Sitka Gear
Funniest thing in 2008?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Big J 17-Dec-08
Ron 17-Dec-08
Purdue 17-Dec-08
Owl 17-Dec-08
FXRScotty 18-Dec-08
Scotty 18-Dec-08
Bake 18-Dec-08
Coyote 65 18-Dec-08
tobywon 18-Dec-08
Florida Mike 18-Dec-08
rjc 18-Dec-08
St. Croix 18-Dec-08
coach 18-Dec-08
Big Lew 18-Dec-08
FXRScotty 18-Dec-08
Owl 18-Dec-08
Troy/OK 19-Dec-08
lareva 19-Dec-08
Lad 19-Dec-08
dgee 19-Dec-08
weary traveler 19-Dec-08
Jeff270 19-Dec-08
ScoutII 19-Dec-08
Africanbowhunter 19-Dec-08
Chris Durando 19-Dec-08
WhitetailWhacker 19-Dec-08
FlatLndr 19-Dec-08
Red Dot 03-Jan-09
Elkhunter 03-Jan-09
Elkhunter 03-Jan-09
Elkhunter 03-Jan-09
RB 03-Jan-09
From: Big J
OK, deer seasons are closing all over. If they are not closed it wont be long so its time to start telling the funny stories from 2008. Lets share some gut busters that have happened to you or that you have herd about.

From: Ron

From: Purdue

Purdue's embedded Photo
Purdue's embedded Photo

From: Owl
When nature attacks:

I went on a planned overnight hiking/ scouting trip with my blackmouth cur pup, Emmet, in the Ramsey Draft Wilderness (VA). A little more than hour in, I hear Emmet start trash barking followed immediately by some serious yelping. It sounded like he had been set upon by hornets.

No sooner than it took me to think, "What in the heck is going on?" here comes Emmet running back down the trail with a big ole' doe flailing hooves in hot pursuit. That silly dog ducked and dodged that doe to within 20' of me before she noticed me and flared (I was screaming and waving my arms.) Obviously, she was protecting a fawn and meant business!

There's more humor later in the hike but that's a conversation, not a post.

had a bobcat stalk a young buck going east of my position...minutes later i see the bobcat running for it's life with the young buck in hot

watched a guy go hunting 1/2 mile to his stand , only to find he forgot his bow.

had a friend go on a scouting mission in a swamp with a ladderstand on his back...he puts the stand down and continues to the stand is in the swamp and he can't find it to put it up. lol

Had a guy leave his stand 1 hour into the opener of gun season, i went to the stand to check on him after i heard a shot from his direction.....i come to find out it wasn't him that shot, he was missing from the stand, and i shoot 3 does off that stand 5 minutes later. lol

I could keep going...but i'll stop.

From: FXRScotty
The look on Broom Hilda's ( my bride of many years)face when I told her I needed a new bow! That was September and it ain't wore off yet! Funny.

From: Scotty
Watched a squirrel totally miss a branch and grab nothing but air. He landed flat on his face and stomach, bounced once, then lay there motionless while spread eagle. He finally got up slowly and got himself together before he scampered off. I nearly laughed myself out of my stand.

From: Bake
Scotty that is hilarious! I love watching the antics of animals

Wasn't this year, but one year while driving into an area early in the morning, I spooked a doe with 2 fawns. They ran off and the doe and one fawn cleared a fence, but the third fawn mis-judged the jump and took off way too early. It hit that barbed wire fence dead center. Hair flew. The fawn fell down, then ran along the fence for a little ways, and finally skittered under the fence.

I about wrecked my truck laughing.


From: Coyote 65
Had an elk down and had it skinned and the two front legs off and hanging in a tree and was working on one of the rear legs and my grandson who is helping me says; "Granpa the elk is still alive, it is still moving. Look." At that point the hoof flexes. Seems the little guy had found the tendon that controlled the hoof and was squeezing it. We both got a laugh out of that, swigged down some gatoraide and went back to butchering.


From: tobywon
Scotty, same thing happened to me this year except I never saw the squirrel miss the branch. My brother and I just separated to go to our evening stands and not more than 5 feet in front of me a squirrel comes crashing down, bounces and runs off. Just from the sound of the "thud" and the size of the trees in this area, he must have been pretty high. I can't imagine what would have happened if I took a direct hit.

