So what is bowsight to you ???
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Jaquomo 05-Apr-24
Bowfreak 05-Apr-24
JTreeman 05-Apr-24
cnelk 05-Apr-24
Zbone 05-Apr-24
midwest 05-Apr-24
Bou'bound 05-Apr-24
MQQSE 05-Apr-24
sundowner 05-Apr-24
Earltex 05-Apr-24
midwest 05-Apr-24
Dutch oven 05-Apr-24
Charlie Rehor 05-Apr-24
Earltex 05-Apr-24
Earltex 05-Apr-24
Earltex 05-Apr-24
ILbowhntr 05-Apr-24
Velvet Muley 05-Apr-24
Scoot 05-Apr-24
Bou'bound 05-Apr-24
Old School 05-Apr-24
Thornton 05-Apr-24
Boone 05-Apr-24
bowhunt 06-Apr-24
70lbDraw 06-Apr-24
Nick Muche 06-Apr-24
Mule Power 06-Apr-24
ahawkeye 06-Apr-24
TMac 06-Apr-24
spike78 06-Apr-24
pav 06-Apr-24
Lewis 06-Apr-24
RonP 06-Apr-24
Franzen 06-Apr-24
Jaquomo 06-Apr-24
skull 06-Apr-24
scentman 06-Apr-24
be still 06-Apr-24
Glunt@work 06-Apr-24
Missouribreaks 06-Apr-24
NM highcountry 06-Apr-24
Ambush 06-Apr-24
Recurve Man 06-Apr-24
Beav 06-Apr-24
Catscratch 06-Apr-24
Swampbuck 06-Apr-24
Grunt-N-Gobble 06-Apr-24
Pete In Fairbanks 06-Apr-24
JohnMC 06-Apr-24
PECO2 06-Apr-24
jjs 06-Apr-24
Blood 06-Apr-24
cnelk 06-Apr-24
Beav 06-Apr-24
LUNG$HOT 06-Apr-24
70lbDraw 06-Apr-24
4nolz@work 06-Apr-24
HDE 06-Apr-24
Paul@thefort 06-Apr-24
skull 06-Apr-24
Nyati 06-Apr-24
Catscratch 06-Apr-24
HDE 06-Apr-24
buckhammer 06-Apr-24
Jeff Durnell 06-Apr-24
2Wild Bill 06-Apr-24
Teeton 06-Apr-24
BC 06-Apr-24
Nyati 06-Apr-24
midwest 06-Apr-24
IdyllwildArcher 07-Apr-24
spike78 07-Apr-24
bigbuck 07-Apr-24
4nolz@work 07-Apr-24
Stringwacker 07-Apr-24
Shaft2Long 07-Apr-24
caribou77 07-Apr-24
badbull 07-Apr-24
70lbDraw 07-Apr-24
Catscratch 07-Apr-24
Shaft2Long 07-Apr-24
Groundhunter 07-Apr-24
Stringwacker 07-Apr-24
IdyllwildArcher 07-Apr-24
Jaquomo 07-Apr-24
Waylay 07-Apr-24
Charlie Rehor 07-Apr-24
spike78 07-Apr-24
spike78 07-Apr-24
IdyllwildArcher 07-Apr-24
Bou'bound 07-Apr-24
Ambush 07-Apr-24
DanaC 07-Apr-24
spike78 08-Apr-24
olddogrib 08-Apr-24
fuzzy 08-Apr-24
scentman 08-Apr-24
fuzzy 08-Apr-24
scentman 08-Apr-24
APauls 08-Apr-24
Will 08-Apr-24
StickFlicker 08-Apr-24
Shaft2Long 09-Apr-24
70lbDraw 09-Apr-24
DanaC 09-Apr-24
Bou'bound 09-Apr-24
IdyllwildArcher 09-Apr-24
Shaft2Long 09-Apr-24
Zbone 09-Apr-24
Missouribreaks 09-Apr-24
Missouribreaks 10-Apr-24
deerhunter72 10-Apr-24
loesshillsarcher 10-Apr-24
Stix 10-Apr-24
Bou'bound 10-Apr-24
nchunter 10-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 10-Apr-24
StickFlicker 12-Apr-24
grape 12-Apr-24
From: Jaquomo
On my compound, it's an aiming device.

It used to be a place to discuss bowhunting topics, tactics, and strategies with many of the best bowhunters in the world. I miss those days.

From: Bowfreak
It’s becoming the whims and randomness of Timex for me.

From: JTreeman
Its where I go to find out who to vote for.


From: cnelk
It’s where I find myself wasting my time

From: Zbone
Entertainment and information, and of course, daily news...8^)

From: midwest
Do you even bowhunt, Timex?

From: Bou'bound
This is the 25th year Here for me, it was 1999 when I first logged in and back then it was at least 80% educational and 20% entertainment

It has evolved (or devolved if you prefer) to about 90% entertainment and 10% educational today.

Even the type of entertainment has changed where it used to be entertainment about hunts and experiences, and now the entertainment is more around people watching and observing human behavior. The best is watching people take themselves and others far far to seriously.

