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Ca. High mt. Desert sheep tag punched!
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
Pacer1975 03-Oct-23
Pacer1975 03-Oct-23
Pacer1975 03-Oct-23
DConcrete 03-Oct-23
Pacer1975 03-Oct-23
DConcrete 03-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 03-Oct-23
Pacer1975 04-Oct-23
Pacer1975 04-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 04-Oct-23
Pacer1975 04-Oct-23
Pacer1975 04-Oct-23
Pacer1975 04-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 04-Oct-23
Pacer1975 04-Oct-23
IdyllwildArcher 04-Oct-23
Nick Muche 04-Oct-23
Tilzbow 04-Oct-23
BULELK1 04-Oct-23
RonP 04-Oct-23
Bou'bound 04-Oct-23
sticksender 04-Oct-23
Jethro 04-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 04-Oct-23
Patdel 04-Oct-23
KsRancher 04-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 04-Oct-23
CrazyEddie 04-Oct-23
bowhunt 04-Oct-23
deerhunter72 04-Oct-23
SaddleReaper 04-Oct-23
HoytHntr4 04-Oct-23
HoytHntr4 04-Oct-23
Patdel 04-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 04-Oct-23
SaddleReaper 04-Oct-23
HoytHntr4 04-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 04-Oct-23
HoytHntr4 04-Oct-23
Hancock West 04-Oct-23
TXCO 04-Oct-23
DL 04-Oct-23
Scoot 04-Oct-23
spike78 04-Oct-23
HoytHntr4 04-Oct-23
TXCO 04-Oct-23
Straight Shooter 04-Oct-23
Glunt@work 04-Oct-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 04-Oct-23
TXCO 04-Oct-23
BOWUNTR 04-Oct-23
sitO 05-Oct-23
Huntcell 05-Oct-23
Rut Nut 05-Oct-23
Bowfreak 05-Oct-23
Tilzbow 05-Oct-23
RonP 05-Oct-23
RK 05-Oct-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 05-Oct-23
Tilzbow 05-Oct-23
Kurt 05-Oct-23
t-roy 05-Oct-23
Mike B 05-Oct-23
t-roy 05-Oct-23
Huntcell 05-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 05-Oct-23
bowhunt 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 06-Oct-23
Nick Muche 06-Oct-23
Rut Nut 06-Oct-23
HoytHntr4 06-Oct-23
WV Mountaineer 06-Oct-23
t-roy 06-Oct-23
patience2spare 06-Oct-23
Tilzbow 06-Oct-23
Scoot 06-Oct-23
Shrewski 06-Oct-23
Shug 06-Oct-23
Jethro 06-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 06-Oct-23
Ucsdryder 06-Oct-23
808bowhunter 06-Oct-23
808bowhunter 06-Oct-23
JohnMC 06-Oct-23
greg simon 06-Oct-23
Shug 06-Oct-23
buckeye 06-Oct-23
Shug 06-Oct-23
JohnMC 06-Oct-23
Shug 06-Oct-23
Shug 06-Oct-23
BOWUNTR 06-Oct-23
DL 06-Oct-23
Pacer1975 22-Oct-23
Pacer1975 22-Oct-23
t-roy 22-Oct-23
Pacer1975 22-Oct-23
Pacer1975 22-Oct-23
Bou'bound 22-Oct-23
Quinn @work 23-Oct-23
RK 23-Oct-23
Brotsky 23-Oct-23
Shug 23-Oct-23
Shug 23-Oct-23
Ambush 23-Oct-23
bigeasygator 23-Oct-23
Rut Nut 23-Oct-23
RK 23-Oct-23
JohnMC 23-Oct-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 23-Oct-23
Bou'bound 23-Oct-23
JakeBrake 23-Oct-23
jjs 23-Oct-23
Bou'bound 23-Oct-23
DConcrete 24-Oct-23
Taxidermy man 24-Oct-23
highsierra 22-Apr-24
MQQSE 22-Apr-24
t-roy 22-Apr-24
highsierra 22-Apr-24
BoggsBowhunts 22-Apr-24
Glunt@work 22-Apr-24
Matt 22-Apr-24
highsierra 23-Apr-24
highsierra 23-Apr-24
Franzen 24-Apr-24
From: Pacer1975

Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Pacer1975's embedded Photo
After 36 years, drew a white mtns. Desert sheep tag. After 10 days, passed 2 legal rams, harvested this dude@13k feet. Brutal 15 hour day in a hellhole canyon. Very blessed. The 6.5prc did great with copper.

