Mathews Inc.
The Annual Shed Thread
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 16-Dec-24
SD 16-Dec-24
SaddleReaper 16-Dec-24
Zbone 17-Dec-24
Zbone 19-Dec-24
Zbone 24-Dec-24
Zbone 24-Dec-24
Bou'bound 25-Dec-24
Zbone 27-Dec-24
Zbone 01-Jan-25
Zbone 01-Jan-25
Bou'bound 01-Jan-25
Zbone 03-Jan-25
Babysaph 05-Jan-25
Zbone 05-Jan-25
From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo

Zbone's Link
That time of year for the annual shed thread... I noticed at least 2 early shed bucks this morning over on the Brownville's Food Pantry For Deer in Maine, see thread:

They didn't turn on the cameras until this morning, but the buck's pedicles look recently shed...

From: SD
Saw a buck yesterday that had lost a side. Looked pretty close to make sure it wasn't broken off.

From: SaddleReaper
Have multiple bucks shedding in WNY. One fully, and 2 half racks

From: Zbone
If you watch any of that web-cam provided in Maine you'll see early shedders on December 16th and throughout the winter view antlered bucks shed all the way through until spring with the late shedders... That is a span of 3 - 4 months is not uncommon, it is the same here in my area...

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Buck shed left side within the past day...

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Wanted to add this photo from what somebody posted here on Bowsite a few years ago... Sorry don't remember what Bowsiter post it, only that it was from Southern Kansas on Dec 8, 2020, earliest I ever heard of an early shedding...

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Half rack a couple days ago on Dec 22...

Buck in the trough is what the Pantry folks are calling, "Vincent"...

From: Bou'bound
Best thread of the year. Thanks for starting it.

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Another one shed one side, there are 2 half racks in photo...

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
This 4x buck shows half shed on 12/26 and still carrying 5 days later...

The 5x shed on 12/17 and is still carrying one side 2 weeks later and pedicle still looks bloody ... Interestingly, I watched him run off a small buck by head down pointing his one side, he knows he's not fully crowned...8^)

The last picture looks like this shed buck has a pretty good open wound... Broadhead maybe?

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Little forky now half shed...

The one they call Vincent is still fully crowned...

From: Bou'bound
This is excellent.

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
The half shed little forky last night, still carrying one side 3 days later ...

From: Babysaph
I thought it wasn’t healthy for the deer to feed them.

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Another half shed, this one on January 3rd... Notice the pretty gray doe up front...

Babysaph - With the heavy snows, deer yard naturally in Maine so it wouldn't matter if the feed them or not, they are still going to be congregated in winter... From their site/channel:

"The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer feeds up to 800 pounds of native oats and at least a bushel of apples per day to help sustain the white-tailed deer population through rough winters here in Brownville, Maine. Feeding happens daily around 08:00(8AM) to 09:00(9 AM) Eastern Standard Time starting December 16 and continues to around the beginning of April. These are wild deer and this is not a deer farm. Some of the deer have been coming for more than 10 years. At times there are 200+ deer at the pantry. Wild turkeys also come and eat the native oats along side the deer. There is no Chronic Wasting Disease, or CWD in wild deer in Maine. Please don't complain about it in chat. These deer are all very healthy and there has never been any type of disease spread among these deer. This "Yarding" of deer happens in Maine every winter, even if they were not being fed. You may see deer that are lame. Experts tell us that leaving them alone is the best thing we can do for them. Thank you for watching!"

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