Rare was it in the past that one would logon and not learn something new about Archery or bowhunting or the outdoors or wildlife

Now it is rare to be able to gain anything new of that type, but the valuable nuggets and the odd beneficial kernels still exist. occasionally there is something to be gleaned that pertains to hunting or archery and the sport we love.

The expectations are just lower these days and they’re normally met.

Still a great way to pass time and keep track of a person or two, but it’s a very different place than it used to be and it continues on its current trajectory consistently.

Very different than it used to be, but what isn’t?

Too much politics these days to sort through on here for me. I still come back, but not as often as before. It’s just my view. Not right or wrong.

From: sundowner
"Some like me, some don't.....

One things for certain, nobody can accuse me of not being honest....theirs no skeletons in my closet."

Me, me, me, I,I,I,my, my, my and on, and on, and on ad nauseam......

No he doesn't bowhunt. Spends too much time looking at a mirror.

From: Earltex
Narrows down who I never ever want to hunt with.

From: midwest
I'm thankful for the friends I've made here. A lot of them barely post anymore and that makes me sad. I wish the politics BS would just go away.

From: Dutch oven
Interesting posts above and they're honestly and clearly stated. I agree with nearly all of them. Do the owner/s of Bowsite ever read these comments?

Bowsite has afforded me many friends and hunts I only dreamed of as a kid.

The art of navigating this site for mutual benefit is a learned experience. Thx to Pat for creating this resource. C

PS: Another awesome year awaits.

bowsite is where i go read about others not giving a phuk.

From: Earltex
Timex uses Bowsite like an old school AOL chatroom. It’s why this site is dying a slow death.

"That's funny ricky....... You sure seem to have a fondness for trans swimmers."

i think youre confusing fondness with disdain.

either pales in comparison to your fondness with timex...

From: Earltex

Earltex's Link

From: Earltex
Carry on you clown.

"Ricky........ Read the first line of the op...."

like a dog chasing his own are definitely your own best entertainment.

From: ILbowhntr
This one went down the crapper in record time.

From: Velvet Muley
Can we trade him out for TBM?

From: Scoot
Used to be a place to come and learn from like-minded bowhunters. It's now a place to come to be disappointed.

From: Bou'bound
Point made…..,,,,,……………………

A thread with potential explodes before its potential can be realized.

From: Old School
I miss the guys that used to post back when I joined - a lot of stone cold killers that no longer post their insight and experience and we are the poorer for it, make no doubt.

Back then I learned a lot about elk hunting. Now - not so much.

I miss the good old days of Bowsite - maybe I’m just getting old…

From: Thornton
Lots of top contributors left this site. I can think of half a dozen big names. Learned of a new one I'd never met a few days ago on a land deal, and he remembered my name from 12 years ago.

I will probably continue to use the site to gain info on my interests from guys that know more on the topics than I do. I will also use it to entertain a few followers with my hunts, so maybe you can learn from me as well.

The political threads are usually garbage.

The liberal guys that waste all their time arguing trying to prove they are smarter because they know more are garbage.


From: Boone
I read more than I post guaranteed that. But love to read of guys hunts from out west elk hunting to some guys traveling the world. Lots of political crap that I skip which we can all do if you don't like it.

From: bowhunt
I first found bowsite in the early 2000’s I think, shortly after I started bowhunting.

Going to bowsite used to be like checking the mailbox, and seeing the best hunting magazine just arrived.

Times change, and a lot of really neat people on here have passed away.

When it’s the off season there seems to be a lot more crap than back in the day.

During the September- November hunting season it usually gets pretty good again.

From: 70lbDraw
“Used to be a place to come and learn from like-minded bowhunters. It's now a place to come to be disappointed.”

For all you guys that are complaining about the way the Bowsite has gone…what, in the last 20 years has not become more disappointing than it was back then? And if it is so disappointing, why are you still here?

From: Nick Muche
“Bowsite has afforded me many friends and hunts I only dreamed of as a kid. The art of navigating this site for mutual benefit is a learned experience. Thx to Pat for creating this resource. C

PS: Another awesome year awaits!”

My thoughts exactly!

Also, Timex, Earl is a salt of the earth person and one hell of a bowhunter. Many of us have chosen for one reason or another to not post every single hunt we do on here. You’d be amazed by the quality of people that lurk and rarely post here.

From: Mule Power
If it’s heading in the wrong direction, we have nobody but ourselves to blame. I think collectively as a group the regulars here have a little bit of an ability to run people out the door. This will be my 23rd or 24th year on Bowsite. Of course it has changed. If we had a thread on what has changed in the world in that amount of time it would be a mile long. I don’t care for the politics at all. But it doesn’t bother me in the least because like Boone said, you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. We have always had the town idiot on here and that title has changed hands a few times. But we also have some very intelligent as well as some very compassionate people here. Don’t let the bad apples spoil the bushel for you. It’s a great site. And even though some might say it’s not about hunting as much as it used to be, it is still more about hunting than any other site.

From: ahawkeye
For me, I use it to see how others are doing during hunting season. Get feedback on quality gear, ooohhh and aaaahhhh over trophies. I used to love the long hunting trip stories, we had a great sheep story this year. When the season isn't in I like the monthly funnies. One my most favorites is arguments with Jaq over the finer points of corner crossing!

