Sitka Gear
MIKE’S OUTFITTING 2024 Alberta Bear Hunt
Contributors to this thread:
Mike Ukrainetz 07-May-24
Bowboy 07-May-24
mooseslayer 07-May-24
midwest 07-May-24
Charlie Rehor 07-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 07-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 07-May-24
mooseslayer 07-May-24
Footshooter 07-May-24
Dino 07-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 07-May-24
TMac 07-May-24
t-roy 07-May-24
Buffalo1 07-May-24
Matt 07-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 07-May-24
VAMtns 08-May-24
Matt Rehor 08-May-24
Treeline 08-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 08-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 08-May-24
mooseslayer 08-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 08-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 08-May-24
bghunter 08-May-24
rattling_junkie 08-May-24
midwest 08-May-24
Insheart 08-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 08-May-24
TEmbry 08-May-24
WV Mountaineer 08-May-24
TMac 08-May-24
mooseslayer 08-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 09-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 09-May-24
bghunter 09-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 09-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 09-May-24
Sam 09-May-24
DEMO-Bowhunter 09-May-24
t-roy 09-May-24
Rgiesey 10-May-24
Mad Trapper 10-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 10-May-24
bghunter 10-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 11-May-24
bghunter 11-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 11-May-24
DConcrete 11-May-24
bghunter 11-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-May-24
bghunter 12-May-24
Groundhunter 12-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-May-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 12-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-May-24
DConcrete 12-May-24
DConcrete 12-May-24
Kurt 12-May-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 12-May-24
TMac 12-May-24
grape 13-May-24
njbuck 13-May-24
bghunter 13-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 14-May-24
Footshooter 14-May-24
midwest 14-May-24
TMac 14-May-24
TMac 14-May-24
mooseslayer 14-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-May-24
VAMtns 16-May-24
MPN 16-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-May-24
TMac 16-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 17-May-24
VAMtns 17-May-24
bghunter 17-May-24
TMac 17-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 17-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 17-May-24
Skippy 17-May-24
Gib 17-May-24
molsonarcher 18-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 18-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 18-May-24
Stoneman 18-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 18-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 18-May-24
t-roy 19-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 19-May-24
MQQSE 19-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 19-May-24
Sam 19-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 19-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 20-May-24
hdaman 21-May-24
Bou'bound 21-May-24
njbuck 21-May-24
iceman 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 21-May-24
RK 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 21-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 22-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 22-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
Gib 23-May-24
Skippy 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
midwest 23-May-24
Charlie Rehor 23-May-24
TMac 23-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 23-May-24
t-roy 23-May-24
Nick Muche 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
Bowfreak 24-May-24
Dino 24-May-24
Blake Patton 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 24-May-24
TEmbry 24-May-24
Stoneman 24-May-24
Ryan Rothhaar 24-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Footshooter 25-May-24
Ryan Rothhaar 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
MQQSE 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
midwest 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
t-roy 25-May-24
Sam 25-May-24
Kurt 25-May-24
bghunter 25-May-24
Charlie Rehor 25-May-24
map1 25-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 25-May-24
woodguy65 26-May-24
Skippy 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 26-May-24
Skippy 27-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 28-May-24
VAMtns 28-May-24
g5smoke21 28-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 31-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 31-May-24
Bou'bound 31-May-24
petedrummond 31-May-24
Earltex 31-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Jun-24
Skippy 01-Jun-24
Skippy 01-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Jun-24
t-roy 01-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 02-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 03-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 03-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 03-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 04-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 04-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 04-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 04-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 04-Jun-24
Dino 04-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 04-Jun-24
Sam 04-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 06-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 06-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 10-Jun-24
Bou'bound 10-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 11-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 11-Jun-24
welka 11-Jun-24
Bou'bound 11-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-Jun-24
Treeline 12-Jun-24
midwest 12-Jun-24
bghunter 12-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-Jun-24
molsonarcher 12-Jun-24
bghunter 12-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 12-Jun-24
Shug 13-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 14-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 14-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 14-Jun-24
molsonarcher 14-Jun-24
Old Reb 14-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 14-Jun-24
njbuck 14-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 14-Jun-24
Dino 14-Jun-24
bghunter 14-Jun-24
Helgermite 14-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Rgiesey 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 15-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-Jun-24
Bou'bound 16-Jun-24
IKE220 16-Jun-24
Inshart 16-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-Jun-24
VAMtns 16-Jun-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-Jun-24
Mad Trapper 16-Jun-24
Treeline 16-Jun-24
swp 16-Jun-24
swp 16-Jun-24
Skippy 17-Jun-24
Charlie Rehor 17-Jun-24
bghunter 17-Jun-24
map1 18-Jun-24
Bou'bound 27-Oct-24
bghunter 27-Oct-24
Mike Ukrainetz 28-Oct-24
Bou'bound 28-Oct-24
Bou'bound 28-Oct-24

Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mason and dad John Hubbard from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mason and dad John Hubbard from Texas

Mike Ukrainetz's Link
Mason Hubbard got our first bear of the year on the first evening hunt, Monday, May 6 with his bow. One perfect 15 yard shot from a wooden ground blind and the bear didn’t go 30 yds. He ran a little bit at the shot, stopped, looked around, then lay down and breathed his last.

20 1/16 green score skull, 7 ft 1 in square hide and weighing 340 lbs. Probably a 5 1/2 year old boar, maybe 6 1/2. I would have to go through last years trail camera pics on this bait to figure it out better. It’s the perfect size we like to kill. All 5 hunters in camp are sitting on baits with this class of bear or bigger on trail cam. John and his group have hunted with us several times. Hopefully more big bears to come…

From: Bowboy
Awesome bear congrats to the hunter.

From: mooseslayer
You definitely nail some real brutes, and have this bear thing figured out. Congrats to Mason!!

From: midwest

The classy Trophy Photos are a treat every year. Stack em up.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
340 lbs with the Rehor Roof, for the walk in cooler, in the background!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
340 lbs with the Rehor Roof, for the walk in cooler, in the background!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Found the 2nd one shot yesterday evening! Took awhile today to find it…

From: mooseslayer
Awesome, way to stick with the tracking and see all those smiling faces for your efforts!!

From: Footshooter
Heading up to hunt with Gerard that first week of June at Eagle eye, been waiting for these pics to start coming in!

Great first couple of Bears, keep em coming

From: Dino
One of the best threads of the year! Thanks for this…Keep it coming please, Mike!

Thanks guys!

And Footshooter, you are going to have an awesome hunt! That area has been barely hunted for 4 years.

From: TMac
Great start Mike! Congrats to Mason and finding the second bear.

From: t-roy
Looking forward to this thread again this year, Mike! Good luck to all your hunters!

From: Buffalo1
Good bears ! Congrats to hunters.

From: Matt
One of my favorite threads of the year.

Thanks Matt. That is a surprise

From: VAMtns
WTG Great Pics

From: Matt Rehor
Hope you have a great season Mike, one of my favorite threads of the year!

