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Ok, strap in everyone and let's see if Bigpizzaman can "get er done"!! Charlie
GO Tim! Good Hunting Pizza Daddy! Mike
Go get 'em BPM. Can't wait to hear tomorrow's call.
I'm glad to hear that the weather has turned in your favor. The audio was somewhat garbled on my computer, but it sounded like you might get a chance at a hippo or a leopard IF you get an elephant down. I'll bet that you were sweating things until you got your bowcase from the airport!!!
For those that hunted in the vicinity of where Tim is hunting, what is the time differential in hours?
It's really cool to be on the listening end of one of these adventures!!
I haven't had a chance to listen to the audio yet but there is a 7 hour diff--ahead of central time Jake--ck your PM Jake-- tim will get it done
Good Luck BPM. I know I have seen brain shots on elephants with archery, but I assume that is the not the preferred shot. Some one who knows a lot more than me, give us the skinny on shot placement with archery.
Good luck BPM!
I'll be waiting on every report.
Good to hear the Dik Dik didn't give you any problems... =D
Good luck and thank you for taking the time to share your hunt. For those of us who wont have, or at least not in the near future have the chance at a hunt like that it is a great feature. The last part of the audio was inaudible to me, but if what Jake says is right I hope you get a hippo too. That is one of my dream hunts.
Best of luck to you BPM. Be careful out there. I just finished reading Capstick's "Death in the Tall Grass" and "Death in the Silent Places" and have new found respect for elephant hunting.
This should be exciting. Good luck BPM and gotta say I really like these semi live hunts.
Travel 16 hours, they lose your bags and then the town clerk is out of town.
I'd be choking someone right about now.
Hope things turn around.
Good luck Tim, make it happen!
To answer DPowers question about shot placement on elephants, he'll almost certainly take a heart/lung shot. While it has been done a few times successfully, a brain shot with archery equipment is worse than stupid folly, it is borderline suicidal. That shot would seldom be instantly effetive with a bow, way too many things to go wrong. And, at less than 20 yards, the last thing a bowhunter needs is a pissed off ele stomping the you know what out of him. Be smart, take a heart/lung shot.
good luck BPM hope things turn around for you
Did I hear right that BPM already shot his hippo and they are now waiting for it to float up? 7 guys in a little boat running on choppy croc and hippo infested waters, insane. That will get the blood pumping.
BPM: You are livin large! The Elephant permit guy is sitting at the 0-0 tie, world cup match and you fill in the day with a hippo! Go for it my friend! We are all tagging along and hoping for continued success! Charlie
Hopefully the sat phone comes in a little better....regardless thanks for sharing this. It is really cool.
Hope everything gets worked out on the elephant permit fiasco. Good luck!
I am not sure I understand. Sounds like he says he shot an elephant and everything looked fine on the shot. Does he need a permit to track and recover the animal? So therefore the meat, etc would be ruined? Or did I misunderstand the garbled message.
Tim shot a hippo and NOT a elephant--once retrieved will use hippo meat for leopard bait--will start eleph hunt tomorrow hopefully---
Clutch, Does Tim have a time frame to get this done or can he stay longer if need be?
Tim - Morgan and I are pulling for ya. I went to work today at 4:45 EST and Morgan was a sleep on the couch with her friend hears me and sits straight up and ask me (Daddy did the pizza guy get his elephant) I told her I didnt know. Then she says Daddy do you think elephant meat would be good on a pizza????? Gotta love a childs imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that Tim has called you a couple times, but you have missed the calls. I was just wondering.....didn't Tim originally have this booked as a leopard hunt? He switched to hunting elephant because he wasn't able to get a leopard tag, right?.....yet the hippo is going to be used for multiple leopard baits. Does he have a leopard tag AND an elephant PAC tag? What a great opportunity!....
What is the name of his outfitter?
If I were Tim I would be livid.Here he is on an elephant hunt with limited time and high daily rates and his PH and outfitter do not have permits lined out ahead of time.They are surprised when the clerk is out of town and cannot deliver them.They are driving back and forth six hours each way to a permit office.
Then he has to shoot the hippo with a rifle to expedite things and then they fail to recover it.Shoot a second one and wait till the next day to try to recover it? They are going to run out of time and not get a leopard or an elephant unless his luck changes in a hurry.
I would love to hunt elephant with a bow but I have heard enough to know I would not trust the details to this PH.
My hat is off to Pizzaman for apparently keeping a good attitude.I would be tearing my hair out by now.
African Dream Safaris? Sounds more like African Nightmare Safaris! Have never heard of a PH losing a hippo. I can imagine Tim is rather upset at this point but I really hope he can pull it off. Good luck the rest of the way!!!
I imagine he is anxious to get that permit with all the elephant(and their tracks) around. Hope the official is back from the World Cup. It has got to be hard to wait. Hope you get er done Bigpizzaman!
