Sitka Gear
Live bowhunt from Kansas
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Pat Lefemine 09-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 09-Nov-20
bigswivle 09-Nov-20
Kodiak 09-Nov-20
Dale06 09-Nov-20
Bowfinatic 09-Nov-20
lewis 09-Nov-20
Charlie Rehor 09-Nov-20
T Mac 09-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 09-Nov-20
Bowfinatic 09-Nov-20
kota-man 09-Nov-20
Carbon Defiant 34 09-Nov-20
Grey Ghost 09-Nov-20
t-roy 09-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 09-Nov-20
BigSkyHntr 09-Nov-20
t-roy 09-Nov-20
keepemsharp 09-Nov-20
Bill in MI 09-Nov-20
Bowboy 09-Nov-20
drycreek 09-Nov-20
Zbone 09-Nov-20
Buffalo1 09-Nov-20
orionsbrother 09-Nov-20
Jaquomo 09-Nov-20
Rupe 09-Nov-20
Thornton 09-Nov-20
LWood 09-Nov-20
bowhunter24 09-Nov-20
ksq232 10-Nov-20
Norseman 10-Nov-20
Grey Ghost 10-Nov-20
yeager 10-Nov-20
JohnMC 10-Nov-20
Joe Holden 10-Nov-20
ksq232 10-Nov-20
LINK 10-Nov-20
Bake 10-Nov-20
Dennis Razza 10-Nov-20
Wapitidung 10-Nov-20
T Mac 11-Nov-20
LINK 11-Nov-20
Shuteye 11-Nov-20
Bou'bound 11-Nov-20
Trebarker 11-Nov-20
LINK 11-Nov-20
JL 11-Nov-20
GhostBird 11-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 11-Nov-20
Bowfinatic 11-Nov-20
t-roy 11-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 11-Nov-20
RK 11-Nov-20
Bowboy 11-Nov-20
drycreek 11-Nov-20
Thornton 11-Nov-20
Shug 11-Nov-20
ki-ke 11-Nov-20
Rob Nye 12-Nov-20
T Mac 12-Nov-20
Grey Ghost 12-Nov-20
ki-ke 12-Nov-20
njbuck 12-Nov-20
Glunt@work 12-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 12-Nov-20
greg simon 12-Nov-20
Drnaln 12-Nov-20
Quinn @work 12-Nov-20
Treeline 12-Nov-20
iceman 12-Nov-20
Shuteye 12-Nov-20
Pyrannah 12-Nov-20
njbuck 12-Nov-20
Shug 12-Nov-20
Rut Nut 12-Nov-20
t-roy 12-Nov-20
Yasla 12-Nov-20
Buffalo1 12-Nov-20
drycreek 12-Nov-20
crestedbutte 12-Nov-20
Chief 419 12-Nov-20
jmiller 12-Nov-20
greg simon 12-Nov-20
Glunt@work 12-Nov-20
Bou'bound 13-Nov-20
wildwilderness 13-Nov-20
Rut Nut 13-Nov-20
t-roy 13-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 13-Nov-20
t-roy 13-Nov-20
drycreek 13-Nov-20
t-roy 13-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 13-Nov-20
Bowboy 13-Nov-20
writer 13-Nov-20
Jaquomo 13-Nov-20
JL 13-Nov-20
drycreek 13-Nov-20
Medicinemann 13-Nov-20
Glunt@work 14-Nov-20
Bou'bound 14-Nov-20
njbuck 14-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 14-Nov-20
Mad Trapper 14-Nov-20
Grey Ghost 14-Nov-20
Jaquomo 14-Nov-20
Shug 14-Nov-20
DiRTY MiKE 14-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 14-Nov-20
Twinetickler 14-Nov-20
Bou'bound 14-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 14-Nov-20
Medicinemann 14-Nov-20
Medicinemann 14-Nov-20
ryanrc 14-Nov-20
yooper89 14-Nov-20
Ucsdryder 14-Nov-20
Shug 14-Nov-20
GhostBird 14-Nov-20
RK 14-Nov-20
ki-ke 14-Nov-20
leo17 14-Nov-20
LINK 14-Nov-20
RK 14-Nov-20
Jaquomo 14-Nov-20
Thornton 14-Nov-20
Bowboy 14-Nov-20
Drnaln 14-Nov-20
Glunt@work 14-Nov-20
kota-man 14-Nov-20
Ermine 15-Nov-20
Zbone 15-Nov-20
carcus 15-Nov-20
Bou'bound 15-Nov-20
W8N4RUT 15-Nov-20
midwest 15-Nov-20
greg simon 15-Nov-20
BigOk 15-Nov-20
t-roy 15-Nov-20
greg simon 15-Nov-20
Rut Nut 15-Nov-20
Jaquomo 15-Nov-20
T Mac 15-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 15-Nov-20
Ambush 15-Nov-20
Stoneman 15-Nov-20
Phil Magistro 15-Nov-20
Shug 15-Nov-20
Shug 15-Nov-20
Treeline 15-Nov-20
leo17 15-Nov-20
ki-ke 15-Nov-20
lewis 15-Nov-20
Beav 15-Nov-20
Duke 15-Nov-20
Knifeman 15-Nov-20
Knifeman 15-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 15-Nov-20
Bowboy 15-Nov-20
Jimbo 15-Nov-20
ki-ke 15-Nov-20
yooper89 15-Nov-20
Knifeman 15-Nov-20
RK 15-Nov-20
Buffalo1 15-Nov-20
TODDY 15-Nov-20
fastflight 15-Nov-20
KsRancher 15-Nov-20
Bowhunt3138 15-Nov-20
TODDY 15-Nov-20
Catscratch 15-Nov-20
SIP 15-Nov-20
KingDaddy 15-Nov-20
Rupe 16-Nov-20
Charlie Rehor 16-Nov-20
GhostBird 16-Nov-20
Mad Trapper 16-Nov-20
Swampbuck 16-Nov-20
Grey Ghost 16-Nov-20
sticksender 16-Nov-20
JohnMC 16-Nov-20
APauls 16-Nov-20
KingDaddy 16-Nov-20
Bowfinatic 16-Nov-20
leo17 16-Nov-20
drycreek 16-Nov-20
Skippy 17-Nov-20
dakotaduner 17-Nov-20
Pat Lefemine 21-Nov-20
From: Pat Lefemine
We’re back in SW Kansas for our annual bowhunt. Hunting with good friends Gregg Hammell from CT and Matt DeVoe from Michigan, Hunt starts today.

