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Mueller Report: An invitation to Impeach
Contributors to this thread:
slade 18-Apr-19
slade 18-Apr-19
slade 18-Apr-19
slade 18-Apr-19
slade 18-Apr-19
gflight 18-Apr-19
'Ike' (Phone) 19-Apr-19
slade 19-Apr-19
slade 19-Apr-19
Shuteye 19-Apr-19
bigswivle 19-Apr-19
zeke 19-Apr-19
Ace 19-Apr-19
South Farm 19-Apr-19
gflight 19-Apr-19
dallsheepstkr 19-Apr-19
IdyllwildArcher 19-Apr-19
gflight 19-Apr-19
Annony Mouse 19-Apr-19
Your fav poster 19-Apr-19
Annony Mouse 19-Apr-19
Annony Mouse 19-Apr-19
Annony Mouse 19-Apr-19
'Ike' (Phone) 19-Apr-19
Woods Walker 19-Apr-19
Tonybear61 19-Apr-19
gflight 19-Apr-19
bigswivle 20-Apr-19
Your fav poster 20-Apr-19
Pi 20-Apr-19
bad karma 20-Apr-19
Pi 20-Apr-19
DL 20-Apr-19
Your fav poster 20-Apr-19
Annony Mouse 20-Apr-19
'Ike' (Phone) 20-Apr-19
Annony Mouse 21-Apr-19
From: slade

slade's Link
I hope they are stupid enough to go for it.....Will & Grace will be along shortly to enlighten us rubes..............

Pundits, Progressives: Mueller Report ‘Explicit Invitation to Congress to Impeach the President’

From: slade
Schiff: ‘It’s Clear’ Mueller Wants Congress to Consider ‘Consequences’ for Trump’s Obstruction

From: slade
Ocasio-Cortez Backs Trump Impeachment Resolution After Mueller Report Release

From: slade
John Dean: Mueller Findings ‘More Damning’ than Watergate, Iran Contra, Starr Report

From: slade
Nadler: Mueller Report ‘Outlines Disturbing Evidence’ That Trump ‘Engaged in Obstruction of Justice’

From: gflight
Betting this will backfire on the Dims if they go through with it....

Bring it...

From: slade
Clapper: If Active Collusion Wasn’t Proven, I Think We Have ‘A Case of Passive Collusion’

From: slade
John Podesta: Mueller Report ‘Lays Out Devastating Case’ Against Trump

From: Shuteye
The old democrats like Pelosi know the impeachment talk will lose them the next election. As Ike said, "Bring it on." Very shortly a whole bunch of doo doo will hit the fan against democrats. Some know it's coming and will be stabbing each other in the back. Gonna be a long, hot summer for democrats. CNN and MSNBC will go completely nuts.

From: bigswivle
They’re gonna try to impeach him

From: zeke
I have a question. If the investigation was for Russian collusion (which there is no law against), and the special council determined that there was no collusion. What was justice for the charge? Exoneration, not guilty. So if Trump obstructed justice, does that mean he tried to stop exoneration? He knew there was no collusion, so was he trying to get a guilty verdict by obstructing justice? I think not.

From: Ace
Clapper: If Active Collusion Wasn’t Proven, I Think We Have ‘A Case of Passive Collusion’

This one cracks me up. next he'll be saying:

If Active Collusion Wasn’t Proven, I Think We Have ‘A Case of Passive Collusion’ , and If Passive Collusion Wasn't Proven, then We Have a Case For 'Almost Collusion', or ... or ... "I Wish There Was Collusion, ... or, or, ummm, "Confusion and Collusion" dammit "I really hate this guy, give me a minute, I'll think of something!"

From: South Farm
For people so against guns, trying to impeach Trump would be like shooting themselves in the foot. I hope they try; their tears in 2020 could flood the nation!

From: gflight

gflight's Link
"There is arguably no person on the planet less sympathetic than Donald Trump. He is a reflexive liar, a blowhard, a bully, and the go?!&$ned president of the United States. He should be a better person on all fronts and there's no doubt that he should set a better example than he does. But when it comes to obstructing justice, at least when there was no underlying crime, he shouldn't be in any trouble whatsoever."

Maybe putz is gflight.

Actually, the important part of it is the last sentence. It basically says that you don't have to like Trump, but it's impossible to obstruct justice when you're innocent of the crime you're charged with.

The linked article lays out the ridiculous over reach of government when they can basically entrap you in a crime when you haven't committed one in the first place. I can see how that could be so abused. Fed believes you committed a crime (you didn't) and he can't prove you did, so he gets you into jail nonetheless by asking you about something embarrassing, difficult to explain, or appearing to be going in a direction that would make you think that they were asking about another phony crime and you lie or remember incorrectly and bam, you're in jail and hadn't committed a crime in the first place.

From: gflight
Reading is fundamental guys...

Idyll, the Trumpettes don't read well thanks for spelling it out for them....

From: Annony Mouse
Too many seem to forget that the basis of our justice system is that one is innocent until proven guilty. The #NeverTrumpers/Democrat socialist party and media are operating on a system that is contrary to one of the foundations of this country.

The left is operating on a belief and use innuendo to declare Trump guilty of something...pure desperation. When it comes to crimes against the citizens of this country, they should look into a mirror.

