Mathews Inc.
Discuss Bloodtrail Challenge 30
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
fuzzy 08-Feb-11
Shiras 08-Feb-11
passing... thru 08-Feb-11
bowfisher 08-Feb-11
Jaspdeerslayers 08-Feb-11
fuzzy 08-Feb-11
fuzzy 08-Feb-11
ilwhitetail2 08-Feb-11
MDB270 08-Feb-11
DonSchultz 08-Feb-11
nehunter 08-Feb-11
Fetch 08-Feb-11
passing... thru 08-Feb-11
missedagain 08-Feb-11
srp 09-Feb-11
12yards 09-Feb-11
J-ROD 09-Feb-11
Automag 09-Feb-11
12yards 09-Feb-11
Fabbow 09-Feb-11
steve 09-Feb-11
rberry306 09-Feb-11
techman 09-Feb-11
MJH 09-Feb-11
BingoFlyer 09-Feb-11
Knife2sharp 09-Feb-11
12yards 09-Feb-11
DAVE EWERT 09-Feb-11
Elkhunter - Home 09-Feb-11
steve 09-Feb-11
Hittingguru 09-Feb-11
Rando101 09-Feb-11
J-ROD 09-Feb-11
300 Win Mag 09-Feb-11
Willis5 09-Feb-11
DClark 09-Feb-11
Willis5 09-Feb-11
Wrench Devil 09-Feb-11
Coldsteel 09-Feb-11
DRR324 10-Feb-11
Willis5 10-Feb-11
Bucks_n_Gobblers 10-Feb-11
fuzzy 10-Feb-11
Scouter 10-Feb-11
Chronic 10-Feb-11
Mark Land 10-Feb-11
sureshot 10-Feb-11
X2Lungbuster 10-Feb-11
blg 10-Feb-11
Elkhunter - Home 10-Feb-11
fuzzy 10-Feb-11
Elkhunter - Home 10-Feb-11
Cheetah 10-Feb-11
fuzzy 10-Feb-11
Elkhunter - Home 10-Feb-11
steve 10-Feb-11
Tryin' 10-Feb-11
fuzzy 10-Feb-11
MA_Bowhunter 10-Feb-11
Will 10-Feb-11
BowSniper 10-Feb-11
Bow Crazy 10-Feb-11
passing... thru 10-Feb-11
J.E. Travis 10-Feb-11
Seminole 10-Feb-11
XMan 10-Feb-11
fuzzy 10-Feb-11
cadoll 10-Feb-11
elkmtngear 10-Feb-11
oto 10-Feb-11
Elkhunter - Home 10-Feb-11
loprofile 10-Feb-11
CAS_HNTR 10-Feb-11
PT2 10-Feb-11
RJ Hunt 10-Feb-11
kman 10-Feb-11
Jack Harris 10-Feb-11
itshot 10-Feb-11
elkoholic 10-Feb-11
Shoots-Straight 10-Feb-11
12yards 10-Feb-11
Wiley 1 10-Feb-11
W8N4RUT 10-Feb-11
trkyslr 11-Feb-11
Greg Kush 11-Feb-11
Knife2sharp 11-Feb-11
Davy C 11-Feb-11
MJH 11-Feb-11
Knife2sharp 11-Feb-11
Archenemy 11-Feb-11
OFFHNTN 11-Feb-11
Apache5 11-Feb-11
rooster 11-Feb-11
doubledrop 11-Feb-11
OFFHNTN 11-Feb-11
W8N4RUT 11-Feb-11
J-ROD 11-Feb-11
Willis5 11-Feb-11
bill brown 11-Feb-11
Vermonster 11-Feb-11
HockeyDad 11-Feb-11
chukarchump 11-Feb-11
Hoyt Hunter 11-Feb-11
Bou'bound 11-Feb-11
NM_alazan 11-Feb-11
Eric Barnett 11-Feb-11
Davy C 11-Feb-11
BowSniper 11-Feb-11
GAFFER1 11-Feb-11
12yards 11-Feb-11
mathewshooter 11-Feb-11
Seminole 11-Feb-11
passing... thru 11-Feb-11
Bow Peep 11-Feb-11
Preacher Man 11-Feb-11
Topper 11-Feb-11
TKrets 11-Feb-11
Jeff270 11-Feb-11
12yards 11-Feb-11
Wiley 1 11-Feb-11
Willis5 11-Feb-11
flinger1 11-Feb-11
XMan 12-Feb-11
bobbiemac 12-Feb-11
Jack Harris 12-Feb-11
txhunter58 12-Feb-11
smokey 12-Feb-11
itshot 12-Feb-11
Buzzcut29 12-Feb-11
J-ROD 12-Feb-11
PSYOPS 12-Feb-11
Hawkeye 12-Feb-11
Vermonster 12-Feb-11
lzfd58 12-Feb-11
passing... thru 13-Feb-11
GregS 13-Feb-11
Greg Kush 13-Feb-11
Canuck 13-Feb-11
Jack Harris 13-Feb-11
medicinemann 13-Feb-11
itshot 13-Feb-11
itshot 13-Feb-11
Mint 13-Feb-11
x-man 13-Feb-11
ict_chef 14-Feb-11
trey_dogg3 14-Feb-11
txhunter58 14-Feb-11
XMan 14-Feb-11
Seminole 14-Feb-11
8pnter 14-Feb-11
fuzzy 14-Feb-11
pipe 14-Feb-11
tb6447 14-Feb-11
fuzzy 14-Feb-11
kestrel 14-Feb-11
Brotsky 14-Feb-11
Knife2sharp 14-Feb-11
Chip T. 14-Feb-11
Chip T. 14-Feb-11
sporto 14-Feb-11
Bowbender 14-Feb-11
J.E. Travis 14-Feb-11
hunt'n addict 14-Feb-11
BowSniper 14-Feb-11
Mibowguy 14-Feb-11
antarcher 14-Feb-11
DaleM 14-Feb-11
AKscotty 14-Feb-11
Stan NJ 14-Feb-11
Stan NJ 14-Feb-11
mp 14-Feb-11
ducksoup 14-Feb-11
JERSEY BOB 14-Feb-11
GAFFER1 14-Feb-11
Slick Head Hunter 14-Feb-11
Jack Harris 14-Feb-11
300 Win Mag 14-Feb-11
jhansen851819 14-Feb-11
RJ Hunt 14-Feb-11
Charlie Rehor 14-Feb-11
squirrelsticker 14-Feb-11
Chip T. 14-Feb-11
DRR324 15-Feb-11
Seminole 15-Feb-11
OFFHNTN 15-Feb-11
Elkhunter - Home 15-Feb-11
boothill 15-Feb-11
kansas bowman 15-Feb-11
12yards 15-Feb-11
ZED 15-Feb-11
BowSniper 15-Feb-11
riverrat2000 15-Feb-11
trapper 15-Feb-11
chief400 15-Feb-11
Sage of the Sage1 15-Feb-11
PoorPoorRich 15-Feb-11
Troy/OK 15-Feb-11
bloodtrail 15-Feb-11
ict_chef 16-Feb-11
Hank 16-Feb-11
dm/wolfskin 17-Feb-11
Sage of the Sage1 17-Feb-11
MadArcher 15-May-11
rob browning 15-May-11
RANDY 22-May-11
BowNewb 02-Nov-13
From: fuzzy
Pat I love these. I have a suggestion though. Can you "spot" me 9 points on 'em for bein' colorblind? LOL

