Toby Keith Has Died
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Tough to hear about him. 62 years young died from stomach cancer. He loved playing for our military. I was just watching some of his music videos last week. His CDs will be playing in my shop today.
Same age as my brother who died last August. Seems like I take care of a lot of folks in ER that don't make it past 62 if they have cancer. Mostly patients that have a history of drug or alcohol use. My brother was in excellent shape, but he liked to party back in the day. Ole Toby will be missed. Last I saw, I thought he was in the fishing tackle business.
Tobacco and alcohol can’t be good for your stomach. I had an upper management supervisor that used Copenhagen. He never spit any of it out. Said he just got used to swallowing it. Stomach cancer got him. Sad that many of the things we so enjoy in life can kill us at an early age.
Sad deal. Loved Toby. An American Icon for sure!
Sad news. RIP. I lost a brother inlaw to stomach cancer..never drank or used tobacco.
RIP T.K. My wife and I were a big fan thoughts and prayers for his family Lewis and Diann
I’m not a C&W fan, but sorry that he died, especially as such an early age. Was he a user of tobacco? Tobacco killed my dad at age 66.
Saw him twice awesome shows and no I don’t believe smoking and dip contributes to cancer. Many people had lung cancer without smoking.
Sad to hear... R.I.P. Toby...
I met him in an American Airlines Admiral’s lounge. Super nice guy. Was taking pictures and signing autographs for anyone who asked. Tall dude, had to be 6’5 and had one hell of a presence.
Sad news. Cancer doesn’t discriminate.
I’m with you spike, I don’t think the dip has hurt me, but the sun has eaten me up over the years. Skin cancers have been removed many times from both arms below where short sleeves reach, on the back of my neck, on my face, and the back of my head where the hole in my cap is. Dr. said it’s too late for sunscreen to help, damage was done long ago. Been dipping since I was in my twenties, now 77, so if it’s gonna kill me, it better get started.
I've used smokeless tobacco for close to 50 years. I know I should quit but .. I cut way back on alcohol over 20 years ago...very seldom drink but I enjoy a shot now n then. Whatever the causes of Tobys cancer I dont know but I feel for his family. Losing a loved one is a rough thing to go thru
What an accomplished American. So many incredible songs and Patriotic deeds. RIP
Some people won’t get cancer no matter what they do to excess. Eventually they will find the gene that prevents cancer in individuals. Others are going to get it no matter how a pure life they live. For years we would blow brake dust and clutch disc dust off with air. I can remember a number of times two of us in a two bay shop blowing off brake dust until you couldn’t see 10’. We thought it was amusing. After decades of breathing asbestos dust I figured it would eventually catch up to me. Another good one I used. In the late 70s I started fleet work at the phone company. We didn’t have shops just working out of a van. For cleaning of parts and engines we had access to carbon tetrachloride. Those fumes were horrible. So I’ve survived 74 years. Dad died at 48 from cancer. Most likely I’ll die from a fall off a ladder or on my motorcycle.
Drycreek I had to quit dip because it eroded my gums so bad my teeth started to get loose.
Not only an accomplished singer but he wrote or co-wrote many of his songs. He sure knew how to sing them. He surely will be missed by many.
Yes,Toby was a gifted song writer for sure
DL's Link
Tough one, he must have known the end was coming.
I'm not a country music fan at all but I've always thought Toby was pretty cool. RIP
Sad to see Toby go and sad he had to fight cancer along the way. I watched my mom die from lung cancer, cigarettes were mom's favorite appetizer, dessert, time killer, and drinking buddy. I have zero doubt that thise cigarettes were the cause of her cancer. My suggestion to those that arr under 30 is yo stip now before it's too late, there are anomalies in everything but I say don't de a statistic. I chewed for 14 years and finally stopped after a sore jaw and crapping blood. Stip now and save your family the pain of watching you die slowly and painfully.
Toby was an awesome person. A man's man and a ladies man. True patriot for sure. A very nice person. Was around him several times, just a great human. We need more of his type
RIP Toby. Next round is on me
Frequent consumption of smoked fish and other meats is linked to various GI cancers.
Ok, I did not meet Toby Keith. It was Trace Adkins. Sorry for the mixup.
Priceless Pat ! Damn that's funny.
My brother used to work with a guy that died from stomach cancer. He was 30 years old. Not overweight at all and never saw him smoke. Just never know.
He dipped. I just read a story how he showed a female country signer how to dip.
