any of this actually occurred.

From: TD
So they have no planning WRT who and how the next Justice is nominated? Seriously? They have plans for everything. It would be insane not to. But would make bad optics to be openly talking about it right now. So the answers are "no, we have no current plans". Even when the seats open up they are very tight lipped about the nominee. Everybody is just guessing right up until it is announced. But they didn't just pull that name out of a hat or have a public meeting about it. I would think any and every administration had a plan. It's just not all about Buzzy Ginsburg teetering at the brink...... ANY of those folks could tip over tomorrow. Any of them.

Why would they NOT have planning and contingencies going on?

I'd guarantee they have a team working on it.

From: BowSniper
Yeah, the Dems will medically keep her 'alive' in a vegetative state for years if they have to...

From: NvaGvUp

There IS no 'Sen Camille Harris.'

So who are you, really?

AOC under a different name?

From: gflight
Yep. MaryAnne Berry will be the White House choice...

From: NvaGvUp

I never said the WH is not prepared to jump in when the time comes.

They are well prepared, but they are NOT pulling the trigger yet as Politico claims.

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