Mountain Lion Attack
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
DL 23-Mar-24
bentstick54 23-Mar-24
Aspen Ghost 24-Mar-24
fuzzy 24-Mar-24
DL 24-Mar-24
btnbuck 24-Mar-24
fuzzy 24-Mar-24
Huntiam 24-Mar-24
Mule Power 24-Mar-24
bentstick54 24-Mar-24
Pete In Fairbanks 24-Mar-24
HunterR 24-Mar-24
Matt 24-Mar-24
TGbow 24-Mar-24
scentman 24-Mar-24
Corax_latrans 24-Mar-24
Will 25-Mar-24
Zbone 25-Mar-24
APauls 25-Mar-24
Beendare 25-Mar-24
TGbow 25-Mar-24
Pole Mtn 25-Mar-24
DL 25-Mar-24
Matt 26-Mar-24
Scoot 27-Mar-24
DL 27-Mar-24
Corax_latrans 27-Mar-24
DL 27-Mar-24
From: DL
GEORGETOWN - A 21-year-old man was killed and his brother was injured in a mountain lion attack in a remote area of Northern California's El Dorado County Saturday, authorities said.

El Dorado County sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a report of a mountain lion attack in a remote area near Georgetown at around 1:15 p.m. local time. They said it was in the area of Darling Ridge Road and Skid Road.

The report came from an 18-year-old man who said a mountain lion attacked him and his 21-year-old brother while they were antler shed hunting. The teen said he had injuries to his face and was separated from his brother during the attack.

Shortly after 1:30 p.m., the 18-year-old was contacted while deputies searched for his brother. About 15 minutes later, deputies found a crouched mountain lion next to the victim on the ground.

Deputies fired their guns to scare the mountain lion off but once the mountain lion ran off, the 21-year-old was pronounced dead. He has not been identified.

The teen was taken to the hospital for treatment.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to the area and is working to find the mountain lion.

Georgetown is located about 50 miles northeast of Sacramento.

More from CBS News


So why didn’t the deputies actually shoot the mountain lion instead of just scaring it off ? Oh , wait, never mind. It’s California.

From: Aspen Ghost
They did kill it. But when they first approached it was next to the victim. They didn't want to accidentally shoot the victim but they wanted the cat away from the victim immediately so they fired their guns to scare it off. Not really that hard to figure out.

From: fuzzy
Aspen Ghost it may not be "hard to figure out" but you'd never get there from the information in the article posted.

From: DL
I never go in the woods without a sidearm.

From: btnbuck
“The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to the area and is working to find the mountain lion.”

C’mon Fuzzy, It says right here “they” killed it. It even gives their badge numbers.

From: fuzzy
^ I apologize. I don't know how I missed that. Lol

From: Huntiam
I got a kennel full of hounds just itching to get out, bear season is months away here, if anyone out west wants to take me to some cat land, I’ll let you do the shooting . Pm me

From: Mule Power

Mule Power's Link

Aspen Ghost, I guess my reading comprehension skills are lacking. I interpreted it to say the deputies scared it away and called the wardens in to find and kill the mountain lion. But like I say, sometimes my reading skills are lacking.

When deputies fire their service revolvers to "scare" a lion off a human (regardless of whether injured or deceased, instead of killing the lion.... you know you are in California and there is little hope for sanity.


From: HunterR
Maybe law enforcement in a few of these pathetic states could start carrying a pouch of treats that way they could toss a few near the wild animal to get it away from the human it's trying to kill. Possibly laser/red dot lights they could try to get the cat to chase? Who needs a gun?

From: Matt
My condolences to the family.

Pretty sad that hunters come on a thread about the unfortunate death of a fellow hunter and their first thought is "cool, an opportunity to crap on California". It is sad to see how badly our society has degraded.

From: TGbow
Isn't it illegal in California to kill mountain lions?

From: scentman
Matt,I'm with you... sad for the brother and family... can't imagine getting that news. scentman

Extra tough to take in, as my boys are the same ages…

And kinda interesting that while the prevailing wisdom is that small kids are at the greatest risk, there were 3 fatalities mentioned in MulePower’s link and those were a 40 YO woman and men 21 and 35, so you’d think they should’ve had better odds….

But little kids tend to have adults around to defend them, so I guess there’s that…. Don’t mess with Mama Bear…

From: Will
Wasn't there a story recently of a group of women mountain biking that got attacked and spent like 40 minutes trying to fight the lion off? Wish I could remember that - it's what I thought this was about until opening it.

Horrible story for sure!

From: Zbone

Zbone's Link
Here is the story Will:

"A cougar attacked them. They fought back for 45 harrowing minutes"

From: APauls
Dang that's sad.

