Pending New World Record Archery Elk
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cnelk's Link
If you dont want to open the link, here are the pics
Ha…..there is no such thing as an ‘official green score’.
I’ve fielded many calls on this today. This bull is a tremendous looking bull elk, but it hasn’t even dried 60 days yet…..been officially measured and accepted with a fair chase affidavit, and then verified at a judges panel. It’s a LONG road to a become a genuine world record……but I hope it makes it.
No Hoochie Momma’s seen.
Yowza... Congrats to hunter...
Curious of what state too...
Monster! Congratulations!
whole lotta bone right there
Serious bowhunter that took the elk. He has #20 archery super slam. Congrats to him on the giant bull!
He also has 12 other elk over 400"
Thats a lot of knive handles!
Incredible bull regardless the final score. Will be interesting to see how close the final score is to the green estimates. The score going around online would have to change drastically for it to even be a tie with the current world record.
What a whopper
Awesome Elk. He is an incredible elk finder and killer. Congrats
Sounds well earned, incredible bull elk!
If the B&C scorer is legit and knows what he’s doing it’s got a good shot at B&C all time number 1.
Surprisingly the spread and main beam length are not exceptional.
No wonder he kills so many giant elk. He’s a “ProStaffer” :>))))
What a bull
Congrats to the happy hunter,
What an incredible animal!!!! Congrats to the hunter, it sounds like it was well earned.
“ This bull is a tremendous looking bull elk, but it hasn’t even dried 60 days yet…..been officially measured and accepted with a fair chase affidavit, and then verified at a judges panel.”
Thanks, We all know that and the article speaks to it as well (which you probably didn’t finish reading).
Holy moly incredible bull congrats to the hunter Lewis
Small Tacoma truck, house with 8 ft ceiling, narrow front door, I would let that elk pass. :)
My best, Paul
Obviously amazing animal. Cool story! Many congrats to the hunter!
What a giant! Way better story to me than the Spider Bull. Hope this one takes over #1.
Man what a bull...the thirds on that thing!!!! Congrats to Casey!
Hadn't realized a state had a 4-month long elk bowseason and as late as the last day of December, and to kill it on the last day is amazing, congratulations to him... Hadn't realized there were Rocky Mountain elk species in the eastern part of the state, thought they were all Roosevelt elk until I looked it up the "coveted raffle tag" and there were 10201 of them for "Raffle Eastside Elk"... Wonder what the odds were to draw, or how many tickets or apps one has to buy to draw?
Beautiful bull! That said anyone that has a dozen bulls over 400 gets a BIG question mark from me. ???????????????????????
I don't know, I see several points with common bases!!! ;)
Disclaimer: The previous comment is a joke! Please do not PM me your "professional" opinion on that comment.
My first thought after looking at the pictures in the first post was that it was a high fence, feed lot bull then I read the article. Wowza!
Just an amazing accomplishment and animal. Just wow.
Congrats to him, incredible bull!
But I am just curious how you get the tags to kill 12 bulls over 400?! Year round Governor tags, private land? And how many other hunts for 400+ inch bulls went unfilled? Is he just a very skilled hunter or very wealthy or both? I’m just curious and jealous is all…
I’m guessing wealthy and skilled. Governor and state auction tags
Plus remember he’s a “Pro-staffer” :>)))
I don't care what tags you get; you don't kill a dozen free range 400" archery bulls without being a pretty damn good elk hunter.
I'm deeply disappointed in ALL OF YOU. No one has said what needs saying: Nice bull, but with another year or two, he could have really blossomed. Should have let him walk...
Ha ha ha!
That thing is frigging huge. Congrats to the guy, regardless of score.
Amazing bull! Congratulations to the hunter!