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Good start
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Good start
First buck of the hunt just showed up.

From: bigswivle
He$$ yeah!!! Good luck

From: Kodiak

From: Dale06
Whether over a food plot, corn, water hole, pinch point, or a trail, good luck to you on your hunt.

Always enjoy this every year Good luck!

From: lewis
Good luck Pat Happy Bloodtrails to you Lewis

Good luck. I enjoy this thread. Good thing i am not there or that first buck would be in trouble, lol.

Have a great time and get a good one. C

From: T Mac
Love following this hunt each year. Good luck Pat!

From: Pat Lefemine
We're hunting a 6.5 year old buck that is dumb as a rock. He was shot through his back two mornings ago and was back at the same stand the same evening. He was at another stand during daylight yesterday, and this morning he was bumped off Gregg's stand in the dark. He's a solid 180" buck. And all three of us are now focused on killing him.

6.5 year old and dumb as a rock is a sentence i never thought i would read! Knock'em dead

From: kota-man
Hee Haw! These hunts are a blast.

A low IQ buck would make a great stud deer!

Come on Pat, don't forget about the coyotes!!

From: Grey Ghost
Will someone pop some corn...if Pat can spare a few handfuls, of course.



From: t-roy
I’m with HFW^^^^^ Need to leave that buck in the gene pool!

Good luck and stay safe!

