Discuss Interactive Bloodtrail 23 - Here
Whitetail Deer
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Well....its about time :0) I'm off to a good start!! Cool!! ....Thanks....cabin fever was setting in.....Jeff
I am going to cry fool already! LOL I didn't even look in the box and see there was a D! I saw 3 choices on the deer pic and choose! Well, guess I won't win this one! LOL
Yea, guess I mis-understood when it said pick the best shot?
By asking us to pick the best shot, it is implied that a shot is available, and for us to pick that which is the best (may not be perfect) from those presented.
yup, that one got me too. Darned trick questions.
I'm sure Pat is a smilin'...naa na na na naaaa....Jeff
You get to try a new question each day! I knew better than to answer quick.
Well, all I can say, Pat and me are not on the same page. Mike
any decent bow/arrow combination will blow through that scraggly 110# doe at that angle shoulder blade or not.
Yeah. I guess I read it wrong. I was looking at the angles of the arrows and thought that was were you were shooting from. So I picked B.
Wolfgang, at first I thought the same as you but as soon as I saw answer "D" I went back and looked at the photo more closely and realized the shot had to be taken from the angle of the camera. Bad shot!
Where's the "redo" button? Thought I answered "D" correctly, but left it on "A" No fair!
Yes, it is implied that a shot was taken and I agree with Bou about blowing through that little deer at 15 yards.
Luckily, I saw Option D and got it right...
Anyone care to comment on where what shot they would take if they absolutely had to???
Here are my thoughts. (a) Exit too low, (b) Possibly too high going in and a little back on the way out, (c) Looks awful close to the shoulder joint and some solid bone. If it were up to me I think I would pick a spot between all three...
Didnt know Bad Angle No shot was an option. A
I would have blasted through Point A with that Guardian at 60# with a 100 gr stinger head! Who are you kidding man. Or spine the other one, or head shot.
I'm scoring 0 so far. I agree that any decent bow/setup would blow through that deer no questions asked.
I figured this is a blood trail game so one of the shots was taken. C would be the best if one did shoot.
Pretty hard to have a blood trail without a shot being taken.
I would have chosen "E" wait for the deer to turn broadside.
In the real world I would have taken "C" text book or not!
I will cry fowl like the rest of them. There was no D in the picture. There is not even a D in the drop down menu. I would have passed the scene.
D........yeah right....where was D.
15 yards with my compound.....A all day long on a deer that size.......heck, A is clearly above the bone.....and one thing about a slight quartering on.....there are no heavy bones on the back side.
A might be a couple inches back and an inch low.....but it will = a short blood trail.
OOPS.....Textbook says I am wrong. Experience tells me I am eating backstraps in short order. Next question.......
Is this like golf, lowest score wins???
I didnt see [d]...... But I agree with Xtec and buckstopper, U cant have a blood trail without a shot taken......
I have no problem taking Q2 shots. However, all of the shot placements being offered by Pat, were not very good! He is trying to send a message, take the high percentage shots and there is nothing wrong with that.
18 so far waiting on next clue
Question two: I picked 30 minutes wait. Standard for all shots. I got a three.....BULL#@!t YOU YOUNG WIPPERSNAPPERS WANT TO JUMP THE GUN IN 20 MINUTES. WRONG ANSWER IMO!
For all you whining about being able to shoot that itty bitty deer Q2, read the instructions and Pat's first post - "This is a textbook edition. Generally accepted best practices apply."
I picked shot A. Now I know why I was wrong. The deer would have been down in 20 yards, therefore NO bloodtrail.
Not complaining...just an observation. So, the correct answer on the first clue was not to shoot and then the second clue is a video of the shot taken on the deer which looks to me like it hasn't moved from the position in the picture??????? Maybe I am missing something. Anyway, thanks for these. I enjoy them and always learn a thing or two.
Question #1. My first thought was, I wouldn't take that shot. Sure, most of the time an arrow would go right thru that small of a deer, but we must teach and practice better ethics than that. I would have waited until I had a better shot angle. Picking D was a no brainer, if you bothered to consider all the options offered. You should do the same thing before taking risky shots, think about what else could happen.
Question#2. Again, easy question. You should never get out of the stand after a shot for at least 20 minutes after the shot, unless you see the animal go down in sight. You should always locate the arrow and look for clues at the location where the deer was standing when the shot was taken before starting to track. From the video, it looks like this should be a short tracking job, complete pass thru, with blood where the doe stood by the log. I'm betting the arrow went thru the right lung high, over the heart, exiting low left lung with an aorta hit.
great hit!
I saw nothing wrong with the shot angle, given that the camera was 3 feet to the right of the shooter, in fact from the video the entry angle actually looked like the shot was slightly quartering AWAY.
I actually think that I'd leave the stand after 10-15 minutes, and check the arrow and bloodsign, if I saw the hit as well as the video shows....that deer is gonna be down and dead in < 1 minute!
i always wait 30 min no matter what, and to me ...inspecting the clues is part of tracking..man am i doing horrible on this one
When do we get clue #3 I'm finally doing well.
So far two easy "text book" questions, but I got #1 wrong, I would have taken the shot and blown through the shoulder blade.
He did say text book and I learned my lesson for #2, as soon as one clue said "inspect arrow" I was all over it!
As far as 1 st question, which I got wrong, I would have taken shot A. It would be in front of shoulder blade, getting close side lung and obliterating opposite side lung. Now, I got second question correct. Wait 20 minutes and check the evidence at the scene of the crime. I agree with an above statment, checking the scene is part of tracking.
ever ntice that the guys who get wrong answers are the ones who don't like the questions? ;-)
first 18 point start i've had in recent memory....I'm sure that my color blindness will compromise me in the end though!