“Is he just a very skilled hunter or very wealthy or both? I’m just curious and jealous is all…”
Haha funny you say that, I was in the same boat. Not much online to snoop but I listened to a podcast he was on and my consensus is both. Apparently he has family money from ownership of UPS, so money is no issue to put it mildly. That said tons of hardcore elk hunters that know him claim he’s about as good of an elk hunter that’s ever walked haha. A lot of his 400” bulls came from Arizona reservation hunts back in late 90s early 2000s. He gets some governors tags, and hunts several draw tags as well. Seemingly rarely hires guides, hunts a lot of public and diy. Impressive stat for the >12 400” bulls but even more impressive to me is the 87 bull elk with a bow lol. From what I found this bull was the state raffle governors tag so in theory anyone could have won it for a $6 entry (no limit on # of tickets so guessing his amount spent was slightly higher than average). He hired no guides, but lives local and had known of this bull for a few years so hunted the entire season for him specifically and struck gold on the last day that extended season was open. A lot of guys online claim he still “bought” this bull but I don’t see it that way personally unless the stuff I’ve read on it so far is a lie. Alaska winters lead to boredom so I did some snooping yesterday :)
Casey is a stone cold killer, doesn’t matter what he is hunting. He taught me a lot of what I know about hunting and calling elk.
My success comes from a lot of his teachings in the field.
" many other hunts for 400+ bulls went unfilled?"
I can tell you that ALL of my elk hunts have been for 400+ bulls, and ALL of them have gone unfilled (at least as far as tagging a 400+ bull is concerned) ??.
I heard him on a podcast a few years back and was wowed then, turn the clock ahead and put a man with a face and a current story and it all adds up to an extremely accomplished bow hunter smashing a giant I love the story and hope he surpasses the all time B&C as well !!!
That’s great to hear that he is a very skilled bowhunter too! Man, what adventures all those hunts must have been?! Fantastic!
Congratulations and Wow is about all I can come up with.
I can’t even be a little bit jealous because some people just operate at a different level than I ever will. I hope this bull scores as the new WR, this guy earns his bulls.
I shared a BC moose camp with Casey and Pat, his father, 15 years ago. Both nice fellows. Casey even offered to send me a belt-mounted bow sling (I declined), and Pat toted a box-stock .270 Winchester Model 70 even though he could've afforded a much more expensive rifle. Not pretentious at all.
I’ve seen the animals Casey’s killed all my bowhunting life. Like stated he’s a very accomplished and skilled bowhunter imo. Don’t know the guy personally but really like seeing his success photos just like Chuck Adam’s or Randy Ulmer etc. Congrats to Casey for getting it done on a great bull.
Just saw this online that Casey has last years sheds of the bull
Thanks for sharing the info Trevor. Nice to know he is a dedicated hunter and a killer! Pretty amazing that such animals still exist in the wild!
Killers kill all there is to it!! Man is good at what he does !! Congrats Casey
Damn Trevor.... you need to be a cold case detective. Congratulations Casey. Ed F
A way better story than the spider bull. Congrats to Casey!
Not saying he isn't a great elk hunter, or that he did anything wrong, but there are indications that the reason he could keep track of this particular bull for several years was that it spent at least part of its time in aneighborhood, possibly near his house.
Many of the biggest bucks live in urban areas- I have no problem killing a big animal in an urban setting as long as its legal. Often times its tougher to get access and a legal area to shoot than wide open wilderness. I have chased big deer in private farm land before and all the property boundaries and restricted areas makes it tougher than it seems.
“Not saying he isn't a great elk hunter, or that he did anything wrong, but there are indications that the reason he could keep track of this particular bull for several years was that it was a neighborhood bull near his house.”
That would make sense if that bull dropped down to neighborhoods in the winter from big timber. Would also line up how he would be able to have the sheds from last year. Unless those around him are outright liars it was said to have been shot on public land and on a raffle tag that anyone had a chance to win for $6. Nothing nefarious about it in my eyes. I’d have zero issues if given the same opportunity.
Regardless it’s an insanely impressive animal however the hunt went down.
I think a lot of mountain animals migrate to human inhabited areas in the winter. Especially when they reach 7-8-10 years old they know exactly when to go and where.
And just the opposite, many never leave. If I was a betting man, my guess is a bull like that was a neighborhood animal that got old and finally stepped off the sanctuary. We see it here in CO all the time.
If I shot that bull, it wouldn’t see the light of day, never mind social media….
