Sitka Gear
Scientists growing antlers on mice! WTF
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
LUNG$HOT 14-Apr-24
Zbone 14-Apr-24
Zbone 14-Apr-24
Starfire 14-Apr-24
Missouribreaks 14-Apr-24
Starfire 14-Apr-24
DanaC 14-Apr-24
Nomad 15-Apr-24
spike78 15-Apr-24
Will tell 15-Apr-24
KHNC 15-Apr-24
drycreek 15-Apr-24
t-roy 15-Apr-24
kscowboy 15-Apr-24
scentman 16-Apr-24
Griz 16-Apr-24
scentman 16-Apr-24
DonVathome 16-Apr-24
Olde style 16-Apr-24
COLO 3-D 26-Apr-24
SLS 28-Apr-24
COLO 3-D 13-May-24

“Scientists had a major breakthrough after implanting mice with deer cells, which allowed them to grow 'mini antlers'. With huge advancements in technology, researchers are making incredible discoveries every single day.“

Wonder what the criteria will be for one to meet P&Y. Will they have seasons or open year round? Still lots of questions to be answered.

From: Zbone
I open the link, no pix... They have to show me...


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo

From: Zbone
Good one Ricky, must have been whitetail genes and not muley or elk, I want to seen one with moose genes...8^)))

From: Starfire
All those guys with a Super Slam are now going to be one short when P&Y recognizes mice category.

This is just research, if it is not stretched into fake news.

From: Starfire
Missouribreaks, your right. P&Y has yet to recognize jackelope and they are real.

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo
Squoose on the horizon?

From: Nomad

Nomad's embedded Photo
Nomad's embedded Photo
DanaC.........."Plotting big trouble for moose & squirrel"!

From: spike78
Funny no cure yet for cancer but we can sure mess with Mother Nature though.

"Funny no cure yet for cancer but we can sure mess with Mother Nature though."

just curious if you read the entire article?

experiments like this are all about advancements in medicine.

"Experts hope the breakthrough will help with future medicine"

"And now it seems there has been a step forward in regenerative medicine."

"Mammals in general have lost the ability to regenerate organs and most other tissues for that matter, so the antlers could certainly provide a unique insight into how regenerative medicine for bones could work."

"And with that coming about so rapidly, researchers were given an insight into how this regenerative medicine could be utilized in humans.

We present a spatiotemporal cellular atlas of antler regeneration, which provides a useful genetic and histological resource for mammalian organ regeneration," a conclusion in the journal read.

Our results show that antler regeneration is consistent with a conceptual stem cell–based regenerative process."

we can joke about mice with antlers but who knows what this research could lead to and who it could help?

From: Will tell
Ricky, I’d look good with a set of antlers, guess that would make me horny.

From: KHNC
Finally!! Something to keep guys from talking about how great a coue's buck is!

From: drycreek
They gonna have hell getting through a mouse hole. Tom will catch Jerry for sure !

From: t-roy
Will tell…..They’re NOT horns!!!

From: kscowboy
When the last deer disappears into the morning mist, When the last elk vanishes from the hills, When the last buffalo falls on the plains, I will hunt mice for I am a hunter and I must have my freedom. — Chief Joseph

“…guess that would make me horny.”

or a bonehead.


From: scentman
Can't wait for the first " Milo Hansen mouse", or the "Rumpola mouse" with "droopy ears"! scentman Ya'll never heard of a deer mouse? Lol!

From: Griz
That will really add to the excitement of the Philly Grand Slam of Rats chase. There is the Septa Subway species, the South Philly Italian Market species, the Hairless Sewer species, and the Delaware River Wharf species. There is also the Stadium subspecies but that is an add on only after taking all others. Adding antlers to the Slam will make things much more interesting!

From: scentman
Also, can't wait for the "recipe thread"... probably alot of crock pot ones;0)

From: DonVathome
Genetic engineering is significantly further ahead than most people know. It is the future. Watch the show "Unnatural selection" on netflix. They can modify human DNA - and have.

I think that, and self driving cars, are the massive new things that will be huge in decade to come.

Same scientists that modified our food source for the last hundred years / like ice cream that takes 22 hours to melt.75% of US food could not be sold in Europe because of dangerous CANCER additives but here the FDA /manufactures/ medical choose profits over people everyday.Oh ya same scientist that gave us COVID and chemicals to alter men and women- leave GODS designs alone or you will pay.Unless of course you think these people are smarter !!

From: COLO 3-D
I need to start applying for mouse tags before the point creep gets out of hand.

From: SLS
I'm looking forward to all the Bowsite debates on fixed vs mechanicals for mice :)

From: COLO 3-D
And just like that, turkeys became less appealing.

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