Mathews Inc.
Electric Fence- cost, brand etc?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Hunt98 29-Apr-22
t-roy 29-Apr-22
Lewis 29-Apr-22
Vaquero 45 30-Apr-22
Lewis 30-Apr-22
bigswivle 30-Apr-22
bigswivle 30-Apr-22
bigswivle 30-Apr-22
Buck Watcher 30-Apr-22
wildwilderness 30-Apr-22
Lewis 30-Apr-22
LKH 30-Apr-22
t-roy 30-Apr-22
Vaquero 45 02-May-22
Mule Power 02-May-22
Pat Lefemine 08-May-22
wildwilderness 08-May-22
Swampbuck 08-May-22
Swampbuck 08-May-22
t-roy 08-May-22
wildwilderness 08-May-22
LKH 08-May-22
t-roy 09-May-22
rock50 09-May-22
rock50 09-May-22
Mark Watkins 20-Dec-24
Lewis 20-Dec-24
Fisher 06-Jan-25
t-roy 06-Jan-25
Lewis 08-Jan-25
t-roy 08-Jan-25
APauls 08-Jan-25
t-roy 08-Jan-25
APauls 08-Jan-25
Lewis 09-Jan-25
Lewis 09-Jan-25
t-roy 09-Jan-25
From: Hunt98
What would you recommend for brand of electric fence for a one acre corn food plot?



Type of battery?

Any helpful tips for do’s and don’ts?

From: t-roy
Hunt98…..look up “Foodplot fencing Ideas” on here. Lots of good info for what you’re looking for. Solar fencers are pretty foolproof. You can probably, most likely, buy all of the individual components you will need, at any farm supply store, quite a bit cheaper than a specialty kit.

From: Lewis

Lewis 's embedded Photo
Lewis 's embedded Photo
I did mine with parmak charger 1 inch electric tape and I simply used uline wrapping tape for the inside 2 lines very inexpensive and the two inside are not charged and have not been broken through going on the third year hope this helps Good luck

From: Vaquero 45
Parmak good charger , buy larger than you need . Not sold in big box stores . Don't p on hot fence .

X3 on the Parmak.


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

From: Lewis
Get the mounting bracket that fits on a t post and you’re good to go good luck Lewis

From: bigswivle

bigswivle's embedded Photo
bigswivle's embedded Photo
I have a Gallagher unit that does 18miles. Solar charger, four strands of hot wire and one strand of ground wire(all slick wire, no rope stuff) Material cost was about 2500$ for 12 acres. Nothing getting in and a steady 8700 volts

From: bigswivle
I have a Gallagher unit that does 18miles. Solar charger, four strands of hot wire and one strand of ground wire(all slick wire, no rope stuff) Material cost was about 2500$ for 12 acres. Nothing getting in and a steady 8700 volts

From: bigswivle

bigswivle's embedded Photo
bigswivle's embedded Photo

From: Buck Watcher

Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Wire $50 (I use the rope kind). Clips$15 12V Fencer $50. T posts (all from FF or Menards). And an deep cycle battery.

I have a 120V for 25 years, zero issues. My neighbor has a 12V fencer and his battery lasts all season on 1 charge.

Do deer jump and Electric Fence?

From: Lewis
To each his own but you don’t need wire simple wrapping tape and electric tape works great at a much more economic cost and you can carry it around not much weight mine is going on 3 years old good luck Lewis

From: LKH
I've got 2 Parmaks that are over 20 years old. Been in constant use. A third one failed because the seal leaked on the control unit and it corroded to death.

I've always used solid steel wire. Lasts forever and I had a device made out of scrap steel and tire rims to wind wire up for use on a new plot.

From: t-roy
Wildwilderness……..deer can easily jump the electric fence, however, the concept behind the plot fence configuration is, the distance between, and the differing heights of the inner and outer fencing, supposedly messes with their depth perception. I’ve been using them for the last 10-15 years, with very good success. It won’t keep every deer out, but it does keep the overwhelming majority of them out.

From: Vaquero 45
Nice clean pic's of those E fence set ups . It would be overkill but I have an Parmak se4 50 miler . I don't have a pig in there race but do own also a Cyclops Super . Really well built unit . If anybody here never heard of them , might wanna surf the web and look up the Cyclops line . They make "higher joule " stuff .

From: Mule Power
Gallagher for my portable horse corral. In western Montana that’s the standard.

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

I know a lot of guys are hesitant to put up a single row e-fence because they are pretty easy for deer to jump them. While that is true, and a 2-row efence is better, you still get amazing results with a 1-row deterrent fence.

Check out this photo taken last year in my Ohio soybean kill plot. The one row fence, that deer can easily jump, has dramatically better growth than the non-fenced section.