From: Pacer1975

Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Pacer1975's embedded Photo

From: Pacer1975
Btw, I was the only tag punched out of 6. Blessed.

From: DConcrete
Congratulations on that! That’s a sweet ram!

From: Pacer1975
Thx, the best hunt of my life and the most 15 hours of physical pain.

From: DConcrete
That looks Like a Barnes bullet. Same ones I run in my 7 SAUM. The performance is flawless Out of them.

From: Ucsdryder

Ucsdryder's embedded Photo
Ucsdryder's embedded Photo
This is my understanding of a legal ram. What did they say when you brought it in to be plugged? Did they give you a hard time?

From: Pacer1975

Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Yes, a Barnes vortex copper. No, the other horn was not broomed and well beyond doubt. The bloomed side made it as well. Plugged and done.

From: Pacer1975

Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Usc...when you cape the horn, your line angle on the bloomed horn is way off.

From: Ucsdryder

Ucsdryder's embedded Photo
Ucsdryder's embedded Photo
I sure don’t see it.

From: Pacer1975
Sorry, fat fingers. Broome side is also legal.

From: Pacer1975
Well usc, 2 sheep bios, who plugged my ram disagree. And my outfitter has never killed a short ram in 25 years. Pic angles are deceiving. Care to bet both sides are legal?

From: Pacer1975
Typical hunt forum. They all know more then 25 year sheep guides and 2 bios with masters. So predictable.

From: Ucsdryder
I guess you could prove me wrong pretty quick. Assuming they didn’t confiscate the sheep you should have it with you. Post a picture with a straight edge showing it’s legal. Boom, done and done and nobody will question you.

From: Pacer1975
Ucs, ram is at a taxidermist. Pony up a cashiers check for 50k, bring a straight arrow, again, cape it and the front anterior horn gives a big angle difference. This bet is over in 5 seconds. Again, hunting forum doubters. I had 4 rams bedded. The best sheep guides looking thru great glass told me they were legal. So pony up 50k, on my caped horn at a 90 degree angle. Both sides are legal. But keep it up. Unreal.

Grats on your ram. That white mountains hunt is a brutal one.

A DBHS from California is one of my top two dream hunts.

From: Nick Muche
ROAL Reaper greets Bowsite with his rifle ram at 13K.

This is gonna be an absolute classic. It was a real rubber-necker on the other 5 forums he posted it on.

From: Tilzbow

Nice Ram.



From: RonP
congratulations and thanks for sharing.

may i ask why you passed on two legal rams? what was your rifle, scope, and shot distance? more of the story and details please.

is the red handkerchief for safety?

From: Bou'bound
What the heck. The ram is magnificent. What is the deal with the online one guy push back from someone with no dog in the fight or knowledge of the thing. Ridiculous

Thanks for sharing

From: sticksender
Welcome to bowsite.

From: Jethro
"What is the deal with the online one guy push back from someone with no dog in the fight or knowledge of the thing."

Deal is, to some of us this is old news. OP has been beating his own drum all over the hunting forums. His threads are a real chit show.

From: Ucsdryder
I guess you could prove me wrong pretty quick. Assuming they didn’t confiscate the sheep you should have it with you. Post a picture with a straight edge showing it’s legal. Boom, done and done and nobody will question you.

From: Patdel
Congrats on your sheep! Ive dreamed about a bighorn since i was a kid. Doubt i will ever draw a tag.

I Keep trying because its fun to dream.

Well done!

From: KsRancher
This guy is a legend...............

From: Ucsdryder
…in his own mind.

I thought he was in Europe for 3 weeks.

Why don’t you tell us about your epic deer hunt in the best unit in california?

From: CrazyEddie
Congratulations! I'm sorry for the rookie question, but when you check in the Ram, do you get something from the state, a certificate or otherwise?

From: bowhunt
I missed the lead up to this thread, and posts on other websites.

From the replies to this thread, I’m wondering is this TBM’s cousin?

From: deerhunter72
I guess I'm missing something here...anyway, congrats to the hunter.

From: SaddleReaper

SaddleReaper's Link
Zero work done so far this morning. It's hard to skim through 75 pages of this- but damn is it funny.