From: Shiras
You forgot to mention the no whining rule.

as long as we don't have to find the deer in one of the multi quadrant pictures, imo those do nothing for these challenges. good to see your in the top 500 Pat!

From: bowfisher
it wont let me play? it says im registered but when i click on the challenge it says must be registered to play. to register click here. i click there and it says ur already registered!!!!!

there is only one clue where's the rest hah

From: fuzzy
bowfisher, maybe you're color blind? Pat said that'd make it tough! ?LOL

From: fuzzy
no whining yet...just grunts

From: ilwhitetail2
if we let him walk in question 1 does that meen we are done and therefor have a perfect score?

From: MDB270
I answered question 1, how do you get to question 2 and so on?

From: DonSchultz
Typically one clue is posted per day. If something is happening on Pat's end, the time may get extended a bit.

From: nehunter
OMG ... means he missed and that's the end of the challenge!

From: Fetch
Seen some double dipping already. Ruling?...Butch

bowfisher - no soup for you. Can't be the end... good blood on the arrow. hehe

From: missedagain
impatiently waiting for clue 2

From: srp
So what makes b a worse placement than a?

From: 12yards
I think b is worse because if the deer jumps the string you get shoulder or above the spine. With "a" you still probably get top of the lungs or spine or a clean miss. Took some thinking, but I actually got it right.

From: J-ROD
Im aiming at d all day long even if it says its the worst shot option:)

From: Automag
I would say A is worse than B. I have seen deer get away from high one lung hits.

From: 12yards
Jarod, D is considered the best option. They are rated worst to best.

From: Fabbow
well guys, I'll argue that D is the obvious best shot deer on high alert can do more than drop straight down left or right of C on a ducking deer is a good shot not a great shot but good, right of D is going to be a bad shot

From: steve
We know ont thing its not ct no snow .STEVE

From: rberry306
yep read the question careful i tried best to worst and when i received my big fat 0 i went and reread the question. live and learn

From: techman
On question 2 understand the deer drop but with a Bowtech 350 destroyer with a crono hunting set up of 336 ft/sec, he would not move that much before he was dead! I have shot to many deer just like this and placed it in the middle and he goes 50 yds or less right where I put the pin.

From: MJH
No way you could convince me that B is worse than A for an AIMING POINT... Oh well, atleast I got partial credit.

From: BingoFlyer
I must be doing something wrong, aced the first question (as all must have)but can not get to the 2nd.

