Treestand Challenge 5 - Discuss Here
Whitetail Deer
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The AM wind to make decision is from NW or do we relate to the prevailing wind being SW?
My question, also. The objective says the prevailing wind is SW, but the legend icon shows NW. Which is it?
agreed, is the compass right or the verbiage? SW or NW?
I wear scent lok so I do not have to worry about wind and scent :o)
scentlok cannot fully contain Miller beer fotts, sorry
tettralone hopps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Contradiction of wind direction. Very confusing.
I already made my choices.
In any event my choice isn't always the one chose, but I'd still hunt MY choice!
i chose the spots i for the fence line and the other off to the corner and the reason is its the way i bag bucks every year..
how much traffic on the road in the bottom
need to know about bedding area ?
I can't even figure out how to tell what the stand site #'s are!
i got them both right! I feel it.
Now I just hope I was the first to do so.
It says first to get them right. So we can tell what we put down for locations if we already entered, right?
I put down stand x for the evening spot. How can you go against the power of gold? the spot is on the trail to corn. in the woods far enough to get them before last light. staging area before dark. as they will wait to cross the road. wind is good to and fro.
For the morning spot I picked Stand xx. it is the location of many trails coming together. Funnel spot with the fence and trees. won't spook deer infield in early morning. Wind is iffy but should be able to get away with it and the deer will have some confidence going qtr into the wind. shoot have longer times of deer movement in this stand. giving you more chances.
thats my logic. 8^)
Good luck.
Remember to totally think like Pat trying to PO every bowsiter when choosing your stand placements. Obvious, not so obvious or ridiculous or reverse psychology and obvious?
Gcoleman: Traffic is one or two cars every 15 minutes EXCEPT during going to work time and comming home from work time when there is quite a few more cars. Charlie
Stand #9 for the morning hunt and Stand #4 for the afternoon hunt, it just makes sense to me!
Realistically, there's only two stands that you would get busted in with any form of a West or NW wind. Charlie, you're a lucky man to have such a nice dilema.
Good luck to everyone! Interested to see what the real locations are.
Actually, to make a completely informed decision, we would need game cam's on each trail to help eliminate the young bucks travel route, from the "grand daddy's". I noticed theres nothing about scrape lines or neighboring hunting pressure. What about time of you to consider barometric pressure to determine if thermals are rising or not? Too many unknowns. I realized I made a typo error in my previous post- there's only 2 stand placements where you would NOT get busted with West or NW winds.
5 for morning and 4 for evening. these are my picks but I have never hunted for whitetail or hunted from a stand. but from the wind, travel routes and rublines, I think that these should produce. I'd like you guys' opinion because I would like to hunt whitetail one day. Am I reading this right?
Unless I missed it, there are no entry routes which to me are the most important thing next to the wind direction. What's it matter what direction the wind is blowing if you crossed over ever deer trail in the woods to get to your stand on the N side? I chose to stands with low key entries assuming you walk from the house/road.
Hey Guys: Opening day of New York State Southern tier is this Saturday 10/17 so I hope you guys can help me pick a good stand!!! LOL! We have owned this property since 1984, hunted it only with bow and average about 10 deer a year. Very few deer reach 120 inches as genetics is not that good and deer don't get too old! It has been an awesome place to have my very closest friends (including Pat), relatives and kids learn to bow hunt deer and turkeys and yes have a few Adult beverages!!
PS: It is neat for me to see you guys evaluate things! Good luck! Charlie
IM screwed no real experince bow hunting just guessed at which feild they may go into and out of that the wind wouldnt bust me I dont even have a tree stand, always still hunted with guns
stands 10 and 2, won't say which is which.
Everyone else can stop guessing sinch I got the answer Fat chance.
Stands 2 and 10, I win! Wheres my stuff??? :)
If you hit control S and the Apple symbol on a Mac you'll be able to see stand site #11 and the ones they prefer.
Try it.
stand sites 3 and 4 for me, 4 in the evening
I chose 7 and 2. The morning big boy is going to cross the road before daylight and I'll intercept him before he makes it up the hill. The evening stand is where I'd put transitioning bucks to meander before heading to the fields.
10 and 5 ridgeline cover 3 trails deeper in woods get earlier, later deer movement.
How do I get to the clues or enlarge the photo with stand numbers? I can't find a link?
sticksnstrings - How do you ever get out to hunt?
Disregard my last question. My browser was blocking the photos. I switched browsers and I could view everything. There are a lot of good stands and most could be productive at different times. Hopefully I and Charlie were thinking a like.
the "Power of Gold" i say.
Charlie, is that a water hole located south of the corn field?
I already submitted my choice but I have a question. Does the stand symbol actually show which way the stand faces? And if the symbol is centered on a trail, would the stand actually be on a tree right on that trail? I am not sure how literally to take it. The scale seems to be such that you could be in a stand on one trail and have a shot all the way to another trail.
10 and 2 But I like 4 and 6.If I had to hunt one stand morning or evening I would pick 6.
first off if you know how to enter the woods without giving off alot of human scent you can go to any stand in the am you just have to get out of bed early enough to beat the deer to the spot
first off if you know how to enter the woods without giving off alot of human scent you can go to any stand in the am you just have to get out of bed early enough to beat the deer to the spot
undereducated guess: 7=AM/1=PM
nice property
#2 AM, #4 PM
The evening stand seems a no brainer givin the fact that I've never been there in person, and am really just guessing.
