This video dropped last night and is one of the best whitetail videos I've ever seen. Public land, spot n stalk, no bait, no trail cameras, epic kill shot. Dude is an elite killer.
Well, that is what doing it correctly looks like. Up close and personal with a lot of hunt know-how and patience. Cody behind the camera and a self camera took a lot of planning and experience to make it look sooooo easy. Paul
I heard Lee early in the video say Oklahoma. What a year, 4 huge bucks from 4 different states. Not many guys with the same drive and determination he has.
Great video and watch. What a season (again and again....)!
As for superhuman hunting abilities- nope- even with time. Folks have good years can be in the top 1% for a bit,.....but he's a mortal and the idea he is doing this all on his own, above board, without others, funds, drones, etc...... nope. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,.....
Hate to cast shade on a brother of Faith, and im sure there is envy & jealousy in my stance which is also wrong, but this is not as pure with solo skill as projected to be.
quote gjs4 "Hate to cast shade on a brother of Faith, and im sure there is envy & jealousy in my stance which is also wrong, but this is not as pure with solo skill as projected to be."
This is a verifiable (by you) fact or just conjecture?
Sorry for the drive-by shooter, non fact based, accusation. You're right and will give you that. I also admitted that there was jealousy and envy coming from me toward another hunter, let alone one appears to be a man of faith......despite knowing they're awful qualities to which I should be working on.
From a data standpoint- a man who lives in Georgia killing the top 1% of deer, all over the nation, is beyond rational comprehension. It is plausible, but statistically beyond unlikely. I don't bet, but if I did, I would lay money on there is more to this and other stories than is shared. There is another thread on here that seems to support that but there are better things for all of us to do with our Sunday morning than fanboy wrestling.
It was quality entertainment, amazing filming and a story that was incredible. It was also assembled by a team that is reliant on this media for an occupation.
Awesome video and story. Great entertainment. I ham having a debate with a friend, is that buck P &Y legal ? He claims he used electronics and it is not eligible, I say hes full of it. Any idea?
"He claims he used electronics and it is not eligible, I say hes full of it. Any idea?"
No clue about P&Y, but when he put a way point on his forehead to aid in his stalk my heart sank a little. Even so, I still think it was one of very few hunts I've actually enjoyed watching a show about. It's up there with the brothers ram hunt that was posted on another thread.
I liked it too. Great camera and editing work by both guys laying out the whole process. He could not have played that stalk any better. I did stop watching after the celebration. That was a bit much.
Very entertaining, seems legit, I enjoy the way he lays it all out on how it actually seems to have happened. Lots of self filming, admitting mistakes like forgetting his release. It’s a refreshing change from so many hunting shows that add in all the filler, staged scenes, after they kill the animal.
It was nice to see him talk in such high regard of that buck. That animal has seen it all. Just being able to stalk and get that close to a deer like that would be enough for me. Crawl into his bedroom and tip your hat to him and then crawl back out would be a successful hunt for me.
If you haven't watch the Ohio hunt. Around 8, 9 hour drives scouting and hunting.He said it that hunt it was his 4th over 200". He has dedication and puts out really good video
“He was in Kansas. Kansas questions about public land have blown up on forums and FB groups since this came out. lol”
Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, doesn’t really matter. I’ve hunted all over Kansas and probably more WIHA than most folks ever will. I can usually narrow down Kansas videos like this to a county or two and sometimes am familiar with the exact parcel, Seek One (I think it’s called) guys are easy. Anyway, I can’t figure this one out. In the regions of KS where red dirt, yuccas and cedars coexist in the first half of the video there is virtually no WIHA or public ground. The white chalk bluffs where he eventually stalks the buck looks like central/western Kansas, but at no point in the video do you see milo, bean or corn stubble. The only crop in the entire video is wheat. Highly unusual for most of Kansas. Except, again, for the region that has almost no public land. Then you throw in the Okie shirt at the end and I suspected he was in Oklahoma. Anyway…. couple extra cents on a meaningless topic.
“Amazing video. I would love to know how he is finding deer of this caliber each and every year”
He tells you in the video multiple times. Says this hunt isn’t about “chasing leads” or giant bucks. He gets tips on most of his hunts. Would’ve been totally happy with a 120-130 on this one, and had to think hard to recollect this was only his second buck on public land. This wasn’t his usual trip and he had significant doubts he could even find a deer of this caliber. When he did, he put on a great stalk. He did get lucky as hell leaving that thing and it still being in sight when he got back though.
Guy makes comment about someone that appears to be the best at his craft being better than the What are the odds Michael Jordan or Wayne Gretzky are as good as they are? About 0%. Doesn't mean it's not possible. That's the dumbest argument I've ever heard.
Isn't it funny, Adam? When I see guys that I feel are legitimately the best of the best, I try to learn something from them. I'm not even close to being a great bowhunter but I love the game as much as anyone and I strive to be better.
Some guys think the only way to lift themselves up is to cut others down. What a miserable existence that must be.
"If you haven't watch the Ohio hunt. Around 8, 9 hour drives scouting and hunting.He said it that hunt it was his 4th over 200""
He was a little over dramatic for me when I watched some of his Ohio dangerous city buck video... Working 40+ year communications career within NE Ohio Metro Akron/Canton/Cleveland/Youngstown urban areas, I was curious what Ohio city... Accessing any legal huntable properties around any city in Ohio is very limited with most or many urban areas having city or township ordinances against hunting and the properties are small and very hard to gain legal hunting access, never mind arrowing a deer and it dyeing in a anti-hunting neighbor's driveway...
Since he was all about score and like some here wanting to know what public lands, and I wanting to learn what county the Ohio nontypical came from, figured his name would be all through the record books... Not so, I looked it up... His name does NOT appear anywhere in B&C, P&Y, nor BBBC (Ohio's records)... The name only appears in Buckmaster's BTR, for 2 bucks, and only 1 breaks the 200" mark as an irregular, both bucks supposably from Fulton County GA...
I think the cameraman probably had the hardest job of being still and patient. I bet most of us would of stayed put in rain or snow if we had that big deer that close. The shot was amazing after being still that long. The water exploding off the deer when shot was great camera work. The only thing I didn't understand was how many times he pulls up his rangefinder- that deer hasn't moved.
I wonder if the range finder thing is like a nervous tick? Maybe he ranges it, then after a while starts to question what yardage is in his head so he ranges it again?
He tells you many times they get tips on big deer all over the country from people. They track some of those down and kill them as his ohio deer are a testament too.
This public hunt was really cool. He lucked into a giant but you can see he's an excellent hunter getting it done spot n stalk