Floaters… any help available?
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I have Floaters in both of my eyes and am wondering if there is any treatment available and if it’s worth it. I’ve tried to research this but just can’t find that much info. Anybody have any experience with this type of thing? Thanks in advance.
Nope, I do not. But why not see a doctor and get their diagnosis and remedy.
Hydration will apparently help, or so I’ve been told… buy I didn’t stay at the Holiday Inn.
You’re getting your eyes checked on a regular basis, right??
Had cataract surgery one year ago. Developed a floater in one eye after the procedure. Doc said it would eventually disappear. It comes and goes. It has dissolved to a point that it does not affect my vision. It's almost gone. It’s taken a year to get to this point. Good luck.
What did your doctor say ………. Or do you just go to him for bowhunting advice.
Seriously to answer your question, yes, help is available. Get medical attention.
I can feel your pain. I have a few myself and battle them often. They can really affect vision clarity and depth perception. Staying hydrated is a way of helping, but only so much. Depending on the size and where they are located, they may be able to laser them. Essentially they are broken parts of dying/dead blood vessels. Eventually the body is (supposed) to break them down, but will continually occur to different degrees in everyone. See your doc and decide how to deal with them, if you can. Good luck!
I had floaters also and my doctor removed all but one, with laser surgery. The remaining floater I was told could not be removed but is in the corner of my eye. I shoot with both eyes open and it does not effect my sight picture. Take molsonarcher,s advice
Had them really bad a few years after cataract surgery in both eyes due to vitreous detachment. Had vitrectomy surgery in both eyes to remove them. This type of procedure is pretty invasive but a retinal specialist can do it. Going on 10 plus yrs w no floaters.
Floaters can have a variety of causes; as we age the vitreous gel becomes less dense and can form clumps, or, the vitreous gel can detach from the retina and form floaters. As menioned above, broken blood vessels can cause floaters. The most serious cause though can be if you happen to have a genetic predisposition towards having "sticky" vitreous gel; instead of simply detaching from your retina it tears off a piece of your retina; when this happens instead of only a few floaters you can literally see an explosion of too many too count.
I had the latter happen a few years ago and the eye doctor I saw referred me to a specialist who performed laser surgery that afternoon. In summary I would say those who have advised you to see an eye doctor have done you a great service; most times floaters are not an issue but as in my case they can be very serious if not immediately treated.
Good luck!
I should have noted in my OP that I have an appointment on Jan. 7 with the Dr. I was just curious if anyone else had the problem and what their solution was. Thanks for the responses.
I figured as much. But, this is bowsite. Home of Grant. He’d rather hear himself than to think someone else has the sense God gave a dog.
I had cataract surgery 6-7 years ago and have since had serious floater issues. There is a procedure they can do - going in and removing all your natural vitreous gel and replacing it. They say it takes care of the floaters but with some possible side effects that in my opinion and several other eye Dr’s just weren’t worth it. So I deal with the continual amount of floaters.
It also matters where the floaters are front to back in your eye as far as how annoying, distracting they are.
After cataract surgery within 18 months I had gel sack detachment in both eyes. Floaters were unreal but my doctor felt the procedure to clean them up wasn't worth the risk involved. Two things happened. They dissipate to a degree over time and the brain adjusts to where you are not so aware of them. I've learned to live with them.
Thanks, Justin. I go to Regional Eye Care in Morgantown.
They took care of me about 25 years ago. They know their stuff. They’ll get you fixed up.
I have floaters, my wife sent me this article. Lots of good information:
I have them now and then, kinda like a gnat flying around that you can’t catch. I’ve learned to ignore them. Get your eyes checked, you may have retina problems.
Jim, can I inquire your age? I have had floaters for 26 yrs now...I'm 66.
Started like big omeba like things just moving around, they disapated and now have smaller ones that look like a black bird flying across my eye, you'll get use to them but definitely take your doctors advice. Best to you.
I’m 68 scent. I see the Dr. on Tuesday next week. I’ve had them for years but since I got contacts last year, they are way more visible. We’ll see what he has to say. I’m hoping for some relief.
I told my mother in law the other day, if we had an hour meter attached to us like a piece of machinery you'd be surprised we still have the same parts after all those hours... some get replaced some get refurbished... human body is amazing. Happy new year!
Yes, I’m interested in hearing your results.
Yag laser vitrolysis. Floater treatment takes only a few minutes painless but may need multiple treatments
I agree with the
"hydration" thing.
Low flush toilets are the cause of many "floaters. Normal flush toilets usually take care of the problem.
Provided your "floaters" are due to Vitreous Degeneration, there are currently 2 treatment options: 1) YAG Vitreolysis 2) Vitrectomy. Both procedures carry risks that usually are worse than just accepting it is part of the normal aging process and get used to it. Vitreolysis has fallen out of vogue in the recent past as it puts a ton of energy into the eye and usually requires multiple treatments. Vitrectomy is a very invasive alternative that is typically used in retinal reattachment surgery or for diabetic retinopathy. Good luck. In over 30 years of practice, I have never heard of "hydration" being a treatment for floaters!
^^^ Thanks Doc^^^. I appreciate your input!
Floaters? I have them sometimes. Depends on what I eat. Sometimes they won’t go down with one flush.
About six months ago I turned my head and eyes to look at something I heard. In my eye there was a quick sharp pain and my vision in that eye filled up with floaters. I went to eye doctor and he said there was no retina damage and that the floaters would eventully go away. Most did except for one big one that appears like a windshield wiper coming down from the top and swooping back up. A sunny day on a field is miserable. The eye doctor said my only solution was to have the procedure where they replace your eye gel. He recommended against it for some some reason. Since hunting season is over I am going to see him again and discuss it. I can still go out on a dark night and move my eyes side to side and see a quick light flash in that eye which I thought referred to retina damage.
I had CSR in 2016 struggled with floaters for a few years after that. My mother in law put me onto these I took them each day for about 2 weeks and not a floater since. I scaled back to one of each pill every other day then kept cutting back. I take em maybe once a month now or if my eyes start playing up and it clears them right up. Can’t say it’ll work for you but sure did for me.
Eat some pineapple. Supposed to help..
"Eat some pineapple. Supposed to help.."
Tried that. GF said it still tasted awful.
I’ve been dealing with them for several years and the only time they bother me is when I’m shooting an indoor range. I have to wait for them to go out of the center of my vision so I can focus on my target. I never knew there was anything that could help but I have an Eye Dr. appointment tomorrow so I’ll see what he has to say.
Best advice is to see an Eye Doctor that is qualified to give good advice. Trying to self diagnose or ask social media is a mistake.
I notice that when I put my Dry Eye solution on the windshield heat vent, it gets warmed up and really helps get rid of my Floaters and Cloudiness for quite some time.
In the summer just on the dash keeps it warm for when I need it.
Quick fix, Yes, but nonetheless it helps.
Prolly the biggest reason I went back to the Recurve was I had a heck of a time getting constant vision on my pins sight on my wheels bow.
Good luck, Robb
see your opthamologist. Getting medical advice on the net is folly.
I had cateract surgery in 2010. In 2024, on an elk hunt, noticed that I could not see well out of my left eye. Went to the doc, he said he could fix it, and in five minutes, finished the procedure. Back to 20/15.
Don't seek medical advice here more than getting bow tuning insstructions on MSNBC.