From: Pat Lefemine
We’ve nicknamed him Slow-Joe

From: BigSkyHntr
I like the name, seems there’s more than 1 slow Joe out there.. Good luck!

From: t-roy
Along with Slow-Joe, do nonresidents also get a Ho tag, like they do in Iowa? ;-)

From: keepemsharp
We grow them dumb here in KS, guess it goes with the territory.

From: Bill in MI
Is that buck named Sleepy Joe, if not...there ya go

From: Bowboy
Good luck!

From: drycreek
Good luck Pat ....More bloodtrails in the offing I hope !

From: Zbone
Gotta luv "dumb as a rock" bucks, they seem the only ones I can kill...8^)))

Years ago, hit a buck atop the scapula getting little penetration while standing directly beneath me on stand and my buddy killed him a couple days later a hundred yards or so away while chasing does... The wound was pusy and scabbed over but he said the buck didn't even limp nor even act hurt...

Good Luck Pat...

From: Buffalo1
Best of luck guy. Hope somebody tags "The Rock!"

Good luck, sir. Be safe. Have fun!

From: Jaquomo
Good luck with that big dumb guy! Must be an anomaly; Thornton says Kansas bucks are smarter than even Alabama bucks..

From: Rupe
Good luck. Have fun. Be safe. Shoot a Monster. Call Charlie to drag it out! LOL

From: Thornton
Jaqomo- come hunt our deer in your customary fashion of ground d sits or stalking. You'll agree they're much smarter than these dumb Colorado mulies.

From: LWood
Good luck, Pat. Hope the weather change gets the deer moving.

From: bowhunter24
Good luck Pat! My weekend hunt in MO was slow from the weather as well.

From: ksq232
My brother-in-law and nephew are hunting in Comanche county this week, he used to be Kent's preacher. They're hunting thousands of acres for free -- lucky dogs. I told him he ought to call and see if Kent would let them hunt a stand or two, just for old time's sake. They have enough ground to hunt already though...

From: Norseman
So if ya don’t kill em ..... What does that tell ya?

From: Grey Ghost
So, a buck returns to the same pile of corn he was shot from earlier that day. Is he dumb, or just well- conditioned?

Flame suit on. ;-)


From: yeager
Have a great hunt Pat. If you leave him in the gene pool, maybe he will pass that trait on and you will have more dumb bucks in the future. Good luck!!

From: JohnMC
Matt do you just like wearing the “flame suit” or are just getting bitter in your old age? You don’t have to take every thread off in a negative direction.

From: Joe Holden
Slow-Joe? Man i moved to Kansas to get away from that nickname....guess it was only a matter of time before it caught up to me

From: ksq232
Have you ever not drawn Pat? That is a pretty highly sought unit.

From: LINK
Pat I had mature bucks on all my cams yesterday between noon and one. I’m not far from you, I hope you’re sitting most of the day.

From: Bake
Good luck to all the hunters! Hope one of you gets a crack of Slow Joe and posts the pics up on here!

From: Dennis Razza
Best of luck Pat!

Hope you get him Pat! (this feels wrong to be reading about your hunt while I should be paying attention while on stand ourselves).

From: Wapitidung
Love me some live WT hunting from KS

From: T Mac
They must still be bloodtrailing

From: LINK
No update of evening 2. Must have been a busy evening.

From: Shuteye
I hope you get a big one Pat. Enjoy your hunt.

From: Bou'bound
Do you rattle and call there

From: Trebarker
Good luck to you Pat, be safe

From: LINK
da da da da da da da da da da da DA dadadada da da da da da da da DA da da da DUH DUH DUUHH

From: JL

JL's embedded Photo
JL's embedded Photo
As a motivator, the neighbor who is in Kansas at the moment had this decent 10pt come in yesterday but he didn't get a shot.

From: GhostBird
Are we sure this is not a live hunt from CT...??????

From: Pat Lefemine
Sorry guys. Big buck down for Greg but had to follow up this morning. Pics later.

