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Contributors to this thread:
milnrick 13-Mar-24
Blood 13-Mar-24
milnrick 13-Mar-24
Pop-r 13-Mar-24
WV Mountaineer 13-Mar-24
Pop-r 13-Mar-24
Scar Finga 13-Mar-24
WV Mountaineer 13-Mar-24
fdp 13-Mar-24
Geno 13-Mar-24
fdp 15-Mar-24
Scoot 16-Mar-24
Will 16-Mar-24
Cheesehead Mike 16-Mar-24
Stoneman 17-Mar-24
carcus 17-Mar-24
WV Mountaineer 17-Mar-24
nmwapiti 17-Mar-24
Lost Arra 17-Mar-24
Blood 17-Mar-24
Breakfast Boy 18-Mar-24
BullBuster 18-Mar-24
fdp 20-Mar-24
Cheesehead Mike 26-Mar-24
BowSniper 22-Oct-24
Blood 22-Oct-24
Tempest 22-Oct-24
WV Mountaineer 22-Oct-24
BowSniper 23-Oct-24
BowSniper 30-Oct-24
Stoneman 12-Nov-24
RonP 12-Nov-24
From: milnrick
Has anyone purchased SKRE outdoor gear? I'd be curious to know what your experience has been with their pants, jackets and shirts (sizing and comfort).

Thank you

From: Blood
Yup. I have lots of it. I love it. The hardcrabble jacket and pants are as good as they come. Sizing is very good too. Lifetime warranty and if it’s doesn’t fit, they’ll replace it at no cost. The stuff just lasts a long time too.

I also have the merino light and heavy tops and bottoms. Very nice. Doesn’t stink like a lot of other merino I’ve had when it gets wet.

From: milnrick
Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Just ordered a pair of hardscrapple and V2 pants. May grab a shirt or 2 later .

Thanks again.

From: Pop-r
I don't personally have any but I've researched it quite a bit and from what I've found my opinion is it's going to be the best there is at functionality. Kuiu and Sitka make very high quality gear but it's play man pretty boy stuff compared to the actual keeping you warm, comfortable and alive for that matter. The SKRE Guardian jacket has MORE than twice the down that the Kuiu Pro has. That's a huge difference!

They should send me one because I know this post will sell several of them but it's just the facts of the matter that I don't believe alot of people realize.

I wear Kuiu and Sitka. There isn’t much pretty about me though.

From: Pop-r
I do too sir. I'm just saying it has a different base as a rule. It's not fake gear but it's damn sure not the best as most of the people wearing it believe.

From: Scar Finga
It's pretty good stuff! There are also some great options on Amazon for other off brand stuff that I really like but mostly merino wool items.

Just check the weights of the item and percentage of MW.

For my purposes, they’ve improved my ability to stay warm, dressed in thinner and/or, less constricting gear. And, they are whisper quiet.

But, I usually hunt in single digits only 5-6 times a year. And, certainly not nearly as cold as a lot of hunters do. And, these clothes make it enjoyable. That good enough for me.

FWIW, you aren’t the first person I’ve heard say that. Lots man sold his Sitka cold weather stuff. And claims the skre cold weather coat is far superior.

From: fdp
Pretty interesting looking stuff.

From: Geno
I have it and like it a lot. Has served it's purpose quite well for me from eastern whitetail hunting to elk hunting in the west.

From: fdp
They have some good deals in their outlet section.

From: Scoot
The owner posted a bit on another website and I really liked what he had to say. I bought a few of their products and I've been happy with them so far.

From: Will
WV - do you find the Sitka/Kuiu to be, but also feel, a lot lighter? As I've shifted to mostly Kuiu, that was an unexpected benefit. I'd made the shift for warmth/cooling and vapor transfer so I stay drier hiking in/out and dragging.... Especially the cold weather (Proximity) stuff. It literally feels significantly lighter to wear than cold weather items I'd historically used. I didn't buy it for that and wasn't thinking about it, but it is appreciated.

Have you found that to be the case?

I appreciate the heads up and the review. I just ordered a pair of Hardscrabble pants and merino gloves from their outlet. Seems like pretty good pricing if the quality is good.