From: TMac
Well said Mule Power. I have learned a lot here and pass by the threads I don’t care to read although some dumpster fires are amusing to read. Also, I second vm although tbm may have been full of himself at least he shared his hunting stories and thoughts and did not take himself to seriously.

From: spike78
Bowsite has never changed the only thing that did was the Community Forum was removed so politics is now discussed here that’s the only thing that changed. I’ve been on here since the beginning and it’s always been people arguing and bitching and moaning lol. IMO you can only repeat the same which broadhead or sight is good questions so many times. I like the added threads like fishing for example.

regarding the original me the bowsite is a place to discuss any topic that bowhunters are likely to discuss around a campfire at camp.

that can range from stories of past about future and any other topic that affects us as bow hunters and people. what impacts us as people impacts us as hunters.

From: pav
Bowsite absolutely changed my life as a bowhunter. I was already a traveling bowhunter in the early 90's, prior to Bowsite, but only for whitetail deer and turkeys. Talking with other Bowsiters and reading great bowhunting threads definitely opened my eyes to what I was missing.

Met many great guys on Bowsite that I consider friends and have been fortunate to actually bowhunt with some of them. Most never would have happened without Bowsite. While I do find the majority of threads on Bowsite disappointing these days, I still check in pretty much daily hoping to see threads from long time friends and even newer Bowsiters that are on this site for the right reasons.

Said it before and I'll say it again...thanks Pat!

From: Lewis
What Lou said good luck all Lewis

From: RonP
i enjoy the adventures of paul at the fort the most. he is one of the last remaining genuine guys. i say this having never met or spoken to the man, but you can tell.

i also enjoy the monthly funnies. there are a few hunt stories every now and then that are a great read. one that comes to mind is a moose hunt in alaska.

on occasion, i benefit from equipment topics such as coolers.

i find there is very little technique or how-to shared here. that's OK though.

like most of social media, i learn how much better everyone's marriage, finances, truck, house, hunting access, kids, and life in general are than mine. i do enjoy how eager they are to share it though, even while on vacation sometimes. but, it's quite depressing how much my life sucks and how poor i am in comparison. i wish i could post and let everyone know that social security won't have an impact on my life. i'm sure you would like to know that about me.

i tried the best i could and played the cards i was dealt. :(

preciate y'all.

From: Franzen
It indeed used to be a place where one could discuss bowhunting topics and strategies with some of the best in the world. Even a "nobody" could post and banter with a world-renowned bowhunter. A lot has changed, and this place has devolved into a place I envision to be much like most other social media. I say envision, because I exist nowhere else. It isn't Pat's fault, it was just momentum from the ways of the world, and a lot of other niche sites took a piece of the pie as well. Fix it? He'd have to become authoritarian and accept a small subset website.

From: Jaquomo
The Bowsite introduced me to many of my current bowhunting friends, who I likely never would have met otherwise. Some have become my very best life friends. You goes know who you are.

It also provided a platform for my live hunts, which Jumpstarted my paid writing gigs after I retired from the corporate world.

I truly appreciate this site for many reasons, and am sad that Pat was forced to remove the CF dumpster where the political garbage was kept. I know many of the great bowhunters who used to contribute here still lurk, but rarely participate anymore because of what it has become.

Thank you Pat and Charlie for what you've built here. The only constant in life is change. Glad you've been able to survive in the changing internet world.

From: skull
I did enjoy it back in the early days I miss BB and city Hunter

From: scentman
bowsight is a device that measures pre established distances for shot accuracy ;0) scentman

From: be still
^^^Ha^^ I’m new but I’m glad I found it back in 2018 or 19 whenever it was. Like I said before I was concentrated on merely myself and whatever it took to get that big one on the wall. I said myself but also was involved in taking my son but I was teaching him wrong too. Got to know a few guys from Kansas that has really opened my eyes and I’m very grateful for that.

It if it wasn’t for this site I might have not ever met them and still be in that dark tunnel. I think a lot of people would get along great here if they met face to face…words on here are taken in the wrong way sometimes I reckon. Or at least that has been my experience so far on here.

From: Glunt@work
Bowsite is what we make it. Been here since 19something and still visit almost daily.

I shoot trad gear so plenty of the discussions hold little interest to me so I just skip them. When the political stuff decends into useless cat fighting, I treat it the same.

Yes its changed. Most things do over 30 years. Bowhunting and the world around us has changed a lot as well. This place is driven by user created content. The cure for folks unsatisfied with whats available here is the same keyboard they are using to complain with.

Good place to seek medical advice, way cheaper than going to a trained medical provider.

I wish Pat would nuke all the liberals on here.I hate being on a site with so many woke so called hunters. At one time bowsite was where you went to learn or hear about serious, interesting bow hunting. Bowsite should nuke every political thread that comes up! Might bring some of the true bow hunters back. Bring back TBM….funny as hell and a real bow hunter.

From: Ambush
You also have to consider that a good portion of active posters are now seniors. And some seniors have decided not to age gracefully. It’s kinda like that big coffee group that meets every morning, with constant regulars and many drop in’s. Some are well known, appreciated and listened to, most are polite and then there’s that guy that makes everyone groan and rolls their eyes when he walks through the door.

There’s also a small group that actively looks for things to be offended about.

