Mathews Inc.
Double Step Climbing Sticks
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
APauls 15-May-23
WV Mountaineer 15-May-23
APauls 15-May-23
midwest 15-May-23
12yards 15-May-23
12yards 15-May-23
Rgiesey 15-May-23
APauls 15-May-23
midwest 15-May-23
Mpdh 16-May-23
Groundhunter 16-May-23
From: APauls
Long shot, but does anyone know of a double step climbing stick where the steps hinge up and it is a full length stick, where the part that attaches to the tree pivots? Essentially take a full length LWCG or XOP stick just instead of single steps they are double steps that fold up. I don't understand the craze of the small mini sticks. I don't want to attach steps 4 times where before I could attach 3 times. 33% more time, 33% more noise and 33% more chance of something going wrong.

I was sure LWCG had exactly this kind of step a few years ago, and I just didn't want to pull the trigger at the time and now I don't see it anywhere. Closest thing I've found is a HAWK step, but the bracket that attaches to the tree doesn't swivel which actually makes it way less "good." Also not that big of a fan of the stance of that bracket.

Carry your gear for a couple miles one way. Then you’ll understand mini sticks.

OOAL makes sticks like that if I’m not misunderstanding you. It’s called the shikar stick.

From: APauls
Thanks WV, unfortunately the steps don't flip up on the Shaker stick. But thanks I never even heard of that brand before. Like that step they have that has a mini platform on the top :)

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
I think this is the Shikar that WV was referring to. I have a set of the Shikar's that are fixed. I don't want to mess with unfolding and screwing around tightening knobs and stuff when I get to the tree. The fixed Shikar's stack so nice and they stick to the tree so rock solid. I still have a set of the old Lone Wolf steps and I laugh when I use those now. There is no comparison.

From: 12yards
I think the Hawk sticks fold up. But I don't know about the pivoting part of the stick against the tree.

From: 12yards
I just bought some Hawks for my son's birthday. I can check to see if the tree brace pivots after work.

From: Rgiesey
Hawk helium 3 steps per stick. Don’t understand the two step sticks.

From: APauls
Ya I've got a set of the Hawk's. I'm not particularly fond of how they stack and the brace between the stick and tree. Don't like the angle or the fact that it's locked in.

From: midwest
3 of my Shikars weigh about the same as a single 3-step Helium and are a breeze to pack.

From: Mpdh
I have Novix minis with cable aiders. Much more compact and easy to carry than full size sticks. They come with single steps which fold, or you can have double steps which don’t.

From: Groundhunter
I like original.LW stick. Single step, swung either way. Never let me down. 20 years old, sold 3 for the same price I paid for them 100.00....

I can not climb anymore due to physical.handicap.

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