S12 advise
Contributors to this thread:Wild Sheep
From: Selkh
Hey all, I got lucky (draw of a lifetime) and drew archery s12 this year. I know the area as I’ve hunted elk in there twice and live about an hourish away. What I don’t know, and would welcome any advise, is where to find rams and advise on hunting them. Thanks in advance.
From: Quinn @work
If you're not already a member join RMBS. Then go to their sheep and goat hunter meet and greet they host in the summer. There will be some S12 hunters there that probably will be more than willing to help with suggestions. Bring your maps.
From: Stoneman
A lot of S12 rams are between Buffalo peaks and Weston pass. I would start looking in either of those areas the first week of July. They will stay in those general areas until the season starts. Some nice rams have called 12 mile home for years historically.
Get up there and scout. Plan on hunting early, once the season is under way and there is pressure the sheep can disappear.
Congrats on the tag, best of luck!
Congrats on the Ram tag.
Good luck, Robb
From: Seth
Congrats and savor the entire experience.
From: 2xLung
Join Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society https://www.bighornsheep.org/ if you're not already a member. We host a meet-and-greet in June/July every year. At this event we pair past tag holders with current tag holders. Feel free to hit me up too - I got my ram in S12 in 2019.
From: Selkh
Thanks to all!
From: Beendare
Seems to me, F&G keeps a map of where every ram was killed in past hunts….that would help.
From: AW
I also got luck with an S12 archery tag. I would love to chat sometime and share notes. Hope to catch up and see you out scouting soon!
From: KHunter
KHunter's Link
Congrats and attend our RMBS Sheep & Goat Hunter Meet & Greet June 8 in Golden Colorado to connect with over 100 sheep and goat nuts. Flyer for the event is attached.
From: Bow Bullet
@Beendare CPW doesn't publish coordinates of harvest locations anymore. The harvest reports only list the drainage where each harvest happened.
From: kscowboy
I have the previous kill locations saved in a PDF. PM me and I’ll email them to you.
From: Huntmaster
google search will find all the prior posts about S12 on bowsite. congrats and good luck.
From: Harvester
I hunt the unit every year and help guide hunters for an outfitter. I’ll be at 1 Shot. I can help with sheep, goat (yes they give out goat tags in this unit), moose, elk.
From: Beendare
Thx Ks cowboy, I did not know that. I helped a friend years ago with his Colorado. and we literally looked at a map of where every ram was killed in that unit for the last 10 or more.
From: KHunter
Harvester, we really need folks to sign up to attend using the web form link posted above if coming to meet & greet.
AW great to see you signed up for June 8th
Selkh, Does not look like you signed up yet but hope you do.
From: KHunter
dbl post
From: Harvester
I’m signed up.
From: Huntmaster
Khunter, if you can connect me with someone coming up from Monument or south, I can share a ton of info on S12. I need a ride to get there. I’ll give all my topography maps of that unit to some lucky hunter too. Message me if possible.
From: KHunter
Messaged you Huntmaster, I do have an S12 hunter coming from monument happy to give you a ride on Saturday.
From: Huntmaster
Thanks. I sent my contact info
From: Quinn @work
If any tag holding bow hunters that are RMBSS or CBA members need info on G10 or S32 feel free to PM me. Both organizations members gave me help.
From: KHunter
Thanks Chad I have you in our list for that!