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Free Speech in Putzlandia
Contributors to this thread:
Annony Mouse 14-Jan-19
itshot 14-Jan-19
Your fav poster 14-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 14-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 15-Jan-19
slade 15-Jan-19
bowbender77 15-Jan-19
bowbender77 15-Jan-19
jjs 15-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 15-Jan-19
Solo 15-Jan-19
kentuckbowhnter 15-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 15-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 15-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 16-Jan-19
From: Annony Mouse
High School Debaters Are Disqualified For Quoting “Racists” Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris

(note: internal links)

Michael Moreno on Reddit-

(The link to his video can be found HERE. I would recommend skipping to the 4:30 mark.)

My partner and I do Policy Debate and recently competed in the Arizona State Invitational debate tournament. The debate topic was “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on legal immigration”

In policy debate, the affirmative proposes a plan which falls under the resolution, and the negative rejects it. For example, many affirmatives remove the per-country limits on immigration. My partner and I were assigned the negative position, but our opponents did not read a plan. Instead, they performed a slam poem about citizenship and dehumanization.

In response, we argued that they weren’t actually an affirmative because they did not advocate a plan for the resolution, and that their strategy was unfair to negative positions.

They then argued we could not talk about fairness because we were white males and had “caucasity”.

In response, we read a critique against identity politics utilizing quotes from Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson. We argue that our identity as white males shouldn’t matter in the round; that our race and gender have nothing to do with what’s right and wrong; That we should instead regard people as individuals. The judge then ends the round and disqualifies for making “racist and violent” arguments endorsed by “white supremacists.”

The debate space is a leftist echo chamber and it must be exposed. I first attempted to bring this to light on r/debate, but was met with an overwhelmingly negative response, and the post was eventually removed by the moderators. Hard to imagine a better way for them to prove my point. https://www.reddit.com/r/Debate/comments/aeq7k5/the_debate_space_is_a_leftist_echo_chamber_that/ You can see my removed post athttps://www.removeddit.com/r/Debate/comments/aeq7k5/the_debate_space_is_a_leftist_echo_chamber_that/?st=JQVYA7II&sh=af0be80c

I’ve tweeted this to Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. Any retweets and or additional tweets @ them to bring this to light would be greatly appreciated. https://twitter.com/Michaelmoreno2k/status/1084649832633909248


The aim of this video is not to attack anyone, but rather to expose a debate space which actively shuts down ideas and free speech. Intellectual diversity is what makes debate not only possible, but worthwhile.

Debaters should judged by their argumentation, not by their adherence to political correctness, hyper-leftism, or whatever other ideological possession their judge may have. – Michael Moreno


The video is depressing. The state of academia seems to be endorsing the statement, “you’re white, therefore you are racist. Your denials that you are racist are racist and it simply exhibits more of your audacious white privilege. It’s best that you just STFU and get in the back of the bus, we’re running the show, thank you.”

From: itshot
this is free speech loony lefty style!

...just imagine how wondrous their free college, free healthcare and all the other free 'rights' will be (for the right people) !

I bet you guys probably support Rep Steve King too huh? “When did white supremacy become offensive!”

Well sensible Congressman are acting and shutting him up. And correctly so.

Who’s going to be the first to defend this cretin?

From: NvaGvUp

If you EVER all me a White Supremist to my face (which you won't, because you don't have the guts to do that) you are going need major reconstructive dental work as well as major plastic surgery.

From: Annony Mouse
It is easy to see why Putzie is always far to the left of reality...he spends too much time watching CNN. Fact, his classroom has a large poster on the wall of his favorite source of truth: Jim Acosta...graduate of the fantasy land school of journalism:

Anonymous Twitter Guy Turns Out To Be Better Reporter Than Jim Acosta

This is bad, you guys, and you might have missed it.

An anonymous Twitter user spent his Friday night absolutely dismembering the border diary of CNN’s Jim Acosta. Acosta, for his part, spent Thursday filing short video diaries from McAllen, Texas.

One such video — featuring Acosta standing near a barrier — drew jeers from a few reporters on Twitter and even from President Donald Trump himself. (Trump: Government Shutdown Could Last As Long As A Year)

His last video, shot by a portion of the border with no fence, was seemingly a direct response to President Donald Trump’s criticism. As if to make the idea of border security seem like a joke, Acosta playfully pointed out a shuffleboard court adjacent from the US border.