… hahaha , at least until I’d sold it and had a replica mounted in my new trophy room. :)
Dang, that rack has some mass...
However it happened I would bet it’s totally legal and legitimate. He’s a down to earth nice guy with very little ego on the surface. Like Caz said those big bulls get smart with age and realize where it’s a little safer in September\October. We had a Steamboat town bull in the 2007-2013 range that would appear every October. When we first saw him he was 340 ish ….2011 and 2012 he was pushing 390/400. I tried to find him in September to no avail….he was a local legend. 2013 CPW had to put him down in someone’s yard. Sometimes they are where you find em. The Casey Brooks I had the pleasure of meeting would not push any legal limits….he’s accomplished too much already.
I spent a couple days a few years ago interacting with Mr. Brooks. He seemed extremely genuine and was one of the most engaging Super Slammers I’ve met. I got 100% good impression of him.
I always say that Trophy hunting isn’t about what you WANT to kill, it’s about what you WON’T kill. Unless it’s the only big bull walking around, or you are only after a specific bull, imagine how many 360, 370, 380, 390 bulls you pass up to finally shoot a 400+! You also have to be able to look at a bull and say oh that one is only 395, I want a 400, I’m not shooting it, don’t you? Whole different world…
Stone cold killer. Some have it, some don’t! Congratulations!!
Look closely at the hero shot. Driveway marker in the background. This one smells a little fishy.
Forget the record books and potential notoriety, enjoy your hunt and venison.
There’s nothing fishy about it. The facts are: Casey’s a great elk hunter. The elk was killed legally in an area for which he had a tag. The bull hung out at the local golf course and in people’s yards and driveways. Casey found a way to kill him legally and probably put quite a few hours into the pursuit. The rest is just each individual person’s ethical posturing. Everyone will have their own opinion about killing a town bull. Bottom line is he got it done legally and no one should question that. The only thing debatable is from our own ethical or moral standard about killing town animals that wander out of town. It’s a free range animal. This thing is turning into “Cecil the elk”. Good for Casey for killing an amazing bull. Good for bowhunting overall? Juries still out on that one.
Better he had a good death. Than by a slug, slob hunter. Which unfortunately we have too many of. Or by the Game warden when he’s 20 yrs old.
It’s nice to hear the hunter is a quality guy. It couldn’t have been too easy of a bull to kill. I’m assuming A LOT of hunters have tried for many years to get an arrow in him.
Maybe Pat could get a little time with him and put it on Bowsite?
Brotsky truly hit the mark. If aiming for a world record and doing so within legal bounds is your objective, by all means, pursue it—even if it involves a semi-domesticated animal. However, as Brotsky points out, being aware of how this is perceived in the broader context of our sport is important. Everyone will have their own opinions.
Who says this was a town people adjusted animal. Where is that note.
I think that’s documented above by the photos and all over the Internet now. Hence the photo of it in a driveway and near someone’s patio. Most of the elk, at least ones I’ve pursued don’t frequent those areas.
The whole scenario on the internet spiraling into Cecil the Elk. This is unfortunate in more ways than one.
Overall, I'd say the Bowsite comments (so far) have been pretty civil. Better than I'd expected. If it was so easy to kill that bull (legally), he sure took a big risk waiting until the last day of a 4 month season. lol
+2 Brotsky
Pretty similar case happened a few years back when the South Dakota bighorn was taken in the badlands and broke the all time record, I talked to a guy at Terry Peak TAC that year and he seemingly joked you could practically pet that ram, this scenario isn’t much different by the sounds of it, these animals get to world class level and hunters take advantage, yes it’s not as glamorous as a backcountry hunt so to speak but I’m sure not judging these individuals as along as fair chase and legal methods are utilized…
I’m not an elk hunter but that one sure looks big to me. Sure seems to be some amount controversy with potential world record animals.
