Mathews Inc.
Mountain lion hunting ban filed in CO
Contributors to this thread:
LUNG$HOT 25-Sep-23
TRnCO 25-Sep-23
spike78 25-Sep-23
Live2Hunt 25-Sep-23
DConcrete 25-Sep-23
LBshooter 25-Sep-23
NM highcountry 25-Sep-23
Lone Bugle 25-Sep-23
Brotsky 25-Sep-23
Zbone 25-Sep-23
LBshooter 25-Sep-23
smarba 25-Sep-23
LBshooter 25-Sep-23
Missouribreaks 25-Sep-23
Pat Lefemine 25-Sep-23
Missouribreaks 25-Sep-23
EmptyFreezer 25-Sep-23
Glunt@work 25-Sep-23
Glunt@work 25-Sep-23
JohnMC 25-Sep-23
cnelk 25-Sep-23
JohnMC 25-Sep-23
LUNG$HOT 25-Sep-23
Missouribreaks 25-Sep-23
JohnMC 25-Sep-23
Missouribreaks 25-Sep-23
Patdel 25-Sep-23
Glunt@work 25-Sep-23
Bowbender 25-Sep-23
PECO2 25-Sep-23
thedude 25-Sep-23
Glunt@work 26-Sep-23
RonP 26-Sep-23
Jims 08-Oct-23
Paul@thefort 08-Oct-23
cnelk 08-Oct-23
Jims 08-Oct-23
Jaquomo 08-Oct-23
tradi-doerr 08-Oct-23
Bowfreak 09-Oct-23
Paul@thefort 09-Oct-23
Glunt@work 09-Oct-23
Stix 09-Oct-23
cnelk 09-Oct-23
Stix 09-Oct-23
Bowfreak 09-Oct-23
Catscratch 09-Oct-23
Bent arrow 09-Oct-23
Glunt@work 09-Oct-23
Jaquomo 09-Oct-23
Jaquomo 09-Oct-23
TRnCO 11-Oct-23
Jaquomo 11-Oct-23
tradi-doerr 11-Oct-23
Jaquomo 11-Oct-23
tradi-doerr 11-Oct-23
Beendare 11-Oct-23
KSflatlander 11-Oct-23
Jaquomo 11-Oct-23
IdyllwildArcher 11-Oct-23
Glunt@work 12-Oct-23
Missouribreaks 12-Oct-23
Stix 12-Oct-23
Bow Bullet 12-Dec-23
Jaquomo 12-Dec-23
Hondolane 12-Dec-23
Hondolane 12-Dec-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 13-Dec-23
Bou'bound 13-Dec-23
Bow Bullet 13-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 09-Feb-24
Hondolane 09-Feb-24
Hondolane 09-Feb-24
Billyvanness 10-Feb-24
Bou'bound 10-Feb-24

Article at link. Not surprised at all.

From: TRnCO
Mtn. lion AND bobcat..

Just gets nuttier and nuttier in this state.

From: spike78
Yup won’t be a need for hunters in the future in their eyes.

From: Live2Hunt
Yup won’t be a need for hunters in the future, Except for the hunters they are trying to protect. Human omnivorous hunting/gathering animals have to change their DNA evidently and become non-human animals?

From: DConcrete
Don’t worry. I was assured by conservation groups that trail cam bans, baiting bans, season restrictions, and outfitter rules aren’t slippery slopes.

I am sure that sci, Sfw, mule deer foundation and Rocky Mountain elk foundation are on this… a rat on a Cheetoh.

From: LBshooter
When the libs move in things change for the worse.texas and Florida are in trouble in the future with all the libs moving in.

Low life Colorado liberals.

From: Lone Bugle
As a fourth generation Coloradoan I'm sick about what's happening here.

From: Brotsky
Calirado politics at play again....please Lord don't let them move here.

From: Zbone
I lived in Denver area from Oct 1997 through April 1999 and Libs were Californicating Colorado then...

From: LBshooter
When the libs move in things change for the worse.texas and Florida are in trouble in the future with all the libs moving in.

From: smarba
Well Shizzle...

From: LBshooter
When the libs move in things change for the worse.texas and Florida are in trouble in the future with all the libs moving in.

Recently it has become obvious many here on bowsite are Libs. Hunters joining HSUS, ASPCA and PETA is the single biggest clue the downfall of hunting is accelerating.

