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Alternative corn solutions
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
nutritionist 09-Jul-16
t-roy 09-Jul-16
r-man 09-Jul-16
Mark Watkins 09-Jul-16
Korey Wolfe 12-Jul-16
nutritionist 12-Jul-16
From: nutritionist

nutritionist's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
nutritionist's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

A previous post mentioned is it too late to plant corn. Here is an alternative not just for late plantings but for all of you to consider next year. Cannamaize

Cannamaize is canadian genetic corn that has 2 options. There is a 65 day conventional hybrid and a 67 day roundup ready option. The shorter maturities allow late plantings or work great for replantings if there was a crop failure or weather issue.

Some nutritional reasons I like Cannamaize: It contains the roundup ready 1 trait. The newer genetic corns are designed to dry down fast and as a result, you will see lower protein levels and poor digestion rates. This is why dairy farmers now have to grind corn like pig feed to get decent performance out of it. A study by UW-Madison has shown it takes up to 6 months in storage to get normal digestions out of the new corn varieties. Why plant corn for deer that results in energy values the same as brassicas?

So cannamaize you can buy the roundup ready version for around $200 a bag. It comes in small round seeds so it can be mixed with soybeans or drilled. I have even broadcast seeded it, dragged it and rolled it. This is an option for those of you who want to plant corn but don't have a corn planter or larger equipment.

I have planted cannamaize the last 3 years and will share pictures of it again this year. I planted mine 2 weeks ago.

From: t-roy
How many acres will 1 bag plant John? Is the planting rate similar to conventional corn (approx. 22,000/acre)? I'm assuming it can be planted with a corn/soybean planter.?

Under good growing conditions, approximately what kind of yield would it produce?

From: r-man
pop corns fast to ,and the deer love it.

From: Mark Watkins
John, What kind of average yields can one expect?


From: Korey Wolfe
I had no idea. That is pretty awesome when you think about it.

From: nutritionist
i saw really nice ears and even if we have a 10-20 % yield drag over long day corn, this corn is for those with short growing seasons plus is way better nutritionally.. Plus the ear height is at the deers head so they pull less stalks down to eat the corn than some really tall hybrids out there.

Plus it's only $205 a bag for and $150 for conventional.

I posted some ear pictures on here 2 years ago and i need to find them for you all. They are not on my android anymore. I have some in the ground that was planted 2 weeks ago and it's exploding.

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