Any Canucks to miss Trudeau?
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Looks like the PM has stepped aside. Any chance the political climate will shift pro hunting? Any chance BC gets a Grizz hunt back? What about an Alberta Grizz?
If hunting is on he new guys radar they got the wrong new guy. Bigger fish to fry
Don't expect changes to grizz hunting no matter who is Prime Minister, those are Provincial decisions.
Hunting rules and regs in Canada are determined provincially, not federally. A new federal government will have no effect. Our problem (take the BC grizzly hunt) is that these decisions end up in the hands of politicians, not biologists or actual outdoorsman and hunters. Until grizzlies move in to Vancouver and start eating pink haired weirdos, I doubt you’ll see that hunt reinstated.
I will miss him….
… like a hemorrhoid.
Just wondering if there would be a spill over effect down to Provincial and local governments with a shift in politics.
BC just elected the NDP (David Ebey) last fall to a 4 year term, narrowly defeating the conservatives. Doubt we’ll see grizzly hunting anytime soon.
Meanwhile Alberta may allow limited problem grizzly hunting by sportsmen (residents). Maybe someone from there can expound on it that is more familiar than me.
The last thing USA needs is Canada as another state.... 2 more liberals in our senate. That place is f..... up
^^^ I think it’s just more you and your ignorance.
Is the whole US like San Francisco?
I lost all respect when they went after the Truckers, that was disgraceful and a show of who they truly were... communists.
If you listen to what he said - he did not resign. He will still be in power for months.
That guy made me sick from day one. He went full dictator like his dad Fidel Castro
How about each Province votes on becoming its own State? That way maybe only a couple of them would end up being like San Fran/ Calf.
Maybe enough of the leftist in Canada would move to cities like LA /San Fran/ Chicago/ New York City so you guys would get some relief.
Z Barebow's Link
Another funny “report” from Babylon Bee! (It is a PARODY site before anyone gets uptight)
I don't know how long this thread will stay on, however:
I live in a northern hunting society, but in spite of that our life style is being affected and even controlled in many ways by the majority - the "new society" that are anti everything that I stand for and anti everything that I believe in. They either know nothing about the hunting history and founding of our counties, or simply have been indoctrinated since kindergarten to be anti hunting, anti firearm, anti trapping, anti fur, etc. (fishing is usually tolerated because after you catch the fish, you kiss it, and then let it go). I dare not mention other things that they are taught to believe in, LOL!
I'm an almost 72 year old lifelong hardcore outdoorsman that has seen many negative changes that either directly or indirectly affect hunting in both countries.
The U.S. and Canada were originally founded by basically the same people. People like us have been granted a small sigh of relief recently, especially in the U.S., but the damage done, especially in Canada, is irreparable. I could continue writing, but I will not...
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