From: Pat Lefemine
Every sportsman who votes Democrat owns this. SMH

And the stupidity is not limited to Colorado. Many resident sportsman in Montana support the efforts of the American Prairie. American Prairie has publicly stated they and the tribes welcome wolves and grizzly bears into the Missouri Breaks of Montana. That would be elk unit 410, and both predators are already there. It was stated wolves and bears are a welcome addition to the newly established bison ecosystem. Thank you resident hunters of Montana for this wonderful addition to the hunting community. You own it !

From: EmptyFreezer
Liberals protect all predators, lions, bobcats, pedophiles, trannies, next will be coyotes.. I live in CA, i know... Fight em while u can..

From: Glunt@work

From: Glunt@work
It was a just matter of "when". This has been on their to-do list for a while.

They won at the ballot with spring bear, bear baiting and hounds as well as trapping and wolves. Why wouldn't they keep throwing initiatives up?

Wouldn't surprise me to see some some of the hipster hunter crowd even go along with it.

The CPW isn't allowed to weigh in now that it's on the path to be a ballot initiative. They also knew it was coming and should have been preemptively working to inform Coloradoans on why lion hunting is a critical and positive part of the management plan while they could.

From: JohnMC
Just a reminder everyone said the wolf re-introduction would win in a landslide. It barely passed. Very little was done to sway votes against it. I am not saying I would bet big money this does not pass. With that said CO folks and those that hunt here, we need a strong message why this bad and it needs to be shared with those that are not informed, or the fence. We also need an organization that will be a voice against this that will need money.

From: cnelk
A good start would be to get rid of the Governor in the next election. But it’s almost certain that Colorado will always be Blue from now on.

From: JohnMC
Don't disagree Brad but this ballot initiative doesn't have anything to do with dip shit. At least directly.

“Every sportsman who votes Democrat owns this. SMH“

Yeah, but good luck getting them to understand this concept. Even if they know it to be true, people are soooo afraid to admit they’ve been wrong and make a change. It’s mind boggling to say the least. If I find out a parasite has been slowly killing me from within, I’m gonna find a way to remove the parasite. Not continue to let it kill me because someone tells me it’s all okay.

Throw the parasites out of your hunting camps, do it now.

From: JohnMC
If you've never had a parasite in your camp could that mean you are the parasite? Just a question.

Yep, deny all dems, PETA, HSUS and all other anti hunting relatives. I have no issue with it, no entitlements off from my hard earned assets.

From: Patdel
Will they get the signatures they need? Hopefully not, but Based on the wolf vote i would guess so.

Its a shame wildlife management decisions are made in voting booths by people who dont know sh@!. The state has professionals they are paying to make those decisions. It would be nice if they would be allowed to do their job. Politics. Its a scourge.

From: Glunt@work
They will get the signatures. It's not a dozen crazy liberal anti hunters standing in front of Walmart on a Sunday. It's hundreds of paid signature gatherers that work for a company that specializes in this.

If you can foot the bill, you get the signatures no matter how goofy the issue.

From: Bowbender
Wouldn't worry about it.... BCHA will be all over this during Octobers pint night.

From: PECO2
We are doomed.

From: thedude
Republicans in colorado voted in Ganahl to run against Polis. She supported trump, wouldn’t take a stand on 2020 elections being legitimate, opposed public health insurance, and pro life. You would have to try real damn hard to find a worse candidate in a blue/purple state. No matter how much the CO primary base kicks and screams they will never win a statewide election if they keep letting hacks win the primary. If you don’t like how polis is destroying game management you should push better primary candidates or continue to get screwed in the bed that you made.

From: Glunt@work
Most Coloradoans couldn't even name who ran on the Republican side and wouldn't be able to pick Ganahl out of a line up or say what her positions were. The big GOP money let Colorado go a while back.

In 2004 a group of Democrats with deep pockets and access to others nationally with deep pockets decided to flip Colorado. They eventually did and it's likely irreversible any time soon.

From: RonP
this reminds me exactly of another state when the liberals invaded and banned cougar hunting with dogs three decades ago.

my recommendation afterward was to give everyone that purchased a hunting license a cougar tag. don't make them buy it. not that that would solve the over-population and impact on deer and elk, but it may help a bit.

they leave the hell holes they created only to do the same. my favorite is after they arrive and get settled in, they complain it's not diverse enough and they're offended by a statue or historical sign of lewis and clark or the settlers that came west.

montana is in their sights. 40-percent of voters in montana voted for Biden in 2020. give it another decade.

From: Jims
I just found this fact sheet by the CPW in regard to Colorado’s Declining Mule Deer Population and CPW’s Proposed Predator Management Strategy. It is an interesting article about predators and predator control in Colorado. Management.pdf

It mentions that, CPW’s Research-based Predator Management Strategy Colorado Parks and Wildlife is a science?based wildlife management agency, employing some of the top researchers and wildlife managers in the world. Research projects are comprehensive, detailed and subject to scientific peer review.