You are forgiven......just this once though =)

From: t-roy
I’m betting ol sack-a-hammers is room temperature.

From: Pat Lefemine
Just passed a slammer. 165. Might regret it.

From: RK
Pat. Good Job. I bet the deer Gods reward you!!!!

Hang tough!!

From: Bowboy
That's a good buck! Hopefully a bruiser comes by.

From: drycreek
If you pass a 165” buck that just means you have lots of better ones on the wall. Good problem to have I guess, but I’ll never know.........

From: Thornton
My friend owns a ranch a few miles south of you. He said all he's seeing are 140"s and 150"s. I might be headed down there around Thanksgiving to hunt.

From: Shug
“Will someone pop some corn...if Pat can spare a few handfuls, of course.”


Popcorn.. great idea Matt we can have some before your elk meat!!!

From: ki-ke
"Popcorn.. great idea Matt we can have some before your elk meat!!!"

Humble pie for desert?


Congrats on a monster!

From: Rob Nye
Attaboy Greg awesome buck! And kudos to Pat for letting that young buck walk away.

From: T Mac
Congrats on a great buck Greg! Pat you are a stronger man then I. Good luck!

From: Grey Ghost
Nice buck, Greg!! Sorry the scavengers found him before you did. I know the feeling.


From: ki-ke
Beautiful deer! Congrats to Greg...

From: njbuck
Beautiful buck Greg, congrats!

Pat, that is one heck of a deer to pass but I agree, he is young and will be a monster next year.

From: Glunt@work
Great buck. Stinks losing a deer to the coyotes but it happens. Nice to get closure and a souvenire.

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Coyotes or African lions?
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Coyotes or African lions?
This is what they found the next morning. Unreal this can happen in one night.

From: greg simon
Wow!!! I believe I might take up the track a little earlier if faced with the choice again!!!

I know hindsight is 20/20 but maybe give him a couple hours then go out in the dark to track.

From: Drnaln
Tough luck....Great buck & don't 2nd guess your decision to wait. You guys were there & I'm sure all options were discussed!

From: Quinn @work
Great buck! He's a beauty. Too bad the notes got to him.

From: Treeline
Damnit! Need to kill the hell out of those coyotes!!!!

From: iceman
Congrats, Greg. Great buck!

From: Shuteye
That is why I always blood trail at night. I call my cousin and we track all night if necessary. You would be amazed at the damage foxes can do over night. We only have a few coyotes but bunches of foxes. Years ago we tracked until 2AM and stopped. back on the trail at 7AM and 25 yards where where we stopped at 2 AM was my 1/2 deer. Also we have to track quickly in the day time. Buzzards will be on the kill in minutes. They will tear out the rear end very quickly. I hunt for meat and don't want to lose the hind quarters in a matter of minutes.

Pat, based on your coyote hunting in previous years I would have thought the numbers were down. Do other hunters coyote hunt like you in the years they get done early?

From: Pyrannah
I don’t think they eat em

Donated i suspect

From: njbuck
Pat, from your history of hunting there, how many bucks do you guys typically know from one year to the next?

From: Shug
Congratulations on the buck... too bad about the coyotes. It’s a good think they don’t eat antlers too.

From: Rut Nut
Great deer- congrats to Greg! Sorry to hear the coyotes got most of it first.

Now, I wanna see this 10.5 y/o buck that everyone is passing on! ;-)

From: t-roy
Congrats to you, Greg! Dang it about the yotes!

That young 10 pointer is exactly the kind of deer that should really add a lot of inches the next year. Super hard to pass on them, but if you’re trying to get them to their full potential (antler wise) need to let em walk. Fun encounter, nonetheless.

From: Yasla
id like to see what a 10.5 year old buck looks like as well, please post pic.

From: Buffalo1
Very nice buck. Congrats Sorry for the loss of the meat.

From: drycreek
That would break my heart ! I’m basically a hunt for food guy, and although I enjoy killing a nice buck, that’s not why I hunt. Damn a bunch of frickin coyotes !