From: Treeline
Awesome! Gona have to keep an eye on this one.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Son Tyler with one of our bear proof, box blinds after he finished screwing it together. We use these at every site, 6 by 6 foot interior. It’s the perfect stealthy set up, out of the rain and wind.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Son Tyler with one of our bear proof, box blinds after he finished screwing it together. We use these at every site, 6 by 6 foot interior. It’s the perfect stealthy set up, out of the rain and wind.
Last spring I got to spend 8 days with my 16 yr old daughter Brooke getting all the baits set up. This year our 15 year old son Tyler got to come along and skip school for 10 days of manual labor. These are long, tough days, 12 -14 hours of daily work getting all 30 of our bait sites established. We have to assemble all the box blinds, often rebuild the back wall of the bait and bring in a few hundred lbs of meat scraps, oats, used cooking grease, honey, popcorn, licorice bricks and beavers into every site. We stack it up for the beginning.

If we get 5 baits done in one day that’s a great day. This year we had some days where we only got 2-3 baits setup in a long day’s work. The trails in were covered with downed trees from windstorms in the winter. We also had a few spots completely burned out from last year’s forest fires, and some of those places also got logged out to salvage what trees they could. What a mess! The guides and Tyler got it done though!

It was a great education in the real world of work for our son. I think every young man should have to do a job of manual labor for awhile, especially working alongside other good young men as role models.

From: mooseslayer
You certainly go to great lengths for your hunters. Nice to see that kind of effort and work ethics, and it's paying dividends with your hunters success on mature bears!!!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The crew in front of a crib, me, Cody, Tyler, Gavin and Jackson.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The crew in front of a crib, me, Cody, Tyler, Gavin and Jackson.
The broadside positioning crib is probably the biggest pain in the butt to fix every year, or rebuild in some cases with the fires or logged out areas.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tyler and Mike
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tyler and Mike
We set up every bait site the same, it’s like going to McDonald’s you know exactly what you are getting and it’s the same for everyone!

A 2 person box blind, where you sit in perfect hiding, unseen from the bears, in comfy lawn chairs out of the rain, wind and sun, set up 15-20 yards from our broadside positioning crib, beaver box and main barrels.

Each bait has 2 white topped posts, 36” tall. A shooter male bear must be as tall to the shoulders as the post, not an inch shorter. Then there is a meat barrel filled with butcher cut meat scraps, another barrel with popcorn and licorice bricks and another one with oats and used cooking grease. There is also a beaver cage so the bears have to rip it apart to get it out. We use about 300 beavers a year, very important bait. There is also a honey pot with about a quart of honey in it that they can only get their tongue inside it to clean it out. It sits at 5 ft high on a tree so only a big bear can easily reach it and it helps in sexing the bear when he is standing up.

And of course a trail camera, also sitting at 36” high so we can judge the shoulder height of the bears. We have a rigid trail camera checking system where the guides label every decent size male bear and I check their work and then store it in a file for every bait. Each guide spends about an hour or two every day checking cards at the lodge or in his truck, on a laptop, no half assing it in the woods on a card reader. I personally also spend an hour or two every day on cards, I can’t miss a single day or it piles up. Fun, fun! Haha

From: bghunter
Well the hard work and your set ups sure seem to pay off as you shoot some great bears.

Your ground blinds are one the best set ups I have seen for bear hunting.


From: midwest
Incredible attention to detail and setting up your hunters for only killing mature boars. No wonder you have the success you do.

From: Insheart
Proof's in the pudding - very nice looking set ups.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mason's bear before...
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mason's bear before...
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
And after...I can't believe the camera set to capture one picture every minute caught this!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
And after...I can't believe the camera set to capture one picture every minute caught this!

From: TEmbry
Incredible attention to detail with your outfit!

Awesome stuff!!!! I love it!!!!!

From: TMac
Wow what a photo!

From: mooseslayer
For a trail camera set on 1 minute intervals to capture a photo at the exact point of impact on that bear------Pull the camera and take it with you to buy Lottery tickets.

Yeah I thought that picture was pretty amazing too! Thanks for the kind feedback too, guys, really appreciate it!!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big sow, 30-32 inches tall to the top of her shoulder
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big sow, 30-32 inches tall to the top of her shoulder
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big Boar, 36 inches tall and long body
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big Boar, 36 inches tall and long body
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Same boar, about 350 lbs, 19 1/2 plus skull, 7+ ft square hide is my estimate. We are waiting for him to give us an evening, daylight picture before we hunt him. So far he's been morning daylight only
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Same boar, about 350 lbs, 19 1/2 plus skull, 7+ ft square hide is my estimate. We are waiting for him to give us an evening, daylight picture before we hunt him. So far he's been morning daylight only
Here’s a good comparison of shoulder height and body length on a big 200 lb sow compared to a big 350 lb boar.

We don’t like to hunt bears that are only showing night time or early morning daylight pictures. We’ve tried to hunt them by sneaking in at first light but often you end up pushing them off the bait and making them night time only. I think they hang around the bait all night and early morning.

From: bghunter
Now I see that measuring stick you spoke about. That is a great idea, especially for someone like myself, that is an amateur at judging bears.

Thanks bghunter!

It works so much better than subjective big boar terms like a crease in the skull, little ears, thick ankles, hanging belly etc.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John Hubbard from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John Hubbard from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John, guide Jackson, Sam and Noel.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John, guide Jackson, Sam and Noel.
John has hunted with us several times for bears and deer. He came hunting this year with his Schafer recurve and got this good sized, 19 6/16 skull bear. 6 ft 6 in hide, estimated 270-280 lbs. The bear must have been a 4 1/2 yr old with genetics for a big skull or a smaller bodied 5 year old? It died way down in a river valley so we couldn’t weigh it, hit a bit back.

We’ve had a couple of other shots fired but no other deaths, 4th evening hunt coming up…

From: Sam
John has worked his tail off honing his skill with the Schafer, boy I was happy we recovered this bear, Cody and Jackson really persevered on the track.

Nice! Will keep following!

From: t-roy
Looks like a great start to the season, Mike. Very special thing (for both of you) for Tyler to get to work alongside of you, as well.

From: Rgiesey
Great to follow! Have used 3 foot sticks in ne Alberta. Never thought it was great from tree stands. Your system seems to be really good. I just like tree stands but even with our good barrels there’s still angles and uneven ground. Great looking animals always.

From: Mad Trapper
Good work Mike!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big 200 lb sow
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big 200 lb sow
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big 350-380 lb boar
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Big 350-380 lb boar
Here's another couple of comparison pictures of a big sow compared to a big boar. Without the objective measurement of the white topped post, or a barrel, to me it would be hard to tell the sex and size of these bears. It's especially difficult to describe the difference to an amateur bear hunter, but hopefully it helps guys here to figure it out.

From: bghunter
You have this down to a science, but some have mentioned the angles with treestands etc, prior to going to ground blinds did you have a technique you used for treestands?

Thanks I this is a great post and very informative

We use a 5 foot long log on the ground for treestands. A couple of big white poplar trees, so they stand out against the bear and the bears don’t move them, cut to a tape measured 5 ft.

If you draw a straight line from a bears butt to his eyes a shooter bear will be 5 ft long. A sow will never be more than 4 1/2 ft and a huge boar will be 5 1/2 ft. It actually works better than a 36” tall post because the body length differences are much more, big sow to big boar. Short and fat compared to tall and long.

If the bear won’t stop moving near the log for comparison you can just use your finger as a rough measuring tool. Extend your arm out, measure the log length with your finger, and then move it over to the broadside bear. 5 ft long? Shoot it.

(For us a 4 1/2 yr old, 280 lb upper 18 inch skull, average boar will just hit 5 ft, that’s a nice bear but we prefer to shoot the next size up 320-340 lbs. He might not be much longer, just more filled out, fatter. Subjective term I know but hopefully trail cam pics and video before the hunt help a hunter figure that out.)

