Happy Mother’s Day, moms!!
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
t-roy 14-May-23
t-roy 14-May-23
Woods Walker 14-May-23
butcherboy 14-May-23
TEmbry 14-May-23
Dale06 14-May-23
Woods Walker 14-May-23
KsRancher 14-May-23
EmbryOklahoma 14-May-23
TGbow 14-May-23
badbull 16-May-23
t-roy 12-May-24
Charlie Rehor 12-May-24
Bowboy 12-May-24
Groundhunter 12-May-24
Keefers 12-May-24
Scoot 12-May-24
Scoot 12-May-24
Buffalo1 12-May-24
RonP 12-May-24
TGbow 12-May-24
ND String Puller 13-May-24
From: t-roy
Happy Mother’s Day to all those moms out there! What a blessing it is (or was) to have a loving mother in our lives. I can’t even begin to thank mine enough, for her unwavering love as well as EVERYTHING she has unselfishly done for me over the years. I love you Mom!

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
Baking cookies with her great granddaughter.
t-roy's embedded Photo
Baking cookies with her great granddaughter.

From: Woods Walker
A blessing indeed! Mine passed on 2006, but she's still with me everyday.

A few years ago I went into a store, and an elderly woman was coming in behind me. Without thinking I stepped back and held the door open for her. She smiled and thanked me like it was a big deal that someone would do that for her, I just told her that I HAD do , because if I didn't, my mother's hand would come down from Heaven and slap me upside the head. She smiled and said...."Well, you had a GOOD mother!"

Yes I did!

From: butcherboy
My wife is a great mom to our 3 kids! Took her out for a steak dinner last week since it wouldn’t be so crowded. My mom passed in 2019 and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her in one way or another. She served/volunteered teaching young kids Sunday school in her church for over 40 years and was a grade school teacher.

From: TEmbry
You don’t get a chance to pick ‘em but man even if you could I couldn’t have chosen better when it comes to parents. My wife and I hope to be half the parents they were to me.

From: Dale06
Visited my mom this week, she’s 96 and quite active.

From: Woods Walker
TEmbry.....You will be, because they taught you, not by talk, as much as ACTIONS. Just pass it on!

Dale: That's fantastic! Cherish every second with her! My wife's mom passed in January at 95 and was still living on her own up to the past month or so. It's a gift!

From: KsRancher
My wife is a great mom. Her mom was as good as it gets also. She passed away 4 years ago at age 56. I REALLY miss that woman.

Wouldn't give a plug nickel for my mom.

Yes, happy Mother’s Day to all the corn pile hunters too. :)

From: TGbow
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms. A heavenly Happy Mothers Day to my mom.

From: badbull
Just noticed this thread. My mother was the most gentle person that I ever met but also one of the most brave. When I was a child of about 14, I saw her bring a runaway horse that was dragging a sled to a halt by jumping in front of him, grabbing him by the halter, and letting him drag her until he stopped. She passed away at a very young age and I still miss her. My wife is also a great mom and grandma so l feel blessed.

From: t-roy
TTT for 2024…….LOVE ya, Mom!

Lost mine 38 years ago but her gift keeps giving. Moms are tops. Enjoy every day.

From: Bowboy
My mom was a great mom. All my friends wanted her to be their mom. She passed at 70 in 2008.

From: Groundhunter
My mother made it till 94. Got Alzheimers in her 80s, but we gave her alot of care. Wonderful mother, I was blessed.

From: Keefers
My Mom had 7 children and I was number 5 down the line but lost one brother and my sister last year . My Mom was such a great Mother and a great cook .I miss her chocolate covered cram puffs with her home made chocolate icing that was like fudge and the pudding mix she made from scratch . I got the blessing to hold her hand as she took her last breath from this side of life and I told her as she left if Jesus is waiting for her to let go Please go and tell everyone we will one day meet again. As I told her that she took in her last and a tear went down her cheek as I continued to pray and Thank her for All she has done for all my siblings and I . That was in 2002 and I miss her daily . Happy Mother’s Day to all you Mothers out there and I appreciate those Moms cause they are the glue that makes a Happy home and family . Love you Mom , Keefers

From: Scoot

Scoot's embedded Photo
Scoot's embedded Photo
Happy mother's day to all the moms out there. My mom (and dad) on her wedding day. Best mom ever (my opinion may be biased)!

From: Scoot
The mom of my kids is pretty special to me too. She's also a great mom.

From: Buffalo1
Mine has been long gone- but never forgotten!!! I think of her and quote her often. The older I get, the more I find out how what she told be was correct !!

From: RonP

From: TGbow
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.

We wouldn’t be here without them! God bless all the moms out there!

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