From: crestedbutte
Well Day 4 has gone by and Day 5 about to and no update since Day 3? Guess, all them Yankee's went home?

From: Chief 419
At least you have closure Greg, even if it wasn't the perfect ending you wanted. Get a replacement cape and do a shoulder mount. Great buck. Honor it.

From: jmiller
Looks like that area needs some coyote trappers

From: greg simon
Shoot that old buck Pat!

From: Glunt@work
The amount of effort it takes to actually make a dent in a coyote population that lasts more than a couple months is daunting.

The more you kill, the more they make.

From: Bou'bound
you stopped deer hunting in the rut in kansas at 10am? You are playing a different game in a different world than the rest of us poor suckers.

Pictures of that ODB??? Would like to see the rack! Nobody wants to shoot him?

You really need a suppressor on your coyote gun!! The rest won’t even know what happened.

From: Rut Nut
"ODB.....................ODB.....................ODB..........................." c'mon Pat! ;-)

Bou'bound is the only one thats figured it out!!

From: t-roy
Doing a full body mount on that yote??!!

I’ll bet Dennis Razza could make that baby look like a mountain coyote! ;-)

From: Pat Lefemine
Just passed another big 10. Might regret. You’ll see the pics. Easy shot too. What’s wrong with me??

From: t-roy
You’re in the grips of the dreaded “Horn Porn” pandemic.

From: drycreek
What Troy said, and as far as I know, there is no known cure. The symptoms are usually accompanied by a large ego, and a sideways look at folks who kill lesser bucks. Large amounts of money leave your wallet in the attempt to put THE ONE on your wall. When you get THE ONE, then you will still want THE BIGGER ONE. Alas, it’s a vicious circle, and no , a mask won’t keep you from getting it. :-)

Just kidding Pat, hope you kill a biggun and the yotes choke ! Insert thumbup emoji here !

From: t-roy
13-Nov-20 left out the parts about spending exorbitant amounts of money on hunting land, food plot equipment, seed, etc. ;-)

From: Pat Lefemine
I posted the pics of ODB on Day 4.

From: Bowboy
Hope you see a Bomber buck soon!

From: writer
ODB is cooler to me than the big 10. I like them old and ugly. (You know what they say about hunters looking like the deer they're after.)

Enjoying it, Pat. Look forward to the next reports.

From: Jaquomo
ODB is a product of the process of natural selection. He got lucky genetics. Bucks with inferior racks will survive and pass on their genes wherever QDM and other trophy management is practiced. Similar to what is occurring with elk that have repressed vocal tendencies, and with those collared elk biologists call "hiders" vs. "runners".

Where selection used to favor animals with the biggest antlers, seems like it's happening in reverse in some places....

From: JL
^.....Jaq....the phenomena of diminishing racks under APR's is called "high grading". Mississippi had that problem and they dumped their APR's.

From: drycreek
Troy, that hit too close to home..........minus the big racks of course ;-)

From: Medicinemann
Jaquomo, Don't QDM and trophy buck "managers" encourage "cull hunts"? If they do, then why are inferior racked bucks lucky?

From: Glunt@work
ODB would be DOA for me. I'm a sucker for a critter with a good story more so than one with big horns. He would get mounted in a flehmen pose and donated to the lodge to be a conversation piece for years to come.

From: Bou'bound
let the 10.5 year old live. you don't need him and he is a warrior worthy of continuing on until nature takes him. he is special to have made it this far don't be the one to end that

From: njbuck
Pat, you are passing on some nice bucks, whats your goal for the trip? I am assuming the cameras are showing ones bigger.

From: Pat Lefemine

Yes and no, it’s not about bigger, it’s about older. I’m happy to pass up a 165 3 year old and take a 150 5 year old. There’s a couple of 5-6 year old bucks that are 160-170 class showing in daylight. Just a matter of being lucky and in the right place at the right time.

I will shoot ODB but only at the last possible moment. It’s more of a management thing. Plus he’s pretty cool looking.