From: Knife2sharp
Why is it the aiming points on these challenges are at the perimeter of the best spot. The best spot is the center of the 4 spots. If this is meant to be a teaching tool, especaially for new people getting into the sport I would never tell them to shoot where any of those 4 spots are. 'B' is too close to the scapula, 'D' is too close to the leg joint, there's no room for error if you'r a little to far to the right or low. 'C' is way to low from an elevated position, and if the deer doesn't duck you are exiting out the bottom of his stomach in the white hair area. 'A' is actually allright because a high lung hit is better than 'C' any day. 'C' is actually the worst place to aim if the deer doesn't drop.

I never anticipate a deer dropping, that would be like saying you are going to lead the shot a little, in case the deer desides to take a step as you are about to release. I've only had 1 deer duck my arrow in over 25 years of bowhunting with about 50 harvests.

I've said it in other posts, what would be the 10 ring on a 3D target is not the best place to aim on an animal standing broadside, it's too low and too far forward. You need to give yourself room for error: high, low, left or right. You aim at the center of vitals. BTW, this has nothing to do with the challenge and what my score is, I know where Pat likes to aim. I'm trying to get people to re-think the proverbial heart/lung shot.

From: 12yards
K2S, I agree totally. Aim for the center of the vitals all the time. Always results in a good blood trail to your deer.

im A dumb A**...I went best to worst. Got me Pat!!

I disagree with the order, those of us that shoot a Hoyt don't have to worry about deer jumping the string! LOL

From: steve
2 for 2 you just have to answer them like your PAT .

From: Hittingguru
The answer choices gave this one away--If you look, the 4 choices of worst to best started with either "a" or "b"- so, if one was obviously the worst, the other has to be next. Only one answer has both- B-A-C-D.

From: Rando101

I wish I could hunt the deer where you are. I've killed 9 deer with a bow in the 10 years that I've been bowhunting. I have yet to shoot at one that has not dropped considerably. I have missed 2 at 20 yds broadside. I aimed right in the middle of the lungs and have 2 muddy broadheads to show for it. Even now on the deer I kill, I aim right at the bottom of the heart and have spined 2 of them, and no I'm not shooting that slow. Hunting set-up 296.

From: J-ROD
Well Dave I feel your pain failure to read instructions has always been my downfall.I read them but its like im tuning them out when I read them lol!!

From: 300 Win Mag
Confusing a little but I think the order should be A,B,C,D.

From: Willis5
" I'm trying to get people to re-think the proverbial heart/lung shot."

Good idea! You might want to start telling us that we live in the matrix, too. Heart lung is best and this worst to best was spot on.

From: DClark
Im with 300 mag

From: Willis5
And if he ducks u miss.

From: Wrench Devil
I think that those shots next to the shoulder blade are way too close to it, to be the best shot. I've lost a few deer from shoulder hits and would rather hit lungs than bone.

From: Coldsteel
Theres no crying in baseball! Love that saying from league of there own! I accidenylly hit the wrong button and presto my answer was submitted! Doooh : /

From: DRR324
I guess Pat wants us to pick a gut shot spot over a high lung shot spot.... because every single buck ever shot here always drops when on alert! Sorry, I'll be shooting a touch to the right of D (thanks BB) all day long..... Pat did say no whining- this one is going to be more Crystal Ball, mind reading, than reality- maybe I'll do better than I usually do?

From: Willis5
I was suckered on #3... I assumed that looking for the arrow meant getting out of the tree and walking around... DOH!!!!

Yeah, he got me on #3 as well...LOL..that is why I like these things! furstrating but fun!

From: fuzzy
I don't carry binocs..... "grunt"! LOL

From: Scouter
I'm with you Willis5, I thought we were getting down.

From: Chronic
#3 thats just dirty..

From: Mark Land
Boo on #3 even if you can see the arrow and it looks good, technically you still are not sure of the shot and with the ground as open as it is out there, once you get down you can be seen from a long way so it is best to stay in the stand so as to not potentially spook your buck if it is bedded nearby or spook other deer that may run and kick up the buck as well!

From: sureshot
mere mortals

From: X2Lungbuster
The arrow isn't going it doesn't matter if you check it now, or wait 30 mins!

From: blg
If you know that it is a pass thru already (in description)will looking at the arrow with binoculars tell you anything more?

I agree. I thought these we to be used to learn and improve our tracking skills. Instead they are turning into word games. Give me a break.

Looking for my arrow with binos from the tree tells me NOTHING except where it is located.

From: fuzzy
lol..... some fun eh fellas ;-0)

Talk about a sucker punch on question 3! Should have realized anything referred to as "OMG" we gonna have teenage logic behind it!

And the discussion thread kills the validity of the contest. I will start waiting until the last day and answer all the questions. Can't miss then. Everyone has provided all the answers.

From: Cheetah
Lame answer just to make people get it wrong.

From: fuzzy
"And the discussion thread kills the validity of the contest"

yes it does, thats why I always "play my hand" for the day before clicking on the discussion. If you enter these things with a competitive mindset, you will end up frustrated, angry, disappointed.

