Greenworks UTV ?
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Candor 06-May-24
drycreek 07-May-24
Ziek 07-May-24
Candor 07-May-24
BULELK1 08-May-24
DanaC 08-May-24
DanaC 08-May-24
Shiloh 08-May-24
Candor 09-May-24
From: Candor
Do any of yall have experience with the Greenworks UTV? They are pretty steeply discounted through year end and it seems interesting for the 80v version. This would be my first EV so much I don't know, but a lot I find appealing about it. I am in the east so range is not much of a limiting factor for a UTV. Mud certainly is though.

My apologies if this has been vetted before, I searched and could find nothing on it.

From: drycreek
I didn’t even know they made a UTV, but I have a regular chainsaw, a leaf blower, and a pole saw by Greenworks and they are great. I’ve never been disappointed in their performances. As soon as my Stihl weed eater dies I’ll be getting a Greenworks model.

From: Ziek
Two things I would be concerned with. 20 degree slope is only about 36 percent grade. I've been on much steeper, and you sure don't want to run out of power then. Dealing with charging when on multi-day camping trips is an issue. But I sure wish they would at least put REAL mufflers on gas rigs, until they perfect electric models.

From: Candor
So multi day trips are not a motivating factor, at least from my current thoughts.

The limitation on the slope is something for me to chew on. I'm not good about buying something and then not trying to go somewhere I shouldn't. Maybe the weight of the batteries up high is a dysfunction. Better than a golf cart but not a can-am.


BULELK1's Link
Here is a quick link.

For $20k, not bad at all.

Good luck, Robb

From: DanaC
_On sale_ for $20k. This, combined with the failings of Tesla, and the huge price drops on the Ford electric pick up, tells me that electric vehicles are 'not ready for prime time.'

Our club has a Polaris ranger that has been used hard and still runs like a champ. And they start a 13 K.

From: DanaC
And I would think hard about resale value.

From: Shiloh
I have a 2014 Polaris EV that I bought used for $8k. I did a lithium conversion a few years after buying it for about $7500 and have been using it with lithiums for a few years now. I use it every day for 45 days of turkey season and a lot during the fall deer season. I would recommend that route.

From: Candor
I strongly believe EVs will control the car market. Just not anytime soon. Will be a long time. But I do think the technology is sufficient for my needs on properties the size I hunt and while there may be tradeoffs, if the quality is there on an EV, the stealth and lack of fuel to deal with is enough to offset the sacrifices for my use.

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