#2 looks good in the AM, IF you can get there!
1 AM 5 PM
like someone els said....throwing darts out there.
Still like 10 and 5. 1.Ridgetop 2. on either side of a saddle. (Intesecting trail indicates a saddle) 3.Stands close together, Charlie wouldn't put them so close if the spot wasn't hot 4. Easy to access from house or road 5.Any deer passing gets shot before entering scent stream. 6.High stands on saddle keep scent stream high. 7. Deer going to bedding area or coming from area appear in better lighting conditions, i.e. later in am, earlier in pm. The proximity of these two stands just rally screams to me.
Just fyi, don't get frustrated and throw darts at the monitor/area map. The first one damaged it and the second killed it.
I hunt a place in Ny that is very similar in topography to this map, actually its scary how similar it is. I believe the thermals will impact stand setup with the steep hillside and wind direction :) Hope I finally got one right.....
#6,Run between bedding and feeding,on a saddle,edge of thick cover,at creek crossing and looks good with the wind. Real close walk from camp.I wanna hunt there.
Well, since we are telling numbers now, I'll give my rationale. I ruled out 1,4,5,9, and 10 because of wind direction blowing scent onto trails (4,5, 9) or because the stand symbol was facing away from the trails (1, 10). For PM stand, with deer leaving the woods going to the fields, 2 looked good because there were a couple of trails, deer coming from upwind, possible funnel effect, nearby rublines. 6 looked pretty good too, 7 and 8 possible but only one trail. Actually 4 may have been pretty good for PM. Similar for AM stand, but with deer coming from field, they would not quite be downwind of 6, maybe I should have said 2 again. Can't wait to find out why I messed up and my logic is all wrong!
Stand 2 morning and evening. It's only 40 acres, not too far too walk in or out. It's on a ridge,intersecting trails,rubline,downwind,has a fence or wall funnel,in between both bedding and feeding areas. Find the right tree. Just don't overhunt it.
my stratagy is simple, beat the wind and beat the deers nose. so i placed the evening stand far enough on the up side of the wind and close enough to the bedding area to hopefully get a shot before the shooting light dims and catch me bucky trailing miss doe to food
my stratagy is simple, beat the wind and beat the deers nose. so i placed 5 the evening stand far enough on the up side of the wind and close enough to the bedding area to hopefully get a shot before the shooting light dims and catch me bucky trailing miss doe to food and i placed 6 morning hunt, again trying to beat the wind and take advantage of shooting hours as well
5 in the morning and 4 in the evening looked OK, but I like 2 in the morning and 10 in the evening because of the wind and the number of intersecting trails.
just 2 ony place i would go so just 2 for both
Saturday was opening day for us in New York bow season and 5 hunters got 4 does on this property. 3 in the AM and one in the Pm! HMMMMM!! Good luck all!Charlie
-How high off the ground are the stands?
-Do the neighbors have kids or dogs?
-Is the steam on the 40 acres seasonal?
-Are the crops in the field cut?
-What is the maximum shot distance? (some max at 20yards, some 50+)
After seeing that others have agreed with me on stand locations #2 and #4, I went back and re-examined the clues.
For some reason I assumed the deer were moving from left to right across the property. That would put the wind at the back of the deer and we all know that doesn't always happen. From the view we have I would guess that the deer are bedding in the upper left wooded area and moving downhill to the fields to the lower right.
If I could, I would swap the #2 to be an evening and #4 to be a morning stand. Bucks would be entering the property and traveling the high elevation from right to left, or visa versa, to check the morning updrafts. Hence, #4 would be ideal with a wind crossing perpendicular to the trails. Deer like moving into the wind before bedding and that would make #2 with a west to east cross wind perfect for an afternoon location.
Do we find out who the winner is today?
Curious as to who won and how many winners....
which stands were the right ones?
That makes perfect sense........
The correct answers were...
The Am stand was #4
and the PM stand was #2
first one to enter the correct combination.
Could someone explain how #2 is a good PM stand? I could see how #4 is a good AM stand due to the wind, you will never be in the scented until after the deer pass. I'm not sure I would hunt #2 in the PM though being that it is pretty much on the same trail as #4 and any misfortune in the AM, such as a deer busting you could potentially lead to lower activity on the same trail in the PM. But assuming everything is ok in the AM. When the deer travel back up the trail from the fields to the East to the bedding areas in the WEST. Wouldn't you be in the worst possible place for the deer to catch your scent. In #2 PM, the winds are blowing almost directly across the stand location back down the trails in the direction from which the deer will be coming from that afternoon. How is this then the ideal stand to see deer if it is also a stand where you are most likely to get scented.
For that reason, the wind in particular, I selected the PM stand location #7. Sure it is only one trail, but it is the trail with the shortest distance to a nearby corn field with alfalfa close by as well. Not to mention there is 3 rublines on trail #7.
Can anyone comment on how trail #2 PM is an ideal location, besides the fact that there are multiple trails converging.
I figure the best way to learn is ask.