From: bghunter

Thank you for the information, you are helping me get an idea of how to judge bears.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Shooter bear? Still alive…
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Shooter bear? Still alive…

From: DConcrete
Looks like a wow to me Mike!

From: bghunter
I would say that's a shooter. It makes the barrels look small

Soon after the hunter took the picture of the bear above at about 10 pm, he wouldn’t give a broadside shot. Then the bear lay down and fell asleep at the barrels and wouldn’t get up and ran the clock out on the last evening to hunt. Can’t say I’ve had that happen before. Big bear too! 38” to the shoulders, gotta be around 400 lbs, hopefully we get to find out next week.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Sam Willet from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Sam Willet from Texas
Sam shot his bear in the last 15 minutes of the last day of his hunt, 280 lbs, don’t know skull or hide yet, guides were up late skinning it. Probably around 19 inches.

We shot one other big bear and the guides are out searching early this morning for it, shot angled back a bit. Tracked it 200 yds in the dark last night and then called it off. Thank goodness Sunday is a no hunt day, give my guides a bit of a break, this afternoon and evening!

From: bghunter
I bet that hunter was frustrated.

Great looking bear Sam shot, hope you recover the other bear.

From: Groundhunter
Mike, that's a good tip, going to use that this year in MI.. ..

So, unfortunately we never found the bear, I guess guide Cody did see it, but a mile from the bait site and getting out of dodge, no more blood, 4th one. Rough week but good chance they will survive and become legendary giants, just cautious around a bait.

Sam’s bear skull went 18 6/16, so a 4 1/2 yr old. John’s was 18 6/16 too. Had an inch wrong on the tape measure.

Great group of guys! Always an enjoyable time with them but certainly some bad luck. New hunters on Monday.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Bummer to lose em… tough critters for sure. In your experience Mike do bears you lose like this typically survive? Or do you think a majority succumb to infection etc? Unfortunately it happens to everyone at some point in their hunting career!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Nice shiny coat, got some fat on her. But missing a leg.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Nice shiny coat, got some fat on her. But missing a leg.
I think the majority of bears survive, especially with shoulder and high back hits. I’ve seen dozens of bears with all sorts of wounds, arrows, bullets, snares etc. Even when the wound has become infected it doesn’t seem to bother them much, they don’t lose much weight, unless it has caused muscle wasting. Buckshot in the butt will cause muscle wasting in the back end but still a seemingly healthy bear. They are tough as hell!

From: DConcrete

DConcrete's embedded Photo
DConcrete's embedded Photo

From: DConcrete
This was the bear I killed in Manitoba. He had a ring around his neck. Been in a snare at some point in his life.

From: Kurt
Enjoy your hunt updates Mike! You grow some dandy bears! Good luck to the hunters the rest of the way!

Tough SOB’s for sure.

From: TMac
Great bear insights and knowledge Mike thank you!

From: grape
Keep them coming Mike. Love it

From: njbuck
Good luck this season. I have to get up and hunt with you one of these springs.

From: bghunter
Always sucks losing an animal. Glad it looked like it will survive though.

It is amazing how tough animals can be.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
We are back in action baby!! Whoohooo!!!

From: Footshooter
Nice! Looks like a couple pretty good bears too.

From: midwest
Those look like toads!

From: TMac
Wow a couple beauties! Congrats!

From: TMac

From: mooseslayer
Better check the tire pressure on them bikes. #7 lbs probably ain't makin' it. Geeeez!!! Congrats to them hunters.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Here’s one of the bears taken on May 14th. 240 lbs, 18 0/16 skull, 6 ft 6 in square hide. So a fat, 3 1/2 yr old boar. We did give the hunter the go ahead to shoot it after he texted us some pictures from the blind but we were a bit off. The ground was lumpy, up and down near the post, hard to tell. Beautiful coat, happy hunter!

His shoulder height appeared to be just under the 36” tall post so he got shot. It can tough to tell the difference between a fat 3 or 4 year old boar and a short legged 5 year old, but it does remind us that 36” tall is the minimum, not a half inch lower if we want to target the 300+ lb, 5+ yr old boars.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
405 lbs, our heaviest bear in 2024 so far…
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
405 lbs, our heaviest bear in 2024 so far…
Giant bear! 7 foot 3 inch square hide, 20 14/16 skull and 405 lbs and he was pretty lean! Huge frame, 38” tall shoulder height. He would have been a 420-440+ lb bear if we had a berry crop last fall. This is a top 20-30 bear for us, out of around a thousand kills since 1992. Love seeing the big ones roll in!!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
405 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
405 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Weight compared to 405? same bait
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Weight compared to 405? same bait
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Shoulder height for the new bear on the 36" post
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Shoulder height for the new bear on the 36" post

From: VAMtns
Great Bears , guessing 385 on the new Bear ... Thanks Mike for the pics and post

From: MPN
Appear to be equal in height department. Second not as husky…maybe a year or two younger?? 355!

We have a guy hunting him this evening so hopefully we get to find out? It’s interesting to see how low the belly gets when the bear gains weight after reaching the 36” shoulder height mark, the 405 bear’s belly line is down to almost the bottom ring, this new lighter bear is obviously above it, a good reference for judging weight on a mature boar as he fills out.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
36” tall long legged 3 1/2 yr old, 220-230 lbs, high belly.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
36” tall long legged 3 1/2 yr old, 220-230 lbs, high belly.
So this young boar has grown his shoulder height to the 36” mark, 2 inches above the barrel but his belly line is damn near the upper ring, with a large amount of space from his belly to the ground. It highlights his lighter weight. So 36” back height isn’t everything, you also need a lower belly, much closer to the bottom ring for a solid 300 pounder.

From: TMac
Wow nice bear congrats to you and your hunter!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
We got him, 2nd big bear off Powerline bait! 405 pounder and now this one. Better pics and stats tomorrow

From: VAMtns
Got Him

From: bghunter

From: TMac
Hell yeah! Congrats all around.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
305 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
305 lbs
So he weighed 305 lbs, he looked like he would be 350, same in trail camera pics, when you compare him to the 405 lb bear. He has the frame of a big 5 1/2 yr old but not quite the weight. We will see what his skull comes out at, if it’s upper 18’s I’ll call him a 4 1/2 yr old, solid 19’s, probably a 5 1/2 yr old. The ones that come out right at about 300 are tough to determine.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Chris Craw from New York
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Chris Craw from New York
A very happy Chris with his 305 lb boar, 6 ft 10 inch square hide, 19 6/16 skull so he was a 5 1/2 yr old. Perfect bear to take!

We got burned out of this area last year with the forest fires so we didn’t get to feed the bears up there so that’s probably part of why he had the lower than normal body weight. He could have also come from across the Peace River.

From: Skippy
Best thread of the whole year, keep them coming Mike.

From: Gib
Thanks for posting all the pictures and information. Beautiful animals congratulations to everyone

From: molsonarcher
Like clockwork! Big bears are dying. Great job Mike keep em coming.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John Haschak from Connecticut
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John Haschak from Connecticut
John was down to the last evening of his 5 day hunt and he wanted to make sure he went home with a bear so he took this big, fat sow at about 5 pm. We have too many bears so we encourage hunters to shoot sows along with trophy bears. Gotta keep the female numbers in check too.