Purpose and Background The Commission has approved three other predator control plans since revising its predator management policy in 2007. Approval was granted in 2011 to remove individual mountain lions preying on translocated desert bighorn sheep in the Middle Delores River, due west of Montrose near the Utah border. The Commission also approved in 2011 a two-year proposal to remove mammalian predators in the Miramonte Basin, about halfway between Telluride and Utah to increase the recruitment of juvenile Gunnison sage-grouse. Finally, approval was granted in 2013 to remove mountain lions preying on Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep translocated to the area of the Hayman burn near Cheesman Reservoir, southwest of Castle Rock.

These additional predator control strategies were put into place in addition to current lion hunting seasons. I find it pretty spooky what may happen to Colo's wildlife in the coming years if both mtn lion hunts are eliminated plus wolves are introduced. Obviously, similar to what happened with spring bear hunts, making wildlife decisions through public elections is contrary to making science?based wildlife management decisions?

From: Paul@thefort
The unfortunate fact is once the Initiative 91 is/if approved by the Sec of State, and the actual Ballot is up for Colorado citizen's vote, the CPW and the CPW Commission can say no more. I would like to see the CPW take a stand and educated the public concerning the scientific management of both the lion and bobcat as currently accomplished. Actually, I believe the CPW will NOT come out publicly and not take a stand against this initiative even prior to this initiative being approved. Hope I am wrong. The pro wolfers knew this, and now the groups that are supporting this initiative have learned well and will follow that lead.

From: cnelk
Maybe hire out of state biologists/retired game & fish employees to voice opposition. Nuthin wrong with that

Edit - don’t bother with California/Oregon or Washington

From: Jims
First it was bears, now lions, what would be next on their agenda? Pretty pathetic when the the CPW can dictate rules and regulations for hunting seasons, tag numbers, etc but have no say in other important matters related to wildlife. We as hunters pay to support wildlife but have little input on decisions brought before a ballots.

I agree that it would be great if the CPW would stand up and educate the public to the science on ballots on the consequences of what will happen if things pass! Do you think that will ever happen?

From: Jaquomo
Next? What if it is a referendum to ban cruel bowhunting, as the EVP of HSUS, former president of Fund for Animals warned me was coming? They can post up some nasty photos and videos, and use wounding statistics from bowhunter-funded studies as ammo. He told me we hunters have produced all the campaign material they need.

From: tradi-doerr
x2 Jaquomo With the liberal tyrants in control of Colorado government the anti-hunters, animal activist and environmentalists have all the support they need. If ALL us outdoor enthusiasts don't take a stand and fight back we will loose more than just hunting, next will be fishing, then it will be greater restrictions on use of OUR Publicly owned USFS lands.

From: Bowfreak
My pessimism toward this type of stuff tells me it is inevitable that lion hunting is gone in CO.

From: Paul@thefort
No, lion hunting and bobcat hunting and trapping will not be gone in CO. Your job is to educate your friends and non hunters on the value of big game scientific game management and that even MT. Lions need to be managed and tell them, the meat is wonderful and it is unlawful to not utilized the meat. No not just Trophy hunting at all, but management of a big game species the provides great nutrition like elk, deer, etc.

We have 14 months to get the word out. my best, Paul

From: Glunt@work
We're right, they are wrong. It's a good thing to fight it and inform everyone we can.

That said, the pragmatic thing to do as well is try and find a lion hunt this winter.

From: Stix
How many of you guys convinced mt lion hunting will be gone have used the same energy to send out HOWL's video to your cell and email contacts?

Glad you guys weren't around in 1776. Hate to say it but you're an embarassment as an American patriot.

From: cnelk
If you think a YouTube video is all it will take to sway voters, we are definitely sunk.

You better open up your pocketbook and start contributing to some major alternative measures

From: Stix
Sure... i like the idea of out of state biologists, maybe radio or tv spots, etc, all of which I support and willing to donate. My point is dont surrender like wusses. Be willing to engage in some way. It's your duty.

I contributed when it was before the legislature last year. I sure as hell didn't come on here surrendering defeat like a wuss.

If we gave up on every issue because things dont look promising then we'd have nothing.

From: Bowfreak
“ Hate to say it but you're an embarassment as an American patriot.”

I am an embarrassment because I am a realist? I could make a much more logical argument and say a guy from Colorado who has the right to vote in that state, evidently set idly by and allowed the left to take it over.