If you use them like I do, to kill time at work, they are fun. ;-)


Then please start telling us which category it is going to be in advance. LOL

From: steve
Number 3 was BAD !!

From: Tryin'
Ah, suckered on 3. . . I specifically don't look in this thread 'til Ive played for the day. I have nothing to prove by winning, I have yet to kill a deer. . . :D

Good times Pat!

From: fuzzy
lol..."OMG edition" was not a clue as to category?! ;-)

From: MA_Bowhunter
Pat, you accomplished your goal - I was screaming at the PC by question 3... The answer was obvious, but not what I was thinking of. LOL

From: Will

You seem like a nice guy. You do real good things for the hunting community nationally and locally in CT... and I find your blood trail challenges infuriatingly frustrating! How can you do good things for hunting, yet drive hunters to prescription medication and counseling like this :)!!!

From: BowSniper
How long to look for the arrow? The answer should be based on actually getting down and looking at the arrow. If you said it was a pass-thru already in the into, what more are the binos going to tell you?

I am a big fan of the blood trail game, and even some tricky wording... but this odd use of the word "look" is similar to Bill Clinton twisting the definition of "is".

From: Bow Crazy
Question #3 is the best, I read the answer and laughed my coffee up all over my key board! I got it wrong - of course right away!!! BC

I am with fuzzy, who carries binocs when you can't see 60 yards past the thick trees. As for shot placement, C has to be the worse shot placement. Unless he jumps the string then A would be worse.

From: J.E. Travis
Lame A$$ trick question so soon? Why not just tell everyone who answered with the standard response, "Yep, that's right. But I'm taking 6 points away because I can. Bwwwwaaaahhhahhhaaahhhaaa." (best evil laugh I could spell out)

From: Seminole
This has more to with diction than teaching good ethical behavior. Previous versions of this game actually inspired careful thought. This question should be thrown out because it goes agianst the grain of what is ethical.

Pat: You may need to rethink what you are trying to do with this....

I am still going to waite 30 minutes just in case I have a doe tag as well. GRIN! Like someone siad earlier: There is no crying in baseball even when the umpire is blind.

From: XMan
Nasty question on 3..... I saw the reference to binos and should have known better with your past trickery. I almost picked right away and thought you wouldn't do it so quickly..nahhhh not Pat :) LOL

From: fuzzy
Seminole, I beg to differ, the issue is semantics, not diction.

Pat is from Ct so his diction is always bad. ;-)

From: cadoll
right away......yeah right away. Even though I did answer correctly and would be looking from the tree. In the real world, when I KNEW that it was a hit, and by the response of the animal after the shot. I would know that It was not a gut shot from his reaction. A gut shot would have hunched up. This animal jumped, which is typical of a frontal hit. Sorry, but I would have got down from the tree after listening for a crashing deer and if no sound, I would have walked over to the shot area and looked around for the arrow. A pass through would have told me how lethal the hit was when I found the arrow.

From: elkmtngear

elkmtngear's Link
Lesson learned: READ THE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY! I totally blew 2 and 3 because I didn't pay attention to the words!

Best of Luck, Jeff (Bowsite Sponsor)

From: oto
Got number 3 wrong also, but will still wait 30 minutes anyway, to look for my arrow and my deer. Waiting all day for a shot at a deer I don't want to take any chances of spooking it if it had layed down near by.

Lighted knocks don't require you to look for them on a pass thru! LOL

From: loprofile
I would have got down and looked but answered wait 30 minutes because that was the right answer on the last blood test - oh well

What the F...It takes me 35 min to pack my crap right now isn't possible! You are a tricky man Pat.

From: PT2
How long should you wait to look for the arrow around the shot scene, implies that you are getting out of the tree to look. Excuse me, but your CORRECT answer has nothing to do with how you would actually handle this situation. Of course you would look for the arrow with your binos immediately. You're already scanning for the deer with the binos. If this is really a challenge to encourage hunters to think through their response after a shot, then ask logical questions with logical answers. Otherwise call this game bloodtrail trickery.

From: RJ Hunt
PT2.... Same for me. You implied to look for your arrow.. IE get out of the tree. Clue 3 was a stupid question with a deceiving answer.

From: kman
I got JACKED UP on #3...of course you look for your arrow with the binos:) DOH +1,,,You got me Pat.


From: Jack Harris
#3, sigh... 'nuff said on that one. One thing is obvious for sure - had he used a Rage, that deer would have been cut in half with no need for a blood trail. (probably why he doesn't use them - there would be no challenge) lol (sorry guys - couldnt' resist)

From: itshot
how could anybody who enjoys one of the most difficult and sometimes miserable activities known to man expect a game about it to be anything other than tricky or unexpected??

stars should be droppin for whinin.............

From: elkoholic
question 3 was BS! even if it was a trick question, there should have been two right answers. right away with binos or wait 30

I agree. The attempt to be tricky was dumb. Just to throw that in there is BS. I know a lot of Bino's that won't focus at that range.

From: 12yards
You can't tell what's on an arrow with binos past 30 yards. No way in Hades!