Got tricked on #2,I always wait 30 min. minimum.Checking evidence and checking the arrow for sign is a given.would not proceed with out doing that first!
I got screwed up on that first one pick the best shot!!!!! I assumed there was a shot and assumed the hunter was in position to take a shot so i picked the obviouse shot at such a extreme level.GRRR oh well.
Can I register my son on the site also on the same computer so he can do the interactive also. Last night I messed up on the shot question and it upset me, so I asked my 12 year old to come tell me the answer and the smart aleck looked at the three choices and said "dad you said not to shoot if the are quartering to you." If I could register him he would be 9 pts ahead of me already.
SteveOz, you sure can. Just clear cookies, register him under his email addy. You'll have to clear cookies and re-reigster as yourself after he's done tho, to get PM's, to post, and etc.
One for two I wouldnt take that q2 shot myself but I thought Pat might .
one for 2. On the questions. Didn't read all the answers on # 2. I saw wait a half hour and chose that one.
Well, i picked what I beleived was the best shot placement based on the angle. point c. i guess i was wrong but on question 2 the shot was made and c was where the arrow struck. I waiting was the best choice then why was the shot taken??
I agree that if the shot was a bad angle why was it taken? And who took it? Pat?
Sure glad I didn't read the textbook! LOL, and I'm a teacher!! I always enjoy the blood trail challenges even when I disagree and don't score well. Mike
First question was a no brainer with it quartering to ya. Second was easy to with the investigate and deside stuff.
i got 18 also waiting for next clue
I let myself get talked into #3 being a trick question, oops.
30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes No matter what. When did this 20 minutes stuff start? Then look for clues? What else would you possibly look for? Other than the deer itself. New equipment could not change the time frame simply because many hunters use equipment 10,20,30 years old. I have shot the same HOYT for 21 years. 30 minutes applied 21 years ago. How can it change now?
3 for 3. Next question, please.
people have fun with this don't get so up tight it's something to help with cabin fever besides if we ask Pat I bet he saw this deer go down
21pts so far...thats a dead deer any way ya look at it.....Jeff
3 for 3 so far but I leave tommorrow to go out of town for a week so I guess I'll miss the last couple of clues.
Got #3 as well. Those are all darn good looking signs right there!
2 for 3 I did not think that all three answers would be the same. I went with all the blood.
For #3 they all may be good signs, but they are not at all equal. You can not tell me you would be equally excited to see hair on the ground but no blood on your arrow or blood on the ground. If they are equal, you have to look at their importance individually. Bloody arrow is great. Blood all over the ground is great. Hair by its self on the ground is not so great. Hair with no blood trail??? Are you kidding me thats worthless.
Bx3, long grey hair???? That totally indicates a good body hit!!! Now, if it was short and/ or white??? Totally different story then. Hair can tell you alot, especially if you are watching your arrow fly.
The hair alone is not the best sign, but blood on the arrow by itself or blood on the ground just indicates the animal is wounded. However, all three together make each clue that much more important.
Light blood on the arrow without stmoach contents = hit in chest cavity.
Blood on the ground = solid hit, good blood trail
Light hairs on the ground = considering the angle, that means a high entry, low exit shot right through the middle of the chest.
IMHO, there were no "trick" questions.
For a group of bowhunters who are supposed to be the most intelligent, patient and observant hunters out there, you missed some important clues................the most obvoius being that little "drop down" arrow staring you in the face when you made your selection, indicating a drop down list of MORE than 3 choices! :)
What is happening between 20 minutes and 30 minutes that is so critical to make 20 minutes to short of a time and 30 minutes the perfect amount of time to wait? why not 45 minutes? why would you disregard the obvious difference in the choice selection when one clearly states'investigate clues' and the others say 'start tracking'. if you break down the GUIDELINE of waiting 30 minutes, is the 30 minutes part the critical part, or is really meant to say 'give it some time, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever, get down, investigate, examine all the clues, then decide what to do.' Do fatally hit deer never live past 30 minutes?? I don't get it, i think people take it to literally, it's not like he said 5 minutes, i could see that being a little confusing, but by saying 20 minutes it sort of emphasizes the point of investigating - especially to a young new bowhunter taking one of these for the first time.
Also, would you ask a first time bowhunter to take a quartering to shot? how about one only shooting 35 or 40 lbs? even on a doe undisturbed and feeding showing every indication of almost certainly presenting a better shot. like Rut Nut said you have to check for all the answers. the wording of the question is similar to about 500 other questions I've seen when I went to school so it shouldn't seem that unusual or tricky.
i understand everyone is really excited about the huge prize of nothing given away to the winner and of course everyone wants to avoid the shame if getting a question wrong and failing Bowsite class and having to repeat and face the shame of all these internet strangers thinking you're not qualified to be on the Bowsite;) oh wait , it's just a game.
I'm afraid of them takin' away my bowhunter ed. card! :)
I agree with ya'll that all 3 together are really the good sign, but I have tracked and recovered deer with good hair on the ground and not a drop of blood on the ground. Thats the crazy thing with this bowhunting, lots of variables and it is always interesting.A complete and total addiction.
Well i did get 9s on the last 2.
To teach you need to give good questions. By having vague answers it forces some people to guess and choose answers by process of elimination. So when the answer is wrong people feel cheated. In clue 3 the amount of blood is the most important. Alot of blood means blood on the arrow and a shot that hit vital organs. Stateing a LOW exit hole, is a given because from your video and first clue you give us a downward lookig shot. Are you stating that by having a pile of hair that not only the arrow but some bone exited also causing a larger exit hole than the arrow alone? I understand the point of this game is to help educate bowhunters but this one is flawed. No shot should have been taken at all, but this is a blood trail excersize so a shot has to be taken. Please be more clear and present better pictures, the one of "hair" looked like a pile of gray twigs. But what do I know I've only been in the education business for 18 years. The goal is learning and not tricking the student.