His guide Gavin came, took pictures, and took the bear away to be skinned. John went back in the blind to see if another one would come in.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John with his 2nd bear.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
John with his 2nd bear.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
330 lbs. The bear had all the long lean characteristics of a 3 1/2 yr old. Don’t know if it’s possible for them to get over 300 lbs at that age?
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
330 lbs. The bear had all the long lean characteristics of a 3 1/2 yr old. Don’t know if it’s possible for them to get over 300 lbs at that age?
With less than an hour left in his hunt this big boy strolled into the bait. As tall as the post? Yes! Boom, and John got bear number two. It was a big framed, lean beast, 19 8/16 skull, 330 lbs, 6 ft 10 hide. Thanks for holding out and making it happen!

John said he saw over 50 different bears on his hunt, on 3 baits.

From: Stoneman
Great operation resulting in some really nice bears, congrats all around!

Thanks for the compliments guys!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Determining the sex/gender of a bear with the honey pot. We put about a quart of honey in it with only a small slit in the top for them to lick the honey out. At 5 ft high only the bigger bears can stand on their back legs to reach it, small ones have to climb the tree and hang on while they lick it out, so they don’t get nearly as much out of it.

By the way you can also tell the gender or sex of humans by seeing what’s between their legs, not by what’s between their ears. Just saying…

From: t-roy
^^^Ha! Good one, Mike! Looks like another great year shaping up!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
I’ve had a few hunters who are coming up for their bear hunt asking how bad are the “Wildfires” in Canada. This website shows the fires and smoke conditions. So despite what the media might be saying there are only 2 small fires burning at the very Northern edge of Alberta. We’ve had some rain and cool conditions lately, so all good.


MQQSE's embedded Photo
MQQSE's embedded Photo
Mike’s honey pot

Thanks Adam! That’s what a big one looks like on the honey pot.

From: Sam

Sam's embedded Photo
About honey pot bandit
Sam's embedded Photo
About honey pot bandit

That ones big too Sam!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Taking some time to try and get a bear with a bow for our son Tyler! He’s only allowed to kill a big sow as part of our bear population control. We are on a fatty!

From: hdaman
Good luck Tyler! You're with the right guide!

From: Bou'bound
Hi get one Tyler. Make it happen and have fun with your dad. Lifetime memories in the making

From: njbuck
Make it happen!

From: iceman
You definitely have it figured out. The hard work pays off!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tyler and I passed on these two young sows. The left one had a beautiful coat and Tyler wanted to take him but I said we have to manage the bears the same as our hunters, big, fat black sow or trophy boar. Tyler has to get his sow first and then participate more in the full process, baiting, camera checks and everything else before he gets a chance at big boar. Some delayed gratification. We had fun watching the bears though!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
A small bear herd. Our hunters average seeing about 5-10 bears every evening. We haven't had anyone see zero bears in an evening yet for 11 hunters so far. We've got 6 new hunters that came in yesterday, killed one big boar the first evening, 20 incher, pics coming soon!

From: RK
Great bear pics. Love this thread


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Cute little bear on the honey pot. Tyler and I passing up bears this evening and so are our hunters. Having fun!


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Earl Chauvin from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl Chauvin from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl Chauvin with his big 20” skull bear from Monday evening! 330 lbs, 6 ft 10 in hide. Earl gave the bear a warning shot to give the bear a chance to get away but he didn’t listen so the next one was a perfect hit, didn’t go 50 yds.

Earl really deserved this bear, he held out for a big one all week last year and didn’t kill.


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Steve Patton from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Steve Patton from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Steve got his bear with one 4 yd shot! 280 lbs, 19 0/16 head, 6 ft 8 in hide and a beauty blaze on it’s chest.


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Couple more big bears in camp! Pics coming soon. Blake Patton with his bear.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Couple more big bears in camp! Pics coming soon. Blake Patton with his bear.


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Jim McDowell from Iowa
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Jim McDowell from Iowa
This was Jim’s first hunt with us even though he had been following our success for many years. He patiently passed up several bears waiting for Mr. Big and he showed up the 3rd evening of his hunt. The big boar appeared from the side of the blind at only about 1 yard and Jim instantly knew it was him. He made a fantastic 13 yd shot and the bear ran 130 yds downhill. Guide Jackson made the retrieval look easy with the capstan winch.

20 6/16 skull, 380 lbs and 7 ft 6 inch square hide. He certainly was Mr. Big! Congrats Jim!!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
380 lbs but he looked like 400+, big, 7 ft 6 inch hide.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
380 lbs but he looked like 400+, big, 7 ft 6 inch hide.
I personally measured the hide by laying it out flat, then without moving it, I measured it at 7 ft 2 inches long, tip of nose to the end of the tail hairs. If I measured to the end of flesh on the tail it was 7 ft and 6 ft 10 inches to the base of the tail. And then he was 7 ft 10 inches wide, tip of claw to tip of claw, again unstretched.

So 7 ft 2 inches long and 7 ft 10 inches wide give 7 ft 6 inches square, or average, of the hide for anyone wondering how I get those measurements. The skull is out of the hide but the paws are in, so if paws were out it would be about another inch wide. We freeze the hides for transport and let your taxidermist do the finish work.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
15 year old Tyler is ready for his big sow! He wanted to sit by himself yesterday so I had his 17 year old sister Brooke drop him off at the bait. He had 2 different shooter sows come in but they just wouldn’t give him a perfect broadside shot so he didn’t shoot. They were in and out of the bait for two hours and he said he drew back and let down about 30 times, but they were nervous and constantly moving around, so frustrating but such good discipline from Tyler. I’m so proud! He’s back at it this evening and wants to go solo again.

From: Gib
Way to go everyone!! Good luck Tyler

From: Skippy
Mike, you guys keep putting your clients on those giants you’re gonna have to get bigger ice chest for them to carry them home. Well done and congratulations on some great bears!

Thanks Skippy! Got a few more headed for the freezer this week…

From: midwest
Incredible number of big

Great thread as always. Can’t believe the kids are 17 and 15. My my. Good luck Tyler

From: TMac
Great patience on Tyler’s part. Well done! Congrats on all the big bears.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Blake passed on this nice boar this evening, beautiful 4 1/2 yr old, probably 280 lbs, upper 18 inch skull is our guess. Thanks Blake!

From: t-roy
Crazy the number of big bears you guys see, Mike! Gonna happen for you soon, Tyler!

From: Nick Muche
Congrats Earl, Blake and Steve! Looked like a great time was had!!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Got another big one! Whoohoo!!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Got another big one! Whoohoo!!


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Blake Patton from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Blake Patton from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
330 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
330 lbs
Blake’s bear died down in the river valley, he may have hit it a touch back when the bear took a last second step forward. But we got it!

330 lbs, 19 3/16 skull, great bear!

From: Bowfreak
Awesome thread! Thanks for sharing.

From: Dino
Great bear Mike! What broadhead was Blake using?

From: Blake Patton
100 gr Rage Trypan NC


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl got a big one!


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Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Some people say we exaggerate the size of our big bears…

From: TEmbry
Incredible bears everyone!

