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fdp's Link
Fdp please tell me gold and silver are not and were not I dare you to.
The Democrats told us during Trump's record growth that the stock market wasn't an accurate reflection of the economy.My IRA finally turned around but is not back to Pre Biden levels.I think S&P growth is always a good thing.
The elites came up with a brilliant idea called the 401k. We sheep dump money in it weekly and it keeps the ship afloat that way the elites can buy and sell at will. Let the sheep run it up then we will run it down and buy back again. Rinse and repeat. The whole stock market game is predicting what they will do and that’s it. The politicians came up with Social security to suck money out of us. You see how this works?
I don't understand do those blasted elites run it down after us suckers run it up?
Check any 10 year period of time in the last 50-70 years and see how the stock market has performed. Or just put your money in an interest paying saving account or CD and fall further behind inflation. Nobody is making anyone participate in the stock market.
In spite of the market being “manipulated”, a person can still make a fortune investing in it for 40 years, which just happens to be when your around 62, if you start out of college. Complaining about elites won’t help. A net worth of 1.2 million puts you in the top 10% and that ain’t that hard to do over 40 years. Complaining and ending up broke at 62, ain’t that hard either.
"A net worth of 1.2 million puts you in the top 10% and that ain’t that hard to do over 40 years.
all that takes is about $200 per month...its all about priorities. its a lot easier to blame a "manipulated" system than to accept personal responsibility.
I didn't do that much but I did get in back in the 70s. My net worth isn't huge, but I'll never miss a meal ;-)
Amazing how many sheeple are on here. I don’t care how screwed we get as I’m making peanuts over the course of 40 years. Ain’t it funny how the same investment firms are the ones writing the good news and bad news articles? Today this company is going to go bankrupt stock tumbles one week later they write the same company is the greatest thing since sliced bread stock cranks. Sure we can make money but unfortunately we have to be ahead at all times. We might get ahead in % just enough so we don’t know it’s a total sham. Funny years ago I made my claim against the NRA and many here gave me hell and now all of a sudden you’re late to the party.
Whether you do the stock market passive investing, active trading, or not at all is your choice.
You own the results. It's called personal accountability.
"Amazing how many sheeple are on here."
It is, and more amazing yet is some don't even know that they are.
"Today this company is going to go bankrupt stock tumbles one week later they write the same company is the greatest thing since sliced bread stock cranks. "
Name one such company, Spike.
GG you are correct no financial companies sway markets by their news with their analysts. What is amazing is you liberals are always correct on everything you say lol.
spike, You are confused about GG.. he's no liberal. Now me on the other hand, I'm a lifelong registered Democrat. (think Toby Keith perhaps, we were even both born in Oklahoma LOL)
GG, here is one Sunpower. I watched that stock tank 40% in one day so I read why and no bullshit the article said they were unsustainable. I was debating about buying for the gamble and decided to read it again before buying. The article was edited and reworded to basically say all was well and wouldn’t you know it back up it went I’ve never seen an internet article edited like that and found it sketchy. But I will be happy to forward any examples I come across. Oh remembered another one Nikola. Bluedog say it ain’t so! Lol
spike78's Link
Here ya go an article on the S&P echoing what I’ve been talking about. Who knows what the hell is gonna happen in 24.
I worked for a top 50 co on the stock exchange. Mgt. was full of issues in the dept. I worked for but the co as a whole still does well. Actually had conversations with the CEOs several times. That said, I still diversified from just holding a lot of their stock after my job was eliminated for the second time. Kinda personal as some of those jerks are still with the company in upper management. I did better as a career and a human being working for a smaller company reporting directly to the president. I guess I am in the top 10% now that I retired from the smaller company.
Living in a smaller community with plenty of firewood, propane, source of water and plenty of fish and game nearby is a plus.
"Living in a smaller community with plenty of firewood, propane, source of water and plenty of fish and game nearby is a plus."
Works for me also ;)
Spike, I just looked at the SunPower yearly chart. I don't see a specific day, or week, that the stock dropped 40%. What I see is a miserably performing company that has steadily lost 77% of its value over the last year.
Regarding your article, there's nothing in it that hasn't already been talked about for weeks, and it doesn't echo what you've been saying. I fail to see where it states "most stocks are down 80-90% from their 2021 highs" like you claim. I fail to see where is it says the markets are manipulated by the "elites", or that the markets are "smoke and mirrors" and a "total sham", like you claim.
But it's always nice to chat with someone who is so knowledgable about investing, like you, Spike.
"Bluedog say it ain’t so!"
It is so... any long timer here knows that or should. Never been a secret, it is fact. And if somebody doesn't like it.....I don't care, fine with me.
spike78's Link
GG here is a Sunpower article saying down 41% plus I remember seeing the chart that day. Funny it’s like all of you think I just BS.
spike78's Link
And GG in regards to stocks being down 80% I’m saying it I did not read it anywhere it’s what I myself have noticed as I look up a shit ton of companies charts. I’m not looking at the S&P top 50 I’m looking at smaller companies to find a quick gain in the near future. Yes your top 50 S&P stocks are doing fine but what about the other 5000 companies? In the article I posted it pretty much said the top S&P companies carried 75% of the weight which is pretty much what I’ve been saying. I look at charts daily so I don’t need some analyst to write an article telling me what I already observe myself.
Oh and GG in regards to manipulation I guess you never heard of the Hunt brothers?
spike78's Link
And here’s another. If you would like I know of more dating back to the 30’s.
Enjoyed the chat, Spike.
Ha it’s all in good fun I remember a couple years ago where I said the NRA was corrupt and just takes our money and pays off the politicians and everyone wanted to tar and feather me. I don’t talk crazy I talk truth maybe it’s because I don’t trust anyone as there is way too many scumbags in this world.
Oh and GG in regards to manipulation I guess you never heard of the Hunt brothers?
Oh and GG in regards to manipulation I guess you never heard of the Hunt brothers?