Then why pass a 10.5?

From: Mad Trapper
Pat … Good decisions.... Keep the faith...

From: Grey Ghost

I've seen the same thing in my area. It seems everybody wants the typical 4x4s with 30" spreads, or the big non-typicals, so they pass on mature 3x3s and other less "desirable" antlered bucks. Consequently, we have an abnormally large population of those less desirable genes, and the genetics that most hunters desire has been culled from the herd.

Horn porn at it's finest. I've been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I've changed my tune over the years. OBD would already be at the processors, if I were in Pat's shoes. But, I don't expect everyone to share my opinions.


From: Jaquomo
What Grey Ghost said. I see it too. Where multiple deer can be killed, there are certainly some cull hunts. But where only one buck is allowed and guys are paying $7K for a six day hunt, high-grading is definitely a problem.

In the last 15 years or so in my plains area, we now see lots of mature bucks with 3x3, 2x3, 2x4, even huge old forkies breeding the does because the number of true "trophy" bucks is diminishing as outfitting explodes. When one does show up, a 6.5 Creed usually makes short work of them at long range. It can be like stealing with a rifle.

From: Shug
“Horn porn at it's finest. I've been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I've changed my tune over the years. OBD would already be at the processors, if I were in Pat's shoes. But, I don't expect everyone to share my” opinions.


As long as it didn’t end up like your elk ya mean right?


What was the sound you used to pull the coyote in fast?

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Bedded 80 yards away. Shooter.
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Bedded 80 yards away. Shooter.
I’ve got a big heavy 9 bedded within sight. Waiting for does to come by. Not passing this buck. Right now.

From: Twinetickler
Drill him Pat!

From: Bou'bound
Good luck. Grunt him In

From: Pat Lefemine
Oh boy

From: Medicinemann
What a

From: Medicinemann
Looks like tonight's update will be an interesting read....

From: ryanrc
I used to hunt a publuc spot in Illinois that was 4 points or more one side. The result was lots of bucks without brow tines since any 1.5 year old with brows often was a basket 8 and thus shot. I was saw a buck for a couple years that was a huge buck but only had basically a small forky rack, just really thick.

From: yooper89
Oh boy is right

From: Ucsdryder
“Horn porn at it's finest. I've been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I've changed my tune over the years. OBD would already be at the processors, if I were in Pat's shoes. But, I don't expect everyone to share my opinions. Matt

As long as it didn’t end up like your elk ya mean right?”

Shug, what does that even mean? I’m assuming it was meant as a jab for some perceived slight? But I don’t get it... are you implying a guy that waited 2 decades for a tag shouldn’t be looking for the biggest animal in the unit? That’s what I’m assuming you’re saying, but that’s so stupid I can’t imagine that’s what you’re saying.

From: Shug
Hope ya got him!!! It’s good to know even the Bowsite owner can’t post a photo without it turning 90 degrees

From: GhostBird
Looking forward to am update. A comment to the comments... "Beauty is in the Eye of the "Beholdeer"". It's all good, keep the faith.

From: RK
What's incredible is that Pat is being exactly what an American is. Doing what He wants to do without worrying about what anybody thinks and as long as its legal all is good. He pays his money for his hunt and shoots what he wants for whatever reasons he has

What a novel idea ?? ????

I like it.


From: ki-ke
Keebs for Congress.....

From: leo17

leo17's embedded Photo
leo17's embedded Photo
Some of you guys just don’t get it. Live your life and let others live theirs. His tag, his money, his hunt. Follow along if you choose. If not don’t open the thread.

From: LINK
“ In the last 15 years or so in my plains area, we now see lots of mature bucks with 3x3, 2x3, 2x4, even huge old forkies breeding the does because the number of true "trophy" bucks is diminishing as outfitting explodes. “

Every knows that can’t be. I’ve been told on here that culling bucks can’t have an effect. So..... for that to be true, reverse culling cannot have an effect.

From: RK
Its contagious. Nice job leo17

Just think with more followers we by God may have a movement!!

