Sitka Gear
Let’s See Your Buck Poles!
Contributors to this thread:
Chris S 06-Oct-24
Tater 06-Oct-24
butcherboy 07-Oct-24
butcherboy 07-Oct-24
Scrappy 07-Oct-24
Rgiesey 07-Oct-24
FrontierMulie 08-Oct-24
jmiller 08-Oct-24
BOWUNTR 08-Oct-24
badbull 08-Oct-24
Gun 13-Oct-24
WV Mountaineer 13-Oct-24
sdbowhunter 13-Oct-24
Chris S 14-Oct-24
Boreal 14-Oct-24
stagetek 14-Oct-24
Charlie Rehor 14-Oct-24
Bill J. 15-Oct-24
Slate 15-Oct-24
Grey Ghost 15-Oct-24
12yards 15-Oct-24
MichaelArnette 15-Oct-24
Grey Ghost 15-Oct-24
APauls 16-Oct-24
rock50 16-Oct-24
scent 16-Oct-24
Stix 16-Oct-24
Swampbuck 16-Oct-24
Wv hillbilly 16-Oct-24
Chris S 17-Oct-24
tobywon 17-Oct-24
From: Chris S
Get your minds out of the gutter! Let see some pics of the game poles at your hunting camps. I’ve seen all kinds ranging from lumber of 2x4 and 4x4 some out of lodge pole pines and others out of metal. Some with ropes some with pulleys others with hand cranks. My favorite was an old metal swing set at my buddies place in the UP wish I had some pics of it. A lot of memories and beers at the ole buck poles around camps exchanging stories, hand shakes as well as making of excuses. Let’s see some pics of your camps sacred spot!

From: Tater

Tater's embedded Photo
Tater's embedded Photo
Hey Chris does this one count

From: butcherboy

butcherboy's embedded Photo
butcherboy's embedded Photo
How about out in the field?

From: butcherboy

butcherboy's embedded Photo
butcherboy's embedded Photo
Same game pole but was 7 years earlier.

From: Scrappy

Scrappy's embedded Photo
Scrappy's embedded Photo

From: Rgiesey

Rgiesey's embedded Photo
Rgiesey's embedded Photo
One of my favorite pictures. Mike Turner and I in Kansas.


FrontierMulie's embedded Photo
FrontierMulie's embedded Photo
Meat pole we have used over the years in Wyoming for elk. Area in the shade almost all day. Gets meat cooled down quickly after harvest.

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Our bow camp in northwestern WI


BOWUNTR's embedded Photo
BOWUNTR's embedded Photo
Ed F

From: badbull

badbull's embedded Photo
badbull's embedded Photo
Anybody else skin them on the ground and hang them on a nearby tree?

From: Gun

Gun's embedded Photo
Gun's embedded Photo


WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
That man weighs 204 lbs. that’s a big mountain buck my brother killed a few years ago.
WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
That man weighs 204 lbs. that’s a big mountain buck my brother killed a few years ago.
WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
Same place just a different year
WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
Same place just a different year

From: sdbowhunter

sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo
sdbowhunter's embedded Photo

From: Chris S
Need a like button for pictures!

From: Boreal

Boreal's embedded Photo
Boreal's embedded Photo
Boreal's embedded Photo
Boreal's embedded Photo

From: stagetek

stagetek's embedded Photo
stagetek's embedded Photo


Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Tractors work well too.
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Tractors work well too.

From: Bill J.

Bill J.'s embedded Photo
Bill J.'s embedded Photo

From: Slate

Slate's embedded Photo
Slate's embedded Photo

From: Grey Ghost

Grey Ghost's embedded Photo
Grey Ghost's embedded Photo
Charlie beast me to the tractor concept.

From: 12yards

12yards's embedded Photo
12yards's embedded Photo
Been hanging them in this pine in the yard since 1997.

I’m excited to see this, was thinking about building a “buck pole” at our new small acreage

From: Grey Ghost
It's definitely interesting to see the various methods. I've never hung a big game animal by the head to skin it, so that always looks odd to me. I also always remove the legs at the knees, and leave them with the gut pile in the field. It makes dragging and handling them so much easier, IMO.

From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
No buck pole just a moose pole

From: rock50

rock50's embedded Photo
rock50's embedded Photo

From: scent

scent's embedded Photo
scent's embedded Photo
20 yrs. this old maple has held some whitetails. scent

From: Stix

Stix's embedded Photo
Stix's embedded Photo
Not at camp, but at my house. Repurposed my kids old swing set

From: Swampbuck

Swampbuck's embedded Photo
Swampbuck's embedded Photo
Granddaughter’s first buck

Gg I was thinking the same thing. Always hung deer up by the back legs. Guess everyone was taught different ways and if it works for you keep it up. I find it easier to keep hair off the meat skinning from the back legs down. Seems like the cut around the neck would disperse a lot more hair on the meat? Tell me the advantages those that skin from the neck down. I’d like to hear the process.

From: Chris S
I was always told as a kid in the 80s you hung them upside down so if any blood internally in meat would drain with gravity towards head and leak out not into the hams and hind quarters which have most meat? Sounded good at the time but probably not realistic.

From: tobywon

tobywon's embedded Photo
tobywon's embedded Photo
Lucky for an elevated deck at camp. Usually only hang this high when hanging overnight, otherwise we hang from eye hooks on the lower deck beams.

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