From: Wiley 1
If last contact was 60 yards then i would assume the deer is 65 and within sight of stand. I got it wrong but i would not get down for fear of being seen for at least 30 minutes unless i heard him crash.

From: W8N4RUT
#3: really? with your binoculars counts as an answer?? Pat....revenge is ours @ PY Convention.

these are fun though...

From: trkyslr
#3 was some tom foolery trickery,, but a true no brainer that slipped by me,,Q@%^&^%^^%Q^#Q#@Q!!!!

From: Greg Kush
Geez, guys, some of you need to lighten up. Pat titled it "OMG Edition" and said this one would really give people headaches. He was admitting from the get-go that this particular challenge wasn't for educational purposes, it is for "torture" purposes. ;-)

If you go into it with that understanding, it is a lot of fun! I knew the 30-minute answer was just too obvious for this bloodtrail, so I went back and read everything again on that clue. When I noticed he went out of his way to say something about "even with binoculars" it hit me that he was slyly giving us a clue. The answer was then obvious to me. I'm sure he is going to nail me in an upcoming clue or two. :-)

I look forward to trying to beat his evil mind.

From: Knife2sharp
#4 is out there. I picked double lung, based on the deers reaction and the angle of the shot. I also saw little circles of blood on the arrow that looked like popped bubbles, along with smears. I know that isn't pink lung blood on the arrow, but when you hit a deer that far forward, the arrow usually exits out through a leg muscle on the other side of the deer. I chose my answer based on the circles.

From: Davy C
After #3 I'm done with these stupid things until Pat can start giving some realistic answer choices. How do you show me a picture of a bloody arrow and then states it means nothing because the bloody arrow tells you the deer was hit. Which is it? Blood trailing is not rocket science and If you have to make if difficult by not giving the right answer then the only OMG is OMG we need someone that actually knows how to blood trail to make up these quizes.

From: MJH
Same here Knife2sharp. Sometimes when you make a great shot on an animal, you don't find any sign until you get down the trail aways.

From: Knife2sharp
I'd like to see a blood trail challenge that is like a "choose your own adventure" book. You are given a series of suggestions on what to do next, then you go down that road. One or two bring you to the same outcome, but one may be quicker and there are one or two that bring you down the wrong path. For example, getting down to soon, you may jump the deer, or waiting over night it might rain or coyotes may eat part of your deer.

From: Archenemy
THIS IS JUST A GAME!!! Don't play it if you don't want to. They have already found the deer. Yes I got stumped on #3 too, but it made me laugh when I got his answer. Truth be told I have actually scoped my arrow out with binos before climbing down before. I just didn't think of that when answering the question.

#3 was ??? in my opinion. If you have all day, WHY get out of your tree RIGHT NOW? Also, the question for #4 starts by saying "After waiting in your stand for a while........." I didn't wait since I thought I was supposed to get down right now? I do honestly LOVE these challenges though!


From: Apache5
Not a fan of question #3

Knife2sharp, that was my exact reasoning well....oh well, I still enjoy em and this is the second one in a row that my wife (AnnieOakley) is kickin my ---!

From: rooster
I got question 3 wrong! It was a TRICK question I didn't have my binoculars with me! LOL1

From: doubledrop
OFFHNTN, I think you may have missed the point on that answer. He wasn't saying get down right now, just saying to "LOOK FOR THE ARROW NOW"(with/without binos). I got stumped on it but laughed after thinking about it and the correct answer is the one he has. We just didn't think and that is what these challenges are for. Who wants a perfect score when we know it doesn't always happen that way in the field. Yeah, we know we would have all looked for it from the tree but it's winter and he's having some fun. I enjoy it. Thanks Pat.

Thanks doubledrop, I understand. I will respectfully disagree though that the correct answer is the one he has. If I have ALL DAY, what's the hurry? I won't get down right now, even to just look for my arrow, but I do realize there is more than one way to skin a cat! :)


From: W8N4RUT
doesnt the clue of #4 at least slightly suggest that you may have possibly hit the deer--you know, bloody arrow and all?

keep em coming...:)

From: J-ROD
Yep he got me on 3 after I read the answer I wished I had a foot growing from in between my shoulder blades so I could kick myself in the rear end good one Pat!!

From: Willis5
#4 is a joke.

There is dirt and debris all along the shaft to make it appear to be a paunch hit, but the thin blood and what appear to be bubbles (dried) indicate a DL.

I took a guess and got hosed.

From: bill brown
I don't like lame trick questions like number 3. How can we learn anything from that. You already knew you hit the deer. How long did you stay in the tree, Pat? Probably 90% of the guys on here thought that was the meaning of the question.

From: Vermonster
Well I got screwed on question #4. I guess i used personal experience to answer the quesiton. I shot a deer this year and the arrow looked axactly like this one and there was no blood on the ground anywhere. I saw the buck go down, he was double lunged but the entry and exit holes were just high enough that it didnt allow any blood to spray out. I said double lunged and got no points. it sucks but I guess I will have to try and not relate these questions to my own personal experiences.

