Mathews Inc.
Calls for Maryland Sitka Deer
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Btw-Mathews 11-Jan-22
Lost Arra 11-Jan-22
JL 11-Jan-22
hdaman 11-Jan-22
bill v 12-Jan-22
ahunter76 12-Jan-22
Shuteye 13-Jan-22
spike78 14-Jan-22
Hi Everyone, I’m looking to Sitka deer hunt Maryland on some public land this year. I plan on heading down on the archery / muzzleloader season transition mid-October. What call should I purchase? Are there specific areas I should focus on (obviously swamps but what are they eating and transitioning to and from)? I read to throw everything you know about whitetail out the windows. Any piece of advise for a first time hunter would be great! Thanks in advance.

From: Lost Arra
Sika deer (How to spell it is all I know)

From: JL
Go to the Maryland website. A lot of folks there that could help...even with the calls.

From: hdaman
Check out the Blackwater refuge on the eastern shore. The website has lots of info.

From: bill v
Brent. Get back in there and hunt. Calls are marginal , guys that hunt them exclusively might have some success with calls. I whistle at them but really don’t know if it has helped or not Learned to just whistle like they do. If you go in mid October you are hitting the rut. They will be running and whistling all over the place. You’ll have a blast. Find, if you can “ young frag” needs to be green up to 24” they’ll feed on that

From: ahunter76
Been twice & have a friend that lives there & very successful. Blackwater Wildlife refuge & Asetaugue (SP) Island is another public. Muddy Marsh outfitters is pretty darn good cost wise too. Oct is Rut time. You will think your in big Elk country when you hear them,, It's a grerat hunt. Marshes mean lots of "bugs", go prepared.

From: Shuteye
Blackwater refuge is a great place. I killed a stag the first time I went and went back to the same tree the next year and got a female. Saw plenty of those cute little deer. Talk to the rangers and they are very helpful. I was only a short distance from the headquarters and about 200 yards from my truck. Make sure to take waders if you hunt where I did, you will need them. Bowdad went with me and had one walk right up to him in the parking lot. He didn't have the heart to shoot it but got a big kick out of the Fox squirrels. The one that Bowdad didn't shoot got hit by a car right while we were there.

From: spike78
Watched Seekone on YouTube and they did a Sitka hunt in MD, on my bucket list ever since!

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