Maybe Pat should add a “GET OFF MY LAWN” section. Malcontents could be nominated and voted on to be banished to posting only to that section.

As long as we never get animated emojis, it’s still a pretty good place for bowhunters. Good people, often some good or even great stories, and some great pics of outstanding animals.

And who needs Google when there are people right here that know it all and are eager to tell you.

From: Recurve Man
Well I come here just read and watch what the questions guys ask. Been coming here for a long time. Became friends with only two guys on here and Bigdan has passed away so I only have one other one left.

I don’t honestly get much information I use for hunting. I enjoy the hunt recaps that guys post and John’s pictures.

Over the years there have been only a few changes. The two that are the most prevalent are equipment post and political post. If you try and find the difference between them there’s honestly not much. I see pricks on both sides. One is about hunting one is about political issues. You have people very opinionated during these post.

I’ve just learned over the years whose opinions I value and if I ask any questions I just PM those guys.

Honestly to each his own on this site.


From: Beav
Without Bowsite my son probably wouldn’t be living in Alaska. It has allowed me to go on some great hunts I would not have otherwise. Most importantly it has provided me some lifelong friends and for that I am so thankful. It’s not what it once was but thanks to Pat for keeping it going.

From: Catscratch
I loved the sheep hunts this winter! And every once in a while an iguana hunt or something cool (the guys that ocean fish really get me going!) pops up that catches my interest.

Otherwise I like reading the dumpster fires about politics. This is by far my best hunting website to read about politics on. The rest just talk hunting/fishing/habitat so there isn't the political and social issue diversity that this site has.

From: Swampbuck
Feel the same as Jaq and Bou, been here since 98-99, definitely going the way of the dodo in more ways than one unfortunately

I've been here for approx 20yrs, not sure exactly how but found this place after reading about it in Bowhunter Mag or some other publication. Back then, it was a goldmine of knowledge where equipment was discussed and it allowed me to make informed decisions when I was younger & my money was tight. I've always enjoyed reading of others hunting adventures, especially the elk hunts.

I still lurk daily, read what's interesting to me and post where I believe I can contribute.

Mostly sheer entertainment for me. I never cease to be amazed at the guys who claim to be hunters, but support so many liberal causes and politicians!

I've met some awesome folks on here. Helped some to make hunts in Alaska.


From: JohnMC
I always liked bowsite and still do. I don't mind a little of the politics but a little goes a long ways.

Still think a solution would be a monthly political thread. Like the funnies threads. I enjoy the funnies thread but thankful there is only one of them. One thread for all things political, any others get deleted. I think that would be a good compromise for all. I'd worry about Timex, ricky, Dana and few others if they didn't have bowsite to rant about all their fears all day long. Not sure they could cope. ;)

From: PECO2
Entertainment. If I want bow hunting info, I go to the leatherwall.

From: jjs
Information on hunting different species, nothing more nothing else, politics is like getting stuck in the mud, messy and hard to get out.

From: Blood
I just come here for the free swag Pat gives all the paying members.

I’m also hopeful that TBM will one day appear. That’s really why I check in 48-49 x’s a day. That’s actually an accurate statement. Please bring back TBM.

From: cnelk
TBM is on Facebook. He's still killing stuff. We've actually invited him back to Bowsite.

From: Beav
Without Bowsite my son probably wouldn’t be living in Alaska. It has allowed me to go on some great hunts I would not have otherwise. Most importantly it has provided me some lifelong friends and for that I am so thankful. It’s not what it once was but thanks to Pat for keeping it going.

Bowsite has had a large influence on the hunter I am today (which isn’t great but hey…). I grew up rifle hunting with pops and family. I had a bow when I was a kid but never got serious and actually hunted with archery equipment until my mid 20’s. Aside from trial and error everything I know about bow hunting I’ve learned here from some awesome people. I miss a lot of the bad ass bow hunters who used to post here. Some have passed away, some have chosen to focus on other things to spend their time on. Things change, doesn’t take away from the net positive I’ve experienced here. But I agree. Squash the politics here unless hunting related.

From: 70lbDraw
I have been here long enough to know that political threads have not always been so prevalent. There used to be some serious ‘religious’ threads that would receive 100’s of posts. They were just as toxic as the political ones, if not more.

The only thing that has really changed is the the religion posts, evolved into political posts. But one thing remains. We don’t get heavily inundated with trolls from outside the group. Fortunately we aren’t like Facebook, and probably one of the few sites that can still say that without all of the censorship stupidity. Y’all remember censorship right? Somehow, it’s one of those topics that sparks political threads! Whooda thunk?!

From: 4nolz@work
It's all about clicks the site would die without the political posts or we'd be covered up with ads.

From: HDE
With so many "how-to-do" videos posted on YouTube and other supporting podcasts, it's no wonder most outdoors related forums have shifted to subjects about everything else.

From: Paul@thefort
Yep! been on Bowsite since the mid/late 1990s. Need to say no more. My best, Paul

From: skull

From: Nyati
I was on for a long time as gobbler then had a phone problem and lost a bunch of stuff and let it go for a couple years then came back on as nyati. Most of the time I’ll check it every week or two. Been laid up a few weeks and been more active.