From: Stoneman
Great thread, huge bears! Good luck Tyler

Hi Mike, you have an email. :)


Yes Ryan, [email protected], thanks!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl Chauvin from Texas
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl Chauvin from Texas
Earl with his 2nd bear, a true giant among bears! 440 lbs, it’s one of the top 5 heaviest bears we’ve ever taken. 20 13/16 skull. We skinned it a bit differently for the life size mount so it only measured 7 ft 1 in but if we skinned it for a rug it would have been 7 ft 6 in or more, just a beast!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl with his giant! Our heaviest bears before Earl’s have weighed 515, 455, 450, and 440. So Earl’s a got a tie for fourth place since we started weighing them about 18 years ago.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Earl with his giant! Our heaviest bears before Earl’s have weighed 515, 455, 450, and 440. So Earl’s a got a tie for fourth place since we started weighing them about 18 years ago.

From: Footshooter
Keep em coming, still a week out from heading north!

Hi Mike, I meant you have an email in your in box from me, looking forward to hearing from you lol


Oh, ok, thanks Ryan! Got behind on emails, been skinning bears!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Jed got his first bow kill, a big ole sow! Guided by his girlfriend, our daughter Brooke. I was brought in to skin and pack. Brooke filmed the hunt, kept Jed patient on waiting for the right bear and a good shot. She also tracked it about 150 yds on a very sparse blood trail. Proud Dad!

Nice job!


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Tyler Ukrainetz
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tyler Ukrainetz
And our son Tyler with his big bear!

He was on a sow hunt with me originally, but then Jed took over as the videographer and I forgot to mention an odd looking, short legged, fat bear that I couldn’t decide whether it was a big sow or a boar from the trail camera pics.

Well, they shot it and it was a short, fat big boar, whoops. It truly was short legged, shoulders were only up to 32”, very odd for sure.

It weighed 330 lbs, 19 11/16 skull. A huge 2nd bear bow kill for Tyler! So much for delayed gratification, haha

From: midwest
You have some pretty special kids, Mike! Thanks for passing it on.


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Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Wicked looking white chest blaze
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Wicked looking white chest blaze
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
My bride Jen came along for the retrieval, it only went 25 yds! Perfect shot.

From: t-roy
Heck, yeah! Congrats to the whole Ukrainetz clan, as well as Brooke’s boyfriend!

From: Sam
Super cool Mike!!!

From: Kurt
Congrats to Mike U, et al! And Blake and Earl...especially Earl...what a giant bear of a lifetime!

From: bghunter
This is without a doubt one of my favorite threads. Mike you definatley have this figured out.

Excellent results. Congrats

From: map1
Well done ! Hey Mike do you have a photo history of Earls bear or was a newcomer cruising for sows in heat?

I’ll have to look map1/mike but we’ve had an almost totally nocturnal giant bear on that bait for years.

From: woodguy65
Wow Congrats Tyler, what a cool looking bear. The blaze looks like a "broadhead"!

From: Skippy
Mike, can you post a picture of the bear scoreboard in your skinning shed for this year?

Blake got a big one on the last evening! 350 lbs, skull and hide measurements coming today. Blake passed on a probable 300+ lb beautiful cinnamon bear too. We really appreciate him helping us out with our Quality Bear Management program here at Mike’s Outfitting!

And yes skippy I’ll post the Big Bear Board


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Blake’s last evening 2nd big bear!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Blake’s last evening 2nd big bear!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo


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20 1/16 skull, our 6th one over 20 inches for the year so far… 14 over 18 inches, 11 over 19. No boars under 18 yet, hope we keep it that way!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
20 1/16 skull, our 6th one over 20 inches for the year so far… 14 over 18 inches, 11 over 19. No boars under 18 yet, hope we keep it that way!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
350 lbs, just under 7 ft hide
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
350 lbs, just under 7 ft hide


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Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tall as the post in this pic but below the post in others. Not much of a belly though. We will grow him up
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tall as the post in this pic but below the post in others. Not much of a belly though. We will grow him up
And here’s the bear Blake passed on. We just couldn’t decide whether he was a 280-290 lb, 4 1/2 yr old or a 320-340 lb, 5 1/2 yr old? He’ll be big enough next year though!

From: Skippy
That one will be a great bear next year, beautiful color.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tyler’s bear with the arrow right before impact. He made a perfect shot, only went 25 yds. You can go to my instagram page to see the awesome shot the young man made!

From: VAMtns
Great action photo's you are getting Mike , two now showing arrow impacts , cool

From: g5smoke21
Perfect shot. Congrats to him!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Malcolm Nickerson from New Hampshire
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Malcolm Nickerson from New Hampshire
We’ve had a few slow days not killing big bears and then got two in one evening. Malcolm Nickerson got his big bear with a rifle, 310 lbs, 7 ft hide and 19 5/16 skull.

The breeding season is on and boars are wandering around. We try not to chase recent trail camera information and just sit an active bait where a big bear is still alive. If a boar hooks up with a sow and is stuck on her for 3 days then the trail cams are very helpful though.


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Nate from California
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Nate from California
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
375 lbs! We strive to kill 300+ pounders only and this guy was well over the mark!!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
375 lbs! We strive to kill 300+ pounders only and this guy was well over the mark!!
Nate got a giant with his bow! 20 0/16, 375 lbs, 7 ft 2 in hide.

The evening before this one came in Nate had another big bear at the bait that just wouldn’t give him a shot. It had a crippled leg and kept laying down. This bear probably pushed it off the bait, now we will put another hunter on it to try to get the cripple.

From: Bou'bound
Curious with the more selective clientele and your management program what % of hunters kill a bear.

From: petedrummond
I have hunted there successfully and got a couple real good bears but what you don't realize is you see a lot of bears. You don't have to shoot the first pair you see on a good week or even on a bad week you're probably gonna see at least 50 bears, so it's not a question of whether you're going to see Bears or whether you can get a shot it's a question of whether you're gonna kill that big guy. If you simply want to kill a bear, they can do that too. Doesn't take much.

From: Earltex
I will jump in here. Speaking from a small data set, our first year with Mikes in 2022, 5 hunters harvested 4 bears. Should have been 5 with one lost bear. In 2024 we had 6 hunters in camp and harvested 6 bears. For both years, all were 19” or greater.

Thanks Earl and Pete for commenting! And good question bou’bound.

We want everyone to trophy hunt for a big boar for the first 4 days of their hunt, then if they haven’t killed one for the 5th evening we tell them to kill a big 200 lb black sow if they want to make sure they go home with a bear. NOT to shoot a young boar. You could kill a big sow almost any evening on any of our baits. So it’s mature bears only, 100% chance to kill, sow or boar. For mature, 5 1/2 yr old, 19+” boars, its about 80% kill. It would be higher if everyone held out.

It is difficult for some hunters to accept this way of managing the bears. They mostly come to us for big bears but then when some guys show up for their hunt they just want to shoot whatever makes them happy, young boar, little colored one, whatever. It’s just not what we do and I spell it out on our website.

I’ll tell guys if you just want to kill a couple bears, maybe get a big one, but be able to do whatever you want, go hunt somewhere else for a year or two or more and then come to us for a big one! Get the bear killing out of your system a bit first.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
A Legendary bear is dead! Big Muley bear, he’s been big for several years. My hand, tip of thumb to tip of pinky is 9 1/2 inches. His skull seems that wide!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
A Legendary bear is dead! Big Muley bear, he’s been big for several years. My hand, tip of thumb to tip of pinky is 9 1/2 inches. His skull seems that wide!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guide Gavin and the hunter Shaun
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guide Gavin and the hunter Shaun


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395 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
395 lbs
395 lbs, not as heavy as we thought he would be but still a huge bear! Short legs held him back on weight. His carcass with hair on had a 52” chest girth and was 6 ft 0 in, tip of nose to base of tail. Skinning him down the back for a life size mount so we can’t get a square of the hide. Waiting on the skull, it looks big!