Haters are gonna hate. Thats all there is to it. But I’d challenge anyone who talks about how “easy” it was to kill this animal to think about a couple Of things. We had a buck here in Utah that was huge. Some of you may remember him. He was called the cemetery buck. He lived in the Salt Lake City cemetery. He was over 200” I believe. He also happened to live in a general season, over the counter unit. And he was also in an area that could be rifle hunted. When he was killed, all the critics came out in droves. Talking about how easy he was and how it was unfair. But nobody stops to think, how’d he get so big if he was so dumb? Was he dumb in the cemetery or did he know he was secure? Some of the better, local archery deer hunters tried for numerous seasons to kill him when he went to the mountain for the rut. And he lived to become a huge buck. So, How’d this bull elude being killed for so long? Certainly, when Casey killed him, It wasn’t the first time He ventured into an area he could be hunted. And I’m sure come rut time, he went to the cows in areas he could be hunted. Did everyone pass on him because he was a “driveway” bull? The answer is no. They didn’t. He would’ve been killed long ago, because he’s been a big ass bull for several years now. If he was easy, somebody else would’ve killed him long ago.
Casey brooks is the best elk hunter alive. Bar none.
Kind'a the same deal with that guy that hunts the giant urban whitetails. Different bunch of tactics needed and a ton of time invested. Some would consider it a waste of time and a rare few others consider it a challenge to maneuver the hoops. It took a few years and four months to kill the bull and likely others trying too, so it couldn't have been that easy.
I'm just in awe of the animal! I'd be just as impressed with the animal if it was hit by a snowplow.
Will, I said it needed another year. lol
Brotsky for the win.
I wondered if the back yard pictures would show up here. I’ve hunted Washington where it was more like deer hunting. We have 400 inchers running around here in Pennsylvania and it’s definitely different than any western hunting. As an avid elk hunter I don’t really consider it “elk hunting” . Just at like the majority of places that have 400 inch bulls access can be the challenge. Do those elk freak out ver the sight and smell of a human? No. But they aren’t suicidal either. They are wild free ranging animals. I’ve heard lots of people call successful hunters lucky. I’ve been called that myself. But it’s not about luck. Luck doesn’t make you consistent. It’s about priorities. That and making it happen at the moment of truth. The guy is a hell of an elk hunter. Imagine the bulls he’s passed to kill that many over 400. There’s something to be said for that too.
If an accomplished bowhunter patterned a monster suburban whitetail buck, patterned it and eventually killed it, would I get bent out of shape? Nope. I would congratulate the hunter. (Even if someone had pics of deer at grandma's birdfeeder or the neighborhood day care) Congratulations to Casey Brooks.
+2 on Brotsky (Cecil 2.0)
It was shot over bait. Which doesn’t make it illegal or unethical. It doesn’t make Casey a bad guy or diminish how awesome that bull is. Consequently it doesn’t do anything to show how skilled or great of a hunter he is. Absolutely allows us to regard what should be a “wow” story as merely “eh whatever “.
It’s amazing how the size of the antlers causes people to lose their minds. How many 300” bulls get killed close to towns every year all over the country? Where is the outrage against all the guys who killed those? Sure, it’s a huge bull, but it’s just a legally hunted elk, the same as any other. Congrats to Casey.
He would have been real nice in another year or two.
Z Barebow nailed it... not much different. Congratulations Casey... hope to see it in person. Ed F
There will be scrutiny if it was a neighborhood bull. Those cops that shot that big bull in the suburb of Denver a few years ago didn't last long.
Again, congratulations to the hunter. Here’s a well known picture of a neighborhood buck that lives in a unit I had a tag for this year. You bet I would’ve shot him if I had an opportunity, as would 99% of hunters. We looked for him for several weeks before and some during the season but never found him anywhere or on the forest service lands close to the residential and golf communities he’s known to live. If I had shot him only my hunting partner and a few close friends would’ve been told.
If shooting trophy animals is your thing, isn't it all about finding where they live, getting access to hunt where they live, and legally killing them where they live?
Heck of a nice bull, that's for sure.
As said above. When someone consistently kills 400” bulls. That means he has passed scores of 350- 390” bulls. That alone is a huge feat.
Put most hunters in the best unit or private ranch and what do you hear. “I’m holding out for this many inch animal”.
Until they get an opportunity at an animal within 10 or 20” of the goal.