I said "c" for the first shot. that is a GREAT shot. I have taken a ton of deer with that shot. That deer would go 30yds max with a great bloodtrail. 88#KE and a Spitfires do a lot of damage. You would just be missing any heavy bone with that hit anyway.
I said wait 5 minutes and get down. Usually I start packing up my gear and get down just after I watch the deer fall.
Well, so far all the questions (maybe no1 was a bit tricky) were pretty obvious. Never ever follow up to soon, and always find the arrow first and look for clues at the area where the animal was hit.
I once watched a blesbok go done after a hundred yards run with a good shot, and followed up after about 5 minutes. When I got close he got up. Lets just say it became a very long day.
I guess I need to learn more about blood spatter.
Welderbowhunter, I really don't understand why you (and others) keep saying there was no shot that should have been taken. The exercise in question #2clearly states that the deer has moved after the first picture, to present a better shot angle, it also states (in #2) that the camera is 3 feet right of the shooter. Those givens, plus the video, showing the arrow entering slightly quartering AWAY from dead broadside, makes it a dead-nuts classic shot presentation. If you wait for better than that, you better like taters, 'cause you ain't never gonna eat no venison! ;-) (btw, the blood-spatter question got me too, dang deer was only goin' one way!)
4 for 4 for the first time in a LONG time. We'll see how long it lasts... Just waiting for Pat to put the hinky-dink on us. I'm sure it will be a good one considering the blatant clue today - "Pay very close attnention to the wording..."
Yea i got totally messed up on the splatter, to me there was only one way the deer would ABOSOLUTELY not go, and that is right back at the hunter. He could have easily gone the other 3 ways
How do I reuse it for my HS and BS classes???? This would be a great teaching aid but it will not let me play again??????? Do you have others available????
My eyes tell me that deer could not have gone in direction "B" only. Ver unlikely to reverse to "C" but possible.
I said "B" because the top left splatter looked like it could have gone "C".
First miss on this one. Thanks Pat.
4 for 4 so far but now I am off to the sunny south for a week, we'll see how the rest of the clues go when I get back.
Did this deer go down in sight? It sure should have. If it didnt, I'd switch heads
I am sitting at 4 for 4. 1) If the deer is feeding and not alarmed, why take a less than perfect shot? 2)Wait a while and get down to look at the evidance of your shot. Would anybody really just ignore their arrow and the puddle of blood without stopping to look at it before tracking? 3)Things happen fast when you release an arrow. Good blood on the arrow = chest hit. Blood on ground = vitals hit and should be fast blood pressure drop. Hair from the lower chest = low exit wound and should provide a good blood trail to follow. How many times has a guy felt really good about a hit, just to discover that the deer ducted down as the arrow hit and your hit was higher than you thought. 4)Blood in the picture seems to show me that the deer came from between the B and C direction and was heading in an A to D direction.
Having a great time with this one!!! Thanks Bowbuster
I respectfully disagree with the blood spatter interpretation from the photo. I have been on hundreds of blood trails.
And if we were unraveling that blood trail, and the two of us came upon that rock, I would say that you are being too hasty from the amount of empirical evidence to conclude what you have given as the correct answer.
I respectfully disagree to anyone thinking that finding "long grey hair" on the ground is as valuable as finding a completely blood soaked arrow. I can think of many places you can hit a deer with a NON lethal shot that will produce long grey hair. In real life most of us can't watch a video over and over before we go tracking deer to know that we hit it in the vitals for sure. Actually that reminds me I did some filming for a close friend of mine during the rut last year. I was on the ground against a tree 15 yards from his tree stand. A beautiful 10 point came in at about 23 yards from himand about 15 from me. I filmed the impact of the arrow and the deer running off into a wide wooded ravine. We waited 30 minutes then reviewed the footage about 15 times. In the video it seemed the arrow had entered on the top rear corner of the shoulder blade. We found his arrow which had broken off inside the deer. All that was left was the back 8" of the arrow. We found "dark grey hair". We found a little blood near impact and about 10 yards away we found a pool of dark red blood. Now we let that deer sit over night and when we tracked him in the morning his blood trail turned into drops the size of a pin head. A mile later he had vanished. Now, my point is, if that arrow had been a pass through and there was more blood at the impact site I know that we would have found that deer dead. The hair we found was basically worthless because it came of the entry side of the deer. A completely blood covered arrow sticking in the ground is more valuable to me than a clump of hair. Granted, those two clues in connection to each other is great, but individually they don't compare. I think the test is great and fair. This is just my 2 cents on "real life" situations.
I have to disagree with the answer to clue #4 as well. B is the only absolute answer due to splatter direction. On C, I take it you've never found spray from a running cough when chucks of lung or big clots come out of either the entry or exit wounds.
What a bunch of whiners! Geez, it says pick the best answer, it didn't say pick the perfect answer.
#4 got me. Those clues are NOT of equal importance. Grey hair on the ground is no way equal to a blood dipped arrow or a puddle of blood on the ground at the hit. Of all those clues that amount of blood on the ground at the hit tells me the most, hands down. IMO.
But I still love these challenges! (Isn't whining what makes it a challenge?)
Boy, I am so glad that I am not the only dumbA@@@ on picking that shot and not seeing D.
It never fails Pat....darn. Can I get a do over.
Question 4 was just plain annoying i picked b and the answer was well i wont say. GRRR I WAS ROBBED!!!!!
Well after watching 2 seasons of DEXTER i can say that the deer could only be heading one way
You know jeff we arn't whining we are just stating our opinions. you know there is a difference. sorry we are the perfect bowhunter that you are.
The First thing we teach in bow ed. is wait 30 minutes.