From: Florida Mike
"The look on Broom Hilda's" FSX, I'd be careful with the name calling, remember you still want the bow and also, like my wife told me (I'm 6'4" 296 lbs) you have to sleep sometime. LOL

From: rjc
Sitting in the deer stand when I started to feel a light sprinkle. Looked up and realized that it was a clear sky and a squirrel was relieving himself on me.

From: St. Croix
My uncle told me a story about hunting deer that were attacking his corn-crib. He said a red squirrel was a regualar diner there and would scold him on occasion. Well, one day a silver fox ambles in and hides himself in the corn-husks and patiently waits for the squirrel to return. Along comes the squirrel and you probably know the rest of the story. My uncle said the eyes on the squirrel were big as bowling balls when the fox erupted from those husks! I guess the squirrel let out a shriek right before he went to that little squirrel heaven in the sky.

That's the kind of stuff those that don't hunt will never get to enjoy...too bad for them!

From: coach
My son shot a doe this year and we watched her go down. we walked up to her and he was going to field dress her with some instruction from me. He started to cut the sternum when her hind legs started going into spasms. He was straddeling her when this started and I swear he could have outrun jesse owens at that point. His eyes were as big as silver dollars.

From: Big Lew
I was treking up an old loggin road in the upper b.c. british columbian stave river canyon and had a large tom cougar pop up from the river onto the road about fifty yards in front of me and stop broadside like a deer in the headlights. Finally, when he thought he could escape out of there, he leaped for the elevated bank into the forest. He must have forgotten the load of deer in his belly (which was almost dragging on the ground) because he hit the edge of the bank on his stomach, let out an "omph" his back legs going like windmills, and then was out of there. The only thing I could remember was, don't laugh at a cat, don't laugh at a cat, or they'll smack you good!

From: FXRScotty
Geez Florida Mike now I wont be able to sleep! I worry more about the LTC permit she got this year! She has her eye on this sweat little 357!

From: Owl
Funny image, Big Lew. :)

From: Troy/OK
Mid October, sitting in my stand patiently waiting. At around 7:30a a squirrel starts chattering at me. By 8a I am ready to pin that little sucker to a tree. Up the tree - chatter. Down the tree - chatter. Up another tree - chatter. It was getting very annoying.

At 8:27a I am looking (again) at that noisy little tree rat and thinking about moving stands when I caught motion out of the corner of my eye. A hawk appeared out of nowhere and grasped that squeaky toy right off its branch. It was rather quiet after that.


From: lareva
Did not happen in 08 but just a few years back. Heard lots of chatter and claws up and down trees near me while sitting near a food plot. All the racket was of several fox spuirrel boars had discovered a female coming into heat. Quite a show. The female finally crossed the field and buried into a pile of leaves. The boars finally came out in the field and would run back and forth, rising up periodically looking for her. Finally one ran by the pile of leaves and smelled her. the chase was on again. I watched this for about 30 minutes and had completely forgot about the deer until I heard blow. lareva

From: Lad
One of my favorite stories happened a few years ago on a deer drive. We were setting out stand hunters down a road. We had one guy left to put on stand. About the time we started walking off, a big buck stood up and started running off. Well, the guy had his shotgun in his hands holding it at a 45 degree angle. He never lowered his gun and fired all his shots off into the air. But, the funiest part was when his turned back towards us and with a big smile on his face and announced, "I thing I got him"! I sure wish I had a video camera.

From: dgee
opening day rifle....i was sitting in my stand and some guys came through on a drive....this guy was in all orange....he was pretty big and round and looked like a pumpkin......he slipped going up hill and slammed his face in the ground and rolled!!......he looked up at me to see if i was looking and i just turned my head and was dying....had all i could do from not falling out of the tree


SERB'S elk hunt proposal thread.

From: Jeff270
I was turkey hunting one spring, sitting against a log waiting for first light.I heard a noise off to my left and thinking it was probably a deer, I paid no attention. About five minutes later, its starting to get light. I look over, and less then 5 ft away is a mother skunk and 7 little ones. Momma decides to walk right up to my outstretched legs and sniff my boots. The kids are all lined up behind her like ducklings. Mom and 5 of the 7 little ones decide to go around my legs while the two straglers take a short cut _over_ my legs. Needless to say I didn't move a muscle. It actually was pretty cool.


