Mathews Inc.
Perfect 10 Food Plot Mix.
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Don 19-Sep-24
drycreek 19-Sep-24
SD 20-Sep-24
drycreek 20-Sep-24
Don 24-Sep-24
Mark Watkins 05-Oct-24
Don 09-Oct-24
Don 09-Oct-24
Don 09-Oct-24
SD 10-Oct-24
drycreek 10-Oct-24
SD 10-Oct-24
t-roy 10-Oct-24
Don 13-Oct-24
From: Don
Has any tried this plot mix? I just planted two plots in it last weekend. Northwest, Missouri

From: drycreek
What’s in it ?

From: SD
I just googled it. Looks to be a lot of the same seeds/varieties that I use. It will probably do well for ya.

From: drycreek
I guess I could have done that SD. I think I will. Inquiring minds and all that…..

From: Don
We finally got rain after 5 weeks of drought. I’m hoping to see green this weekend

From: Mark Watkins
Don, How’s it coming in? Attractiveness?


From: Don

Don's embedded Photo
Don's embedded Photo
I got rain within 10 days, but we’ve not had any rain for weeks and almost no chances predicted for October. Deer are using it some, but it really hasn’t taken off yet. Need some rain and no more 80’s and 90’s. If we can get a little rain I’d really like to see what this plot can do and pull in come November and December.

From: Don

Don's embedded Photo
Don's embedded Photo

From: Don

Don's embedded Photo
Don's embedded Photo

From: SD
Lookin good!

From: drycreek
We need rain too, I haven’t even planted yet. All my ground that I normally plant is high ground, pretty well drained, so it’s dry. If you could get a decent rain, yours would take off !

From: SD
You guys are going to laugh, and I feel like a douch for doing it... but I put a sprinkler up in my yard plot this fall. I now have a crop circle just like the guys in western KS. I'm ashamed. No rain will do funny things to people.

From: t-roy
Did that one year myself, SD. Strung 450’ of hose out to the plot to water some brassicas that got planted into bone dry dirt. Took 3 days to water the 1/2 acre plot enough to get them to sprout, then if finally rained a few days later. Said I’d never do it again!

Mark Watkins…aka “Rainman” is the foodplot irrigation guru!! He’s even got a dog trained to sniff out leaks in the system!

From: Don

Don's embedded Photo
Don's embedded Photo
Still no rain predicted for another week at best, but the plot is hanging in there.

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