Using their POV, Paul Zeidan is guilty of being a pedophile and drug peddler regardless of any evidence that he isn't.

There’s no way to spin this. It describes an unethical, dishonest, unpatriotic and immoral person. He welcomed and encouraged foreign adversaries to interfere in our elections. He lied and then lied again to cover up the original lie. He ordered others to lie for him. He pisses on justice.

By the way everyone in the 2016 election said this about him. You, who voted for him, chose to ignore it.

Prove me wrong.

From: Annony Mouse
You are a sex pervert...prove us wrong.

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link

From: Annony Mouse

Funny how YFP talks about being ‘dishonest’ and ‘lying’ so much...

From: Woods Walker
"He lied and then lied again to cover up......."

So you're talking about yourself(ves) Ethan. FINALLY an honest statement from you(all).

From: Tonybear61
"There’s no way to spin this. By the way everyone in the 2016 election said this about him. You, who voted for him, chose to ignore it"It describes an unethical, dishonest, unpatriotic and immoral person. He welcomed and encouraged foreign adversaries to interfere in our elections. He lied and then lied again to cover up the original lie. He ordered others to lie for him. He pisses on justice. "

Under which president did this actually occur if even a smidgen is true??

What? WHAT? I can't hear you. Oh wait it was Obama and he LET this happen?? It describes an unethical, dishonest, unpatriotic and immoral person. He welcomed and encouraged foreign adversaries to interfere in our elections. He lied and then lied again to cover up the original lie. He ordered others to lie for him. He pisses on justice. This phase can also be used to describe Mr. Obama and all his cronies and their attempted coup, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, Bill, Stoke, Struck , Page, key people in DOJ, FBI-like the spin so far?????

This investigation pissed away over 40 million in taxpayer money, after 2 1/2 years found a nothing burger. Grow up and go after the true criminals

From: gflight
YFP, you're no better than the Trumpettes. Prove me wrong.

From: bigswivle
“Prove me wrong.”

Lmao!!!! This is great

Trump ordered his minions to lie and commit illegalities. The rights defense? “Well, they didn’t obey and commit any crimes!!”


Suppose a president directed SecDef to surround the Capitol with tanks and to arrest all opposition members of Congress, and suppose they patriotically disobey that order. As they should.

Wouldn’t that POTUS still have committed an impeachable offense?

Answer is yes. According to the law.

From: Pi
If our President put people in place as a buffer , he is responsible for their being there to do their job . ( credit for that) He sounds things out , out in the open but what it comes down to is his final actions on any subject he makes, his final decisions, those are the only things that matter. ( good management) .

He is not a Lawyer and may not previously know the implications of some of his vocalizing but when it is important he does adjust his prior ideas into reasonable actions. ( allows for development of ideas , good judgement).

What the loonies want to do is hold him to the fire for having the ideas and process that he has. He is not guilty of anything that was put into action or not, for whatever reason ( good people that he chose to keep around himself or his final decision) It's the same thing. They are an extension of his Office and Actions. It's what they are paid to do.

If anyone was tried for thoughts or for weighing options we would all be in jail for those thoughts. That's all there is there, nothing more. But the loonies will claim sainthood and hold our President to an impossible standard while exempting themselves from the same.

Hypocrites and Vipers. Same old story.

From: bad karma
Cite the law, you jabbering clown.

Hint: There are books with statutes defining crimes. Instead of going to the latest democratic whining site, tell us what federal statutes were broken. Or admit you're making chit up again.

From: Pi
YFP. If there was a conspiracy to commit an act that is known to be illegal then it would be an offense worth proceeding on . However this is not a hypothetical applied to an actual event .

What alleged (real and proven) offense did the President order ? Mueller found none that could be prosecuted which is to say nothing that rises to the level of an impeachable offense . Keep in mind his prosecution approach/disposition is to paint a picture of guilt , as best he can. He admits there is nothing to prosecute.

And, the defense has not even spoken yet. They don't need to either. Cause there is no clear infraction. Your Hypothetical is nothing real.

From: DL
All this will do if they keep going is turn our already defunct government into a government like Korea has where fist fights and chair throwing goes on. Let the voters decide who and what they want. Everyone of these saintly acting losers have become millionaires through dealings that would get the average citizen arrested and jailed. What Martha Stewart did is peanuts to what these people do.

Ah! So that’s the new standard for trump? “He broke no federal statutes!!”

No matter that he sought the help of foreign adversaries? No matter that he ordered his aides to lie repeatedly? No matter that he sought to fire Mueller and obstruct?

BK, you have zero respect for the rule of law and justice if you accept that report as exonerating trump. If you read that report and believe trump to be a victim or pure, you are naive at best. Maybe even ignorant. Yep. IGNORANT. You’re not alone though. I’ve met a few lawyers like that. Dishonest and ignorant.

From: Annony Mouse
Anchor baby, you have know clue period.


'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo
'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo
Bob And YPutz, one in the same...

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link
From link:

"... The Conservative Treehouse asserts, and it's hard not to disagree, that Mueller may never testify before Congress. Because (as the invaluable Mark Levin has noted) his report is less a legal document than it is a 400-page New York Times op-ed..."

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