From: ScoutII
Ok didn't happen this year but I think you will get a charge at this one! Here is one that happened to me when I first started bow hunting. I was hunting PA for the first time. I was very excited because of the amount of deer I saw just driving to the lodge. Got up, had breakfast, and drank plenty of coffee. Went back to camp and got dressed quickly. Drove to our spot and followed my tack line to my stand. Climb in the stand and waited for first light. I soon felt the need to pee, but was determined not to move, I did not have a pee bottle. I refused to pee from my stand, so I was going to tuff it out. Well, I made it till around 9:00 and just couldn't hold it anymore. Got down from my stand and started walking back to the truck, picking up the pace (incidentally walking increased the urge) because at this point I was ready to burst. Finally made it to a place where I felt it was ok. I unzipped my pants and my brain sent the signal to start the process. However, when I reached in for the general I couldn’t find the barn door. Needles to say having to go that bad and with the brain giving the body the green light, well lets just say it wasn’t pretty. I soon found out that in a rush to get dressed I had put my long johns on backwards.


Africanbowhunter's Link
Texas Bow Goddess w asin a groudn blind made of old carpet.

She saw a mouse run into a fold and hide.

She took her arrow and tapped at him



Chris Durando's embedded Photo
Chris Durando's embedded Photo
Not sure who Chad Price is, but as long as this dude is running around, I don't advise Chad go bowhunting alone...

I was deer hunting one day when I heard some rustling in the leaaves. A doe came sprinting out of the woods, ran through the thicket, jumped a fence and kept on gettting it. About 2 minutes later a dog came sprinting out of the woods. Right before dark they both came back from behind me still in pursuit.

I went out on monday and after being in the stand for about an hour I saw three does come out in a field. they were followed by a buck on drugs. he came out and ran all the way across the feild just to turn around and go back towards the other side. Once he got back to that side he turned around and did the same thing as before. This kept on for about 5 minutes before he just didn't stop and ran all the way back into the woods.

From: FlatLndr
I was on an estimate and the ladies dog named Tag ran up to a 7X7 muley and pissed it off the deer horned the dog and threw it about 20 feet it came running up to us sideways and all I could say was "Tag your it"

From: Red Dot

The reason my mom drove 23 hours was because Tink lied to her and said he had a "hunt" paid for and ready for her. Once they arrived, Tink had lied to her and said there were "no more permits to hunt" at that time, for people out of state. The reason she left was because he kicked her out, after having told Red Dot that his new "woman" had left, mom only finding out when his "LADY FRIEND" called and mom answered Tink's cell phone. When Tink got home his new lady friend had left, taking everything she could take, leaving him without even any sheets for the bed or food. At that point, my mom decided that was enough!!!

My name on here is "New2sport" if you want to ban anyone for this post, ban me, not my mom. She has no idea I wrote this.


SO - in the longrun he lost his "new girlfriend" and my mom who lived and waited on him hand and foot for 4 years. He will always be selfish and only think of himself.

From: Elkhunter
I was sitting in a pop up ground blind on a waterhole waiting for an antelope. After sitting for awhile, I about fell asleep. I started to move around a little to get some blood flowing and this squirrel under my chair started freaking out. He started running around in circles on the inside walls of the blind. He was jumping back and forth, from wall to wall, right in front of my face. I about made a mess of my underwear. It took me about 5 minutes to get him out. I was awake after that....


From: Elkhunter
I was sitting in a pop up ground blind on a waterhole waiting for an antelope. After sitting for awhile, I about fell asleep. I started to move around a little to get some blood flowing and this squirrel under my chair started freaking out. He started running around in circles on the inside walls of the blind. He was jumping back and forth, from wall to wall, right in front of my face. I about made a mess of my underwear. It took me about 5 minutes to get him out. I was awake after that....


From: Elkhunter
Sorry, dont know why it double posted

From: RB
laughed about it after.while shooting at the local range, an extremely large mink came out of the high grass.I imagine looking for something to eat.I whistled at it to scare it away. Instead it ran right at me full speed ahead.Just as i was going to kick a 50 yard field goal( with it being the ball), it turned away at about 4 feet.

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