From: Jaquomo
The Darwinian theory of the Process of Natural Selection works both ways.

Good luck, Pat!

From: Thornton
I'm looking forward to seeing Pat try to skewer this 9 pt.

From: Bowboy
Congrats Pat on a great buck!

From: Drnaln
Great buck....Thank's for letting us follow along!

From: Glunt@work

From: kota-man
Cool buck...congrats Pat.

From: Ermine
Nice buck Pat

From: Zbone
Nice buck, CONGRATS!

From: carcus
Congrats Pat, I amazed at the amount of shooter deer you guys got down there, crazy, I haven't even seen one this season, yet!

From: Bou'bound
great deer and well done. You guys truly have it down to a science out there. Year after year without fail giants fall and the action is heavy. Exceptional end results once again. congrats to all.

From: W8N4RUT
Fantastic! Fun to read every year! Congratulations Pat!


From: midwest

From: greg simon
So Pat, I’m curious. What did you do about the full bladder?

Big buck or not. When you gotta go you gotta go!

Congratulations on a great deer!!!! And thanks for sharing your hunt with us!

From: BigOk

From: t-roy
Congrats on a great buck, Pat! Any thoughts on how old he was? Did they have any previous years history with that buck?

Unfortunately, with way colder temperatures when you get back to Ohio, it won’t be as simple as “whipping it out”. It’s more of a complicated “10 step” process, with all the layering. Hard to figure out which layers go up, which ones go down, and in the proper sequence. Then, there’s getting the correct angle trajectory;-)

From: greg simon
T-Roy don’t forget you have to figure in cold shrinkage to know if you even have enough length to reach past the layers!

From: Rut Nut
LMBO guys! I guess I wasn’t the only one wondering how he peed with a bedded buck 80y away! Maybe that will be a Bowsite “Tutorial”?! ;-)

CONGRATS on a great buck, Pat! And THSNKS for the pic of ODB! ;-)

I like big bodied deer and old ugly racks, so I probably would have shot him! : )

From: Jaquomo
Great buck! Thanks for sharing the hunt with us!

From: T Mac
Outstanding all around Pat! Congrats on another magnificent buck! Kudos to all involved as it seems to be a real first class operation!

From: Pat Lefemine
Shy bladder. I couldn’t pee until the buck wasn’t watching.

From: Ambush
Great old buck! Congrats. He may have left you "dangling" the first encounter, but you "hung" in there.

But I guess this isn't the hunt to inspire a Blood Trail Challenge.

From: Stoneman
This has become an annual Bowsite best seller, congratulations on another great buck!

Congratulations Pat!

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
I have a prostrate the size of a grapefruit so I have to go frequently. Your story reminded me of my experience in Kansas this week...

Also if there was a thought bubble over the bucks head as he was laying there looking in your direction it might say....

That looks like a Peni$ Only smaller...


From: Shug
Also... before I get any smart comments... Lots of professional athletes drink their own urine

From: Treeline
Congratulations on a couple of great bucks on this hunt!

From: leo17

leo17's embedded Photo
leo17's embedded Photo
Shug. I had to do a double take Thought you were posting to your tinder account instead of Bowsite.

From: ki-ke
Pat- Congrats on another great buck!!

Shug- I thought you were raised Catholic??

T-Roy, I too struggle with navigating the winter layers to locate my swizzle. In recent years, after peeing on most of my layers every time I thought I had exposed sufficient clearance, I now tie the other end of my haul rope to my yonson. Very efficient use of resources on several levels. Zip down, a quick, gentle tug and I'm ready to rock!

From: lewis
Thanks for sharing Pat congrats on a great buck and a great shot Lewis

From: Beav
Great mass! Congrats Pat!

Congratulations! Hope to read about OH as well.

From: Duke

Duke's Link
No ground shrinkage there... But may have had some shrinkage on your part, Pat!!!

From: Knifeman
I give up on judging antler size. I thought, (and think) that the 10 on day 5 was a better scoring thus better buck than the victim. I would have been tagged out.