From: Skippy
My son and I hunted with Mike in 2023, together we saw well over 60 bears that week. I shot a B&C bear and my son got a P&Y bear. Mikes system and management works if you have the patience to wait for a mature boar.

From: Skippy
My son and I hunted with Mike in 2023, together we saw well over 60 bears that week. I shot a B&C bear and my son got a P&Y bear. Mikes system and management works if you have the patience to wait for a mature boar.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Shaun Pierce from New Hampster with his 20 14/16 skull bear!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Shaun Pierce from New Hampster with his 20 14/16 skull bear!
We thought we had a 21” but it came out as 20 14/16, so close, still damn big!

He was 12 12/16 long and 8 2/16 wide. Seems like you gotta get that 13” long to make all time B and C of 21.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guides Gavin, Jackson and Cody and me. They do all the hard work! I’m just in it for the photo ops, haha
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guides Gavin, Jackson and Cody and me. They do all the hard work! I’m just in it for the photo ops, haha

From: t-roy
Curious how you determined which bear was “Big Muley”. Did he have a particularly unique characteristic that singled him out?

He was just on Big Muley bait. There will usually only be 1 to 3 big bears each year on a bait, often no big ones. Then when we kill him them we can see who is gone or left for next year. No exact characteristics on this guy but very unlikely to be a totally new huge, old bear from somewhere else.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Some more big bears coming in…


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400 lbs, 20 14/16 skull
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
400 lbs, 20 14/16 skull
The Big Muley Legend! Many a hunter burned up his hunt trying to kill this bear going back several years.


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285 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
285 lbs
285 lbs with a big 19 12/16 skull, rare to have a bear under 300 lbs go over 19. From its body I would say it was a 4 1/2 yr old with great genetics. Hunter Arbi killed it with a rifle that he borrowed from a hunter in camp. He just couldn’t get an ethical shot with his longbow all week so he decided to get it done with a rifle.

He killed a big, old 240 lb sow with his longbow later the same evening. Thanks for helping manage our bear overpopulation!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Team Mexico has arrived for a fun week of big bear hunting!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Team Mexico has arrived for a fun week of big bear hunting!
We took the picture at Bullets and Broadheads in Grande Prairie. It’s where we get the hunting licenses and guys can get any last minute gear like Thermacell butane cartridges, bug dope or even a bow repair like I was getting done.

Very excited, happy group of hunters! We always take a week or more of hunters from Mexico. Often there is a trad guy or two in the group, 3 of them this week.

No kills for Team Mexico on their first day hunt but everyone saw bears, 5 to 15 each. They are all new bear hunters so they are just getting the hang of judging boar from sow, big from small before sending any arrows. We told them all to not shoot unless it’s an obvious big one, or text pics, videos for guide verification. We are on track to set our best year ever for big bears and we don’t want to mess it up!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Arbi with his 2nd bear from the last evening of hunting last week. It was a big, old dry sow, probably 240 lbs, a great one to take out of the population. The guides found it early the next morning before the hunters left for their flight home and after they stayed up all night skinning the other bears.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Nate with his 2nd bear.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Nate with his 2nd bear.
Nate filmed this bear for several minutes and sent the footage to us to see if it was bigger than his first 375 lb bear. We told him it was probably a 350 pounder with a 20 inch head so he shot it too. It ended up going 20 1/16 skull. The shot was quartering towards him a bit so it went about 300 yds and had to be skinned out down in the river valley, so no weight on it, over 7 ft hide though.

This makes our 9th, 20+ inch bear for the season, and our 16th one over 19”, 19 bears over 18 inches along with several big sows for 21 total hunters. Our best year yet and we still have a few hunters to go. We can’t help but think if only we had recovered the 4 wounded big bears from the first week, what would our numbers look like?! Oh well, there is a good chance they survived and will become cautious, Legendary bears.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guides Jackson and Cody along with Nate on the midnight recovery team. They didn’t get back to the lodge until 2 am and then they had to help finish skinning Arbi’s big bear AND take the other hunters in camp to the airport at 3:30 am, AND go retrieve Arb’s sow at 5:30 am and get it skinned too. None of them got any sleep till Sunday midday. What a tough night, and what fantastic guides I have! Thanks guys!!

Nate and Arbi were very thankful and generous too! Two good, fun guys to have in camp.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The future! We don't shoot colored sows, they put out more colored cubs than black sows do on average and everyone wants a big colored bear! Maybe there's a future giant boar in the threesome?
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The future! We don't shoot colored sows, they put out more colored cubs than black sows do on average and everyone wants a big colored bear! Maybe there's a future giant boar in the threesome?

From: Dino
Glad you guys got Big Muley Bear, he has to be close to 10 yrs old by now! What a smart old bugger!!!

Thanks Dino! He was probably 10 yrs old.

From: Sam

Sam's embedded Photo
Sam's embedded Photo
Gorgeous colored sow I saw several times, she had triplets and two of them were colored bears.


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A hungry bear, eager for the rebait!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
A hungry bear, eager for the rebait!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Fight, Fight!!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Fight, Fight!!


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Saved for next year!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Saved for next year!
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Now you have to figure out which is the big one?!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Now you have to figure out which is the big one?!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
275 lbs,18 3/16 skull
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
275 lbs,18 3/16 skull
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
285 lbs, 18 7/16 skull
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
285 lbs, 18 7/16 skull
Wasn’t sure what to post all week. Bit frustrating. I’ll just lay it out. We had everybody sitting for obvious big, 330+ lb, 19+ skull boars that we had on trail camera. The rut was on and they were unreliable on when they might show up but patience would probably be rewarded as it usually is, but not always, on our bear hunts.

We ended up with 6 bowhunters, 3 traditional guys and 3 compound shooters, shooting 7 bears, and we only recovered 4 of them, lost 3 of them. Of the 4 bears we found, only one was hit in the chest and died within 100 yds of the bait. Two others were gut shot and the other one was hit low and the guide gunned it down. Two of the recovered bears were 4 1/2 yr old boars, 275 lbs, 18 3/16 skull and 285 lbs and an 18 7/16 skull, both shot on the 2nd day of the hunt. The other 2 dead bears were sows.

The 3 wounded bears were a big, 5+ yr old boar, a 4 yr old boar and a sow. With archery equipment they usually survive and are back on the baits the next year, but a lot wiser.

We have a new group of hunters in camp, started hunting this evening.

From: Bou'bound
Were the four successful hunters pleased. That’s what counts. Their standards may not be the outfitters but in the end it’s their hunt.

Bou’bound, I appreciate your comment because I know it’s what many other people are thinking but don’t want to say it. Thanks for giving me an opening to explain.

Besides all the bad shooting and wounding, I make it abundantly clear to anyone who books a bear hunt with us that they are signing up for Trophy bear hunt. They don’t get to shoot whatever they want because it’s their hunt. (Or get to shoot at bears in whatever body position they want too. It needs to be broadside standing on all four legs, not moving, but that’s another topic.)