In my opinion there is no correct answer to question 4. Deer can and will change directions at each step. I have a suggestion to Pat. I would like to be able to see the explanations when I revisit the clues. Keep these coming. I learn each "outing"
Where is question #5 ??, #4 was yesterdays .....Jeff
well ive waited all day and still no #5.....wats up with this?
C'mon... Where's 5!! I'm Jonesing bad... Need a fix... Went back and started the old ones over. Went out and shot my 3d target and started tracking IT. WHERE ARE YOU PAT!!!!!!!!
Deer was found dead 5 feet from the blood on the rock.
Meeting's over!!!
whew...redeemed myself on this one \m/ \m/
It was worth the wait....9.....Jeff
Sorry, Pat, can't buy #5. The heart beat of a fatally wounded deer will be very fast (>100 bpm). The "surging" pattern seen, I believe< is more likely due to blood being pumped out the chest wounds by pressure swings due to breathing (more likley to be 30 to 50 breaths per minute while running). This will usually occur during exhalation when positive pressure is generated in the chest and stops when during inspiration negative pressure sucks air back into the wound (hence, stopping most blood). Text book editors might want to get a consult on this one - you may be under thinking it.
Hey, how 'bout making the print a little larger when there is no picture. I blew right through it (kinda like my shot on question one which I would take again). I guess it's like everything else these days....gotta read the fine print!
Looks like we are weeding them out at a steady pace.
Bowbuster "45" Perfect points and counting! Sorry guys, just had to toot my own horn. TOOT TOOT
King of Kings,
Geez, don't be so sensitive. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I completely agree with LTG. That is exactly what I was thinking when I answered it wrong. Usually those big blow outs are just that, blood being blown out the wounds.
One of the best shows on TV....it and "Bones". And now, back to your regularly scheduled blood trail :0) ....Jeff
I went with it mainly because every time I've seen that kind of blood at the spot of the hit it was because you hit something that was already under pressure. No time to bleed, fill up the cavity and then blow out. Major arteries usually. Many heart shots don't "pump" much because the "pump" is broken!
And blown out blood "sprays" out in fine spots sometimes just a mist. Not usually drops or lines.
Finally.... back on track.
I do not get a picture coming up on clue 5, HELP
Thats a real nice hoof print in D there, but I swear to God there are is a single drop in the upper right of B as well, on the bottom side of the leaf next to the big maple leaf at the top, but D is perrty obvious.
nice try Kodi...nice try!
Truely no foul meant. Honest injun.
I'm with LTG, the deers heart rate is not a pulse it's a quick beat breathing is a pulse or even the walking of this deer causes blood to be pushed out of the cavity I think we need to rethink this one
Hey Pat - is there anyway to separate the scroll down arrow from the submit button for the challage? Went to scoll down and submitted instead, happens at least once every challange. Probably happens to alot of us. Love these things by the way, great way to get some experience and pass the time.
I'm glad I picked "B". You can see the speck of blood on the twig in the upper part of the picture...woohooo!
We probably shouldn't discuss what answer we picked in Bloodtrail. It might tip somebody off who hasn't answered yet.
Why no points for the "no" answer on 5???? I don't buy the heart thing either, but you a definately over thinking that one....
I flunked Clue #1. And then you took the shot. Sneaky Lil' bow hunter you.
Love the blood trail challenge(s). I stink at the test but usally always find my deer.
A yellow Lab named Mack is the back-up. deer, duck, coon, pig lost child. He is all business on wild game. He is at my feet as I write.
Turkey season is 36 days away.............
When will number 7 be ready to answer?
I have to ay that a photograph of blood is no indicator of tracking blood. I find that I see a lot of color that may be blood. The touch test is often required to prove what your eyes percieve. Bob
I was doing ok until I got to blood splatter. I knew it wasn't blood splatter, it's blood spatter. Everything went south from there on out.
What about the next clue??
LOL at "Merry Christmas" Yes Pat, clue 8 was a gift.
I can't believe that the deer was not in "D"!!!! Who would have thought "A" I can't find it threw the trees. :) OOOPS Me bad.
Bowbuster-You have to take in to account there was another arrow shot from the grassy knoll. Tracker+
Bowbuster and Wallhanger- You guys are a disgrace to this forum on the challenge. It is here to discuss the opinions of hunters on what they believe is the right way to go about this hunt. With you two saying...
Bowbuster - "I can't believe that the deer was not in "D"!!!! Who would have thought "A" I can't find it threw the trees. :) OOOPS Me bad."
A Wallhanger - "I'm glad I picked "B". You can see the speck of blood on the twig in the upper part of the picture...woohooo!"
These are clearly the wrong answers, and confusing to other people participating in this challenge. You guys are just messing around giving people the wrong idea so you can stay out on top in Top 200. You guyus are a both a disgrace and a shame to call fellow bowhunters
I have to side with Kota-man on clue 5.
The quesion is: "Is this indicative of a problem"? The answer is "No".
So, either "no" answer is correct and should be awarded equal points.
Clue number five.....are you serious? Five yds, that is it five yds, not 100yds... into the track job and you are worried if the buckets of blood on the ground is because of the heart surging? The correct anwser is "NO" to the question period. Wow, is all I can say to that???
King of Kings you can't be serious? If guys are checking here first before answering then they are cheating and should be given misinformation. Click on challenge answer the question and then discuss, but don't come here first look for the answer and then go to the challenge you are not helping yourself. I hope they threw you off!!!!
King Of Kings
I have to agree with T Mac. If you are coming here to find the answers, then I am right! OOOPS Me Bad Its a shame you picked the wrong answer from one of our responses. Shame Shame and what a disgraceful way to compete, by getting caught cheating.