I was surprised how political it had gotten but everything has so I figured I would join in. But it appears a few things are still censored

From: Catscratch
I don't share your sentiment 4nozl@work. Lots of forums do just fine without the politics. I'd wager that a crackdown on anything political or religious would shift the content to a much stronger hunting theme. I think a few would drift off, but a few more would join in.

From: HDE
^^^ that includes giving thanks to the animal for "giving" its life.

From: buckhammer
It is a place to share your thoughts, views and opinions on anything from broadheads to politics with people who already have their mind made up and nothing you say is going to change it. Life is a lot more enjoyable when you realize no one gives a hoot what you think.

From: Jeff Durnell
I've been on the Bowsite/Leatherwall/Pa Conference since the late 90's but spend little time on them nowadays. I'd spend more time if it wasn't for the religious, political, and other stuff that I dont associate with hunting. Yeah, yeah, I know, if ya don't like the threads, don't open them. Gotcha. Exactly. So I don't. So these sites don't mean anything near what they used to, to me. That's why I'm absent and get so much more done in the real world. In the end, probably better this way.

From: 2Wild Bill
Archery community, the good, the bad and the ugly.

From: Teeton
I came on here just about at the beginning of bowsite. Pat came to a UBP convention here in PA to promote it. I also echo comments by others about making friends as I have. I'm not a big fan of political posts. I've gotten help with info for hunts and beat up also asking for help. I know I don't visit bowsite like I did in the pasted. Probably because of the political bs. As a business man, I don't get the right VS left, As a busness man, I'll gladly take the lefts money as much as rights. Here's a case and point. Can't remember his name right now, but the guy on TV that sells pillows. His business is just a shadow of what it was. Why Isolate half your customers like he did. Now some might come on and try to defend him, but your not going to convince me that he don't want the other half of his customers back.

From: BC
I've been on since the 90's. It's all good as far as I'm concerned. Some threads go sideways since the CF shutdown but if you don't like them, don't read them. Still a lot of solid bowhunting content, especially during the season. Good job Pat.

From: Nyati
Whether we like it or not politics is part of bowhunting and hunting in general. Look what’s already happened in multiple states and what’s happening in CO now since it’s turned blue.

From: midwest
2Wild Bill, isn't this thread a little young for you? ;-)

Political threads aside, a lot of the politics doesn't start with the few resident centrist and liberal folks. It usually starts with a bowhunting thread being derailed by a conservative dragging politics into a discussion with some unnecessary comment that "Democrats this" or "liberals that" that is a complete non sequitur in regards what the thread or discussion was about, and then there's a comment in reply to that, then the same 5 people pile on and it's the same nonsense over and over.

If you guys would stop interjecting politics, bowhunting threads wouldn't get derailed. You invite it and it's the same 10 people trolling each other.

And it really is a cowardly act to say something on Bowsite that you wouldn't say to the person if they were in front of you - we should all remember that before hitting "Submit Message."

We are all bowhunters.

From: spike78
Keep thinking hunting has nothing to do with politics you think it’s a big coincidence on different states banning hunting of mountain lions, ending coyote contests, introducing wolves? Do you also think it’s coincidence that at the same time all these liberal states are introducing strict gun laws? Just ignore politics and maybe our hunting won’t get affected (sarcasm).

From: bigbuck
Been here since 1990s when i got my first computer that ran Windows 93!! Meet many great people on here !! some still here many are gone unfortunately!!! Like many have said it was always a place to talk hunting and archery still some good threads come up on hunting and shooting but there are many that perk my interest still enjoy getting on to see whats going on and keeping in touch with friends i have meet!!

From: 4nolz@work
Things change the Internet is not a new thing and forums change as guys age out or lose interest.Its to be expected about impossible to control.Its hard to catch lightning in a bottle the 2nd time to use a cliche

Bowsite is the best bowhunting community in the world. Best bowhunting resources.

From: Stringwacker
I come to read about bowhunting; pickup on any bowhunting related news, and on rare occasion….read the topics that have become train wrecks to remind me what I don’t want to become. I wish the site could go back to being what it was in the past. That said, I understand that house fires and wrecks of all kind have a significant allure to a lot of folks.

From: Shaft2Long
It’s nothing anymore. I rarely even look.

A few weeks ago I realized that last good thing I saw on bowsite was when Aaron Snyder used to post his reviews.

This was before he was the Aaron Snyder people know about now. He was just some unknown guy spending a lot of time and his own money breaking things down in real backcountry conditions.

That was the last good thing and it was a long time ago.

From: caribou77
I found Bowsite originally in the early 2000s while looking into caribou hunting in Quebec. Since then I’ve learned so many things I never knew. Like you can’t hunt in blue jeans, my backpack wasn’t good enough, crossbows are the devil (well ok that’s legit), sheep hunting stories are the best and politics are a joke everywhere. Met some real cool people, meeting more every year, won a goat hunt because of bowsite. Hunted with Richard Hume and Mike unkrainetz and Conne River outfitters because of bowsite. It’s been a great resource for finding good outfitters and fun hunts. When people actually post good stories like they use to, man I love bowsite. I’m on here every single break at work ( so is someone high in my company, cause EVERYTHING else is blocked…). I’ve become FB friends with so many cool guys.