From: Catscratch
I think it's dangerous to claim we should be able to trap and hunt based on eating the meat. If we stand on that hill then what do we say when they bring up wolves and yotes? Opossum and skunk trapping? Can't have both... it's a dangerous corner to paint ourselves into. Personally think it's a great idea to get away from calling it "trophy" hunting, but I don't want our biggest claim to counter that is that we eat it. Some things are harvested for fur or even just for management purposes.

From: Bent arrow
U asked whats next. Ur hunting rights if u don't stop bitchin and work together. Support those who support u.

From: Glunt@work
Not safe to assume realists aren't doing anything. It took zero energy to be convinced lion hunting will likely lose. That's just the obvious likely outcome after losing every other anti hunting ballot initiative. Won't be hard to spend more energy taking action.

I'll inform people and donate just like the past issues.

You are correct that pragmatic pessimism won't help things (guilty) but neither will the vinegar recruiting tactics.

From: Jaquomo
Krista Kafer had a pretty powerful feature editorial arguing against the effort, and against ballot box biology in general, in this past Sunday Denver Post. Reached a hell of a lot of Front Range voters.

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's Link
Orion, the Post is obviously very slanted. My point was that at least someone credible is speaking out.

Here's an excellent, and scary article from Forbes about the dangers of ballot box biology now that these groups are getting really good at it and have tons of outside money.

From: TRnCO
I wonder if someone in the California game department would be willing to share some stats with anyone that asked. I looked and found that since they banned lion hunting in 1990, there haven't been too many lion attacks on humans. BUT in the last 3 years alone there have been 7 lion attacks on humans. Wonder if they have stats for attacks on pets and/or life stock.?

Would that be an angle to use showing that there is indeed a need for hunting because in the long run, attacks are few, BUT will only increase as the lion density increases and their natural food supply begins to decrease.

From: Jaquomo
TR, that's a good idea for rational people. But Front Range voters have proven to be emotionally-driven, and the impact on humans seems to be acceptable collateral damage versus the false perception of beautiful wildlife living in harmony. "They were here first; we are the invaders". The governor's trophy husband told me he would love to have wolves in Boulder County so they could show the rest of the state how to coexist with wildlife.

From: tradi-doerr
First, ALL lethal trapping methods have been banned in Colorado years ago, so make sure you explain that to those you are talking to about the Mnt. Lion/Bobcat ban, and point out how the anti's are misleading by claiming Lynx need protecting when they already are protected. And as mentioned Pryor in this thread all the other positive talking points as to why we need to hunt Mnt Lion and Bobcats. ANY effort on our part to keep hunting is worth it, period. It's the sitting on ones ass doing nothing but complaining that allows this BS to move forward without any resistance.

From: Jaquomo
The latest development is the legislative council's problem with the term "trophy hunting" in the wording. They may have to take all that out to be accepted on the ballot. "Trophy hunting" is already illegal in CO, so if this passes as worded, meat hunting could still theoretically be permitted by CPW. Their claim is that nobody eats mountain lion meat. Although, hounds will still be banned so it would be incidental take. CPW could issue a lot more licenses for them. I'm not sure how our anti-hunting Commissioners would treat this, but at least it would leave the door open.

From: tradi-doerr
Ryan (Orion), I have been to many meetings, even before the trapping ban and spring bear hunting ban, still a current member of the Colorado Trappers Assoc. I've also been to many of the BGSS meetings, Paul N. and Steve Hilde can confirm that. How about yourself Ryan (Orion)? Just how involved are you? I see you post a bunch of sarcasm on these issues and peoples involvement. This current issue is new, so can I/we count on running into you Ryan at any of these meetings that may come up? You sure seem to throw out a lot of negative in dealing with these issues. I'm a native to Colorado (58) yrs, and have been involved in most all changes in the hunting/fishing issues this state has gone through over the years, in fact the very first BGSS, myself and Mike Craig were the ones to get the ball rolling to get ALL hunters across the board to get involved. So what's your purpose of trying to single me out!?

From: Beendare
Antis claim its about the ecosystem- which is a bald faced lie.

A balanced ecosystem cannot be accomplished when deadly predators are excluded, they are tying the hands of F&G

From: KSflatlander
“A balanced ecosystem cannot be accomplished when deadly predators are excluded…”

Beendare- If that is true then where do you stand on the Colorado wolf reintroduction?

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Jaquomo's embedded Photo
The mythical "balance of nature" was theoretically reached at the crossover point on this graph. In Colorado now, even with managed lion hunting, CPW biologists estimate lions take roughly half the Mule deer herd. If all lion hunting is stopped, we will see our own graph like this, except mule deer instead of moose. The moose demise will come later.

Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems like the law doesn't ban mountain lion and bobcat hunting outright, but rather, the trophy hunting thereof.

Couldn't CO CPW just say "no trophy hunting allowed of these animals - all animals must be used for subsistence and meat must be harvested for consumption" and keep all the current seasons in place?

"Trophy hunting" is an abstract. It's not a legal definition. "Hunting" is a legal definition. But if you throw that adjective in front of it, it becomes something that is not as easily definable.

They put the "Trophy" clause in there to try and garner support from voters because, when the average non-hunter hears the term "trophy hunter," they think of someone who doesn't eat the meat and kills it only to put something on the wall.

So, that would be illegal. But would it still be illegal if you weren't "trophy hunting" because you killed it for the meat? I think the anti's have no idea that mountain lion meat is not only delicious and edible, but that it is consumed.

In fact, any cat can be consumed, including lynx and bobcat. I've eaten lynx and it was some of the best meat I've ever had.

From: Glunt@work

The most recent text of the initiative spells out that "trophy" hunting is just hunting.


If you look at the graph and results, as deer, elk, moose etc numbers decline you will see much less human hunter opportunity in the form of fewer tags, more limited drawings, shorter seasons, etc. In my opinion, that is the main objective of the anti's, hence their love of predators.

How some hunters, on this very forum, vote for this administration is beyond my comprehension.

From: Stix
"Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems like the law doesn't ban mountain lion and bobcat hunting outright, but rather, the trophy hunting thereof."

This is exactly the fraud the proponents of this are propogating, AND YOU FELL FOR IT! (Just like many of the population who are ignorant of the game laws and fall for an emotional fraud.)

Look at the text of the bill, it bans all killing of these species regardless of intent.

Also read the game laws, true trophy hunting, where mountain lions are killed solely for a mount is already illegal. You must harvest all edible meat.

That's why we as hunters should oppose ballot box biology. Let the experts in the field who are knowledgeable of the science make the decisions, not an ignorant group of citizens who are suuceptible to make decisions based on an emotional fraud.


YIELDING DEFEAT BEFORE THE BATTLE HAS BEGUN IS UNPATRIOTIC AND UNAMERICAN. (Not to mention the message it sends to the folks trying to defeat it, and the proponents of this garbage)

From: Bow Bullet
Legal action against the proposition.

From: Jaquomo
The new initiative they are pushing would allow a two week season in December, no hounds or e calls, and the hides have to be turned over to CPW. So it would be a lion meat hunt.

We may have to vote on this one too. You can't make this stuff up.

From: Hondolane
We’re is Zeik’s dumb ass on this

From: Hondolane
We’re is Zeik’s dumb ass on this


From: Bou'bound
The title on axis on the graph is wrong. Sloppy. Says elk. Title says moose. Come on man we need to be better than this to maintain credibility with the public. Details matter

From: Bow Bullet

Bow Bullet's Link
"The new initiative they are pushing would allow a two week season in December, no hounds or e calls, and the hides have to be turned over to CPW. So it would be a lion meat hunt."

Yeah Lou, if it passes and a two week season naturally results in only a few cats taken, the proponents will say "see, we told you they were only hunted for the hides."

And here's a better link to the article.

From: Paul@thefort
Proponents of the ban on Colorado mt lion hunting have now gone back to the original Initiative 91, less the wording "trophy" Initiative 101 has been scrapped.

From: Hondolane
Ziek we’re is your dumb azz on this topic?

From: Hondolane
Ziek we’re is your dumb azz on this topic?

I live in a “ski town” flush with liberals and most of them haven’t heard of this yet. In a nice manner I’ve been bringing it up to my clients and saying how our governer is making an effort to chip away at a way of life that’s existed here since Native Americans were the only ones around. Using a ballot box with votes from people who have absolutely no idea but just check the left side like a zipper is the real issue. They all seem to listen and acknowledge my concern. I back it up with our ‘92 voting out of spring bear season and how we have more bear problems now then ever. The cpw kills hundreds of bears every year and hauls their carcass’ to the dump. Instead of possibly being a challenge for a young hunter that turns into a bear rug on the floor and bear chili on the stove. Anyway, my point is that I’m approaching this in a friendly manner with people that will listen and after approximately a dozen times I’ve only had it go south once. Then I just move along and agree to disagree. If it turns into an argument it would backfire so my mission is to be nice and educate.

From: Bou'bound
Great Hoyt podcast on this this week. Amazing

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