Big Nine,
That's exactly what I'm saying. Of the 4 answer choices, 2 are "yes, this is a problem", and 2 are "No, this is not a problem". I say that either or both of the "no" answers are correct.
Well, I blew it on the pictures of blood. Still can;t see any blood. Picked what I thought was a round drop of blood on a leaf. Guess it was not blood!
I won;t get too wrapped around the axle about it- like others have said, I can find it when I have to! :)
if you can't see blood in D...you need glasses. That one and 7 were the easiest questions for me....the other questions....i am a hunting idiot ;-)
I love these things...frustrating at times....but love them.
I wasn't saying that i was using there answers at all, i have answered them before i came to the discussion forum.
Sharpster and Big 9...Thank you. Pat, remember No means No.... :)
I was confussed on first one, thought arrow indecated direction shot coming from, my fault. Haven't finished it, but it is very good. I really like it and is a great tool for any hunter.
I cheat a little. On pictures like the blood and down deer shots I download, put the picture on "Picture It",lighten or darken depending on what it calls for and enlarge it and wal-la. I have a lot of free times though.
I got Clue #7 right and will not answer here so as to not ruin it for others, but man I thought it could have gone two ways - 50/50. I just happened to guess right.
I wouldn't worry about people reading this thread to get the correct answers. If they have to do that just to get a better score on something like this, they have a LOT of other problems which are much worse.
Wow, just messing around on my laptop while the kids are in the tub and the photo on the laptop is much brighter/clearer and REALLY obvious! I probably need a new monitor on the PC...yeah, I think I'll stick with that excuse, LOL
LOL. I will trade you any day! tgry doing this on my Treo screen..2.2 inches..which photo has blood in it....there are photos?!?! LOL
had to SWAG on that one.
only one I contest a bit is the 'which way did it ABSOLUTELY not go"...there are no absolutes...and that is absolute. lol
Wow lots of critisism and whining about the way questions were worded....And very little constructive critisism....If you didn't like the way a question or answer was worded offer some BETTER ways of doing it!!! All seems pretty straight forward to me....
LOL...pat, that is what makes these thing fun in my mind....I may not agree but doesn't mean I am right either! I usually answer based on my experience.
Thanks again.
I can hardly wait for the final clue... I actually have a chance to ace a Bowsite Interactive Bloodtrail. And, I don't care if this one is comparable to Jeopardy's Teen Tournament! LOL
Thanks, Pat.
While I may not agree with all of the answers, I will defend your right to be wrong! (Thats what I tell my wife right before I duck).
#4 - how come I didn't get partial points for getting one of the two right?
#5 - DANG! Hit the submit button before making my choice!! (Hey Pat, why don't we get one do-over???)
Now waiting for #8! It is sometimes hard to see the pictures real well, but it is still fun. I may not agree with every answer, but it is still a learning experience.
Seriously now, I need to get some work done. Where is number 8?
I took the am off so I could concentrate on this very important final question as I've never been in the illustrious "top 200 before!"
I think that the answers are too subjective, such as which way could the deer not have gone or which sign is more important. I think that since were trailing a deer it should be the deer that determines what the correct answer is.
I liked the video in Q8; quite the dilemma.
Can't wait to see what you chose.
Thanks again for the blood trails!
What? Controversy here? Naw. Never happen.
"I'm delaying Q8 for a little while. It is very controversial"
The only controversy with question 8 is where is it!
Let's have it Pat-
Pat, Is it because no one is saying "please"? May we please have #8?
I didn't notice your arrow stuck in the log in the first video, but you sure can see it in the still image in Q8! ;-)
By first video, I meant from Q2.
Clue #8?? Please???
And Thank You for these bloodtrail challenges. Keep'm coming, especially during the off season!
Bowbuster - "I can't believe that the deer was not in "D"!!!! Who would have thought "A" I can't find it threw the trees. :) OOOPS Me bad."
A Wallhanger - "I'm glad I picked "B". You can see the speck of blood on the twig in the upper part of the picture...woohooo!"
I believe the Discuss Interactive was to be a positive observation, participation and comment forum, to help fellow archery deer hunters.
What positive and respectable information about those statements apply to this learning challenge game?
Not one thing
Pat: I am waiting for #8. Thanks for the game.
Pat? Psssst. Paaaat.
The natives are getting restless....
Old Boy "I believe the Discuss Interactive was to be a positive observation, participation and comment forum, to help fellow archery deer hunters. What positive and respectable information about those statements apply to this learning challenge game? Not one thing"
What positive and respectable information can you acheive threw coming on the discussion forum first and then going back to answer the question? I beleive here in Canada we call that sore of thing CHEATING. The learning and the challenge come from exactly that, learning and challenging YOURSELF!!
If you answered the question and got it wrong, I am assuming something comes up to tell you "wrong answer" I also assume you are told what the "correct answer" should have been.
If you are coming here to find the answer and going back to the challenge to answer the question, I am more than happy to catch you. If you have already answered the question and got it right or wrong, you will already know that when I put the "OOPS Me BAD" comment in, that I am pulling your leg.
If it makes you feel any better, I apolagize for catching some people cheating.
Some people are bleeding hearts, some people prefer to watch the heart bleed!
Bowbuster commented: If it makes you feel any better, I apolagize for catching some people cheating.
Bowbuster, I took this challenge to learn more about deer hunting, including from other fellow hunters and to provide input from my own hunting experience. Not to read comments about giving a wrong answer trying to trick someone else into choosing a wrong answer. Nobody learns anything pertaining to the challenge from that.
In Pike County Illinois, when we apologize, it is sincere.
Pat, Still waiting for #8. Thanks again for the game.
