Coyotes kill Buffalo
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Bou'bound 20-Sep-11
GAFFER1 20-Sep-11
kscurhunter 20-Sep-11
kscurhunter 20-Sep-11
John Haeberle 20-Sep-11
Dave Lewis Sr. 21-Sep-11
Jimbo 21-Sep-11
rooster 21-Sep-11
Mint 21-Sep-11
tonyo6302 21-Sep-11
travis@work 21-Sep-11
Sixby 21-Sep-11
John Haeberle 21-Sep-11
c.rash 21-Sep-11
ipaggie 21-Sep-11
ipaggie 21-Sep-11
tonyo6302 22-Sep-11
tonyo6302 22-Sep-11
tonyo6302 22-Sep-11
From: Bou'bound
and the day after that was in the local paper there was a 2 yar old kid bitten while out for a walk with his mom in the area

Wow, kill them if you can....

From: kscurhunter
sorry i dont buy what i buy is coyotes ate a buff that had dies from something else and i am around cattle everyday and never even seen one try to take a calf when they are in or around the calving pasture all winter

From: kscurhunter
sorry i dont buy what i buy is coyotes ate a buff that had dies from something else and i am around cattle everyday and never even seen one try to take a calf when they are in or around the calving pasture all winter

I'm with kscurhunter.

A 400 pound buffalo? You mean a calf, right? 1.5 year old heifers should dress out at 400 pounds hanging weight.

I guess that's why buffalo never really inhabited Mass. -- not enough feed.

Really ... buffalo and coyotes in Mass.? Invasive species everywhere.

Must have been farm raised buff cause the native species moved out of there a LOOOONG time ago,,coyotes are making a strong come back every where. Ole Dave

From: Jimbo
I'm in southeastern MA, and we have coyotes everywhere around here. Back in the late 90's, a pack in my area killed and partially ate a llama that a local farmer was using to help protect his livestock from yotes.

From: rooster
LLamas aren't buffaloes. If the yotes did really kill it then my guess is that it was a slow painfull death. More like eaten alive!!!

From: Mint
Remember the eastern coyote is bigger than the ones out west and they do pack up here.

From: tonyo6302
I have seen Yotes take down range cattle just north of Fort Hunter Ligget ( Indians Campground area ), in California, and I have seen Yotes kill cows in Kentucky ( Dawson Springs, Hopkins County, area ).

I have also watched Yotes chase Blacktail Deer ( Vandenburg AFB in California ) in a pack, simular to the way wolves hunt.

Never underestimate the Yote.

I totally dissagree with KS, John, and Pig Doc. You guys could not be anymore wrong.

From: travis@work
I agree with HC--probably the reptillians..the greys are vegans...reptillians or mantis alliens no doubt..were the eyeballs sucked out of their sockets??

From: Sixby

tony ... I'm for sure not wrong about a 1.5 year old heifer buffalo weighing twice (or more) what was stated... seen, and weighed, lots of them.

Can coyotes do it? Sure.

But I'm a big fan of Occam's Razor ... and this doesn't fit well with that.

Now, if the buffalo was truly 400 pounds (i.e. a calf) then I can start to believe. But that's not what the story stated. And if it happened, I'd bet it was in an enclosure, perhaps away from adult buffalo.

Cattle will put up with a lot. Buffalo don't put up with much of anything.

From: c.rash
I've seen coyotes pack hunt whitetails in SW missouri when I lived there. Watched em out of a treestand. Couple days later 3 staked me on an old logging road.

From: ipaggie

ipaggie's MOBILE embedded Photo
ipaggie's MOBILE embedded Photo

Is this what the suspect looked like?

From: ipaggie

ipaggie's MOBILE embedded Photo
ipaggie's MOBILE embedded Photo

Is this what the suspect looked like?

From: tonyo6302

I do not know much about Bison.

But with a little research, an adult angus cow and an adult Bison Cow average 1100 pounds.

I have seen two cows taken down by Yotes in my lifetime. One was a range cow mix, the other a Holstein, which are a bit larger than angus, by the way.

It is not a far stretch to believe that they could also take down an adult Bison Cow.

I was too far away to tell if the Holstein was weak or wounded, but the range cow I bumped out of the brush was healthy, and when she ran down into a drainage, she ran right into a Yote pack.

They took advantage of the opportunity, ( Yotes are opportunistic ya know ) and proceeded to take her out. She was holding her own until she stumbled and fell, due to hoards of Yotes on her legs, and after she fell, she was done for.

I am a big fan of what I have seen, and could care less about Occams razor, or what any other philosopher or Mathematician has to say.

If I recall correctly, Mathematicians used to tell us that bumblebees and hummingbirds could not fly.

But I have seen them fly.

From: tonyo6302
"Certainly no more wrong than comparing buffalo to cattle or deer."

Absolutely dead wrong. My comparison is to simular sized or even bigger animals.

You just automatically doubt the story.

Have you ever been around range cattle?

I can assure you that their temperment is no where near the same as farm cattle.

From: tonyo6302
"Have you seen coyotes kill a buffalo?"

No, but that Farmer in MA has.


Years ago, back in the 70's, I was attending High School in Western Kentucky, and a schoolmates Father, a Farmer by the way, claimed he killed a Coyote on his farm, and buried it.

Everyone all but called him a liar. The State Game Biologists said there weren't any Coyotes in Kentucky. Even the local Veterinarians said it was a probably a stray dog.

A week or two later, Mr. Trader killed another one and had his photo with it put in the local paper.

I think I will stick with a Farmers word, and what I have seen with my own eyes.

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