From: HockeyDad
I don't think this one is about experiences - this one is pure fun and games! its all about answering the questions the way Pat wants you to answer them.

Think back to school - Didn't matter how you thought the question should be answered - it's all about how the teacher wanted it answered.

From: chukarchump
If the answer to #3 is to go look immediatly then why does clue #4 start out with "after some time you climb out of the tree"?

Anytime you hit an animal and it runs out of site, it doesn't hurt to wait at least a half hour for recovery.

The answers to these questions seem to just be selected only to avoid the correct answer.

From: Hoyt Hunter
It looked to me like bubbles in the blood and with the deer looked perfectly broadside it would be pretty hard to hit one lung and not the other. If this is a high lung hit we won't be seeing very much blood in the next few clues. I guess you can tell what my answer was. Nice broad head by the way.

From: Bou'bound
easy one to answer for me. anytime i pick up an arrow i learn nothing from it.

From: NM_alazan
Blood on the arrow is not "absolutely nothing", it means you hit the deer which is far far from nothing. No blood on the arrow and you climb back in your stand and keep hunting.

From: Eric Barnett
I got #4 wrong. It appeared to be stomach matter on his finger and watery blood on the arrow. To me it appeared that the arrow passed through guts. I couldn't see the arrow impact on video.

From: Davy C
I meant #4. #3 was a little dirty but #4 was just plain wrong.

From: BowSniper
Question 4 starts by saying "After waiting a while you quietly climb down..."

Going back to question #3, the best answer to "How long should you wait before you begin looking for your arrow around the shot scene" is now "a while".

Like 30 minutes?? :-)

The arrow confirmed a hit not much else. Didn't tell us much but did tell us something....IMO

From: 12yards
I looked at the arrow and it looked like bubbles on it so I thought of a lung hit. But I don't know how you would know if it was a single or double lung hit. None of the answered seemed all right so I picked the right answer. Only 3 stumped me so far.

Sure is a lot of whining on here for a no whining rule.

From: Seminole
Bou'bound: When I saw the both on the arrow, my immediate thought was exactly yours. I am feeling lucky to have 27 points at this juncture. Judging by the questions I may be there awhile.

like me, you guys are not reading close enough. Also, like 12yards said, bubbles are in the blood but that could be single lung just as well as double lung. The question says 'what do you know from the picture?' Well you know you have a bloody arrow. Not one of the choices so you have to go with nothing at this point. The dirt on the broad head is most likely from the ground, not the paunch / guts as you would have already determined by looking at the video, knowing where you hit the deer, and the way the deer left the scene. As far as 'looking now' and 'getting down after waiting a while'. Pat said he started looking right away with his binos, that does not mean he got down. just good clean fun...

From: Bow Peep

From: Preacher Man
#3 had me yelling at my computer.

Ya got me Pat!

From: Topper
All the stomach matter on the arrow tells you something toooooo! But probably not anything that was stated in the available answers.

From: TKrets
I guess all my gripes on the 3-4 answers have been posted.

What they said, X______.

From: Jeff270
Cripes you guys act like your entire fortune is on the line here! Its a game, no one said it was a fair game, but LIFE'S NOT FAIR! Hike up your pantyhose, dust yourself off, and get back on the horse.

And for the record, I got 3 wrong too!

From: 12yards
I don't need to hike my pantyhose!!! Dang things ride up on me all the time as it is! LOL!

From: Wiley 1
Absolutely nothing means absolutely nothing. Bloody arrow tells me what i suspected that i hit the deer and i felt there was lung blood on the arrow.. Thats something. i would have found out earlier but since i got three wrong i guess a while in the tree isnt a half hour. i majorein engineering not semantics.

From: Willis5
Could you see the hit on the video? I watched 5 times and never saw an arrow, course I'm blind in the left and can't see out of my right eye worth a foundered shetland.

From: flinger1
the sign is what it is , its always going to be the same , if the deer is dead then it is dead , the hunt was early morning , i have all day , why is waiting three hours to do anything a wrong answer , waiting 3 hours wont change a thing with the outcome , nothing will change if i remain in the tree , if you want to score a good score its not always about doing the right thing , you have to do what they did ~

From: XMan
I am on to you Pat, that one didn't fool me after question 3... :)

From: bobbiemac
There looks to be stomach matter on the arrow. If so, I would back back off and give him a few hours to expire.

From: Jack Harris
9-6-3-0 I'm heading in the wrong direction. It sure looked to me like dried bubbles on that arrow and clearly had complete pass through - hence double lung seemed like the right answer... I'm going to resort to eeny-meeny-miny-mo for the next question...

From: txhunter58
Ok, I saw 3 blood spots and answered "three" and it gave me 9 points??? Figured it was 4 or more, but I only saw three.

From: smokey
Question #2 I hit the wrong button. I was trying to see the options before selecting so I get 9 more points!

