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Contributors to this thread:
TurkeyBowMaster 19-Sep-13
Nick Muche 19-Sep-13
APauls 19-Sep-13
r-man 19-Sep-13
centerpunch 19-Sep-13
TurkeyBowMaster 19-Sep-13
alpinebowman 19-Sep-13
Nick Muche 19-Sep-13
Zebow 19-Sep-13
Seminole 19-Sep-13
Will 19-Sep-13
Dwayne 19-Sep-13
TD 19-Sep-13
LBshooter 19-Sep-13
smarba 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
Silverback 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
hunter47025 19-Sep-13
bowriter 19-Sep-13
ranger sgt 19-Sep-13
bird dog 20-Sep-13
TurkeyBowMaster 20-Sep-13
Nick Muche 20-Sep-13
drycreek 20-Sep-13
Pintail 20-Sep-13
sureshot 20-Sep-13
trkyslr 20-Sep-13
TD 20-Sep-13
wyobullshooter 21-Sep-13
backwoods54 21-Sep-13
Backpack Hunter 21-Sep-13
Bass2XS 22-Sep-13
Justin Davis 22-Sep-13
TradbowBob 22-Sep-13
Ironbow 22-Sep-13
yohon 23-Sep-13
eddie c 23-Sep-13
bass2xs 23-Sep-13
Junglecat 23-Sep-13
smarba 24-Sep-13
MTcountryboy 24-Sep-13
tradmt 25-Sep-13
TD 25-Sep-13
tradmt 26-Sep-13
TD 26-Sep-13
Will 27-Sep-13
tradmt 27-Sep-13
That asat is an out west camo and nobody...I mean nobody in the south wears it. I use o think it was a BC camo but starting to wonder if there might be something to it. Just wanting some opinions from non asat prostaff.

From: Nick Muche

Nick Muche's embedded Photo
Nick Muche's embedded Photo
Without it, I wouldn't have been able to close the distance on this fine trophy.

From: APauls
Did you check with everyone before claiming nobody wears it?

From: r-man
to lightly colored for my terain

From: centerpunch
ASAT works great on one of my spots here in ....(wait for it)....GEORGIA 8)

Nick got the Redneck look going on just fine.

From: alpinebowman
I love my asat. My buddy can never see me in any terrain I wear it in. He has to look for my hands and face to see me.

From: Nick Muche

Nick Muche's embedded Photo
Nick Muche's embedded Photo
This bear would have likely eaten me alive, but he couldn't see me.

From: Zebow
I wear ASAT and Predator here in Ohio. Works great for me. All that Realtree and Mossyoak stuff looks like a dark blob from a distance. But I'm sure TBM will tell us why I'm wrong and his stuff is the best in the world!!! LOL

From: Seminole
TBM: If YOU wear it, they will come...

Its a great all purpose camo.

From: Will
I love my ASAT leafy suit and my predator stuff. Yes, a plaid shirt would work. I just feel more confident with it.

From: Dwayne
ASAT and Predator are great. I agree with Zebow that if you back off a ways most everything else turns into a dark blob.

I like the ASAT leafy suit when it is hot because you can hunt with just a short-sleeve T-shirt and shorts under it! I sometimes get a little concerned that the leafy suit 'leaves' move too much in a breeze but I can't say a deer has ever seen me because of that.

From: TD

TD's embedded Photo
TD's embedded Photo
A different concept from most most camo designed to catch the human eye int the store.

The light areas make it look like a "hole" in the brush rather than a strange looking bush. So often you can see animals eyes trying to focus "through" you rather than at you. Seen it many many times.

Might say it's too light for this area as well, but it works very well pretty close to the same color as the animals I'm hunting really. And they aren't real easy to see, even in a green world...

Not sure how it plays out in a tree, could be the Real Mossy blob stuff works better, don't know. But on the ground it's tough to beat.

Love the asat leafy jacket....3/4 mask as well... but the pants make my butt look fat.....

From: LBshooter
As the name states, " All Season All Terrain" and it works. I use it from October through January and I love it. Be it in the woods or the corn fields this stuff is great. The deer look right at me and you see it in their eyes that they are looking through the pattern, the secret of the pattern. My real tree and mossy oak are worn for ducks and geese or as underneath layers. Midwest ASAT works just fine.

From: smarba
ASAT is awesome. Many times I've had animals look "through" me as mentioned above.

However, I've also found Sitka's Optifade to be every bit as effective and much better technical wear & fit for me than ASAT brand.

FirstLite in ASAT...should also be very good.


From: bowriter
LOL-"Nobody in the south wears it"

I hunt all over the south and I would guess close to one out of every three hunters I run into wears ASAT. I have been wearing it for over 30-years and I live in TN. By far, best camo on the market. Of course, that is just my opinion.

I was one of the orginal field testers five years before it was put on the market. They also started the "moving" 3-d suit, patterned after the ghillie suit. It took a while but other companies began to catch on. Now, they all have one. I have five of the original 3-D suits.

Quite simply, it is exactly what the name implies-all season, all terrain. They could also add, all game. It is fantastic for turkeys and ducks.

Just IMO.

From: Silverback
I wear ASAT and live in SOUTHERN New York near the Pa.border.Does that count?

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
This is an Alabama archery buck. I believe this was 1995.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
A Missouri turkey many years ago.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
A New Mexico bobcat way long ago.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
Hmmm. the picture of the bobcat did not make it.

Well, I guess it did.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
A New Mexico antelope albeit a muzzleloader kill.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
Midwest whitetails.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
Elk in the mountains

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
LA piney woods turkey. I believe that is in ther South.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
Elk in CO.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
Doves in MS.