For anyone else who wants some laughs check the link.

From: HoytHntr4
I’m glad work is slow today, 75 pages will take a while to get through but so far it’s been well worth it for the laughs. I love memes and that thread does not disappoint

From: HoytHntr4

From: Patdel
Now i get it. Them boys on rokslide are ruthless.

From: Ucsdryder
This is a good one too…

From: SaddleReaper

SaddleReaper's Link
page 65 is Gold... apparently he replied to himself to "suck it dude" .... best to lay off the booze when arguing with internet strangers

From: HoytHntr4
I was only on page 30 but you made me jump ahead, well worth it!

From: Ucsdryder
He wasn’t arguing with strangers. He was arguing with himself!!

From: HoytHntr4
Bragging and pounding your chest into the mirror gets old after a while, gotta jump onto some hunting forums to change up the scenery a bit

From: Hancock West
By bullet, arrow or bolt, nice ram.

From: TXCO
Also on AT and MM. My question is, why is your name in your profile Ricardo Cabeza or Dick Head?

From: DL
That’s super. I don’t know about you but when I saw my first ram I kept thinking I’m going to get one of them. Now join theCA chapter of the Wild Sheep Foundation and right your story of your hunt. You’re probably hooked now and will buy raffle tickets for sheep hunts. Congratulations!!!

From: Scoot
I was trying to figure out why people were jumping on him so quickly, but after seeing some of the complete garbage he's posted on other sites, I totally understand. Mods should keep a close eye on this thread- it's a strong candidate for zappage!!! I didn't read all of the info in SaddleReaper's link, but holy hell is there some funny stuff in there! Hard to say if alcohol, drugs, mental illness, or all of them is the result of much of what he posted, but holy moly is he a piece of work.

From: spike78
I must be missing something he comes on here and Rokslide posts his pics and story and gets bashed? How is that different from anyone else doing the the same on here?

From: HoytHntr4
Read more of the Rokslide thread, you’ll understand

From: TXCO
Read his stuff on MM and SCH outdoors too. Also I do think this could be a spoof account of him

There are so many other forums you can create a thread on rifle kill animals. Crazy how guys post animals that aren’t taken with archery equipment on Bowsite. I’ll sometimes look on other forums to check out some studs killed by any weapon but when I’m on Bowsite I’m not impressed with any rifle kills.

From: Glunt@work
"Also I do think this could be a spoof account of him"

I thought TBM was someone joking around. Fool me once...

Lmfao. That rokslide thread has me laughing my ass off

From: TXCO
Read his stuff on MM and SCH outdoors too. Also I do think this could be a spoof account of him

Legend. This guy makes TBM look like a sissy... Ed F

From: sitO
The "Angry Gunhunter", I think it's a spoof. What I'd really like to know is the significance of the red bandana?

From: Huntcell
Red bandana is a remembrance tribute to his dad. Its the lucky bandana that was on many of his dad’s sheep hunts during his quest of multiple slams. Red Bandana still dong its magic !

From: Rut Nut
My momma always told me if you don't have anything nice to say........................................................ ;-)

From: Bowfreak
So, is it a legal ram even?

From: Tilzbow
After reading this thread then skimming the Rockslide and other thread I’m truly convinced this guy is a perfect presidential candidate.

I’d also like to know what the California requirements are for a legal desert ram.

From: RonP

RonP's embedded Photo
RonP's embedded Photo
am i the only one who after reading his handle thought he may be an aficionado of these classic cars?

From: RK

Nailed it. Laughing my ass off

Yea that's him. So pathetic

Bow freak x2… are we legally confirmed legal or….no?

From: Tilzbow
I read through the CA regulations and there’s no definition of a legal ram in that book that I can find, nor it there anything on their website. I couldn’t find anything regarding horn length or age in the regulation book or on their website.

Per Huntin’ Fool it’s a half curl or better (this ram would make it) while one of the other threads posted above stated it needs to be 3/4 curl or better and the ram would be close to that but likely short. In experience pictures tell lots of lies as far as sheep horns and one really needs to have a ram in hand or see it in the field with its head turn to the side and also be looking at the ram at the same elevation.