From: itshot
txhunter, everyone's a winner now

Pat has bowed to the crybabies and taken a PC stance, no losers all winners

good for the self-esteem ya know

From: Buzzcut29
I demand a picture of the blood area sprayed with hydrogen peroxide for all of us handicapped colorblind bowhunters!!

From: J-ROD
Willis5 I couldnt see the impact either but my hunting skills are so refined that I can tell the exact point of impact by the sound of the hit!!

There is no doubt that he hit the deer dead in the body I love these things!

TXhunter58--I saw 3 blood spots too...Couldn't find more and I got 0 points!!

I need a magnifying glass or something.

I just suck...

From: Hawkeye
I think I counted 9, and possibly could have been more?

From: Vermonster
I stopped counting at 4 but Im sure there were more spots.

From: lzfd58
I sprayed my screen with hydrogen peroxide. Now what?!


3 = 0 in this game

From: GregS
The last deer that I shot with an arrow only traveled less than 25 yrds to a grove of trees after I shot him. I made the mistake of going and getting the arrow and unintentionally jumped him from his bed while retrieving the arrow. I found him eventually (500 yrds away). I learned the hard way, if your not pressed for daylight, 30 min to an hour before I get up and go walking around just to satisfy my own curiousity about blood on an arrow!

Recovering an arrow immediately after the shot IMO is definately not the right answer. Most of the time you will get away with it, but waiting 30 min to an hour is definately the safe bet!

From: Greg Kush

Go back and read the answer again to that clue. He didn't say to get down and look for the arrow immediately. He said to look for it from the treestand through the binoculars. It was a trick question and he got you (as well as MANY others).

From: Canuck
I saw 5 spots. Wonder how many there really are!!

From: Jack Harris
Canuck - I agree to 5 spots, and that 5th one was nearly impossible

From: medicinemann
I'll tell you how tough this Bloodtrail Challenge......I am under the impression that Pat designs these challenges, aren't you?

His total score is a 36?! (I wonder if this is through the first six questions or if one of his children is taking the test under his name) LOL!!

From: itshot
Jake, up to six and somehow I'm in the top ten, OMG seems fitting. . . . . .

From: itshot

dammit, man

From: Mint
Last one just got me. I thought the deer fell over here then got up and i picked the wrong answer.

From: x-man
Yes Pat, anyone with a perfect score in this one is either stupid, or cheating. It's just for fun guys.

I laughed my a$$ off when I saw the answer for #3. Ya got me good.

From: ict_chef
Seems like us Kansas hunters are paying attention to detail.

From: trey_dogg3
Number 7 scared me. That is the absolute last thing I want to see in the deer woods.

From: txhunter58
Ok, even after the explanation I still so see what he is talking about. What is a snookie and where is it?

From: XMan
Question 7.... hahahahaha I am still laughing. Good humor right there! LOL

From: Seminole
I thought we went to the woods to escape that in the first place? Number 7 is a good one. LOL! That's NOT my Valentines for sure!

From: 8pnter
laughed so hard i think i peed a little bit

From: fuzzy

From: pipe
Which vitals?

From: tb6447
Ya, what the heck is a "snookie" and where is it???

From: fuzzy
upper right corner of photo...scantily clad adult female homo sapiens

From: kestrel
Seriously, if you guys can't see the raven crested beauty in the tree in the upper right corner,,,, you are definitely taking your hunting too seriously!

However, I would argue that a red fence post in the woods would be far less natural than a babe in a tree.

From: Brotsky
Man, the one blood trail challenge I do good at and you guys are hammering on me. LOL.

Pat, if Snookie is at the end of your blood trail then it's best to come back next week.

From: Knife2sharp
Now, going forward you'll need to include a 'where's Snookie' photo for every BTC.

From: Chip T.

From: Chip T.
I really want to give you a piece of my mind but so far haven't composed myself after really breaking up. My compliments to the chef!!!!!!!!

From: sporto
Now thats a situation

From: Bowbender
How did she get up that tree?

From: J.E. Travis
I will return to the blood trail in 20 minutes. I found something a little more interesting...ok, maybe half an hour.

Now I lost all my concentration!

From: BowSniper
You found Snookie in the tree for question 7 ? Now I am scared to see what you do to her in question 8. Might I suggest "detox" ?

From: Mibowguy
Ok, i'm going back to question 6. isn't that blood on the dead weed (vine?) right at the bend lower center of the photo?? Just a little spot right there looks to me, correct side of the weed as well to go along with the direction the deer was traveling. The kicked up dirt could be from another deer he was with in the group? Could lead in the wrong direction. JMO. love the challenges.

From: antarcher
I have to say that the only unnatural thing in that pic is the fence and that chick is definitely all natural, so I can't understand that one. That is of course unless Pat has some inside information on the formation of certain parts of her anatomy. Now if they are unnatural, then yes I can wear that. Spill the beans Patrick

From: DaleM

DaleM's embedded Photo
DaleM's embedded Photo
Tanx Pat, now my freakin' hair looks like 'dis:

From: AKscotty
wow i have never had to search the tree's for deer i was sitting here for a while thinking what is a snookie then looked back to see tarzans whife,what is the white thing behind the tree in c.