From: badbull
Politics aside, l am always pleasantly surprised at the quality of person that most of the older regulars seem to be. The overall knowledge and expertise that many portray is outstanding. The threads that include photos of themselves related to the outdoors are especially interesting to me and make me feel a sort of common relationship with them. I do miss some that are gone but I say thanks to Pat for making our days a little brighter by creating this site. I think that the site helps us to do the right things, do our best as bowhunters, and show that we care about the outdoors, animals, our families, and other bowhunters. Badbull

From: 70lbDraw
What I don’t understand is the demise of the state forums. I’ve moved quit a bit in the last few years, ID, FL, NM, and it seems every state forum is just a dusty ole remnant of past conversations. Either that, or people are afraid to talk about their local digs for fear someone might find their honey hole. I don’t know what it is, but the BG forum seems to be the favorite watering hole lately.

From: Catscratch
70lbDraw, go to the KS forum and post a pic of a corn pile... You'll get plenty of conversation.

From: Shaft2Long
It’s nothing anymore. I rarely even look.

A few weeks ago I realized that last good thing I saw on bowsite was when Aaron Snyder used to post his reviews.

This was before he was the Aaron Snyder people know about now. He was just some unknown guy spending a lot of time and his own money breaking things down in real backcountry conditions.

That was the last good thing and it was a long time ago.

From: Groundhunter
Entertainment. Alot of guys here with lots of money and outfitted hunts. Nothing wrong with that, I love reading about it, but it's like Bowhunting Magazine, all money hunts.

When I want to learn tricks and tips I go to other sites. The politics here are over the top.

Plus if I want to hear you whine about your divorce, I be on facebook.

From: Stringwacker
Mr. Timex, I spend about 95% of my time on the Leatherwall. No political discussion allowed over on the other side.

Here, I just try to ignore the background noise. It's still a good site with a lot of good folks if you just pick through the political weeds.

”PLEASE STOP COMPLAINING The answer to the problem is the NEW TOPIC tab at the top of the page,,,,,, THAT NEW TOPIC TAB CAN MAKE BOWSIGHT BE WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE.......”

if that doesn’t work…you can always litter the threads you don’t like with off color pictures and memes…vulgar language…and various other garbage posts in a blatant attempt to get the thread locked.

there’s always that…

spike, I'm going to assume that that post was directed at me.

I never said politics don't influence bowhunting. Don't put words in my mouth.

It's just that more people than you would guess are sick of seeing your constant alt-right conspiracy theory bull$hit constantly spewed across the boards in every friggen thread along with culture war BS dragged into every single thread irrespective of the subject.

You smoke too much weed.

From: Jaquomo
The Bowsite is where I learned that Timex's wiener doesn't work anymore. Can't find valuable information like that on any other hunting forum, anywhere, ever. So there's that....

From: Waylay
That was a leap!

This is exactly what IdyllwildArcher was talking about with his post about 20 above. Guy starts a thread “What does Bowsite mean to you”?

Some guys talk about the positives the site has brought them, some remember the way we were and some think it’s gone downhill. All good.

Then out of no where guys start bashing each other. If you want to make the site better keep bow hunting threads about bow hunting and torch each other on the other threads. JMO, carry on

From: spike78
Idyl no wasn’t directed at you personally. And my job doesn’t allow me to smoke weed so nope on the weed although wouldn’t mind every now and then!

From: spike78
And one last thing I don’t speak conspiracy theories it’s all fact. Hell they aren’t even hiding anything anymore nor denying.

Anyone who believes that everything they say is fact, is beyond deluded. Every human being is wrong, frequently.

From: Bou'bound
So this thread went from people, answering a question about what the bowsite had become to a real time demonstration of what the bowsite has become

Love it

From: Ambush
Some people come to offend and others come looking for threads to be offended by so they can unload.

A few days ago I started a thread as kind of an experiment. The title made very clear that it was off topic, being in no way archery related and the only and albeit tenuous link to bow hunting was the food plot angle. It's titled "My Garden Tractor Hobby".

Guess what? People with no interest in garden tractors didn't open it or comment in it. Those looking for something to be offended by didn't open it because there could be little chance they'd find any drama there.

Some people just like to be involved in a dumpster fire shit show and if they can't find one, they'll make one. And they will find enough willing participants to keep it going, no matter how ludicrous it gets.

Maybe for the next upgrade Pat can have the OP's name appear with the thread titles.

From: DanaC
You're playing with 'garden' tractors because real tractors are beyond your means, because "bidenomics" !!

Sound familiar? >;-)

From: spike78

"Ricky.......your offended that Fuzzy & myself..."

"offended" isnt the word id use. :)

From: olddogrib
I'll confess to being an "illegal alien" of sorts. I just tiptoed "across the border" over here recently pretty much out of curiosity, after 100 years or so on the LW. I was just getting some bad vibes that the Wall was losing its sense of humor. Threads gets closed or posts disappear if you fart over there anymore. Boy, what an eye-opener...these sub-forums are 180 deg. diametrically opposed! Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Pat, I feel your have my sympathy, lol! I now understand that you have to keep them separated...throw water on them, do what you must. None of my business, but you realize both these children can't be yours. I'd b***h-slap the mother of this b*****d! There's a reason tigers eat their young...have them both for supper and start over! No compassionate jury of your peers will convict. Good luck!