From: Beendare
Ca passed the moratorium on hunting those cute lions apx 30 years ago.

No surprise to common sense folks that when they overpopulate and lose their fear of humans, Attacks and incidents have escalated. You will not hear about a lot of these incidents. The GW specifically told a buddy living in the foothills of Ca not to take a photo of the Cat the state trapper caught and killed 400y from his house that killed his pets right on his porch. Lucky he didnt have little kids.

The state trapper told him he had caught 20 problem lions in a 5 mile radius from his house in the last couple years.

in a completely different area above Vacaville, a rancher buddy told me they had a horrible lion problem and FG state trappers killed a dozen lions in one 5 mile long canyon.

CAFG doesn’t want people to know the extent of the problem.

From: TGbow
I really don't expect any common sense legislation out of California. Prayers for the family, sad.

From: Pole Mtn
I'm in the coastal mountains in northern CA. A couple years ago I had one killing lambs. It drug one of my lambs right through my front yard past three of my cow dogs and down the mountain behind my house. This lion was a healthy full grown tom in his prime.

It turns out this lion had been killing goats at a vineyard about ten miles from me. The goat owner called out a "lion expert" to humanely trap it and transplant it. After live trapping it he allowed the hippie goat owner and his little girl to sit outside the cage and apologize to the lion for having to trap and move it.

So basically he acclimated it to humans. This guy has approval from CDFW to catch, collar and study lions. Lord knows how many others he's helped lose their fear of humans.

From: DL
This is a result of when a state takes away what fish and wildlife does and let voters decide. The ban almost got overturned the last time it came up for a vote when Swartzenager was Governor. The antis we’re having adds on tv of a guy shooting a Lion with a revolver and it was screaming as he kept shooting. It will take adds of the attacks and pictures of the victims. All hunting conservation groups need to be involved in putting money towards fighting it.

From: Matt
Ballot box biology

From: Scoot
I know a guy who was impacted by this disaster (he's close to the family). Sad deal.

From: DL
I can’t imagine the grief and anger they feel. As a dad I’d be looking to kill any cat I ever saw. His brother will never get over this.

“I can’t imagine the grief and anger they feel. As a dad I’d be looking to kill any cat I ever saw. His brother will never get over this.” I understand the grief, but not the anger. At least not toward the cat; it’s not untrue that it was Just Being A Cat.

And I’m not happy about ballot-box driven mismanagement of wildlife; that actually does make me kinda angry when something like this happens, but getting angry and wanting to kill them all is no more rational than wanting to protect every last one of them. That’s no different than wanting to ban gun ownership for everyone because some people who possess firearms use them to harm other people.

And not-for-nothing, but it’s kinda creepy to see prayers and tears so freely offered when the lion’s victim was a hunter out looking for sheds, but some of the same people are practically heard cackling with glee when they deem the human victim to have been too “liberal” in their politics.

I’m NOT saying that there aren’t anti-hunting types out there who are upset about this cat being killed and/or who think it’s some kind of justice for one of those nasty hunters to be killed by an “innocent” creature — I’ve never in my life seen an issue on which the hypocrisy is all one one side of it. But the antidote to hypocrisy is not more hypocrisy….

If the state is putting down as many cats every year as some folks here have suggested, I’d think it would be possible (and probably worthwhile) to file a FOIA request for the numbers on that, and figure out how much it costs property owners and taxpayers to send people out to track down Problem Cats after the fact… CA may even be sharing those numbers with other state… As they should.

And if they’re relocating any of them, then those cats need to be tagged (preferably GPS collars) so that the habits, travels and “recidivism rate” can be determined; doesn’t make much sense to pay to trap and relocate a bad ol’ putty-tat if there’s a reasonable expectation that it’s just going to be rinse & repeat….

From: DL
Yeah that’s the issue, the cat was just being a cat! When there’s 7-8 thousand of them and population is growing these conflicts will rise. Do you have children? How would you feel? I live in an area where some of these citiots think having coyotes around are wonderful. A few weeks ago here in SoCal a Lion was caught on camera coming into someone’s back yard and attacking their dog. Where we lived in the Sierra foothills lions killed peoples animals frequently some were never eaten just killed and left. Look up Project Coyote. These idiots goal is to stop the killing of all predators here. These peoples answer to this tragedy is they were here first and these things happen when we humans invade their territory. These people forgot what their ancestors did to the native people living here. Predators need to be controlled. Our deer population is dwindling. 7500 cats. 1 deer a week per cat x52 weeks. When there’s not enough deer to eat they go after people

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