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Kamala Harris Running
Contributors to this thread:
'Ike' (Phone) 21-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 21-Jan-19
elkmtngear 21-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 21-Jan-19
HDE 21-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 21-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 21-Jan-19
bigswivle 21-Jan-19
Rocky 21-Jan-19
Highlife 21-Jan-19
HA/KS 21-Jan-19
HDE 21-Jan-19
'Ike' (Phone) 21-Jan-19
Jim Moore 21-Jan-19
IdyllwildArcher 21-Jan-19
kentuckbowhnter 21-Jan-19
tobinsghost 22-Jan-19
Will 22-Jan-19
MK111 22-Jan-19
jjs 22-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 22-Jan-19
DL 22-Jan-19
HDE 22-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 22-Jan-19
TD 22-Jan-19
'Ike' 22-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 23-Jan-19
sleepyhunter 23-Jan-19
IdyllwildArcher 23-Jan-19
Michael 29-Jan-19
HDE 29-Jan-19
Your fav poster 29-Jan-19
HDE 29-Jan-19
longbeard 29-Jan-19
Bowfreak 29-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 29-Jan-19
Zbone 29-Jan-19
bowbender77 29-Jan-19
TD 29-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 30-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 30-Jan-19
slade 30-Jan-19
NvaGvUp 30-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 30-Jan-19
itshot 30-Jan-19
Annony Mouse 02-Feb-19

'Ike' (Phone)'s Link
Be afraid, be very afraid...A dangerous women if elected!

From: NvaGvUp
She's dangerous.

VERY dangerous!

When she was CA's AG, she didn't give a fig about following the law if it didn't fit her agenda.

Oh looky, the racists misogynists are triggered so soon! Have a bourbon and chillax frightened little boys

From: elkmtngear
Pulling the race card, and the sex card, won't work in this Election...that hand has been played out, to the tune of a thousand fake news stories.

Ms. Harris is going to have to take a hard right, if she thinks she has a chance in the General Election.

Only reason the Criminal Clinton won the popular vote, is by staying to the center, and trying to play both sides.

From: NvaGvUp

Once, JUST ONCE could you base your objection on FACTS instead of arbitrarily and falsely accusing people of being racists and misogynists?

C'mon, Putz. Today is MLK day.

Perhaps you've heard of him.

You know (or more likely you don't know), MLK called for people to be evaluated "not on the color of their skin, but rather on the content of their character."

Yet all you EVER do is exactly the opposite.

BTW, you idiot. Martin Luther King was a REPUBLICAN!

From: HDE
A Botanist pursues the study of botany, or plants. A Physicist pursues the study and theory of objects in motion (and at rest) as well as thy physical aspects of matter. A Chemist pursues the study of matter and the changes it undergoes chemically.

So, that means a Racist actually pursues the study of racing and the exhilaration of driving a car at 200 mph.

I distrust and dislike women who try to push a control agenda and take away natural freedoms while doing so contrary to the law, and to be more exact, Federal Law or the Constitution. So, I guess that makes me a misogynist. I take that branding as a compliment...

Edit: Kamala Harris is an idiot just like the rest of them. Yes, I said it - now what!?!

From: NvaGvUp


But according to the CF's resident idiot, anytime you disagree with a woman for whatever reason, accurate or not, you are automatically a misogynist.

And anytime you disagree with a person of color (unless you are also a person of color, of course, in which case the rules do not apply) for whatever reason, also accurate or not, you are, therefore, automatically a racist.

Right, Paul Zeidan?

From: NvaGvUp

From: bigswivle
Man the democratic primary is gonna be awesome. Can’t wait

From: Rocky
I know one thing straight from the horses mouth. Hispanics here legally are not so much left as you may think. Trump has dug deep into the legal Hispanic vote here and for good reason as I was told for the safety of their children. The Dems are against it this election and they know it and will pull hard to the center or as close to center as their party will allow.

The Rock

From: Highlife
I have too admit watching them feed on each other will be great entertainment

From: HA/KS
The media will guide the selection process to assure that the candidate most likely to defeat trump emerges as the winner.

That person will not have to answer the difficult questions that will be asked to eliminate the unelectable among the crowd of leftist wackos. The extreme leftists will be used to make the chosen candidate look mainstream even though they will be pretty much at the far left end of the political spectrum.

Added: Make that the media and the DNC . Remember what happened to Bernie? In a fair primary process he would have beaten hilary.

From: HDE
We should all reregister as demonrats and really screw up their primaries!

I knew PUTZ would be all giddy...Lol

From: Jim Moore
The question begs, is there enough white guilt to get this dead from the neck up racist pile of crap into the general election? I think maybe. They elected B-Ho, not because he had anything of value to add to the nation, but more as in how cool it would be to admit to your fellow marxists that you "oh my gawd I voted for a black man."

"We should all reregister as demonrats and really screw up their primaries!"

