Subarctic Wildlife
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
APauls 09-Sep-23
APauls 09-Sep-23
APauls 09-Sep-23
sitO 09-Sep-23
JohnMC 09-Sep-23
Treeline 09-Sep-23
Kurt 09-Sep-23
t-roy 09-Sep-23
Grunter 09-Sep-23
Rgiesey 09-Sep-23
caribou77 09-Sep-23
TMac 09-Sep-23
Bake 09-Sep-23
fran 09-Sep-23
sticksender 09-Sep-23
BowHiker 09-Sep-23
Supernaut 09-Sep-23
Swampbuck 09-Sep-23
Lucas 09-Sep-23
Mhg825 10-Sep-23
scentman 10-Sep-23
redneck hunter 10-Sep-23
APauls 10-Sep-23
HUNT MAN 10-Sep-23
Zbone 10-Sep-23
BoggsBowhunts 10-Sep-23
APauls 11-Sep-23
tobywon 11-Sep-23
From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
Thought I’d share some pics from up on the Hudson Bay. I was up for a few days early September here. The location is super unique as it is next to impossible to reach so the animals are not hunted and thus act like we’re not there.

The wolves were really interesting to watch as many of the pack of 15 were often hanging out at their rendezvous point. Essentially a place where the pups and babysitter hang out while adults are hunting. So all the wolves filtered through here and there. Regurgitating good for the pups when they got back. Without a cell phone and since not all the pack members (pups) aren’t able to put on serious miles and stay together they set a location as a sort of standing meeting spot until pups are old enough to travel.

From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
I know a lot of you hate wolves but man are they fun to watch
APauls's embedded Photo
I know a lot of you hate wolves but man are they fun to watch
APauls's embedded Photo
Northernmost tip of the black bear range and they are in serious danger of turning into wolf kibble
APauls's embedded Photo
Northernmost tip of the black bear range and they are in serious danger of turning into wolf kibble
APauls's embedded Photo
Waves crashing in the background. Crazy how these bears head out and swim in that stuff
APauls's embedded Photo
Waves crashing in the background. Crazy how these bears head out and swim in that stuff

From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
Of course the lights twinkle at night
APauls's embedded Photo
Of course the lights twinkle at night
APauls's embedded Photo
This guy gets the mojo going…seen from the plane on the way out
APauls's embedded Photo
This guy gets the mojo going…seen from the plane on the way out
Like a big German shepherd lol

From: sitO
Awesome pics!

From: JohnMC
Adam great photos! I want to go up there someday even if I have to get a job cleaning toilets to do it. Looks like the most awesome place. I am fine with the Trudeau wolves, just don't want them here.

From: Treeline
Great pictures! I would be getting a parachute on after seeing that moose! He’s a nice one!

From: Kurt
Great stuff Adam! Love the polar bears living on the land looking good, even fat....without icebergs.

From: t-roy
Awesome pics, Adam! What a backdrop you have at your office!

From: Grunter
Awesome pics, thanks for posting them! Seeing the Polar bears and all the wildlife would make the trip worth it.

From: Rgiesey
Great Adam!

From: caribou77
Incredible pics

From: TMac
Great pics thx Adam!

From: Bake
Awesome pics!

From: fran
Just stunning!

From: sticksender
Excellent pics.

From: BowHiker
Incredible animals, and pics of them.

From: Supernaut
Wow, great pics!

Thank you for sharing them with us.

From: Swampbuck
I always enjoy your pictures, thank you, J

From: Lucas
Wonderful pictures, thank you!

From: Mhg825
Incredible photos, thanks for sharing !

From: scentman
Really nice, thanks for sharing!

Nature really is beautiful.

From: APauls


Stunning is a good word for them.

From: Zbone
Impressive pix, thanks for sharing...

Maybe I just don’t look into Polar Bears as much as I should, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen them without a snowy backdrop. Super cool to see and makes them seem much more “real”

From: APauls
No kidding hey Boggs?!?! So many people don't even know you can see them in the fact it's the best time. The ice melts on the ocean and they swim to shore and now are all crowded on the shore waiting for the ice again. For us here in the Hudson's Bay we watch them for 4 months without snow. I guess in the high arctic likely there's more snow all the time.

Boggs x2. Awesome pictures and very cool seeing polar bear without snow.

From: tobywon
Awesome!! Thanks for sharing

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