Edit: Found the definition, it’s below and Ucsdryder’s pic above with the lines shows if it’s legal or not but the picture might be at an odd angle although the ram sure appears to be sub-legal

Bag and possession Limit: One mature ram defined as follows: a male Nelson bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni ) having at least one horn, the tip of which extends beyond a point in a straight line beginning at the front (anterior) edge of the horn base, and extending downward through the rear (posterior) edge of the visible portion of the eye and continuing downward through the horn. All reference points are based on viewing the ram directly from a 90 degree angle from which the head is facing.

From: Kurt
PSE made an early 2-wheel compound bow called a Pacer. And AMC made a 4-wheel poor quality car of the same name.

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
Saw this pic of Pacer and his guides headed out for his sheep hunt, on another site. Can’t remember which one, though…..Shwing!!

From: Mike B
So many people with way too much time on their hands....

Anybody know what you call a male version of a Karen?

From: t-roy
I believe it’s “Mike”

From: Huntcell

Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Huntcell 's embedded Photo
He said it was high elevation, I didn't realize it was that high!

From: Ucsdryder
Holy heck t-Roy. I just about pissed my pants I laughed so hard. “Mike”. Classic.

From: bowhunt
I had the same reaction, and dam it. I’m a Mike

Hopefully the male version of Karen doesn’t catch on

From: Pacer1975
Again, too many haters. So backpack 32 lbs, less water and rifle to 13,200 feet. Then pump 4 liters off water, coffee, oatmeal, 15 hours day, kill a ram, 2200 feet below, bone, cape, 3 guys packing 170 lbs.up 2200 vertical, then 6 miles back to camp. 6 tags in the whites this year, 1 punched it. This is the tuffest desert tag on the planet. But I am a bs idiot? Train for 4 months, lose 23 lbs., and@65 do the hard work to get it done. The 3rd legal ram I could have killed. The other 5 tag holders never had a chance. Bye. Anyone thinks 13 ,500 is a joke? 1 tag holder last year died trying in the whites. Have at it haters. I did it.

From: Pacer1975
Again, too many haters. So backpack 32 lbs, less water and rifle to 13,200 feet. Then pump 4 liters off water, coffee, oatmeal, 15 hours day, kill a ram, 2200 feet below, bone, cape, 3 guys packing 170 lbs.up 2200 vertical, then 6 miles back to camp. 6 tags in the whites this year, 1 punched it. This is the tuffest desert tag on the planet. But I am a bs idiot? Train for 4 months, lose 23 lbs., and@65 do the hard work to get it done. The 3rd legal ram I could have killed. The other 5 tag holders never had a chance. Bye. Anyone thinks 13 ,500 is a joke? 1 tag holder last year died trying in the whites. Have at it haters. I did it.

From: Pacer1975
Kurt, yes, in 1975, I bought a Pacer, for $105..and killed 31 deer with it.

From: Pacer1975
Kurt, yes, in 1975, I bought a Pacer, for $105..and killed 31 deer with it.

From: Pacer1975
And anyone here care to meet me next July for a 45 lb. Pack up 6500 vertical? Bring it, and I am 65 now.

From: Pacer1975
And yes, in 16 hours, we will be in Europe for 17 days. Then off to kill whitetails.

From: Nick Muche
....this guy

From: Rut Nut
“WE’RE NOT WORTHY.....................WE’RE NOT WORTHY...................” ;-) LMBO!!!!!!!!!

From: HoytHntr4
He’s back!!!!! Fending off all your haters on all the hunting forums you boast on must be exhausting. We’ve been patiently waiting for your follow up to the hunt on Rokslide, the memes are locked and loaded ready to deploy

I really have no dog in this. Just reading and laughing. But, on another site it was two guys packing 150lbs. 7 miles from camp. Not three guys, 170 pounds and 6 miles back to camp.

Not picking sides just pointing out details. I love a good ribbing. But, if truthfulness is the OO’s point, details matter.

From: t-roy
“Kurt, yes, In 1975, I bought a Pacer, for $105..and killed 31 deer with it.”

The body shop guys must’ve LOVED you……probably made enough coin to go on a couple of sheep hunts, themselves.

Man do I miss the days when guys like BB (Bill Allard) and Bigdan shared their bowhunting adventures and knowledge without pretending to be the next marvel superhero!!!

From: Tilzbow

Tilzbow's embedded Photo
Tilzbow's embedded Photo
Tilzbow's embedded Photo
Tilzbow's embedded Photo
Tilzbow's embedded Photo
Tilzbow's embedded Photo
Can it really be a coincidence? I can’t take credit for noticing, someone else on one of the other threads figured it out.