I've always said that the millions of Republican voters in CA could start a grass-roots movement and all vote in the Democratic Senate primaries and get a moderate Senator elected since they will never ever get a Republican elected.

Kamalalalala Harris is nothing but Obama in a dress .....

obama was obama in a dress.

From: tobinsghost
^^^^^^^^if there was a LIKE button, I'd still be pushing it!

From: Will
Marathons or 10K's? What's her pace? (sorry, that's the first thing I thought of)... I've concluded that a few governors, a couple big city Mayors, maybe a few business people, 50% of D senators and 30% of D reps will be running. ha ha ha!

From: MK111
It's bad when I say who? And do a google search to find who it is.

From: jjs
Any Dem coming out of Cali. is already disqualified, infact can say that for any Dem from any state, automatic threat to the Constitutional Republic; Obama proved that one.

From: Annony Mouse
Las Vegas odds makers are predicting a 4 page primary ballot for the Democrat Party.

From: DL
I hope people remember that she tried to ruin Kavanaughs life.

From: HDE
Kamala Harris is an idiot.

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link
Interesting to see the baggage that the starters in the Democrat clown car posse are bringing with them. Harris professional and political career is critiqued by a San Francisco law professor. (link)

It's kind of interesting, but will probably be little reported and ignored by our professional journalists who suffer from terminal TDS to the point that they will ignore easily documented stories about their kind in favor of leaks and rumors that have yet to have anything much more than innuendo.

University of San Francisco Law Professor's Scathing Critique of Kamala Harris' Law Career and Personal Ambitions

From: TD
Mouse, link wasn't found for me.

I do have to wonder......who is she gotta sleep with to get the President gig????

From: 'Ike'
Annony you're right, but very few Dems/Libs/Putz look at that....Just the big 'D' next to their name!

From: Annony Mouse
From: sleepyhunter
Every time I see her name it reminds me of Kamala the Ugandan Warrior, a wrestler in the WWF in the 80's and 90's.

sleepy, you're not only dating yourself, but quantifying the red shades of your neck :)

From everything that I've seen of her critiques from her home state, it's that she was not left enough for them.

From: Michael
Ike, she must have read your response.

At a Townhall she promoted taking your guns away, taking your dr away, taking your car away, take your free market away, take your wealth away. No wall no Daca deal.

I think the Dems should just skip the primary and nominate her. It will be legendary.

From: HDE
Did I mention harris was an idiot?

Attacking the sexual past of this woman? Amazing.

Wait weren’t you the same idiots who told us all to forgive and forget trumps past?

From: HDE
Her past doesn't negate the fact she's an idiot.

From: longbeard
PutZ you are so stupid. Let me be the 1000th person to try to explain it to you. Attacking her sexual past because it was done while in office, with another who was in office. DJT did what he did as a private citizen. How’s that? Can you understand the difference??

From: Bowfreak

I am disappointed that I didn't make your post about the Ugandan Giant. :)

From: Annony Mouse
Harris is going so far left that she will fall into the Pacific Ocean...and take much of the Democrat Party with her.

Kamala Harris under fire after calling for abolition of private health care plans: ‘That’s not American’

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., came under fire on Tuesday for calling for private health care plans to be abolished -- the latest plank is what is becoming an increasingly left-wing platform from the California Democrat...

From: Zbone
Was just watching one of her CNN audiences and the place was full of nothing but steers and queers...

From: bowbender77
Harris is a flat backer. Not an attack, just a fact.

From: TD
PutZ..... still clueless as to what is professional sex...... what is recreational sex..... and what societies from the dawn of mankind call the pros......

From: Annony Mouse

From: NvaGvUp

One day she's for Medicare for All.

She wants to eliminate private insurance, which covers ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY MILLION Americans.

So, "Screw Them!"

Then the next day when she gets called out on this, she backtracks and says she simply wants to ensure ALL Americans have health insurance.

Yet, isn't that what ObamaCare is supposed to have done?

Harris is a clueless and woefully uniformed idiot who somehow thinks she can be elected POTUS solely based on her looks.

From: slade
I heard they call her fundraisers HoDown's .......

From: NvaGvUp
She's really good buddies with Willie Brown (who is married) and from all accounts, is also very familiar with his 'willie.'

From: Annony Mouse

From: itshot
another perfect candidate, run kamalia , run

From: Annony Mouse
From WeaselZippers:

Kamala Harris Posts Picture With Stacey Abrams, Both Fail To See What’s In The Background

Congratulations to my friend @staceyabrams! There’s no better person to showcase our country's strengths and speak the truth after the State of the Union.

Check the guy passed out with the bottle on the bench behind them.

Some Twitter comments: ;o)

"Showcase our countries strengths"??? There is literally a dude passed out drunk or dead in the corner of this picture. You leftists can't even clean up your own districts. Why would we trust you with the whole country?

If you're wondering who's on the bench... You can stop wondering. It's Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We finally found her. Well done gang. Well done.

Honestly though. We're better off having her on this bench rather than the judge's bench. Better for everyone...

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