"I'll confess to being an "illegal alien" of sorts. I just tiptoed "across the border" over here recently pretty much out of curiosity, after 100 years or so on the LW."

in my would definitely qualify as a political asylum seeker. :)

From: fuzzy
It's a place to discuss politics, gayness (walking or swimming), new trucks, old trucks, dead ducks and crazy ......people.

From: scentman
Fuzzy, don't forget the downside to inferior :toilet paper" :0( scentman

From: fuzzy
I grow my own toilet paper. Corncobs. Grandaddy said it gets all the new crap and part of the old

From: scentman
What ever floats yer boat... long as that's all you use the corn cob for;0) scentman

From: APauls
Education, hunting related entertainment, and community. These days the time spent to reward ratio just isn't as good as it used to be but still some in there if you filter hard enough.

From: Will
My local page is entertaining and camaraderie - I've made many "real-life" friends via the page. Frankly, it's the best thing about bowsite or any hunting related site that I hop onto. Love my local page.

The national page is educational, aspirational, funny, and sometimes, just makes me grumpy (but I still open the damn politics threads and get myself into trouble any way - need more self control). I enjoy seeing stories of people hunting things I have not or may not be able to ever hunt. I enjoy seeing images from around the nation and world of amazing outdoor places. Those are all great!

From: StickFlicker
I have the utmost respect for Pat and what he has built here. He risked his own money to create the site long ago, is generous in sponsoring a member's happy hour at each P&Y convention, and he is an accomplished bowhunter in his own right. He owns the site, and he is entitled to do what he likes with it to keep the clicks high and to provide income for his family. Today I enjoyed re-reading the past article he wrote regarding the first 20 years of Bowsite. However, I did notice that there was a continuing theme in the article of following the path of serving his bowhunting patrons, rather than conform to public expectations or pursuing the option that would bring in the most money. He is to be commended for that. But I agree with the feelings of most of the commenters here that it sure doesn't feel like that is the case anymore.

Although I do still come to the site regularly, it is mostly just to keep in touch with a handful of people I have become friends with over the years, and I have very low expectations of finding topics of interest anymore. I post when I feel I can offer some insight regarding the nuances of the big game permit drawings for my home state, and I'm regularly contacted by other long-time members that would prefer to ask their questions through PM rather than post on a thread that's just as likely to go sideways at any minute, as it is to be helpful. I very seldom start a new thread or try to share any experiences anymore. I used to feel that I was honored to be sharing my experiences with bowhunters from across N.A. that were very accomplished and knowledgeable, but those feelings have largely been extinguished and the scarce number of bowhunting threads aren't enough to get me excited to participate very often anymore. The bowhunters that I couldn't wait to read about, just don't post much anymore. And while they may also come to the site, they likely don't participate because it just doesn't have the comradery feel it once had because of all the superfluous topics and disrespect that the newer members show to each other. It's easy for people to say "just skip the B.S. threads", but it's not like people include in the title that it's going to be a complete shit show of a thread. They post on all the different subforums, and they often use titles that force you to click on them to then realize it's one of the regularly occurring trash threads. I guess I mainly keep coming because this was the main site I have frequented for probably 20 years, and I just haven't taken the time to research what else might be out there that might be more in line with my interests as a bowhunter. Maybe this thread will be the kick in the ass that I need to do that.

From: Shaft2Long
Timex, nothing personal. I don’t recall ever complaining bowsite isn’t what it used to be. I think you’ve got me confused with somebody else.

Saying the last informative thing I saw were past posts is not a complaint. It’s my opinion. The easily triggered get confused easily.

I have made some aggressive posts on some of the political topics but never complained those topics are not the bowsite I used to know. Never complained those topics should not be on the forum. If a topic has no interest for me I don’t click on it.

From: 70lbDraw
This thread really begs the question: What, within your individual world that you enjoy, hasn’t changed for good or bad, in the last 25 years?

" If a topic has no interest for me I don’t click on it."

seems so basic...yet so difficult for some.

From: DanaC
"This thread really begs the question: What, within your individual world that you enjoy, hasn’t changed for good or bad, in the last 25 years? "

Old knives still cut. Archery is still fun. Cold beer still refreshes. ;-)

From: Bou'bound
“If a topic has no interest for me I don’t click on it." seems so basic...yet so difficult for some.“

That is a perfectly executable approach to the threads that are born as non-archery or non hunting. For example the ones on dead babies, bidenomics, gender confused swimmers, NAIA, trump and Biden today, etc.

Unfortunately the majority of the threads that stray are not born sideways but devolve mid stream and the heart of the thread is now corrupted and personal debates and conversations consume the thread.

Timex, I agree with your buddies that you should get working on your boat.

“If a topic has no interest for me I don’t click on it." seems so basic...yet so difficult for some.“

It's been posted already, but it's not just the obvious thread titles that get drug through the muck. How it usually goes is an archery thread gets derailed by some dumb statement along the lines of "blame the Dems for this or that" or "I bet the bowLibs of Bowsite would think this or that," and then there's a snide reply to that followed by all Hell breaking loose with accusations, fingers pointed, prophesies of the end of the world, laments, and dirges.