From: bowriter

bowriter's embedded Photo
bowriter's embedded Photo
And of course, it works on buffalo as well. That's enough examples.

From: bowriter
And of course, it works on buffalo as well. That's enough examples.

From: hunter47025
ASAT & Merino Wool: nothing else needed

From: bowriter
Might could use a bow and errors.

From: ranger sgt
As Zebow said.Predator and ASAT in Ohio.

From: bird dog

bird dog's embedded Photo
bird dog's embedded Photo
I've used it in the farm lands of Wisconsin and Kansas and in the swamps of upper Michigan, in the cattails duck hunting and most recently in Colorado elk hunting and it has worked flawlessly every place I have given away any of my clothes that isn't asat just because I know that asat works end of story.

Yall stood out like a turd in a punch bowl in every pic. .but for some reaason it don't seem to matter with that camo. O built a blind for someone with asat and I got to use it a couple of weeks. It impressed me. Predator looks better but asat might work a little better. It has that depth deception thing going on like the spot on a fawn.

From: Nick Muche

Nick Muche's embedded Photo
Nick Muche's embedded Photo
TBM, that's because the picture was focused on the people and animals... There isn't a camo out there that you could wear and take a picture up close (trophy photo) to make them disappear...

ASAT works!

From: drycreek
Gonna get me some ASAT....ASAP!

From: Pintail
ASAT is the only camo I have had that deer will look at you and go right back to feeding. The pattern is open enough that it does not "blob" like so many on the market. Great stuff

From: sureshot
ASAT PREDATOR CABELAS OUTFITTER it seems anything minus sticks and leaves seems to work quite well for me.

From: trkyslr
Asat, vias, predator are macro patterns with the purpose of breaking up the human outline to blend in with rocks to trees to brush to open country.. it works... Just my .02

From: TD

TD's embedded Photo
TD's embedded Photo
" It has that depth deception thing going on like the spot on a fawn."

What you callin' a fawn Willis....=D

I wear ASAT, and some other patterns as well. IMO, if it gives you confidence, wear it. Bottom line, doesn't matter what you're wearing...if they catch you moving at the wrong time, you're busted.

From: backwoods54
i've worn ASAT since the early 90's and found it to work beyond believe. Deer look right thru it, even in open Maple hardwoods tree stand hunting deer just don't pay attention. The downside for me is the current stock comes from China

I prefer ASAT to any other camo out there, just seems to work no matter what.

From: Bass2XS
ASAT is all I wear in the early season in Virginia. I would wear it when it gets colder if I could find it on wool that I like. It is a great pattern, on the ground or in the tree. I've had them look right through me on numerous occasions.

From: Justin Davis

Justin Davis's embedded Photo
Justin Davis's embedded Photo
ASAT is great. I like ASAT and predator brown. Best patterns out there.

From: TradbowBob

TradbowBob's embedded Photo
TradbowBob's embedded Photo
I believe that ASAT was developed by some guys from Georgia. This was taken in the south, South Africa that is.


From: Ironbow

Day One Camo has ASAT in wool. Great stuff.

From: yohon
What bowriter says!!!!!!

From: eddie c
I hope it works in the south, just ordered a leafy suit of it last week. ( Tennessee)

From: bass2xs

I'm not willing to give up my King of the Mountain wool just yet...nice and toasty in it! I haven't seen any wool that has matched it yet.

From: Junglecat

Junglecat's embedded Photo
Junglecat's embedded Photo
I have worn ASAT in Ky for many years.In fact the first set I purchased had a gray background color that preceded the light brown back ground.As I recall the man responsible or at least partly responsible for ASAT was a man named Jim Barnhart.The set I bought was made by a company named Brigade Quartermasters and the company was located somewhere in Georgia but I am not exactly sure of the town.I know it has been at least 20 years ago that I bought it and probably closer to 30.Here is a picture of my original camo with the gray background.I still have it somewhere.

From: smarba
Despite TBM jacking with all of us, the handful of articles I've seen in various magazines in recent years regarding hunting whitetails from the ground, sans pop-up blinds, all have one thing in common: ASAT Leafy Camo.

It flat out works All Season All Terrain as advertised.

Name another camo company that advertises "We at ASAT are so confident in our camouflage that we are offering an impressive guarantee: If any customer wears ASAT exclusively for one year and doesn't see more game than they ever have wearing anything else, we will buy your garment back."


From: MTcountryboy
it works just as good as a plaid shirt.....just like all other camo....if you move they see you......if you don't....they don't...most of the time.

ASAT does offer some really nice clothing.....well made with a bullet proof guarantee....that means more to me than the pattern....a company that will actually stand behind their product.

From: tradmt
Chics dig ASAT. Plaid? Not so much.

From: TD
Trad, you nailed it. A few times I've had to "go public" in my asat pants and always get a bunch of positive remarks from the ladies, always. They think it's cool.

Kinda make ya feel like that guy in the blue jeans commercial walkin' down the street.... =D

Wear some other camo and they hide their children behind them when you walk by.... plaid gets the "L" sign....

From: tradmt
I know! Right? It brings out the tiger, er...cougar maybe? LOL

From: TD
The leafy man....the leafy....everybody knows that leafy adds pounds... LOL!

I've got a pair of the old original sitka mountain pants, designed by the same guy who started KUIU (Patrick?) when they first came out it was in asat. Before they sold to gore-tex. They are still my go to pants, but starting to look a bit, um, worn here and there.

Have some first lite asat stuff coming I can't wait to try.

From: Will
Wholly smokes - brigade quartermasters! I remember them and still have a gray background ASAT cap I wear on occasion from them.

They did have tan ASAT as well.

Blast, from the past!

From: tradmt
TD, you will like the first lite stuff, its great.

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