Moultrie Mobile
Wyo $pecial Fee Appl. Down.
Contributors to this thread:
BULELK1 11-Feb-24
Don K 11-Feb-24
Jethro 11-Feb-24
molsonarcher 11-Feb-24
Mule Power 11-Feb-24
wytex 11-Feb-24
huntforever 11-Feb-24
Lost Arra 11-Feb-24
montnatom 11-Feb-24
PushCoArcher 11-Feb-24
808bowhunter 12-Feb-24
IdyllwildArcher 12-Feb-24
PushCoArcher 12-Feb-24
KHNC 12-Feb-24
Mule Power 13-Feb-24

BULELK1's Link

Enjoy, Robb

From: Don K
Its what they where after, to get the draw odds better in the special by paying the higher fee. Also, I looked out in my driveway and dont see my $50,000 truck, or my $50,000 camper, must have parked them somewhere else.

From: Jethro

From: molsonarcher
They got what they were after. No mention tgat i saw of how many less applicants, so no way to really tell how it will effect the draw yet.

From: Mule Power
The draw odds do not change at all. As long as there are more applicants than licenses it is what it is. This year there are plenty of point holders so a lower number of applicants isn’t going to help guys without enough points. The only odds that will go up is in the special random where the total number of applicants has a direct affect. This will hold true for the regular licenses too where random draw odds are sure to go down. Other than that and the fact that private land outfitters in areas other than the west region will have better access to licenses the only thing that has changed for certain is the amount of income for Fish and Game after selling the same number of licenses or more. To a lesser degree it’s also continued the trend toward making elk a mule deer hunting a rich man’s game. But as you can see some of them decided to spend their money elsewhere. I’m sure some sat this year out waiting to see how the new system affects things. So next year is anyone’s guess too.

From: wytex
I'm betting next year the apps go back up, folks will see odds are improved to draw and pay the extra fee.

From: huntforever
Would be nice to know what percentage of decrease and if the regular draw had an "expected" increase in applications.

From: Lost Arra
Did the reporter not consider asking how many people only use their truck for a week or two in September?

From: montnatom
my only chance to draw is in the random general...last years odds were around 8%, I expect that the NW region where I applied might be half that or less this year, other two regions may stay the same or maybe a bit better or not. Hard to tell except I don't have any expectation of drawing.

From: PushCoArcher
It'll be very interesting to see how much better if any the odds for the special are and how much the regular was negatively affected. Have to wait for the final numbers to know. I agree with others point creep will return to pre price hike in a year or two.

From: 808bowhunter
My guess is it will flip flop for a few years as the odds shift for special. Last year, it was pretty much same odd for regular or special for some tags. Probably same will happen with general regions as we see the odd of each. Applying, we will have to imagine wha the masses will do based on previous draw and try to flip the advantage our way I guess

So they know the numbers, but they're going to leave us hanging...

From: PushCoArcher
Ike technically they don't have the final numbers yet and won't till after the modify/withdrawal date in May.

From: KHNC
Just go to WYoming website and cancel your application, then just reapply in Special :)

From: Mule Power
It doesn’t matter anyway, Ike. With the state being divided into the regions now he still wouldn’t be able to figure out drawing odds. But yeah, it would be nice if they just gave us the information. Why not right?

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