Moultrie Mobile
Rental Options for Haul Road
Contributors to this thread:
Pete In Fairbanks 08-Sep-24
DonVathome 08-Sep-24
Zbone 08-Sep-24
Shiloh 08-Sep-24
Hunts_with_stick 09-Sep-24
JG 10-Sep-24
Bow4em 13-Sep-24
Shug 13-Sep-24
Don K 14-Sep-24
Hunts_with_stick 16-Sep-24
JG 25-Sep-24
Hunts_with_stick 27-Sep-24
DonVathome 27-Sep-24
Hunts_with_stick 27-Sep-24
Don K 27-Sep-24
JG 28-Sep-24
DonVathome 30-Sep-24
DonVathome 30-Sep-24
BlacktailBob 03-Oct-24
Pete In Fairbanks 04-Oct-24
The other day I was helping a friend (Bowsiter IndianaBowman) as he came through Fairbanks for a hunt. Reminiscent of the old Seinfeld tv show episode, Enterprise "had his reservation, but did not have a vehicle available!"

We spent some additional time at the Enterprise counter and at one point became aware of their EXTENSIVE list of Alaska highways where you are not allowed to take their vehicles. It included the Alaska Highway. As many folks know, the Alaska Highway is fully paved and in some places, 4 or 6 lanes wide! The problem turned out to be one of vehicle retrieval if breakdowns occurred far from Fairbanks.

But in the course of sorting out the problem, we found another excellent option for hunters needing to travel Alaska roads not allowed by the "big" rental companies.

In addition to the long-established Airport Equipment Rentals, have a look at Alaska 4X4 Rentals in the Fairbanks Airport. Great vehicles, fair prices, military discounts and an understanding that some people rent to get to good hunting areas!


From: DonVathome
Not sure how many vehicles are available but when I need a 4x4 truck/suv I use Turo. That might be a good option.

From: Zbone
Good to know, thanks for sharing Pete...

From: Shiloh
I use Turo as well

Thanks, it’s been about 13 years since I’ve been to AK. I can’t wait to go back some time. Either black bear or caribou.

From: JG
I’m going on the haul road on Saturday. Rented a U-Haul pickup. Expensive but I have a truck. $200/day

From: Bow4em
Yeah from everything I’ve researched about hunting the haul road is you’re best bet is renting a Uhaul pickup truck.

From: Shug
Thanks Pete

From: Don K
Many Insurance companies do not cover Turo (FYI) so if yours doesn't you need their Insurance and its usually the price of the vehicle from what I have seen.

200/day? Ouch! Good luck

From: JG
The bill was different when I got there. $100/day

Haul road was terrible with pot holes got up about 30 miles south of cold foot. During the week they fixed the potholes. Made it in 5.5 hour from wiseman to Fairbanks on return drive.

Much better deal! Did you have any luck? Would you do it again?

From: DonVathome
Don K I have always been told that your car insurance covers everything you drive and everyone you let drive your vehicle. This is from an independent that owns his own insurance brokerage company and State Farm.

I am curious who told you that Don K? I am not saying you are wrong, I want to figure this out since I use Turo 2-3 times a year.

Don v, that is correct, my dad had an agency as well. Plus doesn’t you cc cover you as well?

From: Don K
Don, I dont have State Farm cant speak on that. I have Geico, and a friend has Progressive and we where both told they do not cover Turo as it is considered a "peer to peer" rental company and not a true rental. I was told many do not cover Turo, so I mentioned it here so everyone would be informed. I would suggest talking to the Insurance company and making sure its covered and if it is thats great.

From: JG
You guys had me a little nervous going 270 miles on haul road. It wasn’t a big deal at all. Mud on one section and a stretch of horrible potholes was the worst of it. I wouldn’t hesitate doing it again

My hunt was an adventure of a lifetime. Moose/grizzy bow.

8 days in the same underwear. Camping in snow without heat. Stuck 1.5 days due to weather good enough to fly. I had two legal bulls -53” and 63” estimate by guide. Both I could have shot with the guides gun but I stayed with my principles and tried with my bow. The 53” got our wind and busted. I had the 63” at full draw 45 yards away but there was no - like I mean none- holes in the brush. A solid wall. Could just see his hump and massive antlers

From: DonVathome
Thanks Don K, I am going to look into this!

From: DonVathome
I emailed state farm and they said anything I rent is covered. I saved the email to be safe.

From: BlacktailBob
My understanding is your insurance company does cover the rented vehicle. But, the rental car companies, being who and what they are, bill you for the loss of rental income they incur during the time the vehicle is being repaired. That can be very costly.

Sometimes, rather than antagonizing a rental company by going on a highway on which they prohibit use of their vehicles, it is easier to simply deal with a rental agency that has come to realize that they are operating in the State of Alaska!

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