Old boy.......Im so sorry Bowbuster tricked you into choosing a wrong answer....That was very mean spirited...i will make sure to post accurate info regarding question #8 so you can get it right...after all the only way to learn anything pertaining to this challenge is to come here first, get some accurate info...then proceed to the challenge where you can accurately answer the question without thinking it out for yourself....
Sincerely, ; ^) EK
What Elkiller said!
Oldboy - How are you going to learn by cheating? If you got TRICKED INTO CHOOSING THE WRONG ANSWER I say
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fully believe that WE should ALL learn from OUR mistakes.
I don't believe Old Boy was tricked into getting the wrong answer at all. In my case (which was the four pictures of the blood trail) I had it narrowed down between B and D. I thought B had a blood spot on the twig in the upper of the picture. I also thought i saw blood on the leaves in D. Now when I'm tacking a deer in January( or any time) I tend to overlook the leaves because so many then has probably gotten red spots on them. If i was there I'd be able to touch them and see, but seeing how I'm just looking at them on a computer i couldn't. So I looked at twigs and in B I thought I saw blood. So I picked B and got it wrong. Then I come to the forum and there is Wallhanger saying it was B with blood on the twig. And then Bowbuster does the same thing with clue number 7. If people come here to look for answers let them cheat, it only means that they are not a hunter at all, but those who do come here to actually discuss it then, we need to discuss the answer and what we thought about them. not wrong answers and acting like there right.
Girls, girls, girls. Get over it.
I read about the blood in B and studied it in detail. I thought I saw blood in D so I selected that. We are all responsible for our own decisions but I agree it is bad form to decieve intentially. I agree with the last fellow. You need to touch sometimes to confirm blood. Bob
What controversy ???
Maybe a wolf showed up and took his deer :^)
I look to this type of thread as a place to discuss our views on each clue. The description by Pat of the correct answer is great, but many times I get more information here.
To put "false" answers here is childish. If a person reads this thread so they can get the answers, that is up to them. There is really nothing to be gained. If they feel the need to cheat on something trivial like this, they probably have many other things to worry about. I can't imagine how it could possibly be satisfying to get a perfect score by cheating.
But rather than trying to "catch" others by putting up false answers, let's make this an informative thread and take the high ground. For the others, "What goes around, comes around!" They are the ones who have to look in the mirror each morning.
I know some people who know some people who overheard a conversation between two burly looking characters at a diner in CT the other day, and they told their friend to tell their friend to tell me that question 8 might not be up today either.
It seems the controvetrsy is that right before the deer fell over it got tangled in someones antler trap! Go figure!~
It wasn't a doe to begin with, but ended up that way-
Some of these I miss badly....but this one I did well on. I always avoid these threads until they are done. This one seemed about as straight forward as any one so far. But if I do miss one...I don't lose any sleep or time here complaining about it.
I shoulda blown up the blood pic like I did AFTER I picked the wrong choice - LOL! All in fun - -Pat
Am I the first one since it was posted? Wow!
Yopu know uncle Pat nailed that next one too!
Nice shooting-
I was sure that I would have gotten #8 wrong but I went ahead and picked what I would have done given the circumstances. Something that surprisingly has happened to me quite a few times. Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks Pat, I love this feature.
So what did you do Buckfever? I shot it! Yummy! lol
Two deer down!! :0) ...66 total Pts, had one "3"....Thanks Pat......Jeff
Hello folks: I am not normally this vocal but I wanted to give my perspective. Since this hunt was over bait I assume there is a serious population problem. Since the first deer taken was a doe we were not trophy hunting. Any cleanly taken deer with a bow is a trophy (my ethics) Given the circomstances I have only one ethical issue to resolve before I shoot. If I shoot again will the clues mix? If I am confident I will not risk losing the second deer the arrow will be released. I know an older lady who loves venison liver. I will use the second deer to share with my friends and the land owner will be treated to a meal or two. The size of the deer is less important than the stewardship shown by the hunter. Bob
As I always say Green-
Time to get the groceries!
Pat, thank you for putting this together it was great!
Heck yeah I would shoot it! I already know the first one is down, If i have more tags, I obviously plan on taking more deer, and the little ones are very tasty critters. Besides, the landowner wants some population control done and I see that as one of the jobs of a hunter in today's society...
Bowbuster & Elkiller: Your actions and attitudes speak for themselves. I have previously and now again respectablly make my point. I will comment no more on it.
Pat: Thanks for game. I was happy to see a hunters ethical question for the last one. Hunter ethics is what is all about. Getting the animal is the bonus.
I look forward to the next one.
Controversy? None to me. If legal I'd have shot the 2nd deer in a second. Even if the first one hadn't gone down in sight. (Not sure what difference that would have made? Not hard to look for two animals. I can't see how shooting the second deer would effect the outcome of the first in any way.) Younger just means tastier to me. Flag all your clues, find em, bone em out, pack em out.
Much of what and where I hunt is an "eradication" area. So you shoot everything you can and you call in all the animals taken to the ranch to make sure the hunters get their due credit. I've shot as many as 4 animals in a herd in one hunt. (you get in a herd with a quiet bow and a bit of wind and you can do some serious damage.) They are either going to be kept under control by hunters or they will bring in the pro shooters. The ones that dart a herd animal, collar it with a locator, and then relentlessly hunt down the herd, the last animal standing being the one with the collar.
If my freezer is full I know plenty of folks that can want it. I hate to waste. The pro's leave em all lay.
Thanks Pat. Always fun. This one should get some good side discussions going.
...And all along we could have skipped the clues and walked right up to the doe! Geez.
Fun track though, Pat... (Even though I was totally hosed on question #1 when I didn't know that there was one last option!)
What we did will be answered in Bloodtrail 24 which starts on 2.15.2008.
HMM think i know how Pat answered #8....
