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Mother’s Day Hog
Contributors to this thread:
drycreek 12-May-24
drycreek 12-May-24
drycreek 12-May-24
t-roy 12-May-24
drycreek 12-May-24
Gib 12-May-24
Treeline 12-May-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 12-May-24
Buffalo1 12-May-24
spike78 12-May-24
drycreek 12-May-24
Catscratch 12-May-24
From: drycreek

drycreek's embedded Photo
Seasoned with Meat Church dry rubs
drycreek's embedded Photo
Seasoned with Meat Church dry rubs
Ok, this ain’t bowhunting related, and it ain’t about a ferocious wild hog that had me up a tree. It’s about a regular old tame hog that gave up its ribs (not voluntarily), so I could cook them for my long suffering wife of almost 42 years and the mother of our youngest who was 28 a couple days ago. I started them on my Pit Boss Walmart Special at2:00 pm and I’m about to pull them off.

From: drycreek

drycreek's embedded Photo
In the smoker with the smoke tube lit
drycreek's embedded Photo
In the smoker with the smoke tube lit

From: drycreek

drycreek's embedded Photo
Butter, brown sugar, and honey for the final leg of the cook.
drycreek's embedded Photo
Butter, brown sugar, and honey for the final leg of the cook.
The ribs will be covered with foil for the final leg of the cooking journey.

From: t-roy
Let me know if you need my mailing address if there’s any left over, Don. They look delicious!

From: drycreek

drycreek's embedded Photo
drycreek's embedded Photo
The finished product !

From: Gib
Looks delicious and hopefully the wife loves them? Happy Mother’s Day

From: Treeline
Looks awesome! Bet it was a hit!

Look awesome!

From: Buffalo1
That’ some fine swine. And Happy Mother’s Day to your bride!!

From: spike78
Yup looking good!

From: drycreek
Thanks guys. I’m swelled now (more than usual) !

From: Catscratch
Nice drycreek! I bet that was great. I've got a few Meat Church rubs. Good stuff!

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