From: Scoot
Patience2spare, I couldn't agree more. I miss those guys posting here- they were a cut above.

Jackwagons like this guy deserve all of the crap they get. "Look at me, look at me" and "I'm so awesome, you bitches are all haters" begs for people to take pot shots. Not to mention the fact that many of his details contradict each other (between the dozen different sites he posted on--- all of which end with him being attacked by everyone he rubs the wrong way, BTW) and he's clearly lying about some of the happenings. But... nothing anyone in this thread says will matter much to him. He'll continue to be legend in his own mind now matter how much hell he gets for tooting his own horn and breaking his arm patting himself on the back.

From: Shrewski
Well, I thought he had himself worked up enough to tell himself to “suck it” again, but not quite. Maybe the Friday night cocktails will loosen things up a bit more…

From: Shug
Could he just be a guy egging everyone on or is he really this much of a putz?

From: Jethro
Not that it matters, but I don't think the original ROAL Reaper started this thread. I think its a made up account and somebody is having fun with us.

From: Ucsdryder
Wait, were you all packing 170 pounds? So 510 pounds of gear? Or were 3 of you splitting 170 pounds? I’m confused. Your lamb obviously didn’t weigh much, so I assume it’s the latter.

From: Ucsdryder
Was the red bandana a prison thing? Letting people know you’re taken?

From: 808bowhunter
This guy is not "look at me" kinda guy. He is just firing you guys up on this and other social media platform. He is sitting back laughing at all your comments. More comments he gets negative the more he enjoys it. social media and internet nowadays

From: 808bowhunter
This guy is not "look at me" kinda guy. He is just firing you guys up on this and other social media platform. He is sitting back laughing at all your comments. More comments he gets negative the more he enjoys it. social media and internet nowadays

From: JohnMC
If he doing it on purpose good for him and good for the forums. Sounds like everyone is getting entertained out of it. Make no mistake sites like this are for entertainment. Yes we all have learn some good stuff and met some good people. But I log on several times a day to kill time and be entertained, be it shenanigans or hearing about someone's big hunt.

From: greg simon
^^^ Exactly!!! With a "real name" listed as Spanish for Dick Head how could anyone think otherwise. Pretty funny stuff regardless.

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
USC… no if it were a prison “I’m taken” thing he would be holding onto someone’s pocket puller from their pants…like this… allegedly

From: buckeye

buckeye's embedded Photo
buckeye's embedded Photo
There's a feller on RS fixin to sell these here coozies. Might just have to pony up the 97 cents so I can keep my beer cold while I train my tracking spiders.

From: Shug
Anyone know his real name?

From: JohnMC
Shug it is Ricardo Cabeza

From: Shug
Anyone know his real name?

From: Shug
Anyone know his real name?

Boys and girls... you can suck it. Guys like this only come around every once in a great while... lets keep him around. Ed F

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
10 day hunt and only got a barely legal ram?

White mountain rams

From: Pacer1975

Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Pacer1975's embedded Photo
To Uscdryder, yes, he was very legal. And I was 1/6 to punch my tag. Amazing how hunters eat each other. Enjoy. And yes, just flew in from Venice last night. Great med. Trip again. Now whitetails.

From: Pacer1975

Pacer1975's embedded Photo
Pacer1975's embedded Photo
To Uscdryder, yes, he was very legal. And I was 1/6 to punch my tag. Amazing how hunters eat each other. Enjoy. And yes, just flew in from Venice last night. Great med. Trip again. Now whitetails.

From: t-roy
Glad to see you’re back, Dick!

From: Pacer1975
Dl, 300 of the 400 sheep in the whites were winterkill last year with 72 feet of snow. So now you are hunting 100 sheep in 472 sq. Miles of mts.@13k feet. I killed the 3rd legal ram. No one else did, so I guess I am a lucky rube. Lol.

From: Pacer1975
Dl, for the record, I hunted 3 days. Hired the best sheep outfitter in the west, and got it done. Desert ram down.

From: Bou'bound

From: Quinn @work

What elevation did you shoot that sheep at? :)

From: RK
High enough that it killed some of his humble brain cells. Nice sheep Dick Head

From: Brotsky
Congratulations to your guide, I'm sure he never worked so hard to get someone off the mountain faster.