From: Stan NJ
To all my fellow bowsiters....I want to be perfectly clear about this...Jersey Shore does NOT represent NJ at represents 'the bennies' that invade our seashore towns every summer!

And offense taken...pretty comical.

From: Stan NJ
BTW....what I do find comical is that only 65% got this question right....are you kidding me..LMAO!!

From: mp
Snookie is a treestand hunter?Did Snookie shoot the buck ,Pat?.:)

From: ducksoup
perfect example of deer hunters never lookijng up!

14-Feb-11 eyes....!!!!

As has been said by hunters since the dawn of time:

"The s*** you see when you DON'T have a gun....."

No more of that...I don't want a situation. Capece?

I thought that last one was too good to be true. Was that natural or unnatural - wait - its a trick - no its that obvious - Pat is tricky - no it is that obvious - I gabe myself a headache.....

Its funny what you cant see when your looking for something else! The only un natural thing I could come up with was the fence.

From: Jack Harris
I been hunting joisy for 36 years - i never seen no snookie in a tree. Fuhgeddaboutit!

From: 300 Win Mag
If the deer looked up he prolly wouldn't be dead! I got the answer right, but I was looking at the White patch to the left of the Red fence post that looks like a dead deer's Arse!

funny stuff i should have asked for my old ladys help on #7

From: RJ Hunt
Saw it from a mile away... have those around my hunting spots regularly.

Never saw it coming but I saw her last week on Letterman for the first time and she is quite impressive! C

tricky, i just knew the steel fence post was the only unnatural object, even after seeing the chick in the tree.

From: Chip T.
NJ has the Beauty and the Beast. Snookie I put in the beast catagory and a girl I went to HS with named Debbie Harry of Blondie goes in the beauty catagory.

From: DRR324
If "those" hang around in trees in Kansas, I'm thinkin I need to start scouting that area a lot more....

From: Seminole
I bet clue #8 will go something like this: Can you spot Brooklin Decker in the bush? :)

BTW....what I do find comical is that only 65% got this question right....are you kidding me..LMAO!!

I was gonna right the say thing! Guys are trying waayyy too hard.


Where is number 8? I am ready to finish this one! LOL

From: boothill
As a disclaimer guys, I have lived my whole life not 80 miles from where this picture was taken and never seen one of those things. I'm really glad my wife doesn't look at this site and see that picture. She wouldn't let me go hunting anyway probably.

intertaining,Pat thanks,ive checked for clue 8 twice now

From: 12yards
I can't for the life of me figure out why there was so little blood on the ground with that hit! I would think it would have been spraying all over and right away!

From: ZED
Thats it..Us Jersey hunters are shipping snooki and crew up to CT..

From: BowSniper
Small fixed blade cut-on-contact head?

From: riverrat2000
12 thoughts exactly...must of used fixed heads instead of mechanicals....lols

From: trapper
So who was she and how did that chick get into the tree??? Was it a PETA gal spooking the deer?? That would be a new twist in a bloodtrail..confronting an anti! Sorry, hope that never shows up.

From: chief400
That was a fun one Pat, sometimes we take everything to seriously. People are getting cabin fever, go outside and shoot some targets.

I scored a 57.

I can't believe you put Snookie in a tree. I actually caught that one (although I didn't realize it was Snookie). Since the wording of the question was "something unnatural" I was actually looking in the trees for another hunter in a treestand or something and went, "Hey... there's a chick in that tree." and then, "check out the rack on that doe."

Nice buck, by the way.

From: PoorPoorRich
I enjoy all the bloodtrails, even though I might not agree with all the "correct" answers.

Keep 'em coming ...

From: Troy/OK
I have had similar experiences with very little blood on a heart shot. Seems that the heart stops pumping when hit and that is the end of the blood trail except for the drip. Now clipping the aorta is a different story.


From: bloodtrail
How did you do PoorPoorRich?

From: ict_chef

From: Hank
I was sweating out #7, since the question said "find the un-natural object" I found Snookie, but isn't she more natural than the barbed-wire fence? Oh wait, maybe you're right...

From: dm/wolfskin
Another fun one Pat. Mike

It surprises me to hear people talk about bad blood trails on heart shots. I've hit the heart on 2 deer and one antelope and seemed to have blood all over everything. In fairness, though, the 2 deer were more like the BH just kinda slashed the top of the heart. The antelope was right through the middle of it - there was a lot of blood right there in the beginning, but come to think of it, he really didn't leave a huge trail. He only went about 40 yards though.

From: MadArcher
Pretty good game, cannot wait for more of these. Did them in the past, in the way past, and enjoyed them a lot.

Only confusion I have with this one is that in clue 3 you asked when do you get down to check your arrow and you say, right now. Then in clue 4 you say "after waiting a while" you got down to examine the arrow.

From: rob browning
great game, guess I`m average at blood trails but very good at spotting snookies in trees


From: BowNewb
where is the image for the blood trails?

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