I hope he is the law abiding ethical hunter people are saying he is. We do not need more internet influence hunters. Many of us are already so jaded and have lost trust that we need someone to restore that trust in other hunters.
I read he killed 86 bulls with a bow and 12 over 400". Why is he getting crushed so much on Instagram?
So many haters and jealous people in the world.
Z Barebow is exactly right. Congrats to the hunter
I will not render an opinion, will see how it plays out over time.
Awesome animal. Casey could have killed this bull in the middle of the Bob wearing a loin cloth and there would be haters. I have no reason to believe it wasn't done 100% legal. Like others have said, killing this bull is no slam dunk or he would have been killed 200" ago....
What's crazy to me is the guy has killed 12 bulls OVER 400" and 86 bulls in total. I've never even heard of him. Those stats alone are staggering. Who else can claim that kind of success on elk?
Looks like it was a backyard bull over bait lol legal but meh I’m over it
There must be something to his hunting abilities, he has a long list of worshippers right here on this thread. I am assuming these hunters must know him. I am going to hold off for a bit, until I learn more.
There's a guy on this thread that has killed 60 elk with a bow and considers Casey as one of his mentors. That's good enough for me.
All I can say to y’all that say it was too easy, why didn’t you do it then? Jezz, can’t you just be happy for the guy and not let envy get the best of you?
Who said it was over bait
It takes a beautiful bull to show how ugly people can be.
Congrats to Casey! That beast is awesome!
I think what turns people off in these types of situations is that many hunters pretend to pass off the hunt as something it wasn’t for no other reason but to inflate egos. It happens time and time again with just a simple photo. The fact the “Free range” text embedded in one of the photos above is proof of that. Why is that needed? We all know why. And we wonder why we look like idiots to the general public? The “hunt” in hunting matters whether we like it or not, and it should.
The fan boys on here are unreal. It is what it is.
I think it is funny there are guys worshipping the ground the hunter walks on, almost god like, and others who seem to be haters. Whatever happened to just letting the facts play out ?
I’m not a hater at all. I agree with you. There is a lot of info out there to consider. Go find it!
Coloradoman I am sorry, I was not referring to you. We are on the same page. Quite the entertaining thread, becoming Cecil the Elk on the internet. I cannot find a positive for hunters in this controversy, that is sometimes how " trophy hunting " appears to the general public. It is what it is.
Agreed. I didn’t mean or want to point you out! That was not my intention. I was just responding to the thread in general. Thanks!
“I think what turns people off in these types of situations is that many hunters pretend to pass off the hunt as something it wasn’t for no other reason but to inflate egos. It happens time and time again with just a simple photo. The fact the “Free range” text embedded in one of the photos above is proof of that. Why is that needed? We all know why. And we wonder why we look like idiots to the general public? The “hunt” in hunting matters whether we like it or not, and it should.”
A couple of points on the free range topic. So do we even know that Casey Brooks even posted that picture? It could be someone else for all we know. In his son’s post there was no mention of free range. Casey Brooks Instagram pops up when you do a google search but when you click on it. It says web browser can not open it. Is his Instagram shut down. I don’t know I don’t have Instagram.
Some posters on social media throw the phrase “free range” around because there are plenty of places to go shoot big animals behind a high fence. This bill might have spent time in people’s yards but it wasn’t behind a high fence.
I say nice bull and congrats to Casey. He sounds like an exceptional hunter to me.
I have no way of knowing if the bull ever spent time growing behind a high fence, hopefully it did not.
You guys are missing the point I was trying to make. The reason someone would even mention the word “ free range” is to clarify it isn’t a pen raised animal. What has hunting come to when you have to do that?What’s sad, is there is such a thing as high fence. Why? Ego, look at me! It’s like those guys that rack up all these “public land bulls year after year, crushers, only to find out they left out the part of “ land locked public exclusive access” yet they pass them off as they’re out there with the rest of us banging away. I have no issue at all with these type of hunts, but call it what it is and don’t try to make it what it isn’t.
Totally agree Caz.
A guy found out about the bull. The guy bought a very expensive tag in a free market. The guy acquired permission to hunt it from someone. The guy waited till the time was right. The guy kills it.