From: Stoneman
I have a set of their original light weight packable rain gear, very durable and have held up going on 10 years. Well made.

From: carcus
I have a couple pairs of the Hardscrabble pant, I just got them last september, I used them moose hunting, very nice pant. I ordered one pair and I got 2 in the mail, I wasn't going to complain! Especially with the price in CAD

Will, yes it’s lighter gear for sure.

From: nmwapiti
They are based in my little town of Hurricane, UT. I've visited their operation and talked to the owner and employees a few times. Seem like good folks. The owner told me some of his items are made right beside Kuiu stuff in China. Seems like he's trying to stay in the same performance market at a slightly lower price. I'm not sure the market would support another high end hunting clothing maker, but time will tell.

From: Lost Arra
Are the Skre pants a skinny jeans fit or relaxed fit?

From: Blood
The hardscrabble I have worn are loose fit. So if you have big thighs or butt, they fit nice. They also have side ventilation zippers to make them even bigger if needed. I have worn them for deer, elk and javelina. Haven’t been able to destroy them yet.

Their gaiters are pretty darn tough too. And great pricing.


Breakfast Boy's embedded Photo
Breakfast Boy's embedded Photo
I've been using their Hardscrabble jacket and pants, as well as some of their lightweight base layers, for a couple of years now. Pretty happy the jacket and pants, and the sizing is much better for those of us that can't get a comfortable fit with the higher end brands. I found the base layers to be good too, just a bit tighter fit but that's to be expected.

From: BullBuster
I have Kuiu, Sitka and Skre gear. Very happy with heavy Skre bibs for treestand hunting.

From: fdp

I just received my Hardscrabble pants and merino gloves. I normally wear 33-34" waist pants but the website said to size up because they run small. I got the 36" waist and they fit very nice. They have roomier thighs compared to my several pairs of Sitka pants that are sometimes a little tight in the thighs. The quality and workmanship seems very good. I'm looking forward to testing them out.

Thanks again for the heads-up.

From: BowSniper
What temperatures are you using the HardScrabble? Thinking tree stand hunting for 40deg-55deg use. Currently have an older U/A rut suit that is a dense heavy fleece and warm.

SKRE also has a Kodiak pant that mighty be dense/heavy fleece more like my U/A rut suit??

From: Blood
If you’re wearing the hardscrabble pants for treestand hunting at that temp, you have to wear leggings under. They aren’t treestand pants.

From: Tempest
I like the orange vest having the hand warmer pockets.

Bowsniper, think Kuiu guide pant. Been wearing them for a month now hunting. For treestand hunts that’s seen lows in the 20’s and highs in the low 70’s on the same day, they’ve worked great. Perfect pant for that. Plenty quiet too. They worked great. However, I imagine they’d get warm on hikes in warm weather.

Buy the size jeans you wear.

From: BowSniper
First order Shipment is on its way. Will report back once I have Kodiak and Hardacrapple gear in hand, side by side to compare

From: BowSniper
Gear arrived!

PRO - great fit and flex comfort. Tons of pockets and quality zippers, great design. The Kodiak pants are the perfect weight that I was looking for! Solace camo pattern is very cool.

CON - fabric feels slick and a bit noisy. Hopefully a few washes will take some of that away. At least it doesn't appear to be a burr magnet at all.

UNKNOWN - Hardscrabble jacket 'feels' on the light side of mid-season and I am concerned about colder temps. But there is room for layering underneath so should be fine. Hoping to test the outfit this Saturday!

From: Stoneman
Here you go Kannuck

From: RonP
"The owner told me some of his items are made right beside Kuiu stuff in China."

I run mostly Kuiu and checked what I have in my kit (I could not wait to write that sentence and use the words run and kit. I should be over on Rokslide where the cool dudes hang out) and none of it is made in China. The stuff I have is made in good 'ol Vietnam and Ethiopia.

I would be open to trying Skre but, I am happy with Kuiu. I have my layers dialed in and have never been as dry and comfortable. As posted above, the lightweight is awesome for what I do and need.

  • Sitka Gear