Tilling up Knives?
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Yesterday for the second time I brought a previous hunters knife to the surface. The first was made in Germany in the 60's found in a very remote Wyoming hill side. Yesterday in the prairie next to a creek in South Dakota. made in the the 90's. Best we can tell. Both of great quality. Both will live to use again. Pays me back for ones I forgot at a kill site! Anyone else?
Thats pretty neat. Time to buy a metal detector.
While spring bear hunting two weeks ago I found 3 used, large, heavy duty, stainless steel replaceable knife blades (bigger than Havalon) someone left laying on the ground near where I was camped. Not good to leave these laying around.
I’ve lost a few and bought a new one yesterday at Wally World. Looks good and a few strokes with a Rada and is ready for action. Doesn’t look like the old Buck knives but looks indestructible.
I left a Gerber magnum folding hunter next to the gut pile of my first bow killed pronghorn. It’s on a ranch near Douglas Wy. It was a great knife. Years later I found one NIB on e bay. Hope I don’t lose it.
I have lost knives (one this past season in fact) went back with a metal detector and found it. Very relieved to get it back.
I lost two benchmades I always carried everyday. After losing the second one I switched to carrying cheap pocket knives from Bass Pro. Something about losing a good knife just pisses me off.
The knives I’ve been using lately all have orange handles. Seems to help. Usually leave them right on top of the stomach when I dress an animal. Hard to miss them that way. Used to stick them in a tree. I imagine a couple might still be there ;^)
I just went to orange. When you get attached to a knife then forget it at a gut pile then can't find it's emotional ,:) When I found these two planting food plots I think about what happened that day the hunter left it. Just like a stone point find
Mint, we may be cousins ! I too have lost two Benchmades, but I did find one of them. It now resides in a little jewelry chest on my chest of drawers and a Kershaw rides in my pocket.
I was grouse hunting some old reclaimed coal ground one late Jan day. I was a good mile and a half back in. Just standing there watching the dog work and looked down. There laid a home made hunting knife with an antler handle next to its sheath. Still had a little blood and deer hair stuck around the tang. Quite a few Amish come in and hunt the area, probably one of them forgot it after gutting a deer.
Kind of mind boggling to think of all the hunting & fishing gear forgotten, lost or abandoned throughout time. Must of sucked to lose a knife that your life depended on way back when. Not as easy to replace as today.
I’ve lost a couple to TSA….and my hunt buddy lost a revolver in the brush back in my Hogs with Dogs days…but thats it.
Funny, we miraculously found the revolver a year later-what are the odds?
Makes you wonder when you find a knapped knife blade artifact.....
You mean you've only lost them by leaving them at kill sites? I've lost no telling how many knives. Literally one every few months for my entire life. Lol maybe someone will till mine up one day.
My wife gave me a limited edition case canoe knife for my anniversary years ago. I went to the outer banks in November about five days after getting it. One cast in the surf and somehow it shot out of my wader pocket. Too cold to look for it when you are a mile from the truck and its 35 degrees.
I’ve never lost a knife or left one behind. I walk all around a kill sight looking just to make sure nothing is left behind. I also check all around when I just sit down for a snack or lunch. I’ve broken the tips off of most knifes but I don’t carry really expensive knifes either. After processing meat for over 33 years they are an extension of my hand.
'Bout 40 years ago I gave a presentation on predator calling at the Long Beach Sportsmen's Club down in Calif. One of the members there was a VN vet, and he asked me to take him out and see if we could get him a bobcat. I was proud to take this man hunting, any day.
When we got together to hunt a few months later (mid-winter), he presented me with a pair of beautiful custom made skinning knives, one small and one large, with wolf heads and my initials scrimshawed into the tenite scales. We hunted that night, and he successfully drilled a fine bobcat at about a hundred yards with his .220 swift.
I was so proud of those knives, and one day took them to my office to show a friend, and then left them in my desk drawer (in a private office) for the night. Came in the next morning, and some SOB had swiped them. The offices were not locked at night, and there was a teenage driving school in the building that had evening classes, and one of those little turds went into my office and helped himself. Wasn't a thing I could do about it. Still chaps my ass to think about it.
Had a Schrade Sharpfinger that I lost near the northside base of Mt. Baker back when I was trapping. Looked for it every time I ran my line, but with that brown handle in the leaves it's damn near impossible to see it. It's still up there.
I found this Benchmade laying on the trail in my woods. If it's yours...we should talk.
Knife losers, we need more of them.
I have found several over the years but this is my favorite. It's an RH pal 36, a WW2 era fighting knife. Found on the side of the road.
I lost a Case XX fixed blade and sheath that was a gift from my grandmother. It was my first hunting knife. I had field dressed, skinned and processed dozens of deer, as well as countless small game and fish over the 15 years or so that I had it. I left it on the bumper of my truck after a bow hunt one evening and realized it about halfway home. I went back the next morning and looked, as well as every time I went back for several trips, but never saw it again.
About 10 -12years ago I found a Buck 105 lock-blade next to a pair of latex gloves at a creek crossing during turkey season. Washed the grit out of it and oiled it up good and it was good to go. It has become one of my main field knives over the last few years.
Nah...I don't lose things like my knives (I'm not as old as most of you yet anyways haha), but on occasion the lady will use a knife and set it somewhere it doesn't belong!
A few years ago after an evening of woodchuck hunting I tossed my gun, trigger stick, rangefinder and binos in the back seat of my truck along side a road, and the rangefinder must have fell off the edge of seat without me noticing. A week or so later I went to use it again and after a few minutes of pondering I deduced where it could have ended up... because I don't lose things :) . Drove back to that spot beside the road and bam, there it was laying driven over in the grass. In case anyone is wondering; the rangefinder is a Vortex Ranger 1500 with the aluminum or magnesium end caps/ frame work and it works perfectly to this day even after driving over it and laying in the rain.
When I turned 12 my Grandfather have me a hunting knife for my birthday that I absolutely cherished. I lost it deer hunting at Cherry Point N.Carolina when I was in the Marines because the retaining snap was weak. I looked for one like it at gun shows for many years and after about 50 years I found an identical knife to replace it. I definitely won’t lose this one!
I've found a couple of knives. Two benchmarks actually. Re-lost the folder but still have the fixed blade. My brother found a Ruger 9mm. Turned it into the county. Nobody claimed it so he got to keep it.
My wife and I were at a lake and walked past a family in a truck eating fast food. They were gone on our way back but the ignorant bastards just threw all their garbage on the ground ten feet from a garbage can. When we went to clean it up, we found the dumbass had thrown a big, heavy fixed blade out with his garbage. I took it back to camp and on wiping it off, I found it was inscribed with a name and a local mill department as a retirement gift. I probably could have easily found the owner, but I didn't even consider it. Its now on my boat for heavy jobs like cutting heads and tales on big fish and splitting crabs. Just used it several times this past week and still smile every time. I hope the slob still misses it!
Lost one on the prairie near a creek in SD 20+ years ago. It was on a friends farm in a tilled field though(in eastern SD). I still to this day hope it doesn't puncture a tractor tire at some point. Got it from my dad as a kid and it gutted many a deer and antelope.