US should follow Finland
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
samman 19-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 19-Apr-24
sitO 20-Apr-24
Dale06 20-Apr-24
LUNG$HOT 20-Apr-24
Glunt@work 20-Apr-24
Mint 20-Apr-24
Buskill 20-Apr-24
DanaC 21-Apr-24
drycreek 21-Apr-24
DanaC 21-Apr-24
Scar Finga 21-Apr-24
DanaC 22-Apr-24
spike78 22-Apr-24
spike78 22-Apr-24
Catscratch 22-Apr-24
2Wild Bill 22-Apr-24
Bob H in NH 22-Apr-24
DanaC 22-Apr-24
DanaC 23-Apr-24
Iowa booner hunter 23-Apr-24
Glunt@work 25-Apr-24
SteveB 25-Apr-24
From: samman

samman's Link
Article even talks about how the US could benefit from a similar project.

If I lived in Finland with DJT telling the next-door-dictator to do “whatever the hell he wants”, I’d want to be well-armed, too….

"If I lived in Finland with DJT telling the next-door-dictator to do “whatever the hell he wants”, I’d want to be well-armed, too…."

...or at least current on our bills.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: Dale06
Give the government total control of firearms, what could go wrong. If you like Finlands firearms laws, move there.

to the extent that it accomplishes (and is limited to) this...

"Finland is taking a bold step forward in national defense and public safety with its groundbreaking initiative to open 300 new shooting ranges across the country. This extensive project not only aims to enhance military readiness and civilian preparedness but also integrates responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society."

...i think its a good idea.

“US should follow Finland“

Yeah… or not.

From: Glunt@work
The US should follow the Constitution.

From: Mint
I'll pass. Let Europe defend themselves for a change instead of the US funding everything while they shirk their national defense. Trump was dead right saying if they don't pay their sworn obligations NATO shouldn't defend them, You really want US lives lost for a country that wouldn't even pay their paltry obligations? I'll give Finland and the Baltic states credit since they pay their share.

From: Buskill
“Granting “me one of my rights is a non starter. To hell with that system. If they dig it over there, awesome. Enjoy.

what would be wrong with opening shooting ranges all across the country and promoting responsible gun ownership and civilian preparedness? thats all sammans link is talking about.

nothing about rights...nothing about nato...nothing about paying for anyone elses defense.

From: DanaC
Now Ricky, what fun would it be if everybody didn't drag their pet agendas into any and every discussion? >;-)

From: drycreek
Glunt nailed it ! If only the dems would actually read and FOLLOW the constitution.

"Now Ricky, what fun would it be if everybody didn't drag their pet agendas into any and every discussion?"

i know...right? its not like the finland is considering setting up shooting ranges only for transgender shooters.


From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo

From: Scar Finga
Glunt@Work, EXACTLY and Nothing less is acceptable! I don't want the damn government to do anything "FOR ME" except to stay out of my life and my business altogether! That includes abortion (Yes I am Pro-Life), but not their business either way! Oh, and taxes! They already take too damn much and always want more!!

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo
According to SitO's post, getting a gun permit in Finland requires a doctor to sign off. This in the news this morning.

From: spike78
The problem is even if we did copy Finland we would still keep adding more afterwards.

"The problem is even if we did copy Finland we would still keep adding more afterwards."

"adding more" what...shooting ranges?

From: spike78
No laws

"No laws"

not sure how this thread veered into a discussion about laws...but thats what conversations do i guess.

back to the original topic...would you be in favor of the following...

"Finland is taking a bold step forward in national defense and public safety with its groundbreaking initiative to open 300 new shooting ranges across the country. This extensive project not only aims to enhance military readiness and civilian preparedness but also integrates responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society."

...if you replaced finland with the united states?

From: Catscratch
I don't know... 300 seems like a pretty small number.

"I don't know... 300 seems like a pretty small number."

well...finland is a pretty small country.

insert a number that is commensurate with the population. 300 ranges for the population of finland would equate to about18000 ranges for the population of the united states.

"I don't know... 300 seems like a pretty small number."

well...finland is a pretty small country.

insert a number that is commensurate with the population. 300 ranges for the population of finland would equate to about 18000 ranges for the population of the united states.

From: 2Wild Bill
Registration preceeds confiscation.

From: Bob H in NH
Why would we want government to spend money on this when we have real problems to solve?

From: DanaC

DanaC's Link
"300 ranges for the population of finland would equate to about 18000 ranges for the population of the united states. "

Not sure how things are where you are but around here we have plenty of private clubs/shooting ranges. I think the NRA might help if a group of folks wanted to get together and build a new range.

"How many businesses are there in the Shooting Ranges industry in the US in 2023? There are 11,381 Shooting Ranges businesses in the US as of 2023, an increase of 1.2% from 2022."

"Not sure how things are where you are but around here we have plenty of private clubs/shooting ranges."

we have a few also. the part that intrigued me was this...

"...also integrates responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society."

this would be a needed change coming from our government. it seems the only time our government weighs in on gun issues is when they want to demonize gun owners and restrict their use.

the more i think about it...your probably right though. most of the issues we have with guns is not really a matter of not having "responsible" gun owners...its a matter of mental illness and criminality.

From: DanaC
" "...also integrates responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society." "

Ahh, but there's the rub - *who exactly* determines what is *responsible* gun ownership? We are all too familiar with the anti-gun extremists who bleat about their *common sense* approach to gun ownership. And equally important, their allies in government.

Eliminate the crime caused by a certain demographic and America is the safest country around. We don’t need any new gun laws. We just need to enforce the laws on the books.

From: Glunt@work
More ranges and encouraging gun ownership is great. Just no need for the government to be involved. A grant to Gun Owners of America or the Second Amendment Foundation, etc will do. No need for Government to make a new law, have any additional information on gun owners or oversee the program other than confirming ranges are being built and used with the $. I'm ok with reducing taxes on citizens by $1,000.00 a year to help people afford supplies.

From: SteveB
Having been there, I wouldn't recommend the US follow Finland for much of anything.

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