You'd think the outfitter would be aware that this hunt is being posted every day to the best bowhunting site around. And they still allow these screwups... Priceless...
Are the hippo shot on land and than they run back into the water to die?
Update as of 7pm Af. time today--1st hippo was not recovered in the water the next day--- was able to shoot second hippo on land and was recovered-- village people got the meat and assisted in skinning n processing meat-- estates hippo weighted 3500 to 4000#s---very old hip---took 9 people jus to remove the 2" thick hide--going tomorrow to ck on eleph tag--no guarantees he will get one---new clerk in that office said eleph bow Htg has been an experiment over the last few years and not sure of issuing anymore bow permits--I believe a bow hunter was injured earlier this year eleph hunting in that area-- over the phone the clerk said he could give rifle permit--butttt there is still hope they will issue a bow permit once they talk to clerk in charge in person--I am sure Tim might promise to deliver some pizza at a later date---Soooo now they will use hippo meat to bait several leopard areas and monitor the bait over the next few days while hopefully eleph Htg--he was able to get a leopard tag for that area--well lets see how much more exciting it can get--Tim has one more week of Htg left--- It can be done ---Also he hasn't been in touch with family and friend to see how they are doing
To quote Shakespeare: "The course of true love and adventure hunting doth never run smooth."
Or something like that.Right,Jake?
Keep up the hard work and good luck. Keep us posted.
what kind of outfitter baits elephants with hippo meat anyway? the top notch guys use peanut butter.
Bou'bound---not alot of people know this but obviously you did, that hippo meat that is left in the sun turns to a peanut butter like substance--:^)Sorry for the errors but I was doing something I wasn't suppose to be doing while driving--Texing on the Ipone and once you make an error you can't correct it thru the phone--Hopefully this trip ends up great for Tim--
Hi all, I hunted with Tim earlier this year, I’m the guy Tim is speaking about in his phone call. What you have to understand is things in Africa don’t happen as they do here. You have to be able to adapt and go with the punch’s. You can only get a PAC license if they are having problems with a elephant! And the Government game scout controls that. The delay on the hunt is unfortunate, but not unexpected. If Tim was on a Trophy hunt, the license would be arranged well in advance. Remember a PAC hunt cost $7500, a Trophy hunt will cost 5 times that much!
We had a great time, Africa dream Safaris is a top notch outfit! In fact we in in talks with Tim to go back again next year for a Leopard / PAC hunt.
63 North's Link
They are baiting Leopard with the Hippo. We seen a lot of leopard sign.
Here is a link to my facebook page from my hunt, I have lots of pictures there.
Something I’d really like to stress is that this hunt is Real Africa! I’ve been to South Africa twice, great hunts, but as Big Pizzaman said to me before he left, South Africa is “ Africa like”. Game ranch hunting is not the real world. This hunt is real Africa, real danger, real adventure!
keep going BPM - any luck on the permit with the bow - i am sure he will yap nicely with the bloke and it will work out.
how many baits you got out for the spots and any hits yet.
best of luck
Just keep your mental focus and don't let the little setbacks distract you. Enjoy the journey, be safe, and takes lots a great pictures to post on here!!
Jumbo beware.....
Excellent! We are going to hear about some action soon. Hunt the elephants and after the kill those leapord baits should be getting hit. Sounds like a great time.
Sounds like he has a good attitude. I've lived overseas for many years and you just have to be flexible and make the most of every opportunity. Being "livid" about things would just ruin the time for you and not allow you to experience the time.
Hunting a jaguar sounds as exciting as an elephant to me. Hope you make a clean shot and don't have to track a wounded one.
Sounds like he has a good attitude. I've lived overseas for many years and you just have to be flexible and make the most of every opportunity. Being "livid" about things would just ruin the time for you and not allow you to experience the time.
Hunting a jaguar sounds as exciting as an elephant to me. Hope you make a clean shot and don't have to track a wounded one.
Hi Clutch, Tim's family and friend Phil are doing great. Enjoy every moment, whether its hunting,site seeing or relaxing. Tim's father (Dean) had a great hunt up till now, collected 5 tropies. Phil Norse known as "The worst bow hunter in the world" hunted already 10 top trophies.They said they will be back on Kanona Safari Ranch in Namibia next year...
Good luck from Lafayette Tim !
Keep them arrows slinging!
Is Tim (and family) hunting in camp with you?
Guys-I don't need to be educated on "Africa Time " and hunting in the "Real Africa" cause I been there and done that and I got the T-shirt to prove it.Hunted Zimbabwe twice so far.Hunted cape buffalo on an experimental license also.I know what is involved.Been to Africa 10 times so far and spent 8 weeks there in just the last two years.