This is just a simple, one-row fence with a rural king solar charger. The unit, poles, and wire cost me $400 one-time and I get to use it every year. So if you think it's not worth it to invest in an e-fence due because it won't be a complete deterrent, think again. It really is worth it.

I see the fences with double or triple wires offset on depth. Then I see a few pictures that are all straight depth like barbed wire

Will the single plane one work off the electric alone?

From: Swampbuck
X2 on Bigs, can’t do plots but can do small melon, squash

From: Swampbuck
Hogs in FL DON’T care. They eat everything

From: t-roy
Not quite sure I understand your question, wildwilderness.


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Cattle e-fence
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Cattle e-fence
My question is if a simple e-fence like this picture work to keep deer out?

Note the wires or not at different “levels” or “inset “

From: LKH
Single plain is not very effective. Deer come up to it and leap with ease, even with 48" wire.

From: t-roy
Agree with LKH. If they have access to readily available browse outside of the fence (as in Pat’s pic) then you might get away with it, but if you’re the only game in town, in the immediate area, then I highly doubt a single tiered fence would deter them very much, if at all.

From: rock50

rock50's embedded Photo
rock50's embedded Photo

From: rock50

rock50's embedded Photo
Protecting young oak trees
rock50's embedded Photo
Protecting young oak trees

From: Mark Watkins
T-Roy is the PH/D/Master Engineer of electric fences, so when I was going to put my first one up (now have four E fenced areas), I talked to Troy.

His double fence works great as the depth perception component is a reality. However, being a little OCD and not wanting to lose that ground (to the second line) that could produce crop, I’ve migrated to a single fence. 6’ high with 6 strands of high vis turbo wire. The top strand is about 5’ 6”. Each strand is about 10” apart starting from the ground.

It is 90-95% effective at keeping does and fawns out and about 98% effective at keeping the bucks out.

Good luck and have fun!


From: Lewis

Lewis 's embedded Photo
Lewis 's embedded Photo
Whatever works this one is my go to for the last 4 years Good luck Lewis

From: Fisher
After the crop matures and you decide to allow access do you open gates or remove the tape / wire / ribbon?

I have successfully used electric fences to keep deer out of crops that were for market. Have not used fences to keep deer out of food plots.

We have been planting food plots for 40 years. The deer have plenty of food and live fat and sassy for 9 months. Our focus has always been winter foods. This year, the deer ate everything in the food plots shortly after sprouting. Now they are hard up for winter groceries.

Contemplating fencing them out this coming year.

From: t-roy
If I’m using turbo-tape and turbo-wire, I roll up all my fencing up around early September if possible. I think it will last much longer than just leaving it out in the weather and the UV rays are hard on it, as well. I use empty wooden electrical wire spools to reel the wire up on. I reel both strands of the turbo-wire up at the same time, then I wind the turbo-tape up on the same reel. If you try and reel them all up together, you end up with tangled mess when you go to unwind it the following spring. I mark on the spool, which plot it came off of.

From: Lewis
I take everything down and mark the spools helps to know which plot it goes to. I use an impact wrench to roll up the tape.Good luck Lewis

From: t-roy
Lewis……Do you have a pics of your rigging on the spools that show how you’re using the impact wrench to reel it up? I keep threatening to do that. I’ve got a couple of different ideas on how I want to rig mine up, but that always seems to get put on the back burner.

From: APauls
Bought an energizer off amazon that was cheap and so far a year in super happy with it. I swamped it by accident and using my keychain took it apart, found some toilet paper to dry off the innards, and got it back up and running. I think it is 3J and holy smokes will that thing send you on a trip.

From: t-roy
You should do one of those TikTok or YouTube challenge videos, APauls!!

From: APauls
Word of wisdom: Do not try and sneak between two hot wires with a sweaty back. Swear I threw my back out for a week!

I have a very well made Parmak I used for cattle and horses. If someone wants to pay shipping we can come to a very reasonable price.

From: Lewis
T-Roy I’ll try to get a picture but what I did was I got a wooden dowel that fit tight through the center of my spool and put a bolt in the end with a bunch of washers on the bolt to keep it from going deep in the dowel.Hell I’ll get a picture it’s not perfect but it sure beats rolling it in by hand.Lewis

From: Lewis

Lewis 's embedded Photo
Lewis 's embedded Photo
Here’s what I have been using I think I’ll build a jig to put the pvc in and a platform to hold the impact wrench. The pvc is what one of us holds and the dowel spins inside of it while the impact wrench is turning the dowel. Occasionally I’ll spray some lithium grease on the dowel if needed.Good luck Lewis

From: t-roy
Thanks, Lewis!

Anyone ever set up the double fence for standing corn?

Just wondering if two strands all the way around on single posts would work for corn.

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