Acosta: "Last video of the day. Found a beautiful spot on the Rio Grande where there is no wall. No fence. Just the river. Oh and there’s shuffleboard."

From link:

"Ostensibly CNN sent Acosta down there to do actual reporting. Instead, with tweets like (emphasis ours) “I found some steel slats down on the border. But I don’t see anything resembling a national emergency situation,” it appeared as if Acosta simply went down there to advocate for a specific agenda."

Read the entire take down, complete with photos and documentation proving once again, Acosta has become the clown face of TDS journalism...and Putzie is just another groupie.

From: slade
""What difference does it make""...............:)

From: bowbender77
Putz = CNN

From: bowbender77
King nailed it !

From: jjs
King has been strong on the illegal immigration issue and he has been taken out of text and been on the high list of the DNC to be diminished or eliminated, pc squad is one tool that is being utilized.

As to Atheist/YFP/ect, Obama and Holder supported Lous Farrahkan ,Moslem Brotherhood and the Black Panthers even Bill Ayres convicted Weatherman so who are you calling cretin? The hole you have dug as a character is about to the mantel, the heat should be real hot about now.

Bentstick is right, out of here the effects of NvaGvup is starting to rub off and I do not want to go there over a fool's suffrage. Back to the living and start focusing on the good and retirement, it has been a long road.

From: Annony Mouse
Give Putzie a break. You have to understand that our own little simpleton simply cannot distinguish the difference between an opinion and a fact. The real sad thing is that he is what passes as an educator these days...which is an insult to those in the teaching profession that actually teach.

From: Solo

litards are anti first amendment, 2nd amendment etc.

From: Annony Mouse
Spike...you got to understand that in Putzandia, feelings and emotion hold higher sway than actual facts. Putzie wallows in the sort of journalism practiced by the likes of CNN...and therefore has no reason to actually engage his brain before posting rumor, innuendo and opinion as "news":

CNN Legal Analyst Areva Martin Accuses David Webb Of ‘White Privilege’ Before Learning He’s Black

Wrong talking point.

Via Fox News:

It was a rough day for author and CNN legal analyst Areva Martin on Tuesday.

Martin accused Sirius XM radio and Fox Nation host David Webb of “white privilege” during a segment on a radio program before he broke the news.

“Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should’ve been better prepped. I’m black,” Webb said.

The embarrassing moment occurred during a discussion about experience being more important than race when determining whether or not someone is qualified for a particular job.

“I’ve chosen to cross different parts of the media world, done the work so that I’m qualified to be in each one. I never considered my color the issue, I considered my qualifications the issue,” Webb said.

“That’s a whole, another long conversation about white privilege, the things that you have the privilege of doing, that people of color don’t have the privilege of,” said Martin – who also hosts CBS’ “Face the Truth.”

A dumbfounded Webb asked, “How do I have the privilege of white privilege?”

Martin responded, “David, by virtue of being a white male you have white privilege.”

The Fox Nation host then explained that he was actually black.

“I stand corrected,” Martin said.

Webb scolded Martin for running with an “assumption” and she then blamed her team for providing inaccurate information.

Typical...always somebody eles's fault.

From: Annony Mouse
From the "Nancy, tear down your WALL" department:

Different strokes for Democrat folks...open borders for thee, but not me.

Laura Loomer Stunt Highlights Democrat Hypocrisy

Ever wonder if Nancy Pelosi would still think walls are inherently immoral if a caravan of illegal immigrants showed up at her Napa Valley mansion? Laura Loomer has the answer:

Pelosi — an open-borders advocate who supports illegal immigration — reportedly had activist Laura Loomer and her merry band of illegals thrown off her posh California estate.

Loomer jumped the fence onto Pelosi’s lawn to seek refuge. She was supposedly joined by Guatemalans who are in the country illegally.

As she livestreamed the occasion, Loomer read a list of Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens, thanks to the red carpet laid down by Nancy Pelosi et al.

Here’s what she livestreamed:

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link
More Acosta border wall fail memes...

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