As long as Pizzaman gets that elephant all will be well and good.Success makes a lot of problems go away.If he doesn't, I am willing to bet he will have something to say about spending the first week of his elephant hunt doing something other than elephant hunting!
I hope it does not come to this.But he has a week left and wants to take elephant and leopard with a bow.That will be quite a feat.I hope they pull it off.
Jake, Tim was here and left for Zim on the 9th. Parents and Phil Norse still here. Leave on Sunday(20)
Jake, Tim was here and left for Zim on the 9th. Parents and Phil Norse still here. Leave on Sunday(20)
Thanks for the updates guys.
Kinda like "Where's Waldo"....
Timdo? Wait, I heard that somewhere before....
Oh that's right, Genesis, I forgot. Timdeaux? LOL!
Cool, looks like the paperwork will be squared away soon and he'll be on the track.
Clutch, please don't text and drive!! Updates on BPM's hunt are not worth it. We can wait.
Your RIGHT Acoupstick Tim isn't worth it--(:^)
Ha! Thanks for being Tim's messenger. We all appreciate it!
I gotta phone call this morning with some guy talking rapidly in swaili...sometihng about the pizza crust (Pizzadeaux) was flattend by a jumbo....you boys read anything into that?
Hey Wenzel, Phil is not the worst bow hunter in the world ... maybe in the US! hehehehehehe
Go get'um Mr. Phil. The Lafayette bunch is rooting for you.
Oh Pat!! Your killing me with suspense(others too)!!
If anyone on the forum has prior experience regarding PAC elephant hunts, I have a question......Is a PAC hunt for elephant normally looking a specific rogue elephant (i.e. "Murray")?....or is ANY elephant in the area felt to be somewhat responsible for damage (to homes, crops, people, etc.)...and therefore ANY elephant can be taken?
You must have received the update, if we are to expect a "big update". When do you expect to have the time to post it? Allowing for a seven hour time differential, it's probably getting dark where Tim is....implying that Tim returned to camp early today, and already had the time to call and post an update. I would take that as a positive sign....regarding your thread of a month ago about what can be done to further improve Bowsite.....I'd like to suggest posting this specific update faster!! (obviously, I am teasing)...
Knowing Tim, if he killed the elephant this morning, he's in the leopard stand tonight.
Soooo close! Maybe it will happen tomorrow. Am pulling for you Tim.
What a great experience! I hope that tomorrow is as exciting!!
You were right....that was a big update....cool!
Cool! they're on em! If "on em" means nearly getting stomped by a couple that is....
Can't wait for tomorrow....
Now that they found them maybe tomorrow they can make it happen! Patiently waiting!
can someone type point form the details of the phone calls - my internet is not fast enough for the audio.
Tim had a bull at 17 yards but didn't present for a shot. Later in the day, Tim was close again (3 bulls) and they bluff charged. No shot opportunities. That must be very exciting to be so close to such a big animal. He hopes to find them again today.
These elephants don't realize that Timbeaux walked to school on the backs of gators......barefoot.
Amos Moses could learn a few things.
Maybe he'll try for one of those 15' crocs after he takes his bull elephant. I wonder if he saw any while hunting for hippos?
Ruger109 Just joking,he is a very lucky man he made a perfect shot on his leopard last night.
Wenzel-- Phil got a leopard?????
Medic-- yes Tim did c several crocs while hip htg---- it seems like my friend Htg with Wenzel killed a Leopard-- this guy went with Tims Dad on this trip--- awesome
I knew you were joking Wenzel. You can't help but like that old man. I hope I'm still living dreams when I'm his age. It's what we call in Cajun Country joi de vie! GREAT job Mr. Phil.
To be so close to an elephant and not get a shot. What a rush that must have been.
Where's Tim sat phone for today?
Is Jumbo needing the BigPizzadeaux yet?
No news is good news? I hope? Man, everything over there it seems can stomp you, bite you, gore you, or poke you. Some even shoot you I hear.
What an adventure!
The update for the 18th has now been posted. Tim thinks that tomorrow may be the day..... and he has a black mamba story to tell, just like Pat!!
Yikes is right. Run Forest Run.
Tim will hunt Sunday and most of Monday if necessary--He pushed his flights back home one day--He should return home Wednesday hopefully a real happy hunter--He just needs a lil luck to make it happen--He has been on bulls everyday buttttttt---Got a big surprise for Tim when he returns home--Check your text messg Tim--sneak preview
Happy African Father's Day Timbeaux
My fingers are crossed for your last day Tim.
I HATE the audio things so haven't listened to any of them, did that ONCE a couple years ago. Got quite here all of a sudden.....
Yeah, I don't do audio either.
So can we assume that Tim is in the bush with an elephant down since it is well past midnight in Zimbabwe and there is no report yet?
that is what i would assume. i am sure that is the reason for the delay. darn things take forever to field dress and pack out i am sure.
