KBA banquet
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
keepemsharp 07-Feb-24
sitO 07-Feb-24
Jaquomo 07-Feb-24
RK 07-Feb-24
RK 08-Feb-24
Thornton 08-Feb-24
JohnMC 08-Feb-24
Thornton 08-Feb-24
RK 08-Feb-24
Thornton 09-Feb-24
Thornton 09-Feb-24
csalem 09-Feb-24
AaronShort 09-Feb-24
JohnMC 09-Feb-24
KB 09-Feb-24
csalem 09-Feb-24
keepemsharp 09-Feb-24
Jaquomo 10-Feb-24
sitO 10-Feb-24
IdyllwildArcher 10-Feb-24
Jaquomo 10-Feb-24
sitO 10-Feb-24
RK 12-Feb-24
Quinn @work 12-Feb-24
Thornton 13-Feb-24
keepemsharp 13-Feb-24
keepemsharp 17-Feb-24
From: keepemsharp
KBA 51st annual banquet in Manhattan Feb. 23 24 25, see KBA website for details, Y'al come.

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Link to KBA website

From: Jaquomo
KBA weekend was one of the most fun (and inebriated!) events I've ever attended. Highly recommend it, and wish I could attend this year.

From: RK
On Lou's recommendation I think I just might go to that banquet. A chance to meet SitO and maybe even Thornton. Have some drinks spend some money for great causes.

Thanks for posting this

From: RK
Be still. I'm bringing mine. Try to never leave home without her. 4 points is pet friendly Might be a plan. Have several good clients that will be there

From: Thornton
I've never been to a KBA banquet. Went to a NRA and a DU banquet a time or two, and it's not my thing. Never been one to be part of any club, especially a club that patronizes a POS that brags about killing people's dogs and mailing their collars back to them. Hopefully you'll feel a cold shoulder from some of the members that know what you are RK.

From: JohnMC
Thornton I don't think they are trying to be club. They are an organization that is looking out for the rights of and being a voice of bowhunters in your state. I'd think that would be something you would want to support and help with. No?

From: Thornton
I'm all for it. Some excellent members at the KBA. However, it's not something I care to be in at this time. I have a hard time believing they would accept him based on his recorded comments on here that are blatant felonies.

From: RK
Thornton. Are you an idiot or something. How in the hell would anyone there know who I am. It's not like I'm going to show up with a dead poodle around my neck!!!

What felonies are you speaking of. Serious threat Maybe even Criminal, for real, not made up

Fill me in on the Hoax you fell for. We set a trap and caught the wrong dumb animal, a Thorntonopolis. Too funny

From: Thornton

Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo
What is worse? A guy that brags about a crime to be accepted by a small group or a guy that brags about a crime, even giving intimate details, then denying he ever did it when someone objects? You actually fit both questions RK.

Now you're going to drive all the way to Kansas to try to be accepted by another small group, several of which have no desire to be around you.

Part of rules for the KBA is to abide by all rules and operate in an ethical manner. You have done neither. You're a typical narcissistic, arrogant outfitter.

From: Thornton

Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo
Unless this is your yearbook photo, I suppose this is your photo? I can only go by what you post on your log in and personal password that only you know.

From: csalem
How many people usually attend this event? It does look like a good time.

From: AaronShort
If RK and Thornton both show, count me in! I will bring the popcorn!

From: JohnMC
I know a big part of the banquets is to be a fund raiser. Maybe get Thornton and RK some boxing gloves let them put on a fundraising boxing match.

In all seriousness good luck to you guys I know the effort that goes into putting on a banquet. I hope your members have a fun night and you all raise a lot of money for your cause.

From: KB
Chris, if you have questions you might get better help on the KS forum. I made seven or eight in a row after joining KBA, but have since moved so would only be guessing these days. Friday evening is very casual and a great way to meet some awesome bowhunters. Saturday there is always a presentation/Q&A with the KDWP deer biologist worth attending. And the banquet is generally very well attended with a pretty nice array of auction/raffle items. As Lou eluded to, it can get quite rowdy. Wish I could make it.

If any of you guys need a second tag with some big mule deer perks for NR, the club secured a commissioner’s deer permit this year. I don’t think they’re selling it at the banquet, but bring your checkbook and maybe you could work out a deal! :)

From: csalem
Thanks KB. I had another member reach out and gave me info via PM.

May just make a road trip out of it.

From: keepemsharp
Chris: hope you make it, look up old Keepemsharp will be around all weekend. Lots of good folks will be there.

From: Jaquomo
John, that's funny! A boxing match would be great! When I spoke at the KBA banquet I started out my speech by asking if there were any pissed off Bowsiters who wanted to fight me, so we could get that out-of-the-way way early. No takers.. :-)

From: sitO
Lou, I thought I saw you and Palmquist fighting over the last piece of Charlie's goose pastrami?

If anyone considers fighting Lou, make sure you see him with his Billy Bob teeth in first before you make that decision. You may reconsider.

From: Jaquomo
I've been called a lot of things, but "little people" has never been one of them.. ;-)

I think Matt and I were fighting over the last shot of Fireball at 4 a.m., right before he informed me I was to host a "celebrity Q&A" in a few hours. Thankfully nobody had any Q's, so Matt told me to just tell some stories. Of which I have a few.... It was a great event all around, and the banquet was a full house. Wonderful folks!

From: sitO
Can't remember if it was the year before or after, but Jack Frost drank and shared stories until his ride to the airport at 6am...good times.

From: RK
Well that all went sideways

I left town to go to a football game and came back to this mess.

As much as I would like to make it up there, boxing my way to dinner Is not that appealing. I'm going to pass this year. Cancelled my room but maybe I'll quietly slip in next year. Looks like a great time.

For the PMs from some of the members thanks.

Be still I'll private message you in a few

I know the event will be great and I hope it is a profitable event for the club and a fun event for the patrons !!

From: Quinn @work
Thornton it's not like you have to wear a Club Jacket or a KBA name tag around town. You could just send them the $26 membership per year so they can help keep the privileges we all love in Kansas. I bet your mowing business makes that amount in 10 minutes of work.

I hope the banquet raises a lot of money. Have fun! The boxing match would have been a good fund raiser. :)

From: Thornton
An honest question here: Where does the KBA money go, and how does this pertain to me? I honestly don't know. If it goes to pay for guys to stand in my stead to voice disapproval for new laws like transferable landowner tags, or to outlaw corn piles, I'll gladly join.

The Ducks Unlimited guys love to buy tables and spend thousands of dollars to show off to their local friends. I have yet to see more than 1 or 2 small marshes on public with their stamp on it. Both I could

From: keepemsharp
We recently donated $5,000 to W&P to get the mule deer study in Western Kansas started for example.

From: keepemsharp
Six more days!

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