Sitka Gear
Bighorn Society meet and greet 6/8
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
SlipShot 07-Jun-24
Gimpy 07-Jun-24
Mathewsphone 07-Jun-24
SlipShot 07-Jun-24
Mathewsphone 07-Jun-24
KHunter 09-Jun-24
SlipShot 10-Jun-24
KHunter 11-Jun-24
From: SlipShot
Wondering who has attended, who is going, and what to expect? Yes, I'm going. This may be a silly question, but do people stay for the entire scheduled time, or is it an event where people drift in and out?

From: Gimpy
Can’t make it. ??

From: Mathewsphone
Most people stay majority of the time and usually kind of drift away after lunch and the raffle stuff

From: SlipShot
I'm still planning on going, I just didn't know the format.

From: Mathewsphone
It's a meet and great read everyones name tag look for your unit ask questions or meet the other hunters pretty low key

Ill be there

From: KHunter
Slip shot, hope you enjoyed the event. Forest, I was looking for you to connect you with a previous tag holder but perhaps you had departed already.

From: SlipShot
It was good, I was there until about 12:30. I only ran into one previous tag holder, he gave me some insight on the unit that I truly appreciate. I'm sorry I missed you.

I talked to him Kirby. He shot is ram out of his tent in a camp ground. Not much information. I saw alot of guys getting good information. Lots of guys with big paper it was a good thing for lots of guys but it was a wast of time for me. If I would of know only 1 guy with experience in the unit was going to be there i would of just went scouting. We went after the meet and greet and meet 2 tag holders on the trail.

From: KHunter
There were FOUR guys who have hunted S9 at the event not just one. Two additional signed up but did not make it. Sounds like you cut out too fast to meet them all. It can be a challenge to connect folks but we try. Even used the megaphone to call up guys (including you a couple times but you quit the event befoer then) for various units. Glad you salvaged your day.

260 attendees with dozens of them there just to share what they learned in various units with the new crop of tag holders. Was cool to see so many folks helping each other out on essentially OIL tags.

Maybe i could get some names from ya.

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