Not sure why Tim hasn't called in yet--I know he is in panic mode to land travel to airport then catch his first plane flight out---cutting it close to leave the jumbo hunt--Is Tim leaving Africa with jumbo being processed or leaving jumbo alive and well--Give it your best guess--
what is going on????
jumbo- yes /no
leopard - yes /no
man Tim better post a full report when he is back.
really hope it went well.
Lets all keep our fingers crossed that he put one on the ground and has plenty of pictures and stories to tell us.
Sounded like a great adventure but no cigar.
Great adventure and no cigar! Sounds like he really enjoyed himself and will be back. I am very disappointed as I was looking forward to ordering my pizza half pepperoni land half elephant. Will have to put it off for a while. Thanks for taking us along for the ride Tim.
Thanks for taking us along Bigpizzaman. I appreciated it. Look forward to the next elephant hunt!
Tim, tough luck on no elephant, but it sounds like you had one heck of an adventure that most on here will never have the fortune of experiencing. I cant wait to hear more about your trip.
Tim,thanks man for the ride,much appreciated.
Great effort Tim and thanks for sharing. Really enjoyed it my friend! What an adventure.
Now that the hunt is over and Tim ran out of time, can anyone see why I would have been so upset over losing sooo much of his hunting time waiting on a permit and jacking around with hippo.If I followed this scratchy audio correctly, no actual time was spent by Tim in a leopard blind.The two animals he shot were both with a rifle, and he lost one of them.
I know he had some great time on those days when he was actively hunting elephant.I have done that myself and it is awesome.But I bet he is sorely dissapointed in not getting a shot and that he will be very dissapointed in losing so many days dealing with peripheral issues. He has kept up a very good attitude all throughout the hunt but I could hear the dissapointment in the last broadcast.
The good news is that he still has something to look forward to and a reason to go back.I am booking an elephant hunt for this time next year and what I have learned from Tim's hunt is that I will be very sure that I emphasize to my PH that I am there to hunt ELEPHANT and that until he is in the salt, EVERYTHING else is to be put on the back burner.
Tim,I appreaciate the effort you took to broadcast your hunt,and I wish you success next time.Ain't it grand to be within spittin distance of the biggest land mammal on earth?
I would be pretty dissatisfied with the outfitter. You might give him a break on the permit guy, but not having the elephants at least roughly located before the client got there?
Sounds like a hunt of a lifetime and kudos for not shooting a rifle.
LBB- I thought that they were into elephants on a pretty regular basis once they started actually hunting them.It is just with a bow everything has to work out just right for it all to come together.If one out of ten approaches is successful and a kill achieved that is good success ratio.But that is also why I would have been so despondent over losing so many hunting days.Ever day passing was an opportunity lost.
Some have said that it was due to a non-trophy hunt on a PAC animal.However , when they began hunting,it was obvious that they were not targeting a particular problem animal.Any animal within this certain area and met their criteria for size and sex was OK.So why not have everything all laid out anf ready so when Tim got there they could hit the ground running?
I don't know about you guys but the time I spend in Africa is too valuable to be wasted trying to find something to do.I would not be upset over not getting the elephant but would be very upset over only spending half my trip elephant hunting.
Thanks for sharing. One question. What happened to the Hippo? Did I following things correctly that a hippo was shot and 5 different baits put out to hunt leopard?
Thanks for sharing your experiences. It was an interesting and different adventure. Never give up on your goals.
Am back, a bit jet legged but am unpacking and catching up. Thanks for all the positive wishes/thoughs, will post pics and story tommorrow, grandson on his way over, he gets first recitial of the story.
Once you get "settled in", give me a call....we have a caribou hunt to talk about....especially your flight info....I saved $350!! I bought that blind from Hawkeye, we're definitely going to take it along....the only question is whether we leave it there or not.....
Welcome back Timbeaux--- like Jake said we have alot to talk about after you settle in like next years elephant hunt---(:^)
Thanks for taking us along on the hunt BPM.
Glad you didn't get bit by that black mamba. Also have new respect for them after reading "Death in the Long Grass". Sound like a very nasty venom. One story in there was of a guy who was out croc hunting and somehow had an encounter with a black mamba and got bite. He had the anti venom in the boat with him and they found him dead with the kit opened but didn't have time to give himself a shot.
Also wondering what happened to the leopard hunts as I didn't hear anything more of them after the baiting.
Thanks for taking us along on the hunt BPM.
Glad you didn't get bit by that black mamba. Also have new respect for them after reading "Death in the Long Grass". Sound like a very nasty venom. One story in there was of a guy who was out croc hunting and somehow had an encounter with a black mamba and got bite. He had the anti venom in the boat with him and they found him dead with the kit opened but didn't have time to give himself a shot.
Also wondering what happened to the leopard hunts as I didn't hear anything more of them after the baiting.