I used to run into him quite a bit when he was building his giant house in NE part of Norman, OK. As I rented a small farm house across the street from him. He was big in the country music scene at the time but would stop and chat with ya. His Father was still alive back then too and they’d come into a little bait and tackle store (Hollywood Corner) where I’d go to get something for lunch occasionally. I wouldn’t chat long because I always felt I was bugging him and didn’t want to impose. Honestly, I don’t think he minded.
Funny enough, that store, Hollywood Corner, Toby ended up buying several years ago and made a live music venue out of it. It was just a few miles from his home. It’s also the store where a guy working there invited me to bow hunt with him for my first time in 1992. I was sure glad to see Toby buy the place and fix it up. May he rest in peace.
Made me sad when I read about it this morning. Always liked the guys music and politics.
"Cancer doesn’t discriminate."
As one of my (many) doctors said, very bluntly, cancer doesn't give a shit what anyone believes. Doesn't respect your denial. Doesn't care if you go to church every Sunday.
Doesn't mean you don't have to respect IT.
He was a patriot and the troops loved him. Took a long time to get his song released where he said he would put a boot up your ass. They finally released it when he wouldn't change the words. went right to the top. Toby sold 40 million albums. Good guy.
Toby's father was a Korean War veteran. I admired Toby's patriotism.
I think he drank a lot guys. He came to the Dam Music Festival here in Kansas a few years back and was unable to perform due to alcohol intoxication. Alcohol kills was more than you'd realize. We've coded 3 young guys between the ages of 27 and 49 in the last month due to liver failure from alcohol abuse. Tumors in the abdomen are common with liver failure.
I’m not a country music fan, but do listen a little and did like Toby Keith’s music, although I never bought any of it. I definitely won’t judge him nor jump to conclusions because of his cause of death.
Plenty of people dip and drink throughout their lives and die from something else. Dipping and drinking is definitely not healthy. I gave up dip 8 years ago (after 35 years) and miss it every day. I might miss cigars more… Cut way back on drinking a few years ago but still have a ways to go. Lost a brother a few years back, who at 59, would’ve put nearly everyone on this site under the ground on a 200 mile bike ride or a long hike straight up a mountain. He died due to a heart attack during a mountain bike ride and a few years before that I lost a fairly young sister in law to lung cancer and she never smoked or drank a day in her life. Nicest person I’ve even known, very religious and raised two of the best kids I know.
Nothing is guaranteed and to judge another’s moderate lifestyle is just dumb.
Well DL that one got to me, & I think your right.
Godspeed Toby!
What a great American, RIP. My mom died from lung cancer, never smoked a day in her life. Cancer doesn’t care how you live your life.
I just remembered I got a call from BigDan back when and he had just killed his third bull elk in less than two weeks and they totaled over 1000 inches and when he got back to his truck Tobie Keith was on the radio singing I’m not good as I once was I’ll never forget that y’all take care Lewis
He did a lot for our service members. lots of USO tours. Almost 30 number one hits. Just a good all around guy. He will be missed. RIP
Eating unhealthy can cause problems but it doesn't necessarily cause problems with some folks. Had a family member years ago died from throat cancer, he was an alcoholic. Lost a brother inlaw from stomach cancer, never smoked or consumed alcohol. Lost a nephew, 2 years younger than me from liver cancer, never smoked or consumed alcohol. Some "things" may increase your chances of getting cancer, but there's no guarantee you won't get cancer if you dont do "those things". My grandmother was 97 when she passed, still dipping snuff. I'm sure it's a good idea not to consume a lot of alcohol or use tobacco products. I was taught growing up that consuming alcohol was a bad thing...and I did consume too much of it at times. I think moderation is the key..but abstaining isn't necessarily a sure bet either.
Eating unhealthy can cause problems but it doesn't necessarily cause problems with some folks. Had a family member years ago died from throat cancer, he was an alcoholic. Lost a brother inlaw from stomach cancer, never smoked or consumed alcohol. Lost a nephew, 2 years younger than me from liver cancer, never smoked or consumed alcohol. Some "things" may increase your chances of getting cancer, but there's no guarantee you won't get cancer if you dont do "those things". My grandmother was 97 when she passed, still dipping snuff. I'm sure it's a good idea not to consume a lot of alcohol or use tobacco products. I was taught growing up that consuming alcohol was a bad thing...and I did consume too much of it at times. I think moderation is the key..but abstaining isn't necessarily a sure bet either.
Bou'bound's Link
Great video. Quite a song and performance