CBA banquet get your tickets.
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From: JohnMC
JohnMC's Link
March 9th is Colorado Bowhunter Association annual awards banquet. Lots of great seminars, and vendors. An awesome big game display. Randy Walk will be our guess speaker. Some great hunts (see included flyer), a golden retriever puppy, bows are just a few of the auction and raffle items. It is going to be a really fun day and night! It will be in Loveland CO. More details at link. Hope some of you all attend or better yet a group of you buy a table. Let me know if any questions.
Also we are looking for all ten big game species for big game awards. If you or someone you know killed and would like to enter or display your trophy let me know. Deadline for awards is 2-20-24.
From: JohnMC
Couple portions of big game display
From: JohnMC
From: JohnMC
Few of the venders last year
From: JohnMC
Marv Clyncke and Derek Wolfe at last year's banquet
From: JohnMC
Bowsite's OTCWill being presented Charlie Rehor award for biggest archery bear killed at last year banquet.
From: JohnMC
Part of the 500 bowhunters that attended last year banquet.
From: Trial153
That looks like a great time
From: JohnMC
Orion yes we (the CBA) have committed to a significant donation to Colorado for responsible wildlife management to fight the lion ban. Also we are finalizing a large live auction item at banquet that all proceeds will go to CRWM. Dan Gates will being doing a seminar before the banquet open to all and no fee that likely much of his time will be focused on the cat hunting issue. As he will have some stage time at banquet as well.
From: Charlie Rehor
Have another great convention.
From: bowonly
Charlie, congratulations on killing a black bear at last year's banquet! You seem to have hunting success no matter where you go. I didn't even know they let you hunt at banquets!
From: JohnMC
Bowonly he killed it with his bare or bear hands
From: bowonly
That Charlie, he gets around. But I'd be surprised if he didn't use a bow. Now Derek Wolfe is another story. He could do that! Does he attend many of the banquets?
From: JohnMC
Derek was the key note speaker last year. Not sure if he will attend this year or not.
Friday the 8th the night before the banquet we be doing the Legends of the CBA it will also be a good time and worth attending.
From: JohnMC
Two weeks out still a few tickets left!
From: Sean D.
JohnMC, are those auction hunts or raffle?
From: Cazador
Any info on the "legends of the CBA" on Friday? What does this actually mean? Trying to get a new guy (non CBA) guy to come, and need some more info on the Friday night portion of the event.
From: Grasshopper
I think there is beer, bowhunters and antlers. That should be convincing. lol.
Last year it was a panel discussion with a moderator. Last year was awesome, other then hearing about how easy they drew tags back in the day.
From: JohnMC
Cazador this should help. The banquet dinner Saturday is sold out at 500 seats. Friday night is open to public and even free beer! The seminars and vendors are open are as well on Saturday. The first seminar is at 11:00 doors open at 10:30 Saturday. I'll post a flyer for that next. Stop by, say high it will be a fun event!
From: JohnMC
This is list of the seminars. One thing that is not on this flyer is Andy Holland of the CPW who is over big game hunting will be included with Brian Dreher in the 11:00 seminar. Lots of great vendors as well. To name a few: Iron Will, Hamskea, Scheels, Mountain Archery Fest, Mile High Game calls, Ultimate Predator Decoys Seek Ouside, and outfitter or two
From: JohnMC
Fun weekend. Full house. Thanks to all that supports the CBA!
From: JohnMC
What a wall Joe Bradley put together!
From: JohnMC
Kurt Hovenac, Bowhunter of Year.
From: Bowboy
I was present great banquet.
From: DGW
Joe does a super job of getting mounts to show up, excellent display!