Hope you hit this one in the same spot and robin hood the previous arrow.....= ^)
Perfect score. First time for me on one of these blood trail challenges.
just a question? do you have to tag the first deer before shooting the second in CT????
You have to tag any deer before taking possession of it in CT. If you're still hunting and you have another opportunity you can 'fire when ready'. You do need to tag a deer before you field dress it or before you drag it away. You can get pinched for dragging a deer to field dress it away from your hunting area if you haven't tagged it.
With regard to the 'answering' controversy, my 2 cents:
The concept of a discussion of the answers in an open an honest manner is a great idea and I think an excellent way to expand one's knowledge. In a perfect world we would of course hope that everyone would answer first and then view the discussion for perhaps an explanation that might aid in that learning process.
I would hope we're all advanced beyond the point where we feel its perfect form to bring any kind of game-playing into the equation. Yes, the point of catching cheaters is valid. My problem with the concept though is it presumes guilt. Kind of like people looking at someone in camo, maybe carrying a bow and thinking they need to lock the kids in the house. Just food for thought folks, do with it what you will.
All in all great fun and even when the final tally isn't 72 points (which thankfully this one was!) its never a bad idea to hone your skills.
Thanks Pat!
Thanks Pat!
I love these things. I only made a 54 this time. Need to pay more attention to the questions! LOL
I would shoot, but my father would be cursing me because he would know he gets to help clean two deer.
Pat, Question one sucked. Now do another one and I'll read all the possibilities before I answer this time. Thanks, Joe
I did good except for blowing #5, My bad for not paying attention. This was my first time doing this and it is pretty cool, Hope there is more very soon.
Thanks Pat.
"The pro's leave em all lay."
Is that so. Do you havde any proof? Want to name names here?
That is quite an accusation my friend, but something tells me you have no clue what you are talking about!
you sound like quite the "great white hunter" there TD, funny there is anything left on the islands-
I confess . . . the direction from which each green arrow was coming from threw me on the first question. :>((
Sorry Michael, they shoot the goats out of helicopters. Do the same with sheep and goats on the Big Isle. They have radio tracking collars so they can locate the herd any time they wish. And they don't go back to collect them, not a single one of them, only their check. Oops, that's incorrect. They do go back to get the very last one, the one with the collar. The pigs are the toughest to get, they use snares on them. Maui, Molokai there are rotting pig carcases all over. None of them are collected either, the snares are only checked every few days, if that. It's either gone on, currently going on or being proposed on every island. You obviously don't believe me, I'd ask you to check with any connections you have with hunters in HI. They can tell you. It's no secret, here it's common knowledge.
You familiar with what went on on Catalina Island? (I think that's it, one of them off the CA coast?) They eradicated or attempted to eradicate the goats there. By helicopter. Slaughtered them. Same thing went on.
Not one damn bit of meat gets used when the pro's come in. Last bunch they contracted out to were from NZ if I remember. I'll do a little research and see if I can come up with the name of their company. It's ALL they do. Pros.
We hunt 365 days a year. No seasons. No limit, not even daily. One of the places I hunt right now they are building a high fence around it as we speak. The Haleakala National Park plans on hiring out the eradication work as soon as the fence is finished. The watershed area on the Hale on Lanai is already done. At least there they are hiring local folks to eradicate inside the fence and they use the meat when possible. Some places it's not. But that is a privatly owned island, not government, and they have that option.
We are currently trying to show them that hunters can control the herds. We might just save our hunting in places if we can prove we can control the population, that hunters can be used as a conservation tool. Check with some of the Big Island folks. They've already lost a ton of hunting areas. In exactly the same way. All mammals here are considered "invasive species" and are under serious attack by The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, and others. If it were left up to them there really wouldn't be "anything left in the islands". In many places they have a point. The pigs and goats have completely destroyed certain areas. Years ago the goats completely denuded the whole entire island of Kahoolawe. They did the same "leave em lay" eradication there too.
If I came off as to being "the great white hunter" it was not meant that way. If I said anything that rubbed you the wrong way, my apologies. I was posting in reference to the last question in this challenge. It asked what do YOU DO when you're supposed to be hunting as a management control over the animal populations? My answer to that was you shoot as many as (legally) possible. If that is what is required or desired I guess. This isn't trophy elk hunting in a wilderness area. It's management. It's meat. Male, female and child. Or in my case billy, nanny and kid. And yes, with a quiet bow and a bit of wind, you can really do some damage when you get into the herd. You don't have to be any "great white hunter" just have a quiver full of arrows.
I can see where many folks from the mainland might not understand. The folks here do. We hunt a lot here. And you pretty much shoot all you can in many areas. When you folks go rabbit hunting, do you shoot all you (legally) can? Do you look to see if it's a male or female or a youngster first? Only shoot one and go home? What about carp? How many you shoot there? (And I know plenty goes uneaten) Pretty much what we have here. Only here it's sheep, goats and pigs. And me and my friends do eat them. It's about meat and management.
If it was me, that second deer would be as good as dead.
Thanks for bringing some insight TD that was very interesting.
I must copliment you on this one as I have been critical of previous ones. This one got back to the basics, without the unnecessary tricks and games. If I wouldn't have punched the wrong buttone once, I would have had a 70.
I hope that future ones are set up like this one. Good job.
haven't seen clue #8...... do we get to shoot another deer? woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! venison is good! more venison is better!!!!!!!!!!!:-)
Hey, unlimited tags? cool! what's the temp? (if it's CT in January thats a no-brainer, it's COOOLLLLDDDD!!!!!!!!!did deer #2 drop in sight too? do I have to work tomorrow? I can drag-dress-skin and 3 deer between 0-dark-thirty and daylight! I know lotsa folks who like venison-sausage! Them little-uns taste like venison.....uh, veal! How many arrows in my quiver? :-)
thanks that was a great one. #8 was well handled oh no now I will be in a rush to get to work on a Friday auugh..
