Grunted, bleated and rattled two does came in and hour later this typical 6 pt came in (8pt w/Stickers). Saw him at 100 yards and wanted to film him until he faced me and I saw the width and brow tine length. Thought he was an eight or ten until after the recovery, but still a trophy and needed to be culled. He turned away and I bleated twice and he came in like on a string. I shot him about 12 feet from the bottom of my stand. seven inch G1s, 19" inside spread w/ two kickers behind left antler another kicker was broken off. Buck was about 5-6 years old. Details about JACK BAKER 's huntHunt DetailsDate Killed - 11/18/2007
State - Ga
County - Richmond
Time of Day -
Sex -
Whitetail Deer
Equipment DetailsBow Make/Model - Matthews Ultr Max
Broadhead - Jackhammer
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Recovery DetailsRecovery Details |