From: Shug
“ From: Brotsky 23-Oct-23Private Reply Congratulations to your guide, I'm sure he never worked so hard to get someone off the mountain faster.”

Haaaaaa. Haaaaaa

From: Shug
“ From: Brotsky 23-Oct-23Private Reply Congratulations to your guide, I'm sure he never worked so hard to get someone off the mountain faster.”

Haaaaaa. Haaaaaa

From: Ambush

I hope Dick Head keeps on hammering.

And I hope people that think he’s serious keep on hammering him.

Funnier than the monthly Funnies threads!

From: bigeasygator
Pacer175,'ve pulled off the impossible! No, nothing to do with your've actually managed to bring all Bowsiters together for (or actually against maybe?) a common cause!

From: Rut Nut
LOL! Look who’s back.....................he’s definitely a glutton for punishment! ;-)

From: RK
Exactly Rut!!

From: JohnMC
What cracks me up is I and I am sure many on this site have killed or know people that have killed sheep at similar elevations and DYI and with a bow. Not that any sheep killed is not an accomplishment including the OPs. But there are certainly hard ways than guided with a rifle. Certainly not saying anything wrong with either.

Brotsky is on a roll today hahahahaa

From: Bou'bound

From: JakeBrake
Straight shooter x 2

From: jjs
Is Pacer related to NverGvUp, the last post I seen was a Cali. gun hunt. just curious with the similar writings. Strange for a bow site but with the x-gun allowed I guess bullets are allowed also, buy congrats on the kill.

From: Bou'bound
Where did you seen that post?

From: DConcrete
Nvrgvup is a really good guy. His name is Kyle and I truly do miss seeing his posts. I’ve spoken with him on the phone and visited with him in person. I like the guy.

Nice ram...I thought this was BOWsite.


highsierra 's embedded Photo
highsierra 's embedded Photo
I was accompanying one of the other tag holders on this Hunt. This was the ram that was shot by the OP….confirmed by his outfitter. We located this ram several days before he was harvested and chose to pass. Too young, and only barely legal on one side. We watched this ram for several hours and have some good video footage of him as well. Scary that this was the only ram killed on the hunt out of six tag holders… Four of which were guided by the same experienced outfitter. The real question people should be asking is what happened to all the big (160+) rams that the whites has been known to produce?

After spending 16 days combing that range, I can tell you that their numbers are way, way down. We personally found more (5) dead-heads in one day than live, legal to take, Rams (3) over the entire season. Scary. If the ram taken was indeed legal, and the hunter that harvested him is happy with it… Good for him!


From: t-roy
Hopefully, Dick comes back on here to regale us with his latest hunting exploits. It would be hard to top this epic adventure, but I’ve got faith in him.

Take it from me… as I was on the mountain and witnessed this guy in action… he tells a very, very tall tale!

T-Roy, he’s likely busy turkey hunting with TBM this time of year. Hopefully he gives us an after action report in May.

From: Glunt@work
And just when I had forgotten this thread :^)

From: Matt
“The real question people should be asking is what happened to all the big Rams and the whites has been known to produce?”

From what I have heard, based on department telemetry data, most of the sheep moved to non-traditional habitat due to snow. It is a real bummer for hunters who drew that unit last year. It will also be interesting to see what we learn over time in terms of counts in terms of what the actual winter kill was.

I know guys who hunt 3 different ranches for tule elk here in CA (very different animal, I get that), but in all 3 cases the resident herds disappeared for weeks or months last fall. My sense is there was adequate habitat elsewhere so they took advantage (gave their traditional habitat a rest), so perhaps the sheep moved because they had to due to snow depths and then forage availability? One of the more notable outfitters also said that the vegetation was high in some areas which made glassing more difficult.

What you heard is pure speculation from the department as they had zero Rams with telemetry collars in the Whites last year. During their one survey, they only found one group of rams far on the north end of the range. Supposedly there were 14 in the group… But as for how many would’ve been “legal to take” based on the criteria outlined by the DFW… Well, that’s still a mystery.

What you heard is pure speculation from the department as they had zero Rams with telemetry collars in the Whites last year. During their one survey, they only found one group of rams far on the north end of the range. Supposedly there were 14 in the group… But as for how many would’ve been “legal to take” based on the criteria outlined by the DFW… Well, that’s still a mystery.

From: Franzen
Next adventure is probably an aerial pursuit.

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