From: Knifeman

Knifeman's embedded Photo
Knifeman's embedded Photo
This one has no doubts about it...

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Knifeman, the pics are deceiving. The ten from day 6 was a 3.5 year old buck. Lacked mass. My buck is estimated at 5.5. Here’s a good pic that shows how much mass he had.

From: Bowboy
Pat do you know how much he weighed? Lots like he's a big bodied buck weight wise.

From: Jimbo
Great buck, Pat. Congratulations!

From: ki-ke
Keebs for Congress.....

From: yooper89
Heck of a deer. Congrats!

From: Knifeman
no doubt, maybe why I have several ground shrink 10s under my belt. Somehow the autopilot always kicks in. Thanks for the response, pics are deceiving.

From: RK
Very nice deer. Mass is really good. Congrats!!

From: Buffalo1
Pat, Congrats on another beautiful trophy!! You had an interesting wait experience to take that buck.

Just getting to this one hanging out in Iowa after another day's hunt wondering if it is just me or is this one of the most confusing reads of 2020. Must be a lot of editing because the comments just don't make any sense. Probably troll related unfortunately. ... Pat, I would love to see a different pic of your deer. Only one I see posted is the hanging one but based on the comments you must have shown others pics at some point. TODDY

From: fastflight
Toddy...Go to the home page of bowsite and Pat has daily reports. That will fill in the gaps.

From: KsRancher
Toddy, I was wondering where the pics were also. Fastflight, thanks.

From: Bowhunt3138
Congratulations Pat. That's a beautiful buck. Thanks for taking us with you.

Found it, thanks FF! Congrats Pat on another great deer!

From: Catscratch
Lol, thought I had a reading problem and couldn't make sense of things. Glad it's explainable!

From: SIP
Same here. Usually he posts a link in the first post for the feature. I forgot that this year. #2020

From: KingDaddy
So why wouldn't the outfitter go out there and kill DOB? Why let a buck like that bully young bucks with potential out of the area and breed many does with that crap gene rack? Makes no sense. I guess he is going to get 11 years of breeding in now.

From: Rupe
Great buck Pat. Thanks for sharing your hunt.

Fantastic buck and hunt once again. You did well. Congrats and enjoy your success.

From: GhostBird
Congratulations Pat.

From: Mad Trapper
Congrats Pat!

From: Swampbuck
Congratulations Pat!! Looking forward to the short blood trail challenge coming soon

From: Grey Ghost
Another nice corn-fed buck, Pat. Congrats!.

ODB is probably grateful for another season of breeding, too. ;-)


From: sticksender
A very nice buck....congrats to you.

From: JohnMC
Did the 3rd guy have any luck?

From: APauls
Congrats again Pat! Where did the regulars go for this hunt? They couldn’t keep up with the bidding to get in on it?

From: KingDaddy
"Another nice corn-fed buck, Pat. Congrats!." LOL..has to be Kyle's brother.

"They couldn’t keep up with the bidding to get in on it?"

Please tell me you don't bid to go on this hunt....please.

Way to get it done pat, always enjoy this thread. Matt not have any luck?

From: leo17
Kent and Clay are great guys. They set the price of the hunt and you choose to go or not.there’s no bidding. Believe me they aren’t holding their breath and waiting for anyone to book. It’s a special thing that they have going on down there and if you are lucky enough to get a spot count yourself lucky. It’s a quality hunt. Very different from most whitetail outfitters I’ve ever been with who want to run 100+ guys a year. It’s a small place with big results.

From: drycreek
Ridiculous comments aside, an enjoyable thread and a great buck down. Congrats Pat !

Some jealous dudes on here. Nice bucks guys.

From: Skippy
Very nice buck! Did this buck ever get scored?

From: dakotaduner
Congratulations Pat. You held out and made it count. Always enjoy following your hunts

From: Pat Lefemine
Congrats Leo! Nice buck. Love the kicker!!

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