It's not so much the political threads that bother so many - it's every other thread getting drug through the mire.

”Unfortunately the majority of the threads that stray are not born sideways but devolve mid stream…”

yes…i agree that posters who deliberately attempt to take a thread away from the original topic are annoying…but good or bad…threads do have a tendency to evolve. that’s what conversations do…both on the internet and face to face.

From: Shaft2Long
Timex, yea, that would be you confused. Or purposely obfuscating.

“ You just complain on threads that don't interest you about how bowsight isn't what it used to be.”

That’s your quote. Then you spotlight only one post I made. Typical tactic. Make an accusation or assumption then try to prove it with inaccuracy and obfuscation.

From: Zbone

I enjoy Bowsite and the Wall. Lots of good information on both.

" I was on the leather wall since AOL dialup,,,,,about 5 years ago I slowly started gravitating to bowsight,,,,,just could no longer stand the censorship on the wall."

think about that for a minute.

you left the lw because you felt the moderation was too heavy handed when it came to censoring posts that the moderation didnt think were appropriate there.

now you actively engage in attempting to censor posts (or have them censored) that you dont think are appropriate here.

do you not see the hypocrisy in that?

I do not mind the censorship. Unfortunately there have been more than one examples where the poster was not coherent, likely due to alcohol or other drugs.

From: deerhunter72
I discovered the Illinois forum on BS well over 20 years ago and it was a wealth of information. But it was ruined by the constant bashing and bickering and thst forum doesn’t even have a pulse today. The big game forum came much later for me and I love the hunt recaps. Even though I know I’ll never do any type of mountain hunting, the goat and sheep hunts are my favorite. There are some excellent hunters here and a lot of knowledge is shared. I can pretty much ignore all of the other nonsense, but it does distract from the intent of the site.

"You feel better now......."

actually...i feel great. always have. very rarely will you ever even find me in a bad mood...and i can assure you that you have zero effect on it. :)

friendship and education mostly. very much appreciated

From: Stix
Information source, but gotta be able to differentiate the signal from the noise, for which I have contributed both.

From: Bou'bound
What many don’t understand is the intended meaning of PM on this site

Somewhere along the line people got the impression it stood for private message which is not the case.

it actually stands for pissing match, which is meant to say when two guys want to get into a pissing match the intention of the PM function is that they can have their one on one pissing match via PM and respectfully spare the general population the pain and tedium that goes along with that behavior

Give it a shot boys

Answering the original question. What the site is to me.

I’ve enjoyed and look forward to “Hunt Man’s yearly recap. Something I look forward to. Stories like Mike Ukranitez amazing Ram hunt. I have to mention the incredible relationships formed over the years and shared hunts with guys from here. I most likely would have never taken that first trip for an animal other than whitetail. The behind the scenes encouragement and support. I’m glad I found Bowsite when I did. Hopefully it will be around for some time to come.

From: nchunter
I still come here to learn about new products dealing with hunting and archery. I hate that politics has crept into the site so much. But some many of the things we considered normal are vanishing quickly in so many states and there does seem to be an overwhelming factor- they are run by democrats. I still look for posts that focus on hunting and archery. Although I disagree with a lots of Dana C comments on politics I do like his starting the "funnies" threads. I also have felt whats the fastest way to destroy a site like this is to get one or two agitators constantly firing folks up. They may of never hunted a day in their life but truly have another agenda altogether.

From: Grey Ghost
I've been a member since the late '90s, when I came here for the hunting stories and bowhunting camaraderie. Then, I became a paying sponsor of the Bowsite for a few years when I outfitted in the early 2000s. I met a few great members during that time.

After that, I developed a morbid curiosity for the Community Forum where I wasted way too much time thinking people cared about my opinion. Then, life got busy and I took about a 10 year sabbatical. A lot of great contributors and friends left during that time. I'm not really sure why I came back around 2015-16. But, once again, I was drawn to the non-hunting topics. I guess a bad car crash is hard for me to look away from.

Overall, the Bowsite has been an interesting journey for me. It's opened my eyes to both the good and bad of the hunting community, and to human nature in general, myself included. I applaud Pat for keeping the site alive amongst what I'm sure has been a mountain of challenges.

"...I was drawn to the non-hunting topics. I guess a bad car crash is hard for me to look away from.

Overall, the Bowsite has been an interesting journey for me. It's opened my eyes to both the good and bad of the hunting community, and to human nature in general, myself included. I applaud Pat for keeping the site alive amongst what I'm sure has been a mountain of challenges."

i havent been around for as long as you but its hard not to agree with all of that.

i might also add that i happen to be on the side of "debate is good." it makes one continually rethink his own positions and even change them when necessary. i know ive certainly done just that on a variety of issues...bowhunting and otherwise.

From: StickFlicker
Debate may be good, but only if it's respectful. I rarely recall seeing that here in recent years. When it isn't respectful, the other person immediately takes offense and shuts down their ability to see another side to the discussion. Years ago Bowsite had a warning system when somebody strayed from civility. It must have not worked, since it didn't last long, but there has to be a better solution than the complete hands-off system of today that alienates so many.

From: grape
Bowsite is daily entertainment.

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