I think there is only one correct answer for #8. If the landowner says he wants all deer gone then you as the hunter should be obligated to take all deer that present a legal ethical shot. There are too many hunters around here that are gaining access to land on the basis of reducing the antlerless population, but then become selective, either hoping for a big buck or are too proud to take a small deer. Of course if you cannot physically handle field dressing and dragging more than one deer in a day or if you've told the landowner your only interested in taking one deer that would be different.
Not a bowhunting pic, but an example of collecting venison in an overpoulated area.
TD, very interesting. Thanks for posting that information.
45 points with 3 goose eggs
Mike in CT thanks, so many states are different 1.only one deer a day 2. must tag, dress and back to camp or home or truck 3. or must tag first deer before you can shoot the second one
TD THANKS for opening our minds and helping us see the big picture we better enjoy what we have and fight to keep it
we have to STOP the in fighting we need to be humane hunters not bow hunters or gun hunters or meat hunters or trophy hunters, we have to stand together
If another bloodtrail starts tomorrow, I am guessing I know the answer to the "does the other deer get shot?" question..............
If you have permission to hunt private property it's all about keeping the owner happy!You don't know what you have until you lose it.
How long was it between the shot and the deer coming back, just curious?? #1 is down and out and the video breaks and then deer #2 shows up. The amount of time would matter to me, I think.
well at leas seeing the rest of the footage makes me feel a little better about my answer to question #2. I don't wait 30 min. when I see the deer fall!
can't wait to see the next shot!
This is my first experience on the site with blood trailing it was fun but misleading.I am looking forward to trying it again thanks for the experience. Good bow hunting. Dietz
I am with those that say you MUST take the shot. There are too many overpopulated suburban areas where hunters pass on good shot opportunities at does.
Landowners continue to see huge numbers of deer year after year, despite granting permission to bowhunters. This leads to the perception that bowhunting is not an effective management tool.
With sharpshooting on the rise, suburban hunters need to fill EVERY doe tag they can, and prove that bowhunting can get the job done.
Well about 3 minutes, so given the video we did see, that first one is down and out and motionless for 2+, I'm pulling the trigger a second time!
if the angle was so poor as indicated in the first question then why did the deer fall dead within site of the tree stand?I believe the exit hole is a factor when shooting any animal with a bow as long as the arrow passes through the vitals a clean kill is going to happen.Does anyone agree or is it just me and my son who have continous success with this method of taking game.
Dietz, the angle of the shot has no relevance to the angle of the hit! Go back and re-read the clues, and watch the video. The deer moved, after the first clue, the shot was a textbook hit!
Dietz,I also agree, exit wounds are great, when you can get 'em, and bowhunting works!
if bad angel why did deer drop in eye site. but good challege
I live in the newly determined CWD part of Kansas where we have too few deer (IMO) to begin with. I'm wondering if more are found as a result of the KDWP's study (they are, as I write this, killing another 50 head to check for additional infestation) will they determine that the entire herd in this unit be destroyed?
I have mixed feelings about it. If the only way to be rid of the disease is to destroy all the carriers then we probably have no choice than to do so. On the other hand, being able to see and hunt deer on my own property is what I have developed the land for and don't want NW Kansas to be void of deer as it was fifty years ago.
I would be truly upset if the KDWP allowed an unregulated eradication. Many oppose the additional killing of fifty head for testing. It truly is a serious delimma for hunters. Many of the landowners would delight in the eradication idea and if the farm organizations, Farm Bureau and others bought in, they would have no trouble getting the legislature to mandate it.
Kansas is not a big-game friendly state unless somehow landowners can profit from it. Maybe they should finance the research needed to stop CWD since the legislature has in pseudo fashion made big game the property of landowners.
repeat after me 50 times:
"it was NOT A BAD ANGLE!"
Fuzzy are you new at this game of bow hunting or just slow. I was trying to say that either angle is ok as long as the arrow gets into the vitals.
i had 51 pts had fun playing when is next one?
YAHTZEE!! Finally, finally, finally, I was on the same wavelength as Pat and got 'em all! Only took 23 blood trails. Whew...
Pat - awesome shot on that doe. The blood is apparent immediately after the shot. Excellent video footage as well. It's gratifying to see the deer go down from the stand.
fuzzy - NICE SWEATSHIRT!! Hope you get down to MHH next year.
Dietz, I guess I'm a newbie. Can't figure why all these guys keep questioning a great shot-angle.
iowaPete, I like the shirt, it's all I got outta MHH10, last minute change of plans, didn't get ta go. Sure hope I make the next one!
i wish all my shots were that angle
A mix would be good. About half textbook and half "Lefemined".
Surprise us. Like you won't anyway. =D
hey a challange sounds good but then again I don't really care as long as we have another I am happy
Pat, if I score over 18 it p1$$3S me off! bring it on! ;-)
what happened to #23??? I got online this afternoon to answer #8 and it was gone!!
Ya mean, we can't have both?? In that case, challenge me! I'm feelin' lucky...
I don't agree with the 20 minute wait. What textbook is this coming from. In bowhunter ed classes we alway teach to wait for 30 minutes.
The only comment I have is that in Question 5, the HEART is not the likely cause of the sporadic blood burst, but the lungs and the diaphragm with the effort of breathing is probably what would cause this, the heart would likely be beating 100+ times per minute, while the breathing is going to be closer to 30 or so, plus with the effort of breathing, the pressure in the chest cavity increases and decreases. The other "NO" answer is really the correct answer.
But either way, after not having been online for a while, to get to do almost 2 complete Blood Trail Challenges is quite refreshing. Good Work PAT, the other 7 questions WERE good questions IMHO.