Moultrie Mobile
Has anyone hunted in Senegal?
Contributors to this thread:
Ricardo Longoria 24-Apr-24
Ricardo Longoria 24-Apr-24
Frenchman 24-Apr-24
Buffalo1 27-Apr-24
Pat Lefemine 27-Apr-24
Mint 30-Apr-24

Ricardo Longoria's Link
Has anyone hunted in Senegal?


Ricardo Longoria's Link

From: Frenchman
Sent a few emails for a hunt this past March with my son - no one answered. Lots of outfitters from France - I had inquired a few years back - warthogs only - but they said it would be walk and stalk (which is fine for warthogs) but not a usual practice there. On my bucket list - not overly expensive from what I saw on websites... I'd love to find a good place to go with my bow in hand!

From: Buffalo1
Beautiful eland- congrats.

From: Pat Lefemine
Hey Ricardo, good to hear from you again. I always remember that camp we shared in Mozambique. Great eland bull!!

From: Mint
Considering that area is in the grip of terrorist activity with extremist muslim groups I'd be very concerned of going anywhere near there.

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