They are agreeing to be part of a Quality Bear Management program that we’ve had in place now for over 10 years. Our bear hunting now, is way better than it was 20 and even 30 years ago because now we manage our bears like a Texas whitetail ranch, we didn’t before, we made our area into what it is today. It wasn’t by accident. You don’t buy a hunt at a Texas ranch, managed for mature 5 plus yr old whitetails, but then just shoot a 3 or 4 yr old buck because he has a drop tine, scores high, or just looks good to you. It isn’t fair to the other hunters on the ranch or next years hunters.

I will tell hunters if you want to just shoot whatever you want then please book a bear hunt somewhere else, kill some bears, get it out of your system and then come to us to specifically hunt for a big boar, or a mature sow in the last couple days of your hunt to make sure you go home with a bear.

You don’t grow big bears by shooting the young, small ones.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tony Keim from Iowa
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tony Keim from Iowa
Tony passed up several bears on his first evening sit, including a beautiful but young colored bear but when this big guy completely covered up the 36” tall post he knew he had a shooter in front of him!

He waited for the perfect broadside shot before even drawing his bow and then centred both lungs and the bear didn’t go 50 yds. Perfect. More pics and stats in the morning.

From: welka
Sorry to hear about the rough hunt and agree that it takes LOTS of work to develop trophy animals. Interesting to hear your comment that with archery "they usually survive" if wounded. Always wondered about that and good to hear from someone who witnesses it first hand. Good luck the rest of the season.

From: Bou'bound
Whatever you are doing it is most certainly working for you and the hunters. They are not booking $5,500 single hunts and $8,000 double hunts plus all expenses without clear understanding of the quality of your operation and the rules of engagement. Can't be more fair than that. Premium operation in all regards. That is a business that is built over decades and the fruits of it earned.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Back in the action again! Two more big ones came in last night. I had to go to bed, guides were still out at 2 am! I have some hard working guides!!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Back in the action again! Two more big ones came in last night. I had to go to bed, guides were still out at 2 am! I have some hard working guides!!
Thanks Bou’bound! Yeah it’s not a cheap hunt.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Gotta be 20”+?! The other one is almost as big too
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Gotta be 20”+?! The other one is almost as big too

From: Treeline
Unreal numbers of big bears! That is a ton of hard work to keep all of that operation going and continuing to have great success throughout the season!

Congratulations to all the successful hunters and major kudos to the workers behind the scenes!

From: midwest

From: bghunter
It is amazing the bears you shoot. Shows all the hard work is paying off.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tony set the benchmark for a big one on the first day of the hunt!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tony set the benchmark for a big one on the first day of the hunt!
Thanks guys! We love what we do. My guides and I work as a team together to try and get every single hunter at least one big bear, maybe two.

Tony’s bear was a big framed 5 1/2+ year old but he had an infected skull injury that almost certainly inhibited his weight and skull growth. Only weighed 305, look like a 350 pounder. Skull was damaged probably by a moose kicking it in the head, yrs ago. It only went 18 8/16. Perfect bear to kill, thanks Tony!

From: molsonarcher
Mike, show us that skull please!

From: bghunter
When I win the lottery, I know this hunt would be in my top 10 to book.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guide Gavin and Tony were pretty pumped to get the big ole beast!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guide Gavin and Tony were pretty pumped to get the big ole beast!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Canine tooth rotted right out
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Canine tooth rotted right out
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Side of head kick? Bottom jaw was offset and an underbite
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Side of head kick? Bottom jaw was offset and an underbite

From: Shug
Always a spring time favorite…

Amazing season


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Jorge Zarzar from Mexico
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Jorge Zarzar from Mexico
Thanks Shug!

Here’s one of the bears on the 4 wheeler from June 12. Jorge Garza passed up a few bears before this big guy came into the bait. He thought it was a big one, but wasn’t sure so he sent a short video of it to his guide Gavin. Gavin sent it round our group chat and we all agreed it was a big one worth taking. We love it when hunters make sure they’ve got the right bear in their sights before shooting. One shot with the 45-70 rifle and Jorge got his big bear, 19 8/16 skull, 305 lbs, just under 7 ft hide. Our first big bear off the new Swamp bait.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Trevor Rocke from Illinois
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Trevor Rocke from Illinois
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Trevor got the first big bear of the year off of Itchy Nuts bait. We’ve had this bait for over 20 years and it continues to produce big boars! 20 0/16 skull, 335 lbs, 7 ft 2 in hide. Our 10th boar over 20 inches this year!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The guides and their successful hunters!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The guides and their successful hunters!

From: molsonarcher
Thanks Mike. Thats a very cool skull and a wonder they can still function with an injury like that.

From: Old Reb
Mike, Very nice bears and you definitely are running a top notch outfit. I just have one question. How did you come up with "Itchy Nuts" for the name of a bait ? Lol.

Old Reb, it’s a long quad ride into it and on a hot day, well, things get itchy. Haha

From: njbuck
Mike, your system definitely works, I am going to have to come up and experience it myself one of these springs. How do you determine which hunter hunts which bait?


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The bites were right down to the bone!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
The bites were right down to the bone!
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
He almost lost an eye! It’s hard to believe there is a bigger bear around since this is the 4th big one off Powerline bait this year.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
He almost lost an eye! It’s hard to believe there is a bigger bear around since this is the 4th big one off Powerline bait this year.
Got another big one late yesterday evening! Big frame and a badly mauled head.

NJbuck we would love to have you do a hunt with us! The choice of who sits where, is mostly random. I randomly decide who goes with which guide, or if a repeat hunter has a preference then he can choose his guide and then the guides decide which bait they want to hunt based on the most recent trail camera info.

The guides don’t have a bait line, they mix it up all the time so they are constantly switched on which baits they restock and pull the SD card info from. I don’t want guides running their own mini outfitting operation within Mike’s Outfitting, deciding who gets preferential treatment but I do want them to feel good about picking the right bait for their hunter that week and hauling in the big one for everyone to see back at camp!

Overall, we generally hunt the baits with a “big enough” bear that is daylighting the most, the bigger the bear the usually more random and nocturnal. Hunters can ask for a giant, tough to kill bear and maybe burn up their hunt on it and not get one. Or we use the nocturnal giants as a 2nd bear hunt, see if a guy gets lucky after taking a good one.

From: Dino
During Covid I was lucky enough to hunt with Mike. My first year my son was working for Mike and the world collapsed due to Covid. Mike set a few of the Degner boys up with some stud bears. The following year the border was still closed and Mike jumped at the chance to have another batch of Degner’s in camp. To Mike’s program, and his credit, he put me on a legendary toad stud bear, on picnic bait. I sat 6 straight nights, even passing on a solid bear that passed the 36” stake test. One night I counted 24 bears from my bait. The big big guy never showed, but I was super pumped to have an opportunity to sit for him. Mike do u have a pics of that big old boy from Picnic?

From: bghunter
This place adds another one to my " if I ever win the lottery , places I would hunt. "

From: Helgermite
"Overall, we generally hunt the baits with a “big enough” bear that is daylighting the most, the bigger the bear the usually more random and nocturnal. Hunters can ask for a giant, tough to kill bear and maybe burn up their hunt on it and not get one. Or we use the nocturnal giants as a 2nd bear hunt, see if a guy gets lucky after taking a good one."

Mike, do you ever do anything different to try to entice a nocturnal bear to hit during daylight?