I can’t fathom anyone sees it much different. But, they do.
It’s my belief if the hunter wasn’t wealthy and highly accomplished, this would be a non issue for everyone. Because the issue isn’t how this bull was killed. The issue is with the OP being labeled as a great hunter. No matter The fact he accomplished so much hunting attests to that without being said.
Money. It brings out the “best”. Even in good people.
Caz, I understand your point now and well said.
When it comes to high fence I never really looked at it as hunting. I always looked at it more as just killing.
I heard the Satellite bulls in this area this year are 380”.
Good point, is this “neighborhood” 10 acres with 20 homes.
Or 1000 acres and 5 homes ?
You have to hunt them at the crossroads of 'where they are' and 'where you can'. An animal that spends all his time in a 'sanctuary' is hard to kill, unless he wanders off. Posted property or crowded suburb, doesn't matter.
I know a young guy who arrowed an exceptional buck a few years back. Spent most of its time on tightly posted land, but the guy figured where it crossed the river from time to time, and got permission to hunt that side. Watched it cross, then stuck it.
Sounds like the guy is a hell of an elk hunter. This elk may not be his "hardest earned" elk, but it is his biggest racked! Just how they go sometimes. The truly amazing animals are usually living in some type of unusual area. Takes an unusual area to grow unusual animals. Seek One figured that out with whitetails in Georgia and looks like Casey figured that out with a WR in Washington. Is what it is.
As I have grown older, and probably dumber as opposed to wiser, I have realized one thing to be very true in life. Comparison is absolutely the thief of joy. I'm happy for Casey for killing the bull of a lifetime. I can only imagine many of the dollars he has spent over the years chasing elk have done a lot of good for conservation. I don't like the shit storm this is stirring up for our sport. Social media will be the end of us and what we love I swear to God.
Who said it was over bait
Couple guys that know Casey have said it was baited. Other forums, not here.
How the heck do you bait an elk? Feed?
If baiting elk is legal where it was killed then that’s not an issue. Also, if it wasn’t raised in a pen(high fence farm), then it is free range. Even if the bulls range was mostly backyards. I have a lot deer that feed in my neighbors acorns in his hay field about 30 yards out my back door. If I knew there was a monster buck eating there all the time you bet I’d be figuring a way to kill it.
Antler size or bragging rights don't mean squat to me, love of the hunt, just being able to be out there, and putting good eats on the table is what it's all about to me... found a new hunting partner that's young and ambitious and has re kindled my passion.
If social media will be the end of us, why do hunters resort to social media to display their kills ? I am not disputing it, but clearly many hunters are championing social media for their kills.
Social media won't change my view of life or how I choose to enjoy the outdoors, social media created this " comparison" beast... hopefully it will bring it back to it's simplicity.
"Social media (including Bowsite) is today's coffee shop, corner bar, and campfire"
Without the fear of any real repercussions. Saying or posting some of the crap guys post on social media would have gotten your ass kicked at the corner bar without hesitation.
I think record books and scoring set up the comparison beast, way before social media.
Record books vs social media are 2 different animals, not a fair comparison... nice try.
“Saying or posting some of the crap guys post on social media would have gotten your ass kicked at the corner bar without hesitation.”
X2 with Brotsky
"Whatever happened to just letting the facts play out?" Amen! Reminds me of Lionel Hutz from the Simpsons: "Well, I have hearsay and conjecture..."
Split 5 is in trouble next season. Can you imagine the SShow from that?
For the record, I would have my kids step out of the way and dropped the apples just so I could shoot the squirrel 3’ above his back.
Most of the controversy can be stemmed to a Yakima tribal member with a YouTube page “breaking” the story in a very derogatory way, (if you live in a glass house don’t throw grenades) that’s where the initial few pictures that are being shared are from. There are a few more out there, mostly in the woods and pretty thin for this being the bull that everyone went to pic nics with.
I’m sure there was a lot of work that went into it, just not your typical backcountry, more seek one style.
Haters are always gonna hate. Who cares if the guy has money, or if it was a town bull. He figured it out, made the shot & the rest is history. Some people are self proclaimed experts.