Ideally, for nocturnal bears you just need to feed them lots, variety and volume, and don’t hunt them until they show a daylight picture. Bait it every day or two with goodies like beaver meat, honey, candy, fresh meat scraps etc and purposely leave your scent at the bait. Don’t just fill the barrels and not come back for a week. Condition him to put up with human scent or he doesn’t get to eat. Then when you hunt it even if he smells you he will hopefully come in anyway. It can take 3 years to kill big, old smart bears. We almost always get them in the 3rd year, but not always.

Hopefully it brings in another boar that he tries to keep off of his bait and lots of other relaxed bears on site can bring him in too.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tony’s mauled up bear
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Tony’s mauled up bear


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Guides Gavin and Cody with another big one late last night. It’s legal shooting light till 11:13 now so we get some really late nights, up till 2 am sometimes, back up at 8 am. Late night celebrations don’t help the sleep schedule either, could be something in Cody’s red solo cup! Haha

Really appreciate the effort here Mike every year posting results and the education is priceless! The guides will absolutely be exhausted come season close.

Do you find that the preference over bait choices by the bears changes throughout the season?

Thanks Rich! No seasonal change in food preference, just what each bear prefers that day and how easy it is to access. They’ll quit eating a dead cow if you put easy to eat, fresh meat scraps beside it. A beaver on the ground will quickly be gone while they ignore one in a cage that’s hard to get at. A variety of food put out on a regular basis, every 1-3 days, is best.

From: Rgiesey
Nice explanation Mike. Good operation I bet.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Scott Dulin from Illinois
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Scott Dulin from Illinois
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
340 lbs
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
340 lbs
Scott got his big bear yesterday evening at BPS bait. 340 lbs, 19 11/16 skull, 7 ft 5 inch square hide. He had an 8 ft wingspan and 6 ft 10 in nose to tail. Giant frame. This was Scott’s 2nd bear hunt with us and his 2nd big bear!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Scott brought his daughter Beau up to hunt too and they were doing an all day hunting sit together for a big, black bear when we got a giant nocturnal, colored one on camera in daylight. Guide Jackson picked her up to try and get him that evening. Scott stayed behind and wouldn’t you know it, the big black came in and he shot it. He felt bad that Beau didn’t get it, he wanted her to get one first but with hunting days running out we wanted to do the move. Sorry Beau! Hopefully we get the giant colored for her!!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Beau’s bear if he comes in!? Today is the last day to hunt and it’s been raining hard all day.

Well, the big chocolate came into the bait, walked straight up to the box blind, head on the whole way, no shot, even with a rifle. He walked up within 2 feet of the barrel of her 6.5 calibre gun! Then he looked at them in the box, woofed, spun around and took off! Such a bummer. He’s probably been wounded before from one of the boxes. He circulates around on three different baits, miles apart and never sticks to any one of them. He has probably learned that keeps him alive, very random times of the day or night, certainly not just nocturnal. He will be a legendary bear for next year we hope!

But Beau did have a sow with a beautiful coat come into the bait in the last hour and she dropped her right at the site with one shot from her 6.5 rifle. Congrats to her! Pics coming soon. And we are all done for hunting now…

From: Bou'bound
Great recap of season thanks Mike.

From: IKE220
I always enjoy your recaps Mike. I know Trevor that hunted with you. Thanks

From: Inshart
WOW Mike, I've been on Bowsite since its inception (well, within the first couple years anyway) and this has been the best, most informative/educational bear hunting post I've ever seen.

Not to take anything away from you, as I know that you are the one who has all the "stressors and logistics of putting all this together", but I once read that "A good leader is made into a great leader by the standards and dedication of his workers". i.e.: A good business is made into a great business ....) You must be pretty damn proud of your hard-working crew.

Thanks for posting these hunts, was a very enjoyable post, Bob

Thanks guys and thanks so much Bob for the insightful post!

Yes I have some fantastic guides and a great chef, Josh too! We have a standard here of how things should be done and systems for almost everything. So when a new guide like Gavin comes on he quickly learns how to do things right. He becomes part of something bigger than himself and is a proud, valuable team member. I just try to keep the ship steering in the right direction and see where I can assist everyone, plus shoot my bow as often as possible, haha.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Beau Dulin from Maryland
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Beau Dulin from Maryland
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
240 lb sow! Almost 18” skull
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
240 lb sow! Almost 18” skull
Beau finally got her bear! A huge, old sow, 240 lbs and an almost 18 inch head at 17 13/16. She squared out at 6 foot 6 inches! Probably a 20+ yr old bear, teeth were worn right down. Who knows how many cubs she raised at Lease bait?

Beau is just 15 years old but she showed great maturity by holding out right to the end, passing up dozens of bears in the quest for a big boar! It was so close with the giant chocolate one, dang it!

This last week of hunters was a show of what happens when everyone is patient and waits for the right bear and waits for a perfect shot. Six hunters with zero wounds, 5 big, 300 plus pound male bears killed and one big, old dry sow. Perfect!

From: VAMtns
Good job Mike

Overall we had 33 hunters who shot 37 bears, 30 kills and unfortunately 7 wounds. (Most years we are 2-4 wounds all season and like I said most survive.) On the 30 kills we had 25 male bears taken and 5 females. All were black in color, no colored bears were taken, we’ve got a fantastic line up of colored ones for next year!

Out of the 25 males all of them had skulls over the Pope and Young minimum of 18 inches. 19 of them went over 19 inches and 11 went over 20, none over 21, but 3 were within 3/16 of it. Such a tough mark to get over!

Eleven bears over 20 inches is a new record for Mike’s Outfitting. 11 over 20 inches for 33 hunters, a one out of three chance to kill a 20”. And that’s with 5 big boars being wounded, how many of them were over 20? At least two of them I bet, were 20+ from the trail camera pictures. Oh well, hopefully they become 21+, and reach Legendary status.

It was a fantastic, fun season. I’ll post some other pics of the fun around camp. We aren’t just all about big bears. We also do our best to give everyone a really enjoyable bear hunting holiday!

Thanks to everyone who hunted with us and thanks to all the bowsite people that followed along on our adventure!

From: Mad Trapper
Outstanding season! I got to get up there. Congrats to everyone.

From: Treeline
Thank you for the recap! Spectacular work went into such a great season for sure! Making me want to come up there and hunt bears with you for sure…

From: swp
Love this thread, thanks Mike!

From: swp
Love this thread, thanks Mike!

From: Skippy
Mike, thanks for the thread and congratulations on an excellent season to you and your guides. My son and I will see you next May already counting down the days!

Combining your system with amazing local genetics has produced great bounty. Well done.

From: bghunter

This thread I think has become one of my favorite. I learned so much about bears from this.

From: map1
Yep great info and learning tool thanks again!

From: Bou'bound
What is the heaviest sow and highest scoring sow you have seen, Mike

From: bghunter
I learned so much about bears from this thread. It is without a doubt my favorite.

One day I hope to use the information Mike provides to break my bear jinx.

Bou’bound, spring weight, 300 lb sow with an 18 3/4 skull is the biggest we’ve ever taken. 50” chest girth on her, 6 ft 10 in square hide, skull out, paws out. Just a giant! Next biggest was 260 lbs, why you ask? Just curious?

Thanks bghunter! Come up to Alberta and we can help you break your jinx.

From: Bou'bound
I just knew you would have the stats and it would be factual. Even made book. Monster girl.

From: Bou'bound